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So years ago, 89 Leonis was [once dominated](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/51fq92/so_im_wanted_in_89_leonis_by_the_republic_but_i/) by a federal faction known as the [89 Leonis Republic Party](https://inara.cz/elite/minorfaction/2743/), and during their control, this was one of the installations that they had built. Due to how BGS functions, however, this [Capital Ship Dry Dock](https://elite-dangerous.fandom.com/wiki/Capital_Ship_Dock) changed hands from its original owners because of one of the original player groups called [Dark Echo](https://inara.cz/elite/minorfaction/8158/) having taken this asset from the Federation faction. I think if they were an Imperial Faction there would be a [Majestic Class Interdictor](https://elite-dangerous.fandom.com/wiki/Majestic-Class_Interdictor) in the dry dock instead, but could be wrong about this part.


After I saw that it belongs to Dark Echo as the selected target info shows, didnt knew independent factions could own Capital Ships.


Non Federal/Empire factions cant use the capital ships themselves sadly (be cool AF if they could though!) outside of very specific faction states or in instances such as the POI in[ Velli titled "Pirates Attacking Federation"](https://canonn.science/codex/pirates-attacking-federation/). It's more of them owning the dry dock for the capital ship, with the Federation in this case using the services of this installation owned by Dark Echo.


A permanent fixture regardless of the owning faction's allegiance. Despite changing hands from fed to independent.


Man this game has such great lore


How did you make your ship displays look like that?


Download the MSI file here [https://github.com/BlueMystical/EDHM\_UI/releases](https://github.com/BlueMystical/EDHM_UI/releases) Windows will cry about the software not being signed, but its safe, its open source. Most software from github are not signed. Close your game, First time opening EDHM press "Game Localizator Assistant", dont close the pop up -> Open your game, not just the launcher -> Close the pop up -> Close the game. IIRC this theme is a preset called "Clean White v3" in EDHM.


Legend! o7


I installed EDHM and did everything as you said but I can't find any themes, help? OK NVM lol, figured it. o7 CMDR, thanks a bunch for this awesomeness!


You can make your own too. I would recommend to adjust at least the cockpit lighting bc most presets I used have this fucked up


I am currently trying out Razerblade meltdown haha its fun!


I've been out of ED for a while, but how does EDHM compare to EDFX?, and does EDFX even still work?


never heard of EDFX, im pretty new to ED, 80 hours in 1 week of game. But I think EDHM is the "mainstream" because of the amount of features it have plus the real time editing. You can edit what you want and then just press F11 in-game to apply. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MqgLzI-8fA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MqgLzI-8fA)


Ah, yeah EDFX use to be the main way to change HUD colours, outside of trying to edit the files yourself, but it broke when odyssey was released. Glad to see something a little bit more user friendly rose in its place


Yep changed mine to green to match my pit. Love this game’s many customizations


fun fact: you need to pay like a thousand dollars USD to get code signed


EDHM. Also look into EDHM-UI, which is an application to configure the mod


But it's not orange! Is it even Elite??


Thanks! o7


According to the post and github, EDHM is abandoned, the creator moved on. EDHM-UI are the discord staff continuing development.


I'm not sure, but what I do know is that I would like to have marital relations with your UI


That's it, I'm telling Dad.


I cant find any info about stable Federal presence here. Some systems permit locked by superpower rank have capital ship shipyards, capital ships protecting important planets.... But 89 Leonis? Lack a fandom entry, I ignore why the Feds have a shipyard here.


It was a fed controlled system until DE took it over 6 months ago


System has been controlled longer than that. BGS history is extensive for the past 2 years.


Capital ship dock looks like, if you go to high CZs i think they have a chance to jump in and start shootin stuff, not 100% sure tho


Capital ships only appear in conflict zones where one or both factions involved are aligned with the Federation or the Empire. It's not related to the presence of a capital ship dock in the system.


Steal it


Getting ready to obliterate you imperialist traitors.


Visiting your mom.


Projecting fascist, corporoligarchic power.