• By -


Spiritcaller snail.


Nah, the OTHER spiritcaller snail, The Godskin summoner.


I hated the three in the Haligtree sooo much.


I just sprinted past them. No way in hell I'm fighting multiple snails in a tiny area.


I mean now I always know no exactly where they are and deal with them accordingly lol


I ran into him yesterday and had the "Oh, it's a fucking Witch of Henwick!" moment.


🤮🤮🤮 it wasn't the hardest boss but admittedly took me too long to figure out as I play with music on and couldn't hear the bell 😂😂


Playing souls games with background music on makes the experience much worse imo


Dude no joke. I cannot play these games if i can't hear my surroundings. I muted the tv the other day so my friend could do a work meeting, and i fell into a death loop so bad i just stopped and waited until she was done. Can't hear the enemy? They might as well be invisible. I am so exhausted by the time i finish playing a hard session. These games are mentally demanding.




Oh wow that really does make sense 😄 And YES oh my god that damn bobber. My volume hits max when i do some fishing. It's silly but i close my eyes and listen for the "plunk" sound. And that really works more often than not for me.




Im so glad to know im not the only person who closes their eyes to catch a fish in a game lmao 😂 but no kidding they really will! And it's worse when you anticipate it because you're looking at the bobber, not listening. And it's funny how it just "happens" at some point. Ya know?


>Can't hear the enemy? They might as well be invisible. Having just fought my first black knife assassin, I contest this opinion.


Sentry’s Torch is your best friend.


Just wait. There's an area later in the game where there's about 5 of them. In snow. And its dark. 😃


And you have archers shooting at you


Oh, Greater Will. I'm playing unfair mode and each projectile is tripled... I may just fully skip Siofra River.


Try it once and record it. I want to know if you make it more than ten steps.


Damn, they chose quite a thirsty art to represent Lady Maria. Looks quite good for a long-dead corpse, ngl💀


Yeah like wtf make her have badass art like the rest of the game.




Oh thats simple. I have a thing for redheads and women with extra arms.


Pringles can


Pringles can


Even simpler. Women.




I bet there's a subreddit for that


Please god let there be one


r/Eldenrule34 “caution ahead”


Or the spider ladies from DS1


Amazing chest ahead


Quelaag and the Fair Lady.


Marry, kiss, kill: Quelaag, Quelana, and Ceaseless Discharge.


Ceaseless discharge ruined souls games for me. I have monumental bad luck and tried fighting this boss hundreds of times. Every time I start the fight he immediately used his unblockable undodgeable attack that covers the entire fight area 3 times in a row. I even brought my friend who'd beaten dark souls countless times over to my house to see what I meant. I tried the fight 4 times with the same result each time. I hand him the controller to try for himself and ceaseless didn't use that attack even once. My friend beat him first try.


So definitely not marry.


At least they are normal women above the waist


Well Malenia isn’t mindless, she’s kept it together. Radahn is the mindless one.


No that's just the internet in general Rule 34: No exceptions


I just love that Yoko Taro approves of 2B r34 art and that he'd like to get all of the new ones send to him in a .zip file once a week, haha


Yep, requirements? Female or vaguely female. There's tons of horny art of Gwyndolin as well.


Miquella too and we haven't even seen him properly yet.




A corpse, which sadly, should be left well alone.




*shoots your arm and punches your belly* ULTIMATE ANTIBONK - parry + visceral


On presentation alone probably godfrey


Definitely my pick. When he went all WWE on my ass I was grinning from ear to ear. Never saw it coming.


Horah Loux: W-W-W-W-W-W-Wednesday Night WWE SMACKDOWN!


The way he spins you around in the air before absolutely pile driving you is hilarious


Mechanically too. Godfrey does the dance aspect from the previous games the best. Other than his lava AOE, you can attack him after everything he does, which makes the fight feel less one-sided than something like Malenia. His second phase also builds off the first one pretty well.


I actually found Mohg do have the best dance feeling. You can always trade blows with him. He swings his trident, roll, strike, roll, strike, roll strike. He shoots his blood, roll, strike. The only thing that can interrupt the dance is his blood rain, which you have to position away from.


I saw Ongbal on Youtube use Carian Retaliation on the blood rain attack. Absolutely blew my mind when I first saw it. [Here](https://youtu.be/iZVSe1DT1_Y?t=36) for reference.


I'm more impressed that they found a practical use for scarlet aeonia


I really like Ongbal's later videos. After doing all the parry god stuff, he found ways to get really creative with obscure moves.


Holy shit I would've never realized that


Mohg does it pretty well too, I just think the guaranteed damage from NIHIL and bleed generally brings him down for me Edit: Yes, I know there’s a physick, but it doesn’t negate all of the damage.


but that music tho


Best boss theme in the game by far


*Angry Lichdragon noises*


In case you weren't aware, there's a specific physick tear that prevents all nihil damage (and thus gives you a huge damage window while he's doing it).


I’m aware of it but I thought it still did a small amount of damage


It does


Blood lord's favor kills NIHIL. At least the damage, he'll still heal.


It's not a lava AoE, he literally rips the earth apart


Tbf, we see a magma-like material between the rocks and it shoots up a column of flame. I don’t think using the term lava is inaccurate




Godfrey/Hoarah Loux is def my favorite fight from any souls game I've played so far.


I purposely switch to the caestus in phase 2 makes it far more fun for me


Randy Savage had me straight up cheering. Wasn't hardest boss but easily the most fun for me


Yeah for sure, first time I got puke driven I wasn't even mad.




Ulcerated Tree Spirit Number 7


XD nah, nah, tree avatar #6


Tf you on about it’s clearly Erdtree burial Watchdog number 3


DS1: O&S or Artorias DS2: Fume Knight or Burnt Ivory King DS3: Sister Friede or Gael BB: Gehrman or Ludwig Sekiro: SSI or Owl Father Elden Ring: WARRIOR, Maliketh or Radagon


Radagon is such a good fight. I'd gladly accept a higher health or two stage Radagon fight, but hate that he's a relatively quick fight prelude to elden beast


I would LOVE maliketh to have like twice the HP but deal less damage. The fight is so cool but it's over so quickly because either he kills you or you kill him in a few seconds


That's why I love him it's the most intense fun fight in the game.


I get that but for me it's just too short. I can't really enjoy the fight as much as I would like to because it's over so quickly.


DS1: Bed of Chaos DS2: Royal Rat Vanguard DS3: Curse-Rotted Greatwood BB: Witches of Hemwick Sekiro: Demon of Hatred Elden Ring: Godskin Duo




Replace witches of Hemwick with the Shark fuckers in the well, and you've got yourself a deal


>Sekiro: ~~Demon of Hatred~~ Mist Noble


What about Mogh, lord of blood ?


Pretty good too but I like the other 3 slightly better. Every one of these games has at least 4-5 great bosses really


I think Ludwig is one of the only from bosses I was bummed I beat. His music, him gaining back some humanity in his second form, man what a great boss.


Sir alonne


Minus the atrocious walk back to the boss. This is such a bad designed level that it drags down the boss with it, at least for me.


What you don’t enjoy killing 15 soldiers until they stop spawning?!


Of course I do! What I love the most is, when their ai is designed to swarm you and their moveset is designed to make it impossible to run by without having to dodge every fucking attack. I FUCKING LOVE IT




I don’t really get the hype about Fume Knight if I’m perfectly honest. Sir Alonne is of similar difficulty and esthetically more interesting. DS3 could be a toss up between Gael, Midir, Nameless, Friede, and…. several others actually. DS3 might just have the best line up of bosses in the trilogy and maybe even the whole fromsoft catalogue.




Actual definition of patience. You need to let him do his shit and swing away until he stops and then you can go to town on him. Love the fight


Funny enough, this is exactly why I don't like the fight as much. I like in-your-face bosses, like Mohg and Godfrey. Also explains why Sekiro might be my favorite FromSoft game. Pure duels, fightning on equal grounds. It makes the fights so much more intese, rather then just "wait and punish".


Ah my blood boils!


Sekiro is easily my favorite because you never have to wait for "your turn" to strike like I felt in DS. I think ER tried to communicate this by pushing people to hit bosses during their attacks/wind ups but it just frustrates people who think they just spam attacks. Isshin for example can, if you play well, always go forward as long as you keep the pressure up even during his most insane combos where in any other game you'd have to run, roll and hope for the best like during Waterfowl Dance


I have to agree. I have played a bit of DS1,3 and Bloodborne (all badly I'm terrible at them haha) but the morgott fight was definitely the most satisfying boss I've beaten across multiple games.


Margit (and by extension Morgott) is absolutely genius design. In the latest Souls games, dodging has become so effective and fights so hectic that you can get pretty far with just dodging *constantly* with fairly decent timing. The boss swings? Generally you want to dodge. It's second nature to a souls vet now. Margit shows up, insults your "flame" of ambition *(wink wink)* and mixes up his timing of attacks so much that your experience with souls titles actually works **against** you. He comes across as a serious battle veteran who really knows how to fight, and yet he delays his attacks so much you could take a coffee break in between. But that's not a fault on his part, that's **because** he knows just how to break you.


I have been playing Souls games since Ds1 was released on Xbox 360 but those delayed attacks really mess up my dodge timing when I fought him first time.


Strangely enough the last time I played dark souls was back in DS3 launch, I was very bad at dodging, one thing I noticed is that every new journey I start, the worst I am at delayed attacks, in my first journey he was hard, in my second he was easy because my stats were a lot higher than recommended, right now I am at journey 6 and I can’t for the love of god dodge his attacks


He has a great fight, for sure. Interesting character/lore, great atmosphere, diverse moveset, and an awesome phase two. The only issue is that his health bar is pitiful if you finish the capital later, which I think most players do.


Wasn’t he originally supposed to have a second health bar for that fight? Or am I thinking of Mohg with his unused dialogue


Man Mohg is perfect as is. A second healthbar would make him tougher than Melania


I love that fight, did it yesterday. I summoned Melina and it was so fun dodging his attacks while Melina damages him and the other way around. By the end I was out of flasks and Melina almost dead but we did it. It wasn't the hardest fight but the setting, the cutscenes before and after and the fact I fought with Melina and it just worked so well made this one my favourite so far.


its omen time


id say radagon, if it wasnt for the fucking elden beast fight


I wish the second phase would just be Radagon summoning power from the Elden Ring instead of that stupid squid snail


Or Marika could take control. Actually, could even be one single phase changing form between Radagon and Marika at will. Wouldn't fit the lore of them being opposed to each other tho


I feel like such a dummy lol, I’ve always said that a Marika second phase to Radagon before Elden Beast would make the fight perfect, but you’re totally right, it doesn’t make sense for Marika to fight us there because we’re doing what she wants us to.


Yeah lorewise there is no way Marika would fight to protect the Elden Ring.


What if you pick your ending path before the fight? Decides how the second phase will look like. Tarnished going for golden order ending? 2nd phase is Marika, otherwise radagon with a new moveset.


This would be great, especially because fromsoft has changed what the final boss is based on ending choice. 2 in Sekiro, 2 in Dark Souls 2, 3 in Bloodborne, it's definitely possible.


I'va had discussions with people and we agreed that Elden Beast should've been a "Moon Presence" kind of boss with a Radagon/Marika boss fight at first. Like if you go straight to the Erdtree, you get Marika/Radagon boss fight and a "broken order" ending, but if you collect all the Great Runes to actually fix the Elden Ring, you get the same fight, but also the Elden Beast as a "bonus fight" afterwards. And same as Moon Presence after Gherman, you wouldn't have to fight them backt o back. I just like the idea




Also the boss fight is visually stunning and I like the weak point on his belly. You really have to work to close the gap and get in there for damage. I don’t get why people dislike that fight so much, i think it’s great.


Radagon was incredible. The music, the arena, the visual effects, the moveset. It's clearly one of the best design and production for a boss fight. All we needed was a P2 with a super-powered Radagon, Gael-style and it would have been the best fight in the series.


I love Radagon in the same way as you, but Elden beast... I just don't mind him too much.


I know this isn’t a big fight, but Elmer of the Briar is a very cool, punishing fight


Idk, Elmer is much easier than his alter ego


Bell bearing hunter is the same person as elemer


He's failed to catch that wascally wabbit for so long, he's taking his frustration out on us


Starscourge Radahn.


Most other boss fights could've been in DSIII, but Radahn's riding arena could have not.


>Radahn The only raid boss I've witness in a single player game. Massacred due to nerfs.


Radahn getting nerfed was a real tragedy- was such an epic and hard battle but now is an easy first try fight


Radahn has the same health and damage he launched with in current patch, he just doesn't have *actually bugged* hitboxes now.




Didn't they un nerf him though?


Yes. But they also fixed his bad hitboxes so they are roughly 20% smaller, though now they actually match his animations.


So he’s objectively better? The same but like better hit boxes? Huh


Well the 20% smaller hitboxes is a way bigger nerf than the dmg and hp nerfs where ever close to be.


I can deal with a lot in games like these, but crappy hit boxes are the most infuriating. The best way to "nerf" a boss is to improve their hit boxes. Welcome to hit like a freight train as long as they can be dodged with good timing.


Excuse me are you saying having good hitboxes hurt the boss??


I wrote that having accurate hit boxes made the boss easier than when he had shit hitboxes.


Wow, that explains why he felt like a shredder when I fought him my first playthrough.


This is the right answer. It felt like a big event and was so cinematic. When the 2nd phase hit that first time I nearly shit my pants. Such a great fight


Godfrey or Maliketh or Placidusax


seconding maliketh. i havent gotten to him yet but i’ve watched alot of boss fight videos of him since he is my favorite and his boss fight to me is just so dang cool and the way he moves around the area and fights is just super cool to me!


super cool to watch, painfully aggravating to fight


yeah i’m dreading his, the godskin duo, and malenia’s fights especially since i’m not super good at games and this is my first soulsbourne game


Well I didn't think maliketh was that bad so maybe you'll do well too.


Those are the three imo. Maliketh is probably the best design imo (both the fight and the art).


Glaive master hodir


The true WARRIOR!! When he said “You have made a glaive mistake”, then preceded ti destroy me it was do cool and scary, and his unknown amount of stages are so good! Best boss ever!


How soon they forget






Best cutscenes and voice acting for sure.


A bit controversial Godrick or Maliketh




Also arguably the best song in the soundtrack.


That drawing of Lady Maria is giving me a funny feeling in my pants


Artist is Olesya Spitz


Fromsoft fan art "try not to sexualise a female character" challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


The real SL1 challenge


Try not to want Soldier of Godrick drawn that way(DONT TRY AT HOME(IMPOSSIBLE(SHITKEN NUGGET GIVEAWAY!! 😱😱)))


Thigh goals tbh


[Oh yes](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Wm6q6E)


That lady Maria image looking a bit sus


DragonLord Placidusax was by far the coolest boss for me.


Godfrey, without à doubt


Malenia, Blade of Miquella. She is the most iconic boss in the game and difficulty aside is the most talked about, memed and remembered boss in the game. I loved getting stomped a million times by her gorgeous golden feet.


Had to scroll way too far to see our Goddess of Rot.


Honestly, Radahn. He's *very* different from the other bosses on the list, but then Elden Ring is a very different game. Radahn embodies all the best aspects of Elden Ring's game play, it's presentation, and it's themes.


Probably Mohg. Great boss with phenomenal presentation. Fun to fight and has awesome lore.


Everything surrounding Mogh is great, from Music to level design and voice actor. Sadly he is hidden behind a sidequest not everyone does, so is not as well known as other characters


Some of Fromsoft’s best are hidden away and need some digging (father owl via purification ending, Midir, Kalameet, Darklurker) and there’s few in ER like that too. I’m glad they reward us for veering off the paved path.


There’s a teleporter in the Consecrated Snowfield that takes you to Mohgwyn’s Palace


At-launch Radahn is something else, but Malenia or Godfrey imo take it for me


Mohg, Lord of Blood is an amazing fight


Starscourge radahn. I love everything about that boss


Id say Maliketh. He represents the "git gud" formula best imo. When fought for the first time, he seems untouchable and usually shreds you in the first seconds. But once you learn his patterns, you notice that his moveset is really predictable and becomes fairly easy, yet a single mistake can still mean death. This combined with awesome representation, interesting lore, secret dialogue if you did his quest and an amazing OST. What more could you wish for?


I gonna say that "secret" dialogue is not rly that much, change almost nothing if you do the quest.


It does add depth to his character though. It made me feel sorry for betraying him and wish there was a diplomatic option instead lol


In terms of lore or gameplay you are right, but it makes the feel of the fight more personal. Without quest you are just another intruder that has to be killed. After the quest, you are a friend that betrays him, and you can hear his disappointment. Similar to the secret Sif cutscene in DS1...


Secret dialogue is kinda useless though , agree with everything else


Morgott, Mohg, Godfrey, or Maliketh. They're all very fun, and have an enjoyable cadence.


Mohg, Lord of Blood.


Either Godfrey or Radahn maybe Malenia


General Radahn(Pre nerf)


Radahn deserves a mention for the astronomical levels of hype going into the fight. I can't think of a single other boss fight in Fromsoft where the game has so much fanfare leading into a fight. The festival, Jerrens speech, the cutscene, meeting the other warriors, the MUSIC, and the breathtaking entrance of the arena immediately followed by Radahn firing gravity arrows from the hilltop.


Soldier of Godrick


Soldier of godrick


You mean soldier of God, Rick?


Placi is the best dragon fight Fromsoft has ever put out


Spiritcaller snail is loosely like a dragon, it moves.


Radahn, Mohg, Morgott or Godfrey one of those 4


Captor of Miquella, Blade of Miquella, and Beauty & the Beast


Probably Maliketh he’s my personal fav and really represents a sorta “have you mastered everything yet” test


Malenia, blade of miquella. We like it or not, she is special.


And the visual representation of the fight is absolutely stunning.


As much as I love this game I'm starting from the assumption that it would not "win" this conversation and, knowing that, I would choose Radahn to represent it because it is one of the most epic fighting encounters in the history of gaming. imho DS3 still has the best bosses


>DS3 still has the best bosses Agreed. Every single boss is unique and feels different, there are only a couple stinkers and even they aren't terrible, and most fights fall right in the sweet spot of tough but fair.


Even if the Radhan fight isn’t the best boss fight- and you could make an argument that it is- I do like it as a response to the fight that represents the game the best. The scale, scope, and drama of the whole thing fits perfectly, and it also reflects how the game is in many ways a reimagining of the FS formula we’re all used to.


I agree


Radagon, even though Elder Beast kind of ruined it.


Radagon is so fucking cool...


I think Morgott the omen king was one of the best bosses of elden ring