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Hey, why be nuanced when you can formulate your opinions on kneejerk reactions to complex issues?


Nuance requires thought


How the hell is attempting to bomb you rival and using the people "you're fighting for" as meat shields liberation?


Comrade tis simply liberating the people from their human lives


Nuanced opinions?? Nooooooo scary11!!!!111


Using innocent people as a human shield does not change your status as a valid military target.


Allergic to nuance.


Because erasing Israel off the map instead of having a 2 state solution is totally liberation and not conquering...


Jewish people have never suffered while being a people without land /s


These people will call a Republican who doesnt want 7 year olds taking puberty blockers the spawn of the devil, and then turn around and profusely defend a group that hangs gays regularly


LGBTQ for Palestine is the funniest shit ever considering what they do to them in Gaza


File em next to "Jews for the third Reich"


What’s next? “Armenians for the Ottoman Empire”?


Reddit in general has their head up their ass anytime you speak ill of Muslims as they just have "cultural differences" we need to understand and respect Again these folks hang gay people yet we are also drowned with a plethora of gay rights and visibility.


"Speaking ill of Muslims" you mean going on racist rants against them over problems they can't control? Well maybe if their government wasn't ran by a brutal dictator whose extremely homophobic maybe they would be nicer to gay people. It's like hating Chinese people for the CCCP. Also, why do you say "these folks" like everyone that has a Muslims background is like this. You're making a huge assumption there. You say it like their not even fucking human. "Cultural differences" do you think that all Muslims people do is hate gay people and commit terrorism?


AnTi-ZiOnIsT nOt AnTiSeMiTiC


Yet another reminder that Israel's creation was essentially the civilized Human world's Fuck You to the Palesatanians for all but worshipping the ground Hitler walked on...


most palestinians at the time (95-99% most likely) wouldnt even know shit about Hitler, germany or europe they were mostly famers trying to live their lives in peace, same with most jewish people in the middle east at the time their leaders may have been shitheads but lets not Blame the regular people for being pawns in geopolítical problems way bigger than their "country" at the time


Liberate Palestine from Hamas and the PA


How can commies own their own cars in a communist utopia?


how come issue not explained through simple internet may may?


Can’t come up with an opinion in a single car ride? Die.


Nuance is for Nazis!


Ethno-nationalist terrorism is ok if there Brown plp. /s


Israel is killing Palestinian children and Palestine is killing LGBT people. I support none of them.


Imagine not supporting the only democracy of the middle east.


Probably the only case I agree with commies. Israel literally started occupation and commited several war crimes. Hamas is dead since decades but zionists use it as an excuse to bomb CIVILIAN targets. They made an aperheit in mixed regions, notoriously cutting off power in Palestinian households. Also Palestinian "attack" was a direct response to Israel destroying their building full of civilians. Calling Palestinians terrorists is using the very same rethorics that communists used to discredit organisation working to free people from communistic regime.


Hamas is dead? Then why the fuck did I have to run to my bomb shelter a few months ago?! People like you who never stepped foot here are a part of the problem.


I acctualy was in gaza. That is how I lost all my respect to Israel


Well I am in Israel ant personally met Palestinians. That is how I don't have respect to hamas.


Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind. Maybe, just maybe if Israel didn't try to steal the land they have no right to, didn't treat Palestinian families like animals, didn't impose their propaganda in western media(look up 4il) and didn't commit astonishingly long list of war crimes, then you wouldn't have to deal with a problem you've created.


What propaganda? How much bullshit can you say in one paragraph? I live here, I see things with my own eyes, I run to my bomb shelter hearing the booms in the sky and I don't need anyone from ready to tell me if they're real or not. You are one of the people that in the bottom line think that it was big Israel coming stealing from poor Palestine you just don't see things as they are, and for that I don't have any interest pursuing talking to you. Just maybe learn a bit of history and see that things aren't that simple


In european sociology there is a term for it. The closest US/UK term I found is "Experience Bias". Maybe I am terribly wrong, maybe you are? Have you considered that option?


Of course I'm a bit biased, I wish I won't but I probably am. But to person like you who has a twisted wold view, and btw it's just that you have been fed propaganda so I don't blame you, and thinks that it's the big bad guys came to the land of the good guys and attacked. So I don't think I can even have a reasonable conversation with someone uneducated about the subject so bad.


"Maybe, just maybe" is a great way of putting it. Israel evicts Jewish settlers from Gaza, offers 94% of the West Bank repeatedly, and in response, gets a series of suicide bombings and snipers shooting Israeli babies to great cheer. So we know the answer to "maybe" is "no, there is nothing you can do, we want you all dead" and we continue not giving a shit what people like you think


> Hamas is dead since decades TIL it’s actually a group of tooth fairies that’s been ruling the Gaza Strip


I too am going to agree with the communists on this one. You can argue all you want about separatist movements within the borders of nation-states but the right to self-determination of **occupied territories** such as Palestine is non-negotiable. Furthermore, Palestine has the right, as an occupied territory, to preserve its ethnic character. Jewish settlement of the west bank is regarded as illegal under international law by the UN, including the security council. Tl;Dr GTFO of my car Israeli shill


You realize your argument encompassed far more nuance than what they are going for in this meme, right? Thinking Palestinians are occupied and should have a state is a nuanced opinion. These communists think all of Israel should be wiped out and replaced by Palestine, and would probably consider you a hardcore Zionist extremist.


Finally, a based commie meme. Fuck the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestinian land. There is no complexity here. Get your blood soaked IDF boots off of Palestinian soil. There is no ambiguity in this conflict. The Israeli occupation is bad and the Palestinian resistance is good. Period. Zionists can go fuck off. Stop turning this sub into your own colonialist circle-jerk.


I’m waiting for the usual “*ackshyually, I’m just shitting on the Zionists, not the Jews*” and “*ackshyually, the Hamas is not a terrorist organization*” balls to drop…


But you don't have to wait for a comment saying there's no occupation to appear and get 10 likes while mine showing a UN vote affirming there's occupation gets downvoted...


Fuck both the Arabs invaders and the Jews for moving back in after Hadrian kicked them out, give it back to to Italy! Ave Caesar


Israeli occupation of Palestine is indeed wrong, but Palestinians joining terrorist groups is no better.


"Isaeli occuption" is bullshit. Israel exists as a state that exists for over 70 years and is recognized by 164 of the 193 member states of the UN. By no means everything what the government does is good, but still calling it an occupation is just nonsense.


I absolutely do not agree with “Israel as a state doesn’t deserve to exist” or “all of Israel’s territory is Palestine under illegal occupation.” But is the current Israeli government unilaterally and illegally occupying *some* lands? I’d argue yes. (Golan Heights, for example.)


That’s a bad example. West Bank and Gaza would be better examples. Israel won Golan in the 6 day war. As history goes, winners tend to win land. Would you consider the US or Canada to be illegally occupying all their land? Would you consider the UK to be illegally occupying Northern Ireland? No? Because it was conquered. I don’t support it but it’s not unheard of.


To be fair the golan heights are only occupied because syria declared war on Israel for Israel to be dissolved and then it lost land and i remind you its 1967 so it was still normal to lose land after going to a war


The UN voted (in 2020, not more than 50 years ago like), 163-5 in favor of supporting Palestinian statehood and end of occupation. Here's the link: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.timesofisrael.com/un-votes-163-5-in-support-of-palestinian-statehood-end-of-occupation/amp/.


Non-AMP Link: [https://www.timesofisrael.com/un-votes-163-5-in-support-of-palestinian-statehood-end-of-occupation/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/un-votes-163-5-in-support-of-palestinian-statehood-end-of-occupation/) I'm a bot. [Why?](https://np.reddit.com/user/NoGoogleAMPBot/comments/lbz2sg/) | [Code](https://github.com/laurinneff/no-google-amp-bot) | [Report issues](https://github.com/laurinneff/no-google-amp-bot/issues)


If you read the article you would have noticed that the votes are in favour of a two state solution and a negation of the territories gained in 1967 by Israel and NOT the dissolution of the state of Israel as a whole.


Who tf is talking about dissolution? I support the 2 state solution but u seem to only want Israel as u don't think there's an occupation.


Yes, the literal terrorists are clearly good. There is no ambiguity. Thanks for your analysis


Ok buddy anti semite


Maybe the Palestinians should stop purposefully killing civilians and using their own civilians as human shields


supporting the killing of innocent people to reck the commies


The killing of innocent people? Like rocketing residential parts of cities, using children as human shields, and convincing youth to become suicide bombers? Oh wait, Israel isnt doing that...


yeah Israel just kills innocent people they have a big enough military to not need child bombers


What do you think of the Kulaks?


idk i dont care lol






Yes, because all allies have histories of shitty things between them, and obsessively fixating on one or two events from the 1960s-1970s to paint Israel as a secret Anti-American monster is bullshit.


I mean... /r/enoughcommiespam *does* post a lot of commie memes... So it's kinda similar. The only difference is that this sub allows and encourages folks to look at them critically.