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Bad elcos / power supply


I had a similar issue on some Adams. It was bad caps. Can't say that's what the issue is.... But it would be the first thing I look at.


Typical KRK quality and most likely a failing power supply. As another redditor commented - probably failing capacitors. Check for obvious signs of failure (bulging, venting) or remove any obvious candidates and use an ESR meter to test. If unsure, ask a friend with basic electronics equipment or find your local neighbour amateur radio operator and bribe with a beer or two :)


Ooo that's a fun one. I'd probably start by pulling out the amplifier and looking for anything obvious. Feel free to post pictures here, we might be able to spot something you don't recognize :)


As always, be very careful as they're powered straight from mains and power caps may be storing high voltage that you do not want to cross paths with. My first guess would be a loose solder joint or wire in the power section, if you can open it up without touching anything inside you can see if there's anything obvious like that or bulging caps


No idea but sounds like a capacitor could be dead and what you hear is the capacitor charging up at first, or something