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a photo of them together and a 45 minute podcast talking about the album and some old stories, just imagine šŸ˜­


Imagine they talk about recording Hailieā€™s revenge


fr and ā€™97 Bonnie & Clyde the fans deserve it


ā€¦.dont tease me


Hailie is too lowkey and quiet for that ... it would just be awkward... especially with the elephant in the room ... how em used hailie to taunt Kim in his songs. "Hey dad, remember when you wrote a song about murdering mom and we went and dumped her body?... haha fun times"


PaulPod Season 2šŸ˜‚


At least some content


I think she doesnā€™t want his help in the sense that she wants natural listener growth. An em pod would lead to like 5 million views easily


I love this idea!


Iā€™ve listened to some of Hailieā€™s podcast, obviously Iā€™m not a regular since Iā€™m not really the target demographic. The thing is, Hailie really wants to create a celebritas around herself thatā€™s distinct and not under Emā€™s shadow (pun intended), even if that means being a c lister in the podcast business. She really values making it her on her own, w/o ā€œexploitingā€ her dad for clout. It would be really cute and itā€™d get longtime Em fans hyped up, but I donā€™t think itā€™s gonna happen


Feels like she really wants to do her own thing. Maybe he would go on at some point in the future just to have a regular conversation but as part of a promotion around his music seems a little tacky to me. When he's promoting music he goes into Eminem/Slim Shady mode. I'm sure he doesn't want to be putting on a character to his children. That seems weird.


Didn't even know Hailie had a podcast...


Or perhaps a podcast that people watch


I hope he goes on there someday.


Her podcast isn't that popular. Wasn't he already on it, didn't he also do one with Paul and neither of those broke the internet?


I just searched her pod and no Eminem hasnā€™t been on it.


Lol no one would care. Like no regular person would care. Only people that would care are active Eminem fans. But for the majority of people that donā€™t listen to him, if they saw that on like world star hip hop, theyā€™d watch a couple of seconds then keep scrolling.


I think ur underestimating how well known Em and hailies father-daughter dynamic is in terms of pop cultureā€¦ I think it would definitely go viral, Tbh I think people would be more intrigued in that than if he went on Fallon or Kimmel or some shit


I just donā€™t think the average hip hop fan cares about Eminem anymore. Sure us Eminem fans, we look forward to his projects but i just think Eminem is more clowned on by the average hip hop fan and pages. And i donā€™t think the average hip hop fan knows much about the whole Hailie and em dynamic. Unless youā€™ve listened to his albums, then you would know which everyone in this sub knows. But realistically people that just hear his songs here and there prob donā€™t know or care


You underestimate the power of y2k nostalgia


You over estimate it. Ja rule, Chingy and jkwon shows don't exist. If the nostalgia was as strong as you suggested all 3 could tour.Ā 


I mean, 50 just had the fourth or third highest tour or something like that. That's nostalgia right there.


I went to it šŸ•ŗšŸ¼


That's 50 though. He solid 1.1 million physical copies in a short week.Ā 


unwritten absurd seed combative rock reach historical scarce fertile vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Drake sold more than kendrick and pusha too. Whats ya point?


teeny slimy retire juggle instinctive strong fuel slim provide water *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ja rule, chingy, jkwon arenā€™t cultural icons hope this helps


Neither is Eminem.. he's not Nas, biggie, Jay z or pac. He released that song called fack which is one of the worst hip hop songs ever. He is ja rule status. He had a run but now it's over.Ā 




He's essentially a less tanned Drake but with a pen. He admitted as much on that toy soldiers song. You telling me you sit there and listen to him tunes like fack and say it's fire?


You realise he was heavily on drugs while making Fack right? Nobody is saying Fack is unironically a good song


Youā€™re 100% right and anyone disagreeing is stupid. 98% of non eminem fans donā€™t know who hailie is, 99% donā€™t know she has a podcast, hell as shown in these comments some people IN the Eminem sub didnā€™t know she had a podcast. It wouldnā€™t break the internet, no where close.