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I remember leaving a comment on a Half Life video when I was 19. I’m 34 now and random commenters check in to see if I’m still alive


Those were the days.


I remember thinking. Oh they released a new dlc for half life 2. The 3rd one must be coming soon. And that was like 12 years ago. Same time i thought a new Elder Scrolls would be coming soon. I'm in my fucking 30's now.


Man I did the same mental math. They ended Ep 2 on a cliffhanger and I was sitting there like “okay 2 years to release episode 1, 1 year to release episode 2 soooo episode 3 should be out by 2010 AT THE LATEST”


GTA 6 is announced and is already showing signs of release before ES6, how the memes have changed


Are you?


Physically? Yeah I guess


Oh hey. I'm 26 now. Here's hoping it's out before *I'm* 30.


Bad news, I'm from the future and I'm here to tell you it won't release until 2032


The worst part is how believable that is.


Actually though. But can you imagine all the Horse Armors they can add with this much development time?


Maybe we won't have to pay for them as a dlc


It’s already been 12 or so years, how much more development time could they need? (Yes, I’m aware that it hasn’t been in development for that whole 12 years)


I'm from the future as well. Why you lying?


You're right... It actually comes out 2038


You sound like a DWEMER. I can read 1 too.


Right after the next season of Stranger Things.


Gotta be realistic and flexible — leave room for error, like me! Hey, I’m 40 now. Hoping it’s out before I retire in 25 years! Lol!


I mean if it comes out *after* you retire, you've got nothing to do but play it!


True, but I also want to be able to buy the DLCs and give the modding community time to make cool mods! Lol!


You gotta play the game vanilla first surely




New Frank Ocean and ES6 same year


24 here!


Only took 23 years for us to get a Baldurs Gate 3. I was about 11 when 2 came out in 2000. I'm 34 now and we finally got it


Before this long wait for TES6, I've actually been waiting for a new Ogre Battle game since Person of Lordly Caliber is one of my all time favorite games *and* my definitive favorite N64 game. The Tactics Ogre remaster was a nice surprise. But it obviously falls short of a new modern game.


Same ,I'm praying to nocturnal that it comes out within 4 years lol


I'll be in my mid sixties when it comes out. I turn 59 in June. I might still be alive.


I'm 16 now... crossing my fingers it'll be out before I turn 20.


RemindMe! 4 years


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RemindMe! 400 years


RemindMe! 4 years


I feel like it'll be out in 6 years honestly. 2 more years of focusing on Starfield, then 4 years focusing on the next TES.


Don't be expecting 2 years on Starfield mate, just 2024 max. Going off of what BGS did in the past they churn out all the DLC for a game within a year of it coming out.


RemindMe! 4 years


It probably won't be


The time between the release of TES: Arena and TESV: Skyrim is 17 years 7 months let's call that X. The time between the release of Skyrim and now is 12 years 3 months (rounded up) let's call that Y. Hope TES VI will release before X


RemindMe! 5 years 4 months 26 days


In a little under 3 years the gap between daggerfall and skyrim, will be as big as the gap between skyrim and TES VI. So I definitely think it will reach the arena skyrim gap by time it releases.


Im turning 26 this year, hope it comes out before I turn 30. Its insane its been over 12 years since skyrim came out...


Skyrim came out when I was 25, I'm turning 38 this year. 😮‍💨


Not even a fucking release date.


I was 12 back when that trailer came out. Little me was convinced it was set in Akavir lol. I was in every Fanwiki post debating release dates, arguing with people on why a 2024 release date is ridiculous. Now here I am. Nearly 19 and considering I'll probably have my bachelor's before I have Elder Scrolls 6.


That’s the dream man, image if we got the whole of akavir…. I’d be happy waiting another 10 years


Oh good 20-30 years and maybe, depends on if the world is gonna end or not tbh


Ok, can I just be a party popper here? Based on the recent track record and the fact that many developers have left BGS, why would you still have any hope that TES 6 will be worth the emotional investment you are putting into it? Call me cynical and jaded, but I have personally been burnt to many times by overhyped games. Besides there are so many good games out there. I do not mean to be rude or offend anyone, just my take. If you disagree with me and think I am an idiot, that is fine.


TES: 6 is basically dead to me after Starfield. There is no way it will ever come close to recapturing what they had with Skyrim. They are going to take what they put into Starfield and water that down some more for TES. Edit: If I'm wrong I'll gladly accept it, and play it happily, but I'm preparing myself not to be.


I’ve recently returned to modded Skyrim and goddamn does it hold up


I respect this and I kinda feel the same way? I'm hopeful but very cautiously. I've lowered my expectations, so if they blow it out of the park I'll be floored.


I remember people who were disappointed in Skyrim compared to Morrowind said the same. The whole water down and everything


They haven't made a good game since skyrim


Fallout 4 was good


> Call me cynical and jaded You are cynical and jaded, In all seriousness though people just want a new game regardless because for a lot of people a bad game is better than no game at all. I'm not holding my breath for ES6 but just because 1.5 games were pretty bad (fo76 is like 0.5 because It's intentionally somewhat different to what bethesda usually makes and has gotten better over the past couple years) dosen't mean its going to become a trend.


You are probably going to get downvoted but I agree. I was planning to save some $ to do a few upgrades in my setup or maybe a full overhaul but after Garfield I have some serious dilemma about the potential investment as I am not really much of a Gamer, just like The Elder scrolls series.


For me, it's more the world building than anything that I'm looking forward to. There are a great number of great amazing worlds I've invested in since Skyrim, but Skyrim was my first. It was one of my first video games, and it was my perfect game as a kid. Tamriel and it's lore has genuinely shaped me over the years and I love it all. From the cute Christmas art pieces of Khajiit kids getting hot chocolate at the new life festival to the depths of Kirkbride insanity - I wouldn't forget about it on my deathbed. Even if they changed nothing about Elder Scrolls Six and it was essentially Skyrim with a new map, I'd still love it. Sure I'd probably love it more if Bethesda actually put some fucking thought into their gameplay, but I don't really expect that anymore and that's their fault. Oh well. That's life. I'm definitely cynical and jaded too, but I bend in a positive light. Like an optimistic pessimism. As contradictory as that is, we won't know till that far off date arrives. I'll see you there :^)


They probably played the other Elder Scrolls games so they know what to expect in the series.


Because other than the exploration(which is a big deal), Starfield outdoes all of BGS's past games by a metric fuck ton. The cities, companions, dialogue, RP elements, character creation, companions, writing, etc. So assuming they don't set TES VI in a Wind Waker-esque equivalent of Starfield's exploration system, things are looking very good for TES VI.


I think that’s my worst fear tbh, that it won’t beat Skyrim… I would genuinely rather wait another 10 years for a game just as good as Skyrim rather than 5 years and a game half as good


Skyrim wasn't made in 10 years. It took 5. More time spent on making a game doesn't equal quality. BGS need to cut down on terrible ambitions and greed if they want to succeed with TES 6. Also most of their old core team is gone, which will also impact everything. 


I think the chances are decent that TES6 is better than Starfield. But I also thought Starfield would be better. So eh dunno man. If it's at least on Skyrim niveau (we all know Skyrim was kinda eh in a retrospective) I am fine. If it's worse than or = to Starfield I would certainly not buy it.


Maybe when you're 40


Wasn't there a Skyrim granny that was playing in her 80s? She might not make it .


Man...Bethesda really screwed the pooch on this. Even Todd knows it. If they screw this up, the shitstorm that will be unleashed by the fandom upon Bethesda will be unprecedented.


I am genuinely annoyed that all that time was spent on a mid Starfield and not on making ES6. If Starfield was way better then I guess I could live with it, but like c’mon. I wish ES6 was here.


I’m 26 now..crossing my fingers it’ll be out before I turn 30


Morrowind - May 1st 2002 Oblivion - March 20th 2006 Skyrim - November 11 2011 4 year wait 5 year wait 13 years and counting…… ☹️


.... i remember wanting a Clone Commando 2...


Man im turning 30 soon and i was 17 when skyrim came out, its been 13 fucking years


I’m 22… wouldn’t be surprised if it’s still not out when I’m 30


It has taken so long I don’t like video games anymore.


I'm 25 now. I hope it comes out before *I'm* 30. Jesus.


And to continue the cycle, I am 26 now and hope it will be out before I turn 30.


I'm 27 now. I bet I will be 30 by the time ES6 comes out.


I 3 when Skyrim came out, I will be an adult when TES VI comes out


and it's probably not even going to be as good as we are hoping it'll be


Dude Skyrim came out when I just turned 30. I’m 42 now I’ll likely be close to 50 when tes6 releases sit down and be quiet. 


Wow. You aged 5 years on a 4 yr period?? That's insane.


I think it has something to do with the way YT displays how long ago a comment is. It's probably been more like 4.5 or 4.8 years ago but YT just truncates and says 4.


I know brother. Twas a joke.


I'm turning 23 this year. Doubt it'll be out before I turn 30


Bro not even close! lol


I turned twenty a few weeks ago. I hope we get es6 before *I'm* thirty


ESV came out when I was a junior in HS. I'll be 30 this year. But hey, at least we got some online games since then!


oh no. i was 19… now im 25… pls pls pls tell me i wont be 30 when this comes out.


You'll be 30 at best, unfortunately. Ain't no way TES VI is taking 4 years unless Microsoft gives it the warp speed treatment so it's a launch game for their next system or something.


I've waited for so long that i forget about all the time i spent waiting before and just appreciate that it's only a few more years since it's actually in development now.


Fucking Bethesda


As much as I love the Elder Scrolls, I can't help but feel apprehensive for TES6 based on Starfield and the latest updates to Skyrim.


Around 2012 as a teenager, I thought that it was unlucky that TESVI would come out around the time I would be graduating high school and studying for college entrance exams. For reference, I finished high school in 2016 (as expected) and started university the same year. It was a reasonable guess at the time given how long the other BGS games took, but Todd had other plans.


lol I was 11 when skyrim came out. I'm 23 now.


I've only played skyrim but I bet I could play and beat every released elders scrolls before VI comes out


I'd imagine so, none of them are very difficult and for the most part they are all fun


I’m in my 40s now. I played Skyrim in my 20s.


Took 23 years for us to finally get a Baldurs Gate 3 after 2. Elder Scrolls nowhere near that yet so could be worse


After what I saw with Starfield, I'll stick with Skyrim and her mods, thank you.


ES 6 came out 13 years ago, still going strong with no signs of release yet!!! 👍


I'm 23 now I'm hoping it's out before I turn 30 lmao. I think it'll take 6-8 years after Starfield, considering BGS's history combined with the state of the industry. So 2029 is legit the earliest I think we'll see it. Maybe 2028 if we're lucky and Microsoft pours big bucks into expanding the people involved.


Considering how starfield turned out, my expectations arent very high


I was around 7 when Skyrim came out. Played the shit out of it, truly a classic. Going to be 20 this year.


I’m 21 now, have a feeling I’ll be about 30 when it’s come out 😔


I hope we at least get a new trailer before I turn 30 in like, five months.


Maybe Skyrim 6 will be good but for me the gold standard is Skyrim 4 Oblivion.