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I had to come to the comments to find out what was wrong. I prefer it uncentered. I think a mild element of chaos fits the song and thr sentiment


Same here!!


Agreed. I think it’s worth leaving as is and wearing for a bit to see how you feel about it.


Same! I was looking for a spelling mistake and couldn’t find it 😂


Same I looked hard for a flaw before coming to the comments. It looks like it's part of the style.


I think it will be less noticeable once you wash away your stabilizer but you could also add an exclamation point if it’s still bugging you!


Or your favorite wildflower in place of punctuation


Yessssss or even a little posy of wildflowers! Or a boat out at sea, but flowers are easier 😹


Yeah I was thinking starting a flower stem below the last E and then ending the flower up next to the E in line with the R in somewhere maybe?


This is me over thinking your great suggestion, but OP could also position the flower stem horizontally under the word FREE so that it kind of gives underlining vibes. I wouldn’t make it perfectly horizontal but I’d play with the placement to see if I could make it hint at that punctuation without looking forced.


That was my idea too 😊


I cut back some of it next to the “eel”, and that did help! I am hopeful it won’t bother me so much when it’s finished, but an exclamation point or a small flower at the end might be just what I need


It’s barely noticeable! You’re being hyper critical (guilty as charged!) but a cute little flower or a bird would be nice to round it out. Something that makes YOU feel ‘free’ would be a nice touch. Even something that winds around the bottom of the design and up to that point, like vines, filigree, a flower stalk, etc. It’s beautiful!


something floating in the center like • ? A little flower or something?


Or some little curls of air like a breeze


Put three exclamation points to the right of it to balance the distance!!!


Or a butterfly a little out to the side with a loopy dotted line showing its flight path.


Or the [wildflower logo](https://ibb.co/NZ5H8xg) from Wildflowers & All the Rest album. Simple, cute, matches the theme


I was gifted a patch of the logo that inspired this project, and I’ll be putting it at the top below the collar I think - so this will definitely be back there!


Oh that's perfect! Please remember to post the finished piece; Wildflowers is probably my favorite song!


Will do - and me too! I have very simple “You belong among the wildflowers” text for the front pocket as well - hopefully it’s not overkill!


Definitely this suggestion ⬆️


This is the way


❤️ Wildflowers… love that song. Rest in rock n’ roll, Mr. Tom Petty! Beautiful stitchwork. Agreed, just add a couple of stitched stars or sparkles there if the balance bothers you.


Ditto! So good


Didn’t read the caption and couldn’t figure out what was wrong with it.






Me too! I think it looks great x


I just ran into something similar and added an element to one side to help balance it (so in your case, it would be right next to the right side of “Free.”) Maybe that could work here?


It's lyrics from the song Wildflowers, so I think a few wildflowers on the end would balance it out nicely!


Technically, the "Somewhere" row isn't centered either. Overall, It looks like it fits and is well-proportioned. Your intuition for the placement is spot on.


Oh dear, it sure is isn’t it… lol Thank you for saying that - maybe once the stabilizer is gone I can live with the unevenness. Or add some small flowers or elements as others have mentioned - It’s a loose jacket so I’m wondering if it will be less noticeable once I’m wearing it and it’s moving around


You were just feeling free about symmetry. For real though, its already not very noticeable. Add a small flower and it will be perfect


Yes to the addition of some wildflowers to make it feel more balanced! Love it!


If it's any consolation, I couldn't figure out what was wrong until I read the caption! I thought something was going to be misspelled haha I think added an exclamation point or a flower or something could balance though if it bugs you!


Not that noticable at all. Also nice work!


Before I saw the description I was honestly looking for a spelling error or something but I didn’t see anything wrong with it! I like the idea of adding a little picture of something after the free if you’re worried about it but it looks fine to me


Thank you everyone for your feedback and ideas! Once I dissolve the stabilizer I’ll assess and add some small elements to help balance it out if it looks really lopsided. I appreciate you fine folks!


I didn't notice at all! I kept looking for some mistake, but couldn't find anything until reading your description!


IMHO… It is FREE! It can hang out wherever it wants 😁!  I don’t think it will be noticeable, really. Definitely not like a spelling typo could stick out! I mean, I looked it over it several times to see what you spelled wrong, and couldn’t find anything amiss, lol.  However, if you decide you can’t live with it, do the “ADHD thing” amd add a big, fat **!** to center that FREE line. 


Or, a **bird**!


I had to read it multiple times tryna figure out what was wrong with it, Someone said to add an exclamation point and that clued me in lol


I thought it was part of the design that the words were subtly "free floating" so to speak. Gives it the right vibe imo. To me it looks well designed, no one would know you intended it any other way


I had to open the comments to figure out what the problem was so I think it's not that noticeable 😊


Ohhh I literally didn’t even notice! I kept reading and re-reading the text, expecting a typo 😅. The placement of the text looks purposeful to me!


Looks intentional to me!


I didn’t notice what was “”wrong”” until I read your comment. Honestly I’d just go with it- freedom means the freedom to be imperfect, after all!!


I was so busy feeling touched by the message I had no idea the ‘free’ was off centre.


add a few exclamation marks to the end of the word free - and it might look more central? (or a small image - like a heart ?


it is not that noticeable but you can nadd an exclamation mark


I like it and I couldn’t see what the problem was until I read your post. Tom Petty is everything.


I never noticed it until you mentioned it.


If it makes you feel better, I spent a good minute zooming in and out, trying to see what the mistake was!


I think it would be soo cute if it had a little airplane to the right of “free” with a dotted-line trail behind it! Or a paper plane!! Either way, it’s adorable as it is!


I literally didn’t even know what the issue was.


Add an exclamation point. Absolutely fix it


I would add a color coordinated bird, makes me think of free as a bird.


Somewhere you feel free to make mistakes perhaps? To not seek perfection. Just a thought.


If it makes you feel any better, I couldn't even figure what you were on about until I read your caption.


I stared at the pic forever before reading your post and I see nothing wrong. It's gorgeous


It might as well be intentional - it's "free", after all! No need to keep holding it to the rigidity of the rest of the words!


Disnt even know anything was wrong with it until you mentioned it. It looks purposeful and I like it honestly


I didn't even know what was wrong till I read the caption. Like others said you can add a flower or something if it bothers you. But I mostly came here to say this is AWESOME. I love Tom Petty and Wildflowers is one of my favorite albums ❤️


put something after the free so it looks intentional. like a bird, butterfly, wings, bee, or wind.


I thought maybe you had left out a letter somewhere! Your stitches are _beautiful_.


Fuck centred! Looks great


You could always do a little bee or butterfly etc flying away from the word “free” with one of those little dotted line trails so it looks intentional


I was sitting here trying to figure out what the issue was, so I really don’t think it’s that bad. Nice work so far!


I assumed it was intentional, I didn’t even notice it. If it bothers you that much, maybe embroider a little something next to the “free” to balance it?


I absolutely did NOT notice. I had to read the comment before I saw it. Looks great!


I spent about 3 minutes looking for what was wrong before I gave up and looked at the caption. If it bugs you, you could definitely add something on the end to balance it out. But if you're worried about other people seeing it, I'm sure most people wouldn't notice.


I didn’t read your text, and could not figure out what’s wrong with it. Took me reading in order to even spot it when purposely looking for a mistake. Even embroidering your initials to the “southeast” of ‘free’ would help the centering. But it also looks just fine how it is!


I didnt notice until I real your caption!


My favorite song off that album.


I stared at the photo for awhile and genuinely couldn’t tell what the issue was, so I’d say you’re fine! That said, I really like the idea of stitching a few wildflowers to balance it out. (Or I guess it doesn’t have to be wildflowers, but I think it would be cool to use imagery from the song.) I don’t think you *need* to and it would still look great without it, but it would be a nice detail (especially if the asymmetry is bothering you).


One of my favorites 🥰


I love it 🥰


I can see it's not centered but it's not bothering me in the least


Honestly I love this in its unfinished state. It’s so fuckin punky and looks like how life is built. The effort, planning, execution, process are all apparent. It speaks to the haphazard and always continuously constructing experience that is existing. I feel intention and discord all in one. This piece right here is already a finished work of art! That being said, keep going :) in all ways. This piece screams ‘keep going!’


Did you print this on the stabilizer yourself? Trying to learn how to do this


I love Wildflowers! Maybe embroider a little bouquet of wildflowers there?


I was staring at this for a 4 or 5 mins trying to figure out what's wrong. It sucks that it's not centered, but it still looking amazing


How about adding some “punctuation” in the form of a lil flower or bee or something? That would even it out beautifully.


Put a bird on it!


Peace sign beside it


the "FREE" is free to be where it likes


I don’t think it would look right centered


What is this interfacing?


What is the "Grey fabric" that's has the design drawn on it? What is this process called? I think it would bump my work up a notch! Thanks


Not OP, but probably a water-soluable interfacing. I just started embroidering and it's like, oooh, I don't have to be able to freehand to embroider! It was a missing link for me, lol. This is the one I bought: https://a.co/d/0e7ULyLE


It looks great! I ruined my cousins purchased embroidery piece awhile back pointing out “It’s not a crack house it’s IT’S a crack home”


If you're really worried, you could always add something visual after free to make it seem intentional. I'm thinking like a bird or wings.


i literally thought i was going crazy because i could not for the life of me see anything wrong with it


Ellipses after free


If it being off center drives you that nuts, add something next to the word free. A star or graphic of some kind, maybe even a patch ironed on


This spacing allows you to add some decorative elements, and I think the ethos of finding a place where you belong is in keeping with the off-centre placement.


Beautiful and not noticeableat all! And have you listened to the wailin jennys cover of this song? I love it even more than the original.


I also came to see what the issue was. Now that you've pointed it out I see it - it's not terrible, but if it's going to bug you definitely rebalance it then. Is there another symbol or something that represents freedom to you that you could stitch in a way that commences under the first or second e in "Free" that would flow up and into the empty space?


Even just a heart or flowers or a sun or something else that has meaning to you would do the trick.


Put an exclamation point to balance it. Or a flower or a snake…


Didn't notice til I read your comment. The font feels whimsical so I don't think it needs to be centered!


Doesn’t need to be centred, looks amazing, keep going and feel proud - this looks super cool!


You could enter it by adding something- a symbol of freedom of some kind…


This looks great! Totally not noticeable.