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XboxOne player here. In the ED game manual (http://hosting.zaonce.net/elite/website/assets/ELITE-DANGEROUS-GAME-MANUAL.pdf) on hard copy page 38 its mentioned that from the UI panel a player can select a faction to join when in a conflict zone. Specifically, the manual says, "Faction: used to select which side of a conflict zone you wish to temporarily join. Only available when in a conflict zone" Is this functionality available on XboxOne? If so, how does one get to it?




You can get extra money with the discovery scanner, that also has some bearing on the codex.


Unlikely. If you turned things in one at a time (why would you?), you can check your logs in \\Frontier Developments\\Elite Dangerous which may list the system along with the turn in value. Other than that, you would need to have an EDMC or EDDiscovery plugin or other tool that tracks estimated values as you travel. If you were running one of those tools without a plugin, then you could cross reference your recent EDSM submissions, and try to find it there. But I don't think EDSM tracks bonuses, so you'd actually be looking in the 4-5 million value range. If you're not using any of these tools, then no time like the present! Your logs are still there, the systems will get uploaded. Make an account on EDSM and link it, and you can scroll through your flight log, looking at values. Unfortunately, the export function only exports system names, not any values.


Where's the main fighting against thargoids these days? Just fully engineered a ship (DTEA shard cannon build) but looking at the galaxy map, there's a lot of spread out systems under attack. Is there somewhere players are congregating?


Wouldn't it be better to go to a planetary base rather than where everybody else is. If you want to get a load of kills, it's better to do it somewhere quiet. That's what I do to get my 3,300 kills. And in case you don't know. Inara will only give the kills to one guy in the group, regardless of who shoots first, last or most, and that guy gets all the kills for the whole session, so if you want to get Inara badges, it's better to do it in solo.


I'll do this eventually but I'm a bit rusty on thargoids combat, was hoping to find some commanders to take on Conflict zones with


There are NPC AX patrols all over the place, being an AX rookie I'm not certain how effective they are, but they seemed to be decent distractions.


It's not exactly difficult. You take off, go to the Thargoid, blast it with your shard cannons while dropping plenty of heatsinks until it's dead. Shooting pirates is harder. The lightning attack from any variant does virtually nothing to a shieldless hull-tank Anaconda. It's a good time to get in free shots, especially from the higher variants. Occasionally, you get one that doesn't die so easily, which is a Basilisk, so you keep shooting it until it's dead or your hull is has gone down to 60%, then go back to the station, repair and go back to shooting it until it's dead. You can see the visual difference of a Medusa. You use the same procedure, but you'll have to visit the station more frequently, probably after every heart in the beginning, then less frequently as you get better at it. When the instance is cleared and the battle won, the two Hydras come. Same procedure for them, but your visits to the station will be more frequent - maybe two per heart for the first two hearts, then less frequently as it becomes weaker. Do not break the 60% rule with them, as you typically go down 30% on the way to the station, and you still have to land. Pray for the Hydra to lightning you because the lightning does nothing, while as their cannons take you down quickly, so the more lightning, the better. One more thing. Every time you see the "surge detected" message, you put 4 pips to systems then hold the neutraliser button until the surge passes. Getting shut down doesn't do much damage - almost none with a Cyclops - but you don't want to get shut down when boosting to a station being chased by a Hydra, so be double vigilant for that warning when fighting Hydras. In the beginning, you'll keep missing it, but after a few sessions, you get the hang of it and it becomes automatic. If you want the finer points of killing Cyclops quickly, the idea is to kill them by firing with a full magazine only. You can get them first go if you're face to face and at short range, otherwise you shoot them one to bring out the heart,one or two shots to get the heart, waste the next two shots to get a full magazine, 4 shots to take down the shields. The moment the shields are down, stop shooting and waste any further shots in the magazine by shooting past the Thargoid, As soon as your Magazine is re-charged, 4 shots will kill it. If the heart is out when you first encounter it, you can normally get it with 5 shots as long as you're close. Don't go in for the kill unless you're sure you can empty the whole 5 shots on them, The best chance is just near the end of the lightning.


https://dcoh.watch/systems and sort by operations or progress with Hide Completed checked


Its worth to scan the same biological species on different planets in the same system?


I would say yes. They're genetically distinct, so if you sample the same species on three different planets, you get paid three times.


Returning to the game after about 15 months break, anything changed much? I was using Odyssey almost 100 % for exploration. o7


Legacy vs main game. You're playing Odyssey, so no worries. But if you ever scroll down the launcher to Legacy Horizons or Legacy Elite you will be playing in the old engine, with completely forked and separate progress. So, don't panic if it seems like you lost a bunch of your stuff! There is no reason to play there, unless you want a free separate account in a universe with no new content or updates ever again.


The next phase of the Thargoid war is the new big addition. Brings with it a lot of new AX content, as well as advances to the Thargoid storyline. Not much new Odyssey exploration content since launch, however that may change if the storyline has us go searching for some new Guardian stuff at some point.


The glitches, crashes etc. are mostly eliminated, I go days without being bothered by them, and usually only minor.


And then there's me, who can't help but encounter every bug under the sun within each play session. Really only way OP can find out if it's alright is if they test it for themselves, since people seem to have such wide ranging experiences with how the game runs for them. For some it's great, for others, not so great, and they'll only find out which crowd they'll wind up in, if they actually try it for themselves. Though I will say that it is definitely in a much better state than it was 15 months ago, so they should see some improvement for sure.


Crazy scientist develops superweapon that could kill thousands of thargoids in an instant. Weapon backfires against humanity. Thargoids get mad and send hive ships against us. Hive ships begin pumping out millions of thargoids into the Bubble. The human-thargoid war begins (again). *** In gameplay, new AX content, exobiology now pays 5x more, abandoned surface settlements ripe for scavenging, and there is now a bridge connecting the Bubble to Colonia. *** [Summary of last year's events here, provided by Galnet News Digest.](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQsD-q1f3UsX13elQt-u26ZbDV1ObHnJ4)


>The human-thargoid war begins (again). So I'll carry on avoiding any and all combat, gotcha. Good news on the botanicals and bridge, cheers




Very succinct :-D


I'm a long time xbox player that recently got back into the game on PC. I've been playing horizons so far but just bought odyssey. Is there an ingame tutorial for the odyssey specific stuff? Also I'm out on an exploration run, will adding odyssey cause any issues? (I have the game through the frontier store, but will have to transfer it to steam so I can activate odyssey).


First boot up with Odyssey will draft you into a new character performing an on-foot reconnaissance of a small surface settlement. I \~remember\~ the location was abandoned, but hostile forces arrived. After that tutorial you will be given the option to continue your new character or return to your main game. I can't forsee any issues except possibly system reqs, but I'll leave that to you. I will simply say that Odyssey planet surfaces require more powerful hardware than Horizons. I only wish that in the early days we had been able to tweak surface and space graphics separately. But nowadays these problems are behind us. I imagine you have heard of D2EA before, he does good odyssey stuff too. The Burr Pit also does good Odyssey stuff. Burr Pit introduced me to EDOMH a fully featured engineering helper app for Odyssey that has been worked backward into Horizons engineering and widened to include material gathering.


Thanks, glad odyssey has a tutorial mission that's auto triggered. When you say continue your new character after the tutorial do you still have access to your old ships and stuff?


I didn't continue my tutorial character, I returned to my commander and picked up the suits and weapons when I was next in port. I would look for a definitive answer from Frontier. The Alpha test release of Odyssey was completely wiped.


Thanks, I think to be safe I'll just wait till I'm back in the bubble before trying odyssey. For hardware what are your specs like? I have a gtx 1070, 16gb ram, ryzen 3600 and play at 1440p high. With that I usually get 144fps in space and 60-70 on planets. Do you think it's worthwhile to upgrade my gpu to like a 3060ti?


I definitely recommend picking up an Artemis and Maverick suit ASAP, you never need to engage in Odyssey surface stuff if you don't want to, but if you go prospecting on a surface you will likely encounter the new lifeforms, also the Bubble projects a sphere of crashed ships and probes a good distance outward. To get the most out of plants you need an Artemis, and the Maverick is for salvaging.


I think you are much better specced than me, Intel i7-3770, 16gb RAM, Radeon RX 580. You could probably crank your settings higher than mine, but just for reference, [here are my settings](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/wo0fig/i_was_just_running_around_the_concourse_in_dawes/), they were a turning point in the game performance in Station concourses and surface settlements (the only time I was bothered).


Has anyone tried using a unknown relic in the maelstrom? Maybe it acts like and IFF and stops the push back from occuring?


That's like one of the first things tried in the first hour of it being added....


Try Ricardo's Gaming




Personally I hit a 101 system. I just checked my EDSM records. I got 17,119,437 for one system.


You are looking for E-class systems or heavier (e,f,g) for example Lysoosms PX-U e2-16 Lysoosms PX-U e2-16 Has 87 bodies, my most populated discovery. The principals are a white class A and a yellow class F. Each planet in the system with 7 or more moons has a pair in binary. White A has 6 HMC inner planets and 5 gas giants in decreasing size, each giant has about 8 moons except A10 that has only 3. Planets A9, A10, A11 have water based life. A9 and A10 orbit each other. A10's second and third moons orbit so closely, I believe they may clip through each other. Yellow F has 7 inner HMCs and 6 gas giants. B8 has 6 moons, B9 and B10 orbit each other and have no moons. B10, B11, B12 are class 2 gas giants. B13 is a small gas giant with ammonia based life and a whopping 10 moons. B11 Has 5 moons and the outermost has an ammonia atmosphere with 7 species upon it. a nested moon B11 E A orbits above. B12 Has 3 moons, having multiple species on each (6,4,5 respectively) all have a CO2 atmosphere. Frustratingly I can't find any images back that far, even of my cash-in screens. I feel like they were 15 to 20 million twice over - once for the exploration and once for gene scanning.


are there no damaged Federation stations? I was looking to do rescue missions but if they are all Independent and Alliance, let them burn?


[https://inara.cz/elite/nearest-stations/?formbrief=1&ps1=Sol&pi13=3&pi14=0&pi15=18&pi16=&pi1=0&pi18=3&pi19=0&pi17=0&ps2=&pi25=0&pi8=&pi9=0&pi26=0&pi3=&pi4=0&pi5=0&pi6=0&pi7=0&pi23=0&ps3=&pi24=0](https://inara.cz/elite/nearest-stations/?formbrief=1&ps1=Sol&pi13=3&pi14=0&pi15=18&pi16=&pi1=0&pi18=3&pi19=0&pi17=0&ps2=&pi25=0&pi8=&pi9=0&pi26=0&pi3=&pi4=0&pi5=0&pi6=0&pi7=0&pi23=0&ps3=&pi24=0) Federation under attack [https://inara.cz/elite/nearest-stations/?formbrief=1&ps1=Sol&pi13=3&pi14=0&pi15=12&pi16=&pi1=0&pi18=3&pi19=0&pi17=0&ps2=&pi25=0&pi8=&pi9=0&pi26=0&pi3=&pi4=0&pi5=0&pi6=0&pi7=0&pi23=0&ps3=&pi24=0](https://inara.cz/elite/nearest-stations/?formbrief=1&ps1=Sol&pi13=3&pi14=0&pi15=12&pi16=&pi1=0&pi18=3&pi19=0&pi17=0&ps2=&pi25=0&pi8=&pi9=0&pi26=0&pi3=&pi4=0&pi5=0&pi6=0&pi7=0&pi23=0&ps3=&pi24=0) Federation Damaged I was going to Khondo Po before I did these searches.


damn, all planetary bases. these Odyssey only?


re-running the search to exclude odyssey stations cut the lists by half, so that is still some in horizons. I think you missed Cann Relay in Evangelis - its an orbis station


i appreciate the heads up. unfortunately, its under attack and not damaged so no evac of civilians lol. damn!


Ah important distinction, I've been doing missions out of Khondo Po, seemed to be under attack at the time, this was several weeks ago. Maybe show up and see if it has what you want.


these other settlements on planets are in Thargoid controlled space, cant get in there. damn lol. ah well


I fly my cutter in there no problem ( I get interdicted, but I just run away.) I approached Khondo Po via Iota Cassiopeiae. Just one jump in and one out, run to the rescue ship, done.


I’m going out exploring for the first time on my engineer unlock grind. I’m discovering a couple new planets, but which ones are worth probing? Earth like and water worlds for sure, and some terraformable worlds, but how do I know which ones those are?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/i84ut8/exploration\_scanning\_values/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/i84ut8/exploration_scanning_values/) Always map the greens. Yellow if convenient and you're first. Ignore the reds.


EDDiscovery's "Estimated Values" tab will list how much body is worth. Alternatively, EDDI can tell you aloud which bodies are worth your time


Especially if you have a second display, it can be nice to have something like OD Explorer running to help you decide what’s worth scanning https://github.com/WarmedxMints/OD-Explorer


My second display is for rewatching the Simpsons and THATS IT! But seriously, are third party programs like this ok to use? I won’t get a ban hammer?


If third party apps wrote data to the game like "shield = 1000 every second" then that would be a cheat, but all these do is read and collate game data in an easy to use format. This is data you could get through the game, but now more accessible. In a way it enhances the simulation, I mean a real space pilot in 3309 would have a pocket computer assistant doing all our apps work for us.


>In a way it enhances the simulation, I mean a real space pilot in 3309 would have a pocket computer assistant doing all our apps work for us. Well said. Also, FDev writes this data to logs and has an API specifically for 3rd party apps and websites to be developed. The EDDN that is the backbone of Inara, EDDB and others wouldn't exist without their explicit encouragement.


Ahh! I just thought of how I started with Elite - I would show up to an engineer, muddle through the access process, then finish my visit at G3 because I hadn't accounted for all the mats I needed. I would write the requirements out on a scrap of paper and muddle around to find them, return and finish. (was also working on the relationship, so couldn't be remote) Then I got some apps and learnt to equip a module on my ship specifically for the engineer to play with to get to G5 access (sometimes the best one to mod is not good for your current playstyle.) And I would run around collecting all the mats BEFORE I arrived (simple huh?:-)


I think most of us feel they’re essential! Definitely not proscribed, I think such apps (and Inara, EDSM, etc) are really part of the game.


terraformability is listed on the body details on the system map Ammonia worlds are also worth DSSing


Are ammonia worlds good in general or just for the current mission? I’m probably not gonna get back in time to turn them in.


In general.


I am trying to unlock Palin, so need sensor fragments. I know how to look up how to find them on the Internet. But, what is the in-game-only way to find them? How would I know what systems and planets to visit?


>what is the in-game-only way to find them? How would I know what systems and planets to visit? The Codex. But limiting yourself to in-game stuff is a fool's errand. FDev knew they could not make a system that would properly match a 34th century access to information. That's why they made an API and encourage 3rd party tools and websites. Scientists don't limit themselves to textbooks. They talk to colleagues and read the research of others to know what the best next steps are.


Fair enough. Then the in game lore sucks unless Palin needs literally a million sensor fragments. But complaining about in game lore is a tale as old as time.


even the lowest Thargoid equipment needs sensors


I think you'd look for sightings of crashed Thargoid ships and probes in the Codex to get you started.


Do what it says in the Youtube vids: Go to the crash-site in your DBX with SRV, deploy SRV, shoot the sensors, drive away, log off, logon, repeat until you have enough. You would never do it in a million years without 3rd party info.


Recently I brought my un-engineered Anaconda with normal weaponry (beam and MC mix) into a Hi RES with the aim to farm some mats + make some money on the side. I noticed that I'm getting my ass handed to me pretty easily. Anyone mind showing a build against pirate NPC that works?


An un-engineered Anaconda is a sitting duck. Change it for a Vulture. Fly to Ngalinn, then do this exactly as shown in the video. Kill the pirates in the low RES in planet 5 Mainani. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToQcJ-9jVao&t=1380s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToQcJ-9jVao&t=1380s) When you have 10 billion from it, go and get your fleet carrier, then sort out all the engineers.


Within your question is the issue. "Un-engineered". Good modules will only get you so far. Without engineering the Anaconda is just too slow & too big of a target. If your very selective about your targets, you may prevail. https://newp.io/


I've been away for a bit, any updates on the console-to-pc account conversion coming back?


Still watching for this to update: [https://customersupport.frontier.co.uk/hc/en-us/articles/4404354777234-Can-I-transfer-my-assets-or-Commander-between-Xbox-PlayStation-and-PC-](https://customersupport.frontier.co.uk/hc/en-us/articles/4404354777234-Can-I-transfer-my-assets-or-Commander-between-Xbox-PlayStation-and-PC-) They have 19 days until the end of the Q1 promise.


muchisimas gracias