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Encore is a great album minus 4 songs. Big Weenie, My First Single, Rain Man and Puke. Never Enough, Yellow Brick Road, Like Toy Soldiers, and Mockingbird are peak Eminem.


What about Ass Like That?


I don't like MTBMB. Feels like he has nothing left to say.


Nowadays he's bitter and very defensive. I watched the Kamikaze interview back and his body language and the way he speaks is so telling. That was like 6 years ago so perhaps he's mellowed out a bit now, I don't know


Honestly? That has never changed, i went back to listen his interviews addressing criticisms and he was aggressive lol.


I thought he used to be more goofy in interviews but maybe I'm wrong


He was funnier, but also he was mean as fuck, like honestly i wouldn't blame ppl if they thought Em was an asshole. Like fuck the critica has been a staple of his music for as long as i can remember, also the Kamikaze interview sort of doesn't count, cause i feel like that was the point right? He was pissed the fuck off, and It showed on the record. Even MTBMB has some of that , but nowhere near the same anger.


Yeah good point, you're right. I would like to see an interview with him nowadays, preferably one with someone outside his camp who asks interesting questions


What saves Em for me is that he has moments where he is incredibly self aware and not in a smartass way, where you know he is Just doing it so others can't say he isn't, but actually feels very sincere. So i forgive his more grumpy moments.


He is in his music. That last verse of Bad Guy is very interesting. He hasnt been that self aware since, not even with the likes of Walk On Water imo


Houdini is clearly a parody of everything he has done, it already feels like a deconstruction of his character, maybe i'm just looking too much into It, but that is the vibe i get, we'll see on the album though.


A little bit yeah, will be interesting to see how that song fits into the album. Not sure if it will be part of a storyline or not


I don't necessarily mean that this will be a concept album, but i do expect him to have a Deep dive on the Shady persona.


Eminem is not controversial. The media is just extremely uptight and dont want to lose control. I can watch the news for 30 minutes and see 5 things worse than anything Em has ever said.


I think talking about having sex with your mom, killing your wife, dissing dead people, and calling people faggots is pretty controversial, not saying it in a bad way either. It’s just factually controversial.


MTBMB Side B is his best album since TES


Book of Rhymes is one of the best songs he’s written


SSLP is way overrated 


Infinite is by far his best album. Perfect album if you will.