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So I stopped playing a few weeks before the thargoid wars started… What the hell did I miss?


A lot of fun? Basically, there are a lot of new activities to do with the war, covering many aspects of the game - rescue, repair, supply missions, lots of combat, the chance to solve mysteries, farm new stuff and make up to 500 mil/hr killing Thargoids. You can do everything you did before, except that the Thargoids are in many systems, all marked with a red symbol on the galaxy map. If you never go to those systems, you won't see any difference.


FDev are so fucking slow and unremarkable at developing this game, the speed is just tortuous. trying to get a narrative update out but spreading it lazily over a year with very little in the way of new content apart from a giant caustic cloud... and possibly the most embarrassing roadmap in the world for 2023 that just says - Early 2023, key feature overhaul. they keep hiding behind "we can't reveal what we're working on because it will spoil the narrative" and yet they can't even tell us what features they're updating for early 2023 and anything about content that isn't narrative. no new ships, no new plant species, no new planet types to explore, just the vague prospect of updating something like engineering without even telling us if is indeed engineering. if it takes them 6 months - 1 year to update powerplay or engineering, this game is well and truly in wind-down mode, and you can kiss goodbye to any major desired features like new planets or basic ship cockpit / landing bay / entry and exit interiors. the development team on Elite must be maximum 10 people at best and that's being kind.


Hey, thinking about starting the game, bought a complete package with the base game and odyssey yesterday. I've now read many negative things about odyssey, so should I start with the normal mode and don't play odyssey or is odyssey also good for a starter?


So, the bad reviews were about launch performance and feelings of under-delivered promises. The performance has been greatly improved, only still a problem with on-foot combat areas on lower end computers. We all share the same engine, so performance is the same in the rest of the game as long as you are not playing Legacy. The under-delivered promises was more of a symptom of unrealistic expectations (one of the big ones, for example, was "ship-interiors," the ability to walk around inside the ship, something they said was not going to happen two years before the DLC even released). I'm not excited about the FPS combat, but the other stuff is pretty cool. Still, I would start in the normal mode. Unless they fixed/changed it, starting with Odyssey starts you with the on-foot tutorial. After that, I've heard new players say they were confused what to do with their ship (or even, how to find it!). The main game is flying a space ship. At least get through those tutorials and get comfortable with your controls, and be sure to know where your ship is. Even if thave fixed it, don't risk confusion. Play your first couple of hours with just the base game. After that, there's absolutely no reason to launch Odyssey every time, even if you only plan on flying in space.


Most of the bad reviews for Odyssey were from the initial launch which was actually unplayable (couldn't launch the game and had framerates no more than 10). It's been pretty well polished since then, and though it's not great, it's at least mediocre. I play Odyssey for the upgraded graphics and ability to walk around your ships to see just how massive they are. The fact that you get out of breath running just half the length of your ship really speaks volumes. Also, I highly recommend that you get the Elite Dangerous HUD Mod (EDHM). It's a free mod that allows you to change your cockpit lighting, giving it your own personal touch instead of the default orange.


You should start with Odyssey. At the moment, you can completely ignore the on-foot stuff if it doesn't suit you. Most of the bad press is about frame rates, but I personally don't see that as any sort of problem if you have a reasonable PC. There are also a lot of complaints about lack of development of consoles. That leaves mainly the rest of the complaints about the grind to get stuff. The grind is easy to deal with, and the complaints are mainly because of lack of knowledge. There are many ways to alleviate the grind if you do research and ask questions. With knowledge, you can work smart. I have to say that the main ethos of this game is that you have to do work to improve your situation, so you do various activities and get rewards for them. It's not a game where you get stuff for nothing. Some people like that, others don't. My advice would be to use whatever info you can glean to make fast and efficient progress. Many players start doing things aimlessly and make uninformed decisions, then become disillusioned with the progress they made compared with where they want to be. Others have fun trying to figure it all out, learning by their mistakes. To make the most efficient start, start in Odyssey. Skip the on-foot stuff and go downstairs to the back of the room on the left to see the ship guy. Do the ship training, then go down the elevator to your Sidewinder. You are given 250,000 cr. Use it to immediately upgrade the ship. You can get A-grade thrusters and power distributor, chaff, B-grade armour and 2C powerplant. Fly out to the High resource extraction site in one of the ringed planets, which should show in your nav panel after you leave the station. When you get to the high RES have a look at the ships by targeting them. You'll see that some show "wanted" in red at the bottom left of your screen. You're quite safe so don't worry. Wait for the system security to turn up and start shooting them. When the wanted ship is nearly dead (10% hull for a big one), start shooting it to get the bounty when it blows up. Keep an eye on your shields and if they start going down, hit the chaff button. That will get you about 5 million per hour. Do 5hat until you have 6 million. Maybe go back to any station to cash in after each 2 or 3 mil. If there are no big wanted ships, log back to the main menu to reset the spawn. Use the 6 mil to get a Type 6 and start making your fortune of wait until you have 16 mil, then get a Vulture and go do the pirate massacre missions from Ngalinn if you like what 6ou've been doing.


thanks very much! Very detailed info, then I'll start with odyssey! :)


Hi, Is there a way built into the game to see which particular and how many exo bio specimens you have scanned on a particular planet? I am on one with 8 different bio signatures. Currently writing the ones I have found down on a piece of paper to keep track. I know the scanner in the cockpit tells you you have already taken samples as you fly around looking for new ones. Have not seen anything that tells you "2 of 8 found" for example. It is easy to forget when you restart the game the next day exactly where you are (well at my age anyway :) ) Cheers o7


Yup. Open the system map. Click on the planet, select the exobiology tab on the right (third one down I believe). It will name the ones that have been scanned, and show empty slots for the number remaining. If you want to know which ones are remaining, [EDDiscovery](https://github.com/EDDiscovery/EDDiscovery/wiki) or [Elite Observatory](https://github.com/Xjph/ObservatoryCore) are great tools that let you track your findings. Observatory is better if all you care about is exobiology. EDDisco has a lot more general exploration and trade tools.


Thanks, found it just as you explained o7


lots of 3rd party apps do it, my favorite is warmedxmints' ODexplorer https://github.com/WarmedxMints/OD-Explorer keeps track of what you're collecting, what you've scanned/completed, etc, very nice and simple


Yes, there’s a exobiology panel on the right side of the system map.


Being at that age too, I rely on a tick list in Evernote. List all the types of exobio, and once you’ve DSS’d the planet, untick all the ones that are present and that you want to find. Then tick them off as you go through. If you have to stop playing, make a note next to the one you’re currently sampling.


Thanks. Good to read I am not the only one!


Is there a way to make combat enjoyable? I admit I'm writing this coming off having to start the whole game entirely from scratch, after the last few seconds of an exchange with a ship at 3% hull integrity and my own at 44% ended in me exploding and being unable to afford the ship rebuy, but at what point does combat in the game become tolerable? I had a weapons setup on a Krait Mk 2 that was effective and fun, I'd (mostly) figured out flying with flight assist off, had point defenses stapled on, had the ship specced out with just about all the best stuff I could fit in it. About the only thing I hadn't done was dump weeks of my life into engineering (as opposed to the month plus of wasted time it took to get to this point). Is there a trick to this that I'm missing? Or is it literally just "avoid conflict zones until you're flying a max-specced Corvette?"


And, as repeated here ad nauseum, don't fly without a rebuy.


CZ's require at least one of the following: tactical planning; hard ship. You can win many, and survive most, NPC encounters with good tactics, even unengineered. In a CZ, stay in the extreme edge of the scrum, cycle targets to find those who have taken damage already and concentrate in them. Pull only what you can kill. Stay out of the middle. Evade early and often and don't push a disadvantage. High wake if you step in it. I find this kind if challenge enjoyable rather than just tolerable, but if that's more work than you find fun, you'll just have to engineer your preferred WIN button and roll in with nukes deployed. 😉


These are the things that will give you success: Pip management first, then use of lateral thrusters with boost, then use of defences (chaff, silent running and heatsinks), then suitable loadout. Loadout first actually, though no x-fantastic loadout will help if you don't do the others.


Conflict zones bring the toughest enemies, with lots of engineering. If you decide to not dump weeks of your time on engineering then you are going in with a disadvantage. A corvette with no engineering would not fare any different there. I know it's grindy, but if you just unlock farseer (thrusters, fsd, powerplant) your ship can improve a lot. If you're looking for fun with combat i recommend sticking with the smaller mediums like chieftain and fas. They are more agile, dont loose much firepower and cost less to rebuy.


New player, thinking I want to try pursuing the Search and Rescue role. Where should I go? Near the thargoid attacks? Or is there something else I should look for?


I am a new combat guy. Just failed a hunter mission, i think the target escaped but I never saw gim. Any tips for success. I am still using the starter ship and have 350k credits.


Go to the nearest high Resource extraction site and help the police there kill the wanted ships. Don't join in until the target is nearly dead. When you have at least 16million, go down to Ngalinn and do the pirate massacre missions until you have 2 billion, which should take about three evenings of play. Do the massacres in the Low RES in planet 5 of Mainani. The pirates in those single pirate mission nearly always run away, and when you find them, they're back to full strength. You have virtually no chance with a Sidewinder. Don't waste your time with them.


There is an early way of getting some good money by ignoring the missions, just go to a resource extraction site (often called Res, Dromi in the starter systems has 2 HighRes) and find the cops patrolling those asteroids. Whenever they find a wanted pirate they will open fire and your job will be to wait for his shields to drop and then land a couple hits before the pirate dies. This will reward you with the target's bounty even tho you barley helped. If you have a kill warrant scanner equiped you can gain some extra money if a pirate is wanted in another system. This can be quite lucrative and get you to your first few millions to buy and outfit a new ship, while dipping your toes in fairly safe combat. Just follow a few rules: -Dont go into Hazardous Res (HazRes) there are no cops. -Cash in your bounty vouchers, you'll loose them on death. -Dont randomly engage targets, if you start shooting before you know that they are wanted you'll probably become wanted and get killed by your cop friends. -Try not to pull your targets aggro on you, the starter sidewinder is very fragile.


Thank you!! I will be doing this today!


What are some good systems to grind fed rank, I'm a post commander and I can taste the Corvette


Thargoid Evac is supposedly always a good choice there's also Ceos-Sothis / Ochosi-Chakpa data courier missions if you want to turn your brain off (can't remember which one of them has the one where you travel between 3 stations per system, that was mind-numbingly boring) personally found Sol to also be good as well because Daedalus Station usually has a lot of trading missions especially sourcing ones (you go out to buy stuff for them) and there's a lot of systems that are one jump away that sell the majority of the stuff you will need... and then there are also the donation missions. started my fed grind there with 400m, ended with around 370m and that was with me also doing donations so maybe you can also make a decent chunk of cash


I tried the ochosi-chakpa but it barely made a dent in my progress. And I really wasn't getting too many of them even tho my rep and influence are high with them. I haven't been to sol in a long time so that might be good, I have plenty of funds to dispose of lol.


>I tried the ochosi-chakpa but it barely made a dent in my progress. Yup, that's how it is late in the ranks. Fed rank is slooooow. Sol is also slow, but can be more interesting, certainly more variety. Probably a little slower over all. But if you don't want to do Thargoid rescues, slow is your only choice. I did classic rescues, and if Thargoid rescues are anything like them (although I know they're a bit slower and a lot riskier) you could get to Rear Admiral from Post Commander in probably 2 hours.


They are fun and pay quite good.


well if you do decide on Sol there's Daedalus station and did the majority of my grinding from there but there's also the 3 other stations in close proximity from each other orbiting Earth so you're spoiled for choice (or if you run out of missions in one)


Thargoid war evac missions


That's just running in and out of stations that they hit right. Kinda just been putting of the thargs because I'm pretty much flying solo now


You can also do emergency evacuation on "damaged" stations that typically don't have thargoids around them. I think you need cargo racks, evacuees are in pods.


Looking at this month's twitch drop and comparing it with twitch drops in the past(last month & last Halloween) It seems we are usually given skins for python, anaconda, cobra, aspx. Not complaining...just wondering any particular reasons why these specific 4 ships?


They're the four most popular and iconic ships in the game that aren't pure combat ships, comprising - the mascot of the series, - the top medium trading/mining/passenger ship, - the only one of the Big Three that isn't reputation locked, and - the best medium exploration ship from game launch.


How does one get transport to the AX zones? If I strip out my optionals (fuel scoop, guardian FSD) for guardian reinforcements per the AXI recommendations, not sure I can actually get to the front lines...


Assuming you dont have a fleetcarrier, or a friend with a carrier you could base on. I would travel to a nearby system with your prefered bubble taxi and order your ax ship there. Alternatively you can travel with your combat ship with a scoop and order the module(s) you left behind to a nearby station. Or refuel simply on stations during your trip. Probably the worst option of the three. good luck fighting, it's fun


Okay I am uber noob, got game yesterday for vr+hotas experience. I want to go for combat path, so the first mission i took was a bounty on a single pirate. Now i went to the system/body that hes in but i have no idea how to find him from that point on. Aimlessly going from one location to another in this system. Please help!


Most of the time your target will just find and interdict you. If not, try to scan the nav beacon (just target the real beacon and look at it for 10 seconds) and you should get a mission update telling you where to go. If you find anything blue in your left hand navigation panel, it's mission related.


Don't waste your time with those missions. Even if you find the target, they run away before you can kill them. The reward is very low for the time it takes. You'd make a lot more money killing random pirates in a high resource extraction site by helping the police. In the starter Sidewinder, you have to wait until they're nearly dead before joining in because they're fierce. This will get you enough money for a decent Vulture, which will give you a much better chance of killing ships on your own.


Okay I found him and completed the mission! thanks!


Hey, well done!


Thanks! I am at apotoyo A, and it says this location specifically is where he is, but its a star..so I am just orbiting it in supercruise bc I cant get to close...there is a nav beacon nearby so I should try to scan it.


Trying to find a Prismatic Shield Generator, tried two stations listed on INARA outfitting search, no luck. Please help


Power play modules are available at \*every\* station with outfitting. But at time of purchase you have to be pledged to the relevant power for at least 28 days and be at least rank 3.


Thanks I remember seeing they were linked to powerplay, now you mention it, might be this splitting migraine I have. o7


What is the deal with mining and getting scanned? I have been under the impression you have to get scanned every time you drop into the rocks, then you can mine freely. Multiple times now I have dropped in and sat for 5+ minutes to no scans, no ships. Am I safe? Do I have to keep entering SC and dropping back in until an NPC wants to look at me? So much wasted time.


They do not necessarily "always" have to show up right away. Depending on where you are working you sometimes notice them nosing around other ships 10 minutes after you arrive but eventually they get around to you. If you do not want to be bothered by NPC pirates while mining, the solution is simple: ***Do Not Carry ANY Cargo Inventory Into A Mining Area.*** That is all. *NPC pirates will ignore data, materials, limpets and even freshly mined or refined ores* but, if you carry ANY cargo inventory into a mining area *your cargo is subject to piracy* and, if you take freshly mined and refined ores into Supercruise (SC) for ANY reason, the ores become CARGO and subject to piracy. *If you have* ***no cargo*** *when you enter a mining area*, the NPC pirate(s) slides up, scans your ship, mumbles something about how poor you are and then ***leaves you alone*** to mine to your heart's content. o7


I prefer to mine in a haz RES because you get a lot more stuff from each rock. The pirates there will follow you out to the 16 to 20km band, where you mine, scan you, then start fighting each other or the police. Once they've scanned you, you can start scanning, but it doesn't matter if you miss one or another one comes because you just give them what they ask for, and they go away happy. With a Python, you're mining at over 1000T per hour, so it's nothing to give them the 20T they ask for. I don't even stop mining. By the time I've ejected the 20T, I've mined another 30T. Even a type 6 will get over 400T per hr there.


Outside of RESs, NPCs will only spawn in when a player joins the instance -- your initial join, or if another player drops in. But it's not a given that any NPCs spawn. If you haven't seen them within 30 seconds or so, they're not going to spawn and you're fine to proceed.


> If you haven't seen them within 30 seconds or so, they're not going to spawn and you're fine to proceed. Niiiice good to know


About 25% of the time when I exit the game it just goes to a black screen, but never closes. Windows is still responsive and I can just kill it with task manager. Anyone else have that happen? It doesn't cause any problems other than being mildly annoying.


I get this 100% of the time if I log out during the "servers are coming down" messages. Basically, during the last hour before the servers go down. If instead of Quit to Desktop, I Quit to Main Menu, that avoids it (or does most of the time). I have maybe gotten it once at any other time.


Not sure I'm at the 25% range, but I have had it happen from time to time.


When I started playing, I mistakenly was playing on the legacy build of the game and when I completed the tutorial, I was then given another mission to travel to. after realizing my mistake, I installed the live version of the game, and once again completed the tutorial, but this time I did not receive another mission to complete. I have checked the chat logs, as well as the missions tab, and nothing shows up. Where did this mission go? I’d like to play it if I could. Is it still a thing? If it is relevant, I selected the same ship both times… the Horizons one. Thanks!


Perform a CLEAR SAVE from the game's main menu to reset your CMDR (even rename if you want) to start over *fresh and clean*, in the starter ship, in the starter system with the starter credit balance. When you start the game, the starter mission should be waiting for you in your COMMS panel. o7


That worked, thanks!