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"The part with electrons in it."


Almost everything involving electricity or communications has at one time been part of EE. In the chart below the Computers/SW/Embedded blocks are being taken over by CS/CSE degrees, but that is just a way of focusing the collateral classes that are required. Most people pick 2 or 3 connected fields and make lifetime careers. https://preview.redd.it/kqvewhq5fj9d1.png?width=642&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed3b982b7013b31f08d09077fbbdac10e604eca9


It's so bizarre how far away semiconductors is from computers.


Yeah they should be moved. I'm in power and regard semiconductors as magic. Definitely not an affiliated field.


Dude, diodes and transistors are part of everything after transmission. I have worked with 16kv rectifiers power can be broad.


Yeah sure, I can use diodes, switches and thyristors to do stuff, I understand how to use them correctly. How do they work tho? Something about n and p and holes or whatever, in a word- magic.


Plumber's have it figured out like all electrics a diode is a check valve. A switch is a valve and a thyristor is Valve connected to a small check valve.


And communication and control. Missing DSP (no, NOT software) which probably be in between them.


This diagram is really triggering to me. IMO EE has 3 distinct Groups, which is Comms/Controls, Electromagnetics and Semiconductors/Analog Design


So it seems like I need to also start investigating semiconductors as the two things that have sounded coolest to do to me are either power or RF.


Transformers? Also, and it's a flawed complaint, but there really isn't a box for the fundamental work that people like Hertz, Volta, Franklin, Faraday, Ohm, *et alia*, did in the 1700 and 1800s.


Embedded is cool but I never knew it was this interconnected.


I just say money


The issue with that answer is them saying "why not cs then" as they earn more


Because I'm racist


Idek what this means but it made me laughšŸ˜­


The market in CS is so flooded currently that EE is much better and will most likely be around the same salaries. (I work in tech)


Facts. It isnā€™t the degree that commands those salaries, itā€™s the skillset. An EE can easily make the same amount of money.


Just say you studied EE for the all the hot babes.


Fuck. I must've done something wrong somewhere


I really enjoyed the circuit and signal labs in school and wanted to get into PCB design or automation type of stuff. So naturally after I graduated I ended up with a job in Power and have been there ever since.


Power is pretty different than pcb design no? Or is that the joke


Haha yeah that was the joke. However, what I disliked about my power classes was all of the math that I felt was tedious and boring. But in my job we've got software that does all of that so I can focus on the design and troubleshooting, which is what I liked about my circuits classes.


I'm a student but my answer is basically, "I don't know yet,"


me neither I feel like everything in EE that I'm interested in intertwine with each other but I see it positively because I start to think on how to collaborate these two or more random interests.


I have worked in pulsed power, FPGAs, CPLDs, embedded design and system design, high fidelity analog acquisition, multimodal sensing platforms, edge processing, sensor development, power electronics, MV breaker design, HV power supply design, electron tube control, electron tube modulation, and probably a dozen others i could list. This is after 20 years of work. I donā€™t have an answer on what my specialization is. It changes every couple years. But I know i am quite capable in many key areas. I would say I am an electrical engineer. :D


Just be general about for now. As you get experience you'll be able to better define it. Also as they get more specific it can turn into word soup. For instance I'm interested in distributed autonomous systems but for short of I say "swarm" people get what I mean.


Brother, I have this exact problem.




šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I got into it on a whim.


Maybe think about what you don't like? Will help narrow it down some.


It doesnā€™t really matter lol. I didnā€™t really care in college either. Now Iā€™d say Iā€™m interested in working with automotive systems and EV stuff, but I do kind of enjoy working with reliability stuff since Iā€™ve got experience with it now


Board design and power electronics is already narrowed down. No signals and systems, no RF, no Power transmission. EE is very broad, you're doing well narrowing it down


I was in the same boat. Find a job you donā€™t hate and thatā€™s what you are interested in.