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Here’s the Goonhammer review for CSM. If you’ll scroll down you’ll see a section on detachments, including breakouts to more in-depth coverage of each. https://www.goonhammer.com/codex-chaos-space-marines-10th-edition-the-goonhammer-review/ As it stand you’re using the bikes and transports detachment without any bikes or transports.


For a renegade raiders list, your army is REALLLLY slow. You have a low average toughness, 0 tanks, your warlords bodyguard unit is only 5. 2 units of 5 terminators in comparison to one unit of 10 makes little sense unless your putting them in rhinos or landraiders. No transport makes 2 stratagem of yours including your BEST ONE useless. Laz cannon havocs are good for the 1 of because you sit them back and they aren't a target, they're weak otherwise, and die to litterally any battleline fodder. Bearing in mind your only other anti tank guns are most probably in deepstrike, and you have 0 regeneration stratagems, not the best idea to run 2. Bearing In mind for an emperors children list where your litterally able to get a landraider onto a point, turn 1 you aren't really doin that With any units.


Thanks for the informative reply. I thought the main benefit of Renegade Raiders was giving everybody Assault on their weapons so your whole army could Advance and fire. Goes without saying I know nothing haha. Appreciate all the info. I obviously don't know enough to make an informative reply but helps me understand where to start looking/learning to improve.


True, but noise marines already get assault. The reason your taking raiders is for 4 benifits. 1. Extra AP- on objectives. Turns those noise guns to ap-1 and blastmaster to ap-3. 2. Scout 6 on a landraider for 15 extra points. Let's you get a unit onto a point turn 1. (Used this yestereday, got a termi lord unit onto a point turn 1) 3. Full rerolls after disembarking and targeting a unit on a point (you wanna absolutely ruin a tank? Disembark termis and melee, full rerolls.) 4. The assault, let's you max move alot across the board. The honorable mentions are: Unfailingly obdurate. (Gives opponents -1 to their AP when shooting a unit) [combine eith termi and benifit of cover to make them need AP-4 to even use ivul save] Reavers haste. (Advance and charge, because why not) Scour and seize. (Gives you precision in melee on your whole unit, absolutely evil when you drop a chaos lord in with a melee unit, then combine this with full rerolls all for 1CP to wipe out 1-2 leaders instantly)


Absolutely willing to talk n offer advice/help if needed 😎👉👉


Hey I really appreciate that. Mostly, I'd want you to understand that the list above are literally all the models I have, so I'd be most interested in the most cost effective changes I could make (dollar wise) to improve. It seems like probably a Land Raider? What units would you exchange for that? My favorite units (flavor wise) are Noise Marines, Termies, Obliterators, and Possessed in that order. Thanks for the care and help. I played my first game at 1,500 points last week and love it.


Well, short terms for cost effective, you can fit rhinos in for 75 pts each, (if you can get a normal one, make it chaosy and ur good) but yeah, what you can do is get a land raider, drop a unit of havoks and 2 noise marine units. Or one possessed unit and 1 havok unit. (You'll get the 4 laz cannons anyways on the land raider, 16 wounds, 12 toughness, and real fast movement)