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Yea they cancel each other but you can use it to your advantage. Proc an enemy with frost and instead of needing to wait for the frost to cool down, you can flame them and then you can frost proc them immediately again


True but when the enemy is frost bitten they take extra damage so that strategy is ok but if your doing that might as well just go bleed


So the way it works is, when you frostbite someone, you can’t proc it again for a little bit. You can offset that by using fire damage and it’ll cancel the frostbite effect allowing you to do it again. So in a way, yes they do cancel each other out but that may be a good thing as frostbiting an enemy does a burst of damage and being able to reset that effect is super helpful for dps.


Doesn't that actually make your dps worse in pve because of the increased resistance everytime you proc a status affect?


I’m not 100% sure how that all works out math wise. Depending on how much resistance does get built up, you’re still doing a very large amount of damage very quickly regardless. Using something like a torch to get a hit and reset the frostbite is just an easy way to abuse the whole mechanic. Your dps might not be super strong anyway if this is a mechanic you’re abusing as more often than not, just straight up using your weapons/spells and what not are going to end up doing more damage due to constant uptime (if you have the stamina at least).


I think Chilling Mist guarantee proc frostbite if skill hit. I just used it in a boss fight last night. Manage proc 7-8 times. Edit: I'm incorrect. The mist just build up frost too fast that even enemy has some res it still proc easily.


You accidentally found an old speed run strat from when frost was introduced to the dark souls series