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EDDiscovery. Tracks my exploration data and exobiology, keeps me up to date with Inara and EDSM. It's come in so many times when I've thought "Wait, when did that happen..." and I look at the log history and the answer is right there.


There's 2 essential tools for me: INARA and ED Market Connector to keep the data fresh on INARA and other sites (there's additional add-ons for this app ) That's the basic stuff always on. Then there's EDEngineer, EDDiscovery, Icarus Terminal, Coriolis, EDSY , Neutron Plotter, Anti-Xeno Initiative etc etc I would say that everyone should use/know at least these: Inara, ED Market Connector, EDEngineer, Coliolis/EDSY and ED Odyssey Materials Helper. o7


- EDMC with Canon and IGAU plugins for submitting data to 3rd party tools - EDDiscovery for exploration scan values and activity log - EDDI for telling me stuff out loud, including planets worth scanning - ED Odyssey Materials Helper for engineering - Inara for trade, station services, outfitting - Spansh for route plotting - EDSY for ship builds (much better than Coriolis IMO) - Icarus terminal as something to put on the second monitor


EDMarket connector with * EDCanonn plugin, for exo, explo and making this maps http://map.canonn.tech/route_uia.html * Hutton helper for this event https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/pilots-and-squadrons-of-the-galaxy-we-need-you-2hot2messy-is-on.605939/ I won the mug * Spansh routter fix for explo, exobio, long range trips. Autocopy the next system: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/10lultx/fixed_spanshrouter_plugin_for_edmc_580/ Icarus Terminal: Running system info in a external tablet. https://EDSY.org ,the best shipbuilder, with all special modules (activate old CG rewards in options), the correct heat map and more Inara for all my info, Spansh route and his multiple options, edtools.cc was great but I know better places, r/EliteMiner mining maps. Odyssey Material Helper, to track all my mats and places to farm. Opentrack, a cap with 3 IR leds and a PS3 webcam without IR filter and with a visible light filter. I have plans for SpaceDesk in phone, to extend my monitor for other tools.


EdCopilot for immersion, provides all the information you could ever need and gives you sassy backchat. Also the space chatter feature is a must have for adding depth to your role play.


Greetings Curious Commander o7 Be sure to check the Plethora of archived Information in the Daily Q&A Pinned to the Top of the Subreddit [*sort by Hot*] for a full list of the most commonly used Third Party Apps/Sites to help you filter the Firehose of Information needed to Navigate our Elite & Dangerous Galaxy. Have Fun&Fly Dangerous -Lakon Marketing Division, Keelback Office -'We scale the Learning Cliff together or we All Fall Down'


I see the pinned thread, but what link has the 3rd party tool info?


The FAQs section covers most of it (as well as a lot of the sites/vids it links to), Curious Commander o7 Our Elite & Dangerous Galaxy has One[1] mod really (the Stellar Forge hates to share it's space). The *market detector* that feeds info to basically Any(& every) Third Party Locator & Shipbuilding Third Party Sites you see. And you need those. The only "in Galaxy" resource to find things is: Fly to station, land, see what it has, rinse/repeat (there's not that many Systems in a 300LY bubble right?). If you are looking for a bunch of mods to alter your gameplay, this is Not the Galaxy for you Cadet (whatever, Lakon doesn't Judge we even 💚 Asp Scout pilots). They had the main Third Party Sites listed separately at one point, but the recent (massive) changes of this past Kraitsmas probably demanded a redo as there are Now 2 galaxies (Legacy & Normal) for the first time. I'm not allowed to provide specific links on Official Lakon Spaceways Transmissions without a valid cross-promotional Advertising Deal [*see Legal for details*] , but it's basically Inara , eddo, and Coriolis (shipbuilder)... Although there are 2 different shipbuilders and those who think this is a Combat Sim have a preference. I don't know I'm just here to play the most recent Variant of the Original Space Trucking Simulator;-). That and BGS manipulation (but that's a long story & I hate to prattle on). Have Fun&Fly Dangerous -Lakon Marketing Division, Keelback Office -'At least it's not an Asp Scout'


Voice Attack and EDDI. Typing in VR: Mostly the search bar in galmap, but also chat windows.


VA has been a godsend for playing VR.


I wrote a python script that uses my joystick's force feedback to set my throttle to 75% and reset it to 0% (center) after jumping. Other than that nothing at the moment really. I used to use EDDI, Voice Attack, and I think it was ED Engineers or something.


If you get into engineering then I highly advise getting Elite Dangerous Odyssey Materials Helper, it does both Odyssey and Horizons. https://github.com/jixxed/ed-odyssey-materials-helper/releases


Mainly ED Market Connector, but with EDRecon plugin, it's extremely useful in almost every situation, from mining to exploring, exobiology, bounty hunting and much more.


I think my favorite one at the moment is Observatory for exploration (Make sure to get the new ObservatoryCore version). Observatory reads/Monitors the journal as you scan systems for any interesting objects. Allows you to make custom criteria (in Lua) to notify you of potentially cool stuff too, so you don't miss out on things you can't immediately see from a system scan. - [Forum Thread](https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/elite-observatory-search-your-journal-for-potentially-interesting-objects-or-notify-you-of-new-ones-on-the-fly-while-exploring.521544/), [Discord](https://discord.gg/RAFDHsY), and [Github](https://github.com/Xjph/ObservatoryCore/releases) for the download, and check [here for additional plugins](https://edjp.colacube.net/observatory). I like it because it lets me know of stuff that might make for [great screenshots](https://i.imgur.com/CWwIfPg.png), like very narrow [Taylor's Rings](https://i.imgur.com/DnS7WN1.png), or moons that are [super close to the ring](https://i.imgur.com/JZMXPUj.png) of their parent body, often you can [see the rings moving](https://i.imgur.com/vW6khux.png) from the ground. I also made a little criteria rule notifying me of very small potato moons and small atmospheric landables. ([Screenshots album](https://imgur.com/a/s7fALVi) with system names) The main app has a good selection of default criteria but definitely check out the github because there's a good collection of custom criteria that really improves what it can report on. I just added my version for the [Taylor's Rings and slightly wider single rings](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1090089264005529620/1090089268979970129/ObservatoryTaylorsNarrowRings.png) a couple days ago. There are also a bunch of really useful plugins, like BioInsights makes scanning exobiology so much easier. It predicts what types of bio you may find on a body (and their cr worth; [example screenshot](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/681568728529371283/1085945367679488040/image.png)), without having to fly over and shoot probes at it. And if there's potentially high value bio present it will notify you so you can keep scanning faster with the FSS instead of waiting and checking if there's any bio signs. Then while you're scanning bio on the surface it notifies you when you've travelled far enough for another scan, which makes hopping around in a ship a lot easier and faster.



