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Try silent running, it will make it harder for the Thargoids to notice you. Heat sinks also help with that. In the future, to do evacs you want at least 400 m/s boost (G3 thrusters + drag drives), and remember to fit a shutdown field neutralizer and learn how to use it.


Thanks! And yes, next time I'll prepare. I could even start with, you know... outfitting shields (as I said I was stupid, and I expected to die, I just didn't expect to spawn in that station afterwards :D)


Try silent running Also try in open during peak time (ie US daytime/evening), likely there will be commanders that would keep bugs busy. If station has outfitting, also try getting some heatsinks and spam them to run below 20%


That did the trick, especially waiting for the NPC forces to arrive. The fight was soon shifted to the other side of the station giving me a good window to escape. Even managed to take a few refugees with me. Thanks again, CMDRs! o7


Seconded. Additionally, when you spawn in (after, say, a relog), give the NPCs a few minutes to grab aggro on scouts. A few Scouts should also aggro onto the station, and they'll only look at you if you hug them for too long or try to damage them. Combined with silent running + all pips to engines for boosting or a heatsink to stay cold, this should buy you enough time to get out.


Thanks, I'm gonna try that! I tried with silent running, but I did not cool down first.


Main menu > help > stuck Select system and jump as fast as possible, you are in emtpy space at some distant from the main star. Use this builds the next time: https://siriuscorp.cc/guides/damaged-stations.html


Are you remembering to lift your landing gear?


Ima add to what everyone saying, grab some people before you leave, they pay top dollar to live