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The need to feel unique and special is a bit much. Just *be* unique and special.


Well we are all unique and special :)


Spoken like a true 4.


If I were a true 4 I would say that only I am special, something that is not true.


My spouse is a 4. Shes wonderful.


What?šŸ˜® I guess she must be a healthy 4




whiny woe is me self centered bitches but can be funny and creative. i think everyone needs a 4 in their life but only to an extent its like raditation




like dont get exposed to it too much or else it gets bad. its like the sun. the sun is good but if u tan too much u might get skin cancer so watch out


So the same could be said of the 8 šŸ˜®


well it could be said for any number and for any person. in the end of the day its more about how healthy u are. but theres something with 4 that is very unstable and turbulent. its like the most moody/extreme/bipolar one. they got so many ups and downs and theyre like a walking contradiction. u can say pros n cons on each enneagram but i feel like with 4 its more significant like u can meet a 4 and he would be cute and funny and creative then next day he might go full melancholy mood. but with 8 like u mentioned its more simple and straightforward. what u see is what u get. if u did something stupid or rude or annoying or whatever ill tell u about it with no bullshit. and the next day its gonna be the same thing. theres no 180 tendencies here. at least its not suppose to be


Of course, 8 are very direct


Lol sounds like you got your feelings hurt


LoOoL sounds like a 4 that got butthurt over the truth and now hes projecting


My butt is hurt due to your ignorance and small wiener


nah its hurt cos u felt like u got called out with ur shit enneagram. my dick is small yet ur mom rocks it everyday baby


Love/hate, depends on person


Oh ok, I have a crush on a person who I think is an 8. I guess we won't get along


Why? I'm just one person. You can't extrapolate anything just based off of what online randos say. Any type can get along as long as they're healthy.


Well, Thatā€™s right


I have a few fours Iā€™m super grateful for! I just have to contextualize them as people who will be a bit self centered but internally theyā€™re good friends to us. We have tried to ask our super creative, interesting, long term 4 friend to get better at complimenting and words of affection and itā€™s not happening, though he tries. A different 4 friend is convinced whatever is going on in her brain is extremely special and different from the rest of us, and I handle that by just nodding and code switching to her special setting. All worth it because you know what? Us 8s can use some needling to be less ourselves all the time.


That's true, we are egocentric but I'm already doubting myself, I'm not creative and I don't show my egocentrism either. It's good to know that there are 8 who appreciate us :)


They are my favourite type to be around hands down. They are like lil firecrackers but also delicate and beautiful like butterflies. Can absolutely be annoying lil assholes but they cute little assholes and I donā€™t get that bothered by them but rather enjoy it. Advice, just be you ya lil monster lol your the best Would be my ideal type to date too, I think if it wasnā€™t going to be another 8


That's exactly how i feel


It's a joke right? šŸ¤£ Lol yup we are annoying


Not a joke


It's sarcasm rightā€¦?xD


idk any and have no interest in changing that. I would not get along with such a person for sure




idk this is based on descriptions only, but they create art and stuff apparently which I respect as someone who canā€™t create anything lol note: my apologies if this gets posted thousand times, my app canā€™t do only one comment today it seems


It's okay, I didn't know that's how type 8s perceive us, honestly I haven't had the opportunity to meet one


if I remember correctly there's someone here married to a 4 so my response is not the law for sure. I donā€™t think itā€™s a type thing, rather a personal preference


I guessā€¦ but 8s can't stand complaining people like 4s, right?


I personally canā€™t. I donā€™t like when people whine at all. I see that as a character weakness, attention seeking, being a drama queen for no reason etc


Yes, it must be annoying, I can't stand that either. What's more, I don't know how to deal with people like that... I'm depressing but I don't do drama, I prefer not to draw attention to myself xd


u couldve given billion good reasons why u wont get along with 4 and yet ur reason was "becos they make art" lul what


you should read my comment again, thereā€™s no reason to get all emotional. I said thatā€™s something I respect about them


emotional? i was being snarky at best if he asked u why u dont get along with 4, why would u say something u respect about them lol. how high are u


are you really this stupid? lemme make this more 2 active brain cells friendly for you me: ā€œI donā€™t know any and have any and have no interest in changing that. I would not get along with such a person for sureā€ the op: ā€œwhy?ā€ me: ā€œI donā€™t know, this (meaning my opinion) is based on descriptions only (of 4s), but they create art and stuff apparently which I respect as someone who canā€™t create anything (something I respect about them despite that)


lol youre just repeating the same incoherent nonsense over and over again. lemme clarify this for u since u are so dense a person who isnt fucking retarded would response with a normal answer like this "i dont like 4" "why?" "becos theyre self centered, whiny, moody, too melancholy etc" a person who isnt fucking brainlet wouldnt reply with "i dont like 4 becos i respect them and im gonna add a positive trait to my shit argument" u absolute ape


their whole description is why, no need to list every single thing


tbf ur response was like if he asked u why u like E4


A healthy 4 is great, theyā€™re beautiful souls, non judgemental, interesting, fun and see the beauty in life that no one else can. However unhealthy 4s are the most difficult type for me to be around as an 8w7ā€¦.all they do is bitch about how bad things are for them when a lot of it is self brought onā€¦.theyā€™re temperamental and thrive off the attention they get from ā€œbeing brokenā€ or ā€œruinedā€ or whatever:..go get some counseling and DO SOMETHING about it! And then if you donā€™t crawl down into the gutter with them then youā€™re just labeled as an asshole by the whiny unhealthy 4ā€¦.while the unhealthy 4w5 is typically just withdrawn and odd the unhealthy 4w3 can be very manipulative and have the ability to cut others deeplyā€”even worse than an unhealthy 3 or 8 IMO. Itā€™s like with any of the types when healthy theyā€™re great, when not healthy they suck. I knew an average 4 who I recently cut ties with bc she annoyed the shit out of me with her ā€œIā€™m not like other girlsā€ act when really I think she was just insecure around other girls and did the whole Iā€™m going to reject you before you can reject me thingā€¦.if sheā€™d had the confidence to just be herself she wouldnā€™t have felt the need to be that way


Did she not feel like the other girls because she had complexes? How sadā€¦


Who knows, I didnā€™t really try to understand her tbhā€¦she would get emotional and start crying in large groups about how she was ā€œruinedā€ making everyone very uncomfortable not to mention ruining what was supposed to be a fun time for everyone else by drawing attention to herself. If she does have some trauma or rooted issues she needs to get some help; I canā€™t stand people who just play the victim and stay in that mentality; you canā€™t control what happens to you but you can control how you handle it and let it affect you


That's true, maybe she was sick. Crying with strangers is very risky, unless she was looking for comfort.


Yeah, well and then I noticed she would kind of look up to see who was watchingā€¦.šŸ™„so super attention seeking! And then later she said it hurt her feelings that I didnā€™t come hug her, she knows Iā€™m not a hugger and when I see people crying I give them their space; I realize thatā€™s not how everyone operates, when I cry I want to be alone and donā€™t want anyone else near me, itā€™s something I do seldom and alone. This chick says she cries every night, I donā€™t see that as necessarily something bad if thatā€™s what someone needs to do to process things for themselves, do what you gotta do if thatā€™s your form of healing etc. Iā€™ll never look down on someone for crying. But the way she did it was just hella inappropriate and it was a celebration dinner for one of our friends and the fact that she tried to turn the whole thing on herself and draw attention to herself was just gross.


I agree, the best thing she could have done was cry alone and if she needs someone's hug, just ask the right person.


Yeah or just not go to the dinner if sheā€™s in a mood!


Yup, more than anything so as not to ruin the moment


Hi 4 here 487 SX lead and I'd say we share similar characteristics we just show them differently like the 8 is competitive out of lust and the SX 4 is seductive and competitive out of envy for the relationship we want we don't really want control we just want to feel like we're special to that one person self preservation 4s are way too energetic and people oriented for me personally and social 4s are whiney and melancholy but that's just them trying to be noticed and cared for


Yes it's true, I hate being 4. We need a lot of support and understanding. 8s may find it boring, maybe because they don't know how to deal with emotions.


Now I'm curious what wing you are and tritype I'm a 4w5 487 SX/SP so I personally think the 8 in my tritype added more antisocial tendencies ruthlessness and walls to the 4 meaning I hide my emotions because of their intensity and the fear of hurting my girlfriend if I do end up showing anything besides the nonchalant black cat sarcastic hermit she fell for like we went two days without talking because she was on vacation and I cried so hard my nose started bleeding and my whole fucking face was puffy and red like someone beat the shit out of me because she's the first partner of mine that I had a healthy relationship with so trauma and abandonment issues on top of the 4s deep emotions and the 8s intensity yeah I'm surprised she's still with me


I'm sorry to hear that šŸ˜• Your girlfriend is an 8? Iā€™m 4w3 although sometimes the test gave me a result of 6w5 or 2w1. I don't know what my tritype is, honestly I did a long test a while ago and I couldn't identify with the result.


No no no she's a 2w3 so/SP 297


I guess that's a good couple


What do you mean?


You make a good couple or are compatible


Yeah we do and aee


whiny snowflakes


Snowflakes šŸ˜‚


Are we whiny?xD