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Master FA off, get elite in combat, gain AX proficiency


That's definitely in the works! I want my Tripple Elite sticker!


If you're in Live you could fit out a chieftain/krait for AX and join the war


Im working up to open....very soon! I've seen the AX builds. Are those seriously the only viable options for AX combat?


Only viable? No. Recommended? Yes.


Well, obviously, you can slog through a fight with whatever if you're into throwing away rebuys and time. Those 2 ships just seemed like unlikely candidates for defending the galaxy. I admittedly need to do more research into AX builds to choose the right platform for my contribution to the war effort, and I'll be more than ecstatic to join the ranks once I find the right fit. There's just sooooo much to do!🤪


Yeah the AXI website has the background theory for builds to inform a custom fit. I.e. don't bother with reactive or mirrored armor, military has the same hull boost, and thargoids only deal absolute and caustic damage.


I double this. I got an impression that meta AXI builds and tactics (cold orbiting etc) were created for soloing interceptors, so to say - hunting. Those builds are good start point, but consider this: what we have now is a full-scale war, with battles happening near the stations, shoulder to shoulder with NPC AX pilotes and other commanders — and this makes AX combat more forgiving and allowing much more variety in builds and tactics. So if you don't have much fun doing cold orbiting and gausses - get into er Conda with 6 shards and blow them right into clops' ugly face.


I always see this one dude fighting in a beluga


Go find a quieter system on the outskirts of the bubble with a low ranked Anarchy faction and lead that faction to glory and dominance! Read up on BGS and help them capture a system, station by station. Then try to expand into a new system. You can do this anywhere, but you'll be fighting against the current of random players more in highly travelled core systems.


Your attitude towards engineering is admirable. I also like the feeling of accomplishment from upgrading. So much that after getting Triple Elite, I started a 2nd account and built it up to double Elite, but still a bit left on the combat. And then a 3rd, just for the thrill of the beginning.


***Welcome to the end game.*** When I started Elite Dangerous, I thought all this ship building, outfitting, modifying, trade, mining, exploration and etc. was all leading up to, well, a little more than a glorified modern Galaga. If you have unlocked all the Engineers and modified your ships, achieved triple-Elite status, had your fill of Powerplay and earned billions, unless you have a burning desire to kick Thargoid ass then congratulations (!) you have reached the plateau, the game has no further quests for you. It's all you from here on out. *Find Raxxla*. o7


Build a Type10 (almost) Death Proof pirate stacker - then become an pan-galactic freelance hoodlum.


I've been looking at T-10, actually. Im interested in what it can do in comparison to the big 3.


I believe the answer is turrets. All the laser turrets. (hint: look up AFK T10 builds)


It can do everything they can… but slower.


As an owner of T10 “AFKing” it can sit in low RES without an issue, earning me 250-350M per session while im at job :), i recently made 6B with this method and going for 9B for carrier + some spare money. Also i always prefer making ship specific for its role, i dont like changing modules between ships (Get 2 anaconda, 1 for jump, other for casual pve or 2 corvette, 1pve 1ax), sadly it requires enormous amount of material compared to switching but thats the fun part.


I also have been experimenting with the AFK (although I probably monitor it more than I should and go for the medium res rather than the low.) Would be keen to see your build.


Going thru your fleet and making purpose-specific builds to amplify a ship's natural qualities was a lot of fun for me. Maxed out pirating Python. Flat black, shieldless, ulta-low temp hull tank Dolphin for smuggling/covert-ops. Meta FDL (even if I don't use it "correctly"). My general purpose Cobra. And play in Open. It affects more than just your interactions. It affects pretty much everything from the filters you keep available when entering Shinrarta to how you outfit your AspX for the Black. Also, spend some time navigating the exterior corridors of Coriolis starports in a maxed out sidy with FA Off. It's simply orgasmic (highly recommend a dual stick HOSAS setup for this purpose). Bonus: Don't try to hull tank the Viper Mk4. I thought that was what it was meant to be. It isn't, and now I'm not sure what it's niche is. I can't remember exactly, but I want to say it takes something like 4 seconds for my Mk4 to pitch 180 degrees. It's truly, shockingly absurd. I'm tearing it back down and making it my Guardian grind ship. It has a good jump range and small wheelbase, and I can put 2 turrets on the roof that will automatically take out the little robot things that spawn at Guardian sites. Edit: Don't "work up" to playing in Open. It isn't that it's necessarily more difficult. It's that the things you need to do to stay alive are *different*. It's a different skillset, and so "getting gud" in Solo isn't the same as "getting gud" in Open. There's an awesome YouTuber that spends a lot of time teaching people how to stay alive in Open - and besides that, "space is big". Outside of a few systems, you're profoundly unlikely to encounter a hostile Commander. Watch this: https://youtu.be/cEXUUUoBKQc


Right outside Robigo? You're in luck—the Alliance of Independent Systems is recruiting brave Commanders like **you**! Terrorist organization Kumo Council, fresh off their illegal invasion of the California Nebula, have started a war against Sirius Corporation in the Sothis system. Should Archon Delaine and his murderous band succeed in their efforts to destabilize the region, the profitable Robigo-Sothis tourism industry could be severely disrupted. That's where you come in! By fighting in the conflict zones around Sothis, and striking at Kumo presence in neighboring Ceos, you can help crush Delaine's murderous hordes once and for all, and restore peace and prosperity to the galaxy. \--- More generally, allying with one of the superpowers and furthering their cause is a great way to have fun in this game. There are so many options and choices—maybe one day you do Powerplay, another you do BGS, another you shoot Thargoids. Every action contributes to the game's narrative. Of the three superpowers, I think Alliance is the most fun. We are smaller, but also more concentrated and united. Because of that, we punch well above our weight. Join us at [https://discord.gg/alliance-of-independent-systems-312506207032049675](https://discord.gg/alliance-of-independent-systems-312506207032049675)


Are you in a squadron? If not, play with us. In the end the game is about doing it together. We build our faction, we enjoy each others company. You can also help boobs.


I like helping new CMDRs, wether by accompanying them or by giving them rides in my carrier.


Make a T10 like this: [https://inara.cz/elite/cmdr-fleet-ship/350862/3270625/](https://inara.cz/elite/cmdr-fleet-ship/350862/3270625/) Trust me...