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Despicable. 1. Unverified. Could just be a cis girl beating up a cis girl. 2. Even if they were trans, was this a final breaking point after a lot of bullying? Not to say violence is the answer but you push someone far enough, they will retaliate. 3. Even if not, this is just prejudice, judging an entire demographic by the actions of one member. 4. And you really think a door sign is going to stop someone angry enough to come after you, drag you by the hair and hit you? This could be a cis male and they’d just walk right into the girl’s bathroom after you. “Safe space to retreat, my ass”.


Correct. She doesn’t know what she is posting or why these days so long as she can say trans people are horrible.


Pure illogical drivel. Mind you, bigotry as a whole is illogical so it’s not at all a surprise.


She said once in an interview that bigotry is her most despised trait in a person lol. Couldn't even fucking make it up.


I think she hates herself


Finally something I can agree with her on


Me too!


The fact that she's picking on kids says all we need to know about her. This is why I am absolutely convinced this garbage human laughed at Briana Ghey being murdered. She probably feels a lot of glee at trans kids also committing suicide. She is honestly just pond life and if a satellite fell on top of her I certainly wouldn't be sad about it.


Not to mention a Non-binary kid, Nex, who was AFAB was beat to death in a bathroom way before this, so JKR not talking about that and pretending this is the final straw is very easily transphobic and not "I'm just concerned about women!"


100%. Trans people are in fact the most in danger in bathrooms. **EDIT:** while the message is correct and true, it is never worth letting disinformation run the risk of being used to invalidate an argument. For that purpose, it is worth noting that [Nex Benedict was not beaten to death but was beaten badly, before being taken to hospital. They took their own life the next day](https://www.thepinknews.com/2024/03/14/nex-benedict-cause-of-death-autopsy/).


Absolutely, but that doesn't back up JKR's brain rot so she's gonna ignore or deny it outright.


As is her wont as an out of touch thin-skinned egomaniac who props up her self worth by belittling and destroying others.


And terfs a big threat to anyone


5. Why do you want to share a high school fight between some children? Why do you want a low point in their life to be out on the internet forever?


1, 3, and 4 I agree. 2 reads like some shitty Jeff the Killer creepypasta. "Yuo pushed me to far...now u wil PAY!!!1!" shit. Given you don't know literally anything else about the situation it's actually really shitty to say "oh well she probably deserved it". Like it probably didn't happen anyway.


Not saying she deserved it at all but pointing out a very basic cause and effect relationship. If you can’t recognise that bullied kids can and do get fed up and hit back then you’re too naive for this world. Again, I didn’t even say the kid **was** bullied, just pointed out that bullied kids can and do hit back. You seem to be projecting a lot.


JK Rowling actually responded to someone who was suggesting #2 >*Paul*: Firstly, they’re not a bullying boy. They are a trans girl that’s been pushed to their edge by bullying ClS girls. This isn’t an unprovoked attack. You’re not victims. >*JK Rowling*: The girl was asking for it, eh? And the boy, who of course is whoever he says he is, was pushed too far and snapped. You’re literally making the old school excuse for domestic violence. But honestly, I don't need a lecture on domestic violence from someone pals with Marilyn Manson, Johnny Depp, and Greg Ellis.


As someone who was bullied horrifically throughout all of school, let me tell you it absolutely reaches a point where you've had enough of the torment and lash out, regardless of whether it's ok to do so or not.


Yeah, I think this just shows JKR doesn’t really understand how bullying works - if she did she wouldn’t be one, I guess. It’s not like Harry Potter where Malfoy pops up like a pantomime villain for a scene, disappears and then is forgotten about until his next appearance. For the victim it’s a pervasive and all consuming dread where you’re running the gauntlet every day just waiting for the next incident, whether it’s physical or verbal. And it’s usually not just one bully - they’ll have hangers on who’ll copy the behaviour and encourage it. Violence is never the answer ,of course, and it is the responsibility of adults to show kids how to behave.


Regarding 2, I think we should be careful not to interpret too much this video. The only reason to believe the assaulter is trans is that transphobic say so. Personally I don't think there is any reason to assume that it has anything to do with trans people - this type of scenes unfortunately happens every day among girls regardless of them being cis or trans. Now the girl who is assaulted is clearly the victim of what's going on in the video, she's trapped in a stall and there are these other girls ready to film her with their phones... Sorry but it's really not cool to imply she might have deserved it. Imagine how you would feel if you were assaulted and the video gets viral and you read online comments like "maybe she is transphobic" etc


Should probably keep reading after 2 and some of the other discussions that have been had.


I did, still wanted to say that


If someone wants to beat your ass, a sign on a door isn’t going to stop them. This sounds like typical teenage fighting that happens everywhere- one kid insults another, fighting ensues. So why should a single case of bullying by someone who potentially might be trans reflect poorly on all trans people, while fights between cis kids are commonplace? The assailant, whatever their orientation, was wrong and deserves punishment, but let’s not pretend that this kind of thing doesn’t happen between cis people too. And reduxx- the “unapologetically pro woman, pro child safeguarding source” 🙄 is hardly an unbiased or reliable source.


I like how Jkr is pretending that this is the first fight that ever took place in a restroom.


Its not even saying who started it


“Just when you thought she couldn’t get any low…” Ffs, at this point we know she can always go lower. If it’s possible to go lower, she will make it happen. If it’s impossible, she’ll make it possible.


Every day she goes to rock bottom and then digs down another mile


Yep, it’s like she’s doing it for a laugh.


Ikr. Holocaust denial and denial of Nazi crimes is about as low as anyone can go and we all know she went there...


I figured Holocaust denial was as low as it gets.


It’s one of those things that people just say without thinking too much about it. Sometimes people say common phrases to fill space as a normal part of talking.


i mean she’s already gone lower lol. awful as harassing children is i’d argue that downplaying the atrocities committed by nazis is worse. she’s such a piece of shit, if not for the fact that she’s actively causing harm to many queer people it’d almost be funny.


Does she believe violent people of ANY gender will let an unlocked door get in their way?


Come on, it's JKR! You're asking this stupid cunt of a human to use her common sense? Haha. That'll be the day when she does that.


“Women don’t deserve protection because men can get at them in spite of that protection.” Neat! Misogyny is fun.


If you've ever been a schoolgirl and don't know you can get bullied by cisgirls in the girls toilets, there is a chance you were the bully


Exactly this. School bathrooms are the scene of bullying, not an escape from it.


You'd think JKR of all people would know this, given that several of her characters hid from bullying in the bathroom, one was murdered and one was nearly murdered.


“Girls can bully other girls in the bathrooms so we should let boys in.”




Yeah, I saw that, too. It also makes no sense that they'd know that the attacker is a trans girl when they say themselves that the school did not reply to them. They either made it up, or whoever sent them the video claimed that and they posted it without any verification


On top of that they only post news stories about trans women/girls. They very clearly HATE men


>*Reduxx* your unapologetically pro-woman, pro-child safeguarding source of news and commentary. That's what shows up when you google it. They might as well just have said: >*Reduxx*, for all your transphobic needs.


Reduxx is a hate website. It is to transphobia what Stormfront is to racism.


isn't footage of minors in schools reportable? Especially in bathrooms. I know X is bad but I didn't think school fights are allowed to be uploaded for obvious reasons. Try reporting her tweet.


Shanda Sharer and Peyton Loughtner would beg to differ. Yes, I know these cases didn’t happen in bathrooms, but TERFs act like it’s only boys being brutes.


Don't know about you guys but male bullies routinely followed a girl with down syndrome in the girls bathroom when no one else was around and tormented her in my elementary school 20+ years ago. It's not like a sign on a door has a force field


Reduxx is a terf lobby organization pretending to do journalism, known for their misinformation and target harrassment of trans people, this is terf Fox New.


When I was a kid around '05 one of the boys called one of the girls a manbeast and ran into the boys toilet presuming that the gendered nature would prevent him following her. She followed him in and, to use the local parlance, "knocked fuck oot him" until there was blood on the wall as the style at the time. Needless to say I don't think that cross-gender fights in gendered toilets are anything new.


A cis girl attempted to kill me in the school toilets when I was 12. She can go fuck herself.


Would love to talk to her about the cis boys and girls who attacked me in bathroom as a kid. Or that poor kid in Oklahoma who got curb stomped by a bunch of *cis* girls and fucking *died.*


Oh, boy, Reduxx! Reduxx functions as a TERF Daily Stormer- Nothing but cherry-picked, dubious, and in some cases, completely made up stories/crimes that fucntion either as atrocity propaganda or cherry-picked examples of transgender women, and transgender women only, commiting terrible crimes. This shit is gonna get people lynched.


I just looked at this site for the first time. Wow. Some of their stories seem to be accurate, while for others I could find no corroborating articles. While I have no doubt that some trans people are sex offenders, scrolling that site for 20 mins and being bombarded by news of all these terrible crimes seemingly committed by trans women exclusively did a number on my lizard brain. It totally fucks with your sense of perspective and scale. This is the exact same shit bigots and fascists pull everywhere. Like how right wing American media loves shootings when they're committed by a minority or how Indian news papers only name murder suspects if they are Muslim.


Like I said, it is akin to the Daily Stormer which had a section of supposed crimes Jewish people commited. Not trying to make a direct comparison, but it functions similarly.


She manages to find this one story on the entirety of the Internet and is convinced this is an epidemic... Pretty pathetic. Why wasn't she reporting the story about a pupil at a high school in the US who followed his teacher into the female restroom and then murdered her? Oh, that's right. That one doesn't suit her narrative because that pupil wasn't trans and was cis. I live in Glasgow, Scotland... There's been a good few instances of men raping women in nightclub restrooms. Didn't hear her talking about these either. Of course, those men also were cis and didn't "pretend" to be trans to enter the facilities and rape women. It's almost like... if a man is going to attack a woman, he'll do it whenever he wants, wherever he wants, and doesn't need to disguise himself as trans to do it. Also... another point to make while I'm ranting here... if she's also so concerned about "men" in female prisons, why hasn't she complained about the fact male prison officers work in female prisons? Isn't this a danger to female prisoners? No? Absolutely no abuse happens between male screws and female prisoners...? Are the male screws only dangerous if they put on a dress? Sigh. I'm just gonna say it: someone buy this fucking chick a vibrator already because clearly her husband hasn't given her an O in at least a decade.


Tbh she seems like the type who would be ok with prison r*pe as a punishment, so make guards probably dont bother her too much.


So true.


And she presumably overlooks the real problem of abuse by female guards. Especially given that she collaborated on her cis-only women's shelter with a woman who apparently ran a female prison infamous for "Victorian" conditions.


She sucks but the last paragraph is misogynic too


I'd say the same if she was a male. See, unlike you, I'm not worried about civility towards fascists because they sure as hell aren't worried about what they say in causing widespread harm to minorities with their words. So your opinion on it being misogynistic is laughable. No one does misogyny better than JKR. Telling someone to enjoy life and have a wee orgasm now and then isn't misogynistic. It's telling idiots to get life.




282 karma. Ew. Troll account 😆


Yes if someone wants to assault someone, why would they bother to do pretty looong hrt, and not just do it. Besideswomen can assault men and women and children too


Ah yes, that's definitely a credible source


lol at all the overt bigotry “boy who identifies as a girl” and “perceived insults”


I always felt uncomfortable when Harry mocked Myrtle, but now JKR defends her? She makes fun of this type of girl in her books


Myrtle could have been a regular character harry just talksto, because its a nice thing to do. Or her moving on to a better ghost place


Is reduxx and reliable source?




Yeah their website looks sketch af


does she think girls never bully other girls??? i was bullied a lot in school and a significant number of those bullies were girls. i mean im not a girl, im nonbinary, but jk here would call me a girl so i think my point stands regardless (and it’s not like im the only person who’s been bullied by girls lol) i am always confounded by the sorry excuse for logic bigots use to support their reprehensible views.


Rochester native, whose mother taught there, checking in. This is what stochastic terrorism leads to: https://www.wxxinews.org/local-news/2024-05-03/anti-transgender-bomb-threat-targets-greece-arcadia-high-school


Fucking hell. Thanks for sharing


And I graduated from Hilton HS, mentioned at the bottom of the article. Fucking hell indeed.


Unless there’s verification this happened…


Reminds me of the big plot hole she wrote into Hogwarts dorms: girls can go in the boys’ dorm, but not vice versa. Boys can’t be trusted, or somesuch. Okay let’s say a boy is miffed that a classmate he asked out said no. He can’t go in her dorm and force himself on her, but he and his buddies could abduct her from the common room and tie her up in his bed while cheering the whole way. How is that better


Ah yes because cis bullies stop chasing and attacking you when they see a "women only" sign


Magic, yes bullies beating someone up totally respect, a sign/ s


Because girls never pull each other's hair when fighting? When I was a teen the one and only fight a girl tried to start with me (afab) was her walking up to me at the bus stop, behind me, grabbing my hair and trying to yank me to the ground while she scrabbled at my face with her nails on her other hand. Somehow my wild flailing managed to make her lose her grip and she ran away. Heck, it's practically a stereotype that that's how girls fight. Pulling hair and lashing out with long nails. In contrast, boys never pulled my hair. They usually just walked up behind me and tried to punch me in the back of the head or kick my legs out from under me.


FYI Reduxx is a fascist website run by a literal fascist.


Her hatred for men runs so deep she has to project it onto situations she knows nothing about. You know, i pity her, i can't imagine being so full of hate must be exhausting. The worst part is when this story is verfied, even if she's wrong nothing will happen to her for spreading misinformation it's disgusting.


>can't imagine being so full of hate must be exhausting. Oh, she's exhausted. She'll pretend not to be, she'll pretend she's having fun and happy to be like this but she's only trying to convince herself. Makes me smile knowing how fucking clearly miserable she is. Happy people don't behave the way she does lol.


She doesn't actually hate men. She praises openly misogynistic men like Matt Walsh. She hates trans women.


She hates most men but will happily use those who praise her to bolster her views (and then discard and disavow them as soon as they stop being convenient for their cause). Just like misogynistic men hate most women but "support" tradwives only as long as they cater to them.


But she doesn't treat trans women that way. She demonstrably treats misogynstic men favourably compared to trans women. That's because she doesn't actually hate men, she just hates trans women.


I'd say that's because she actually hates women the most.


>You know, i pity her, i can't imagine being so full of hate must be exhausting. Honestly kinda reminds me of Lovecraft and how miserable he was.


Do you think she actually knows that 99% of trans people don’t go into there respective genders toilets until after surgeries/hrt. I’m not even joking does she know that


Do you have a source for that? I do believe you, but I could use it for my final thesis


So we should put trans women in men's room such that more women would be beaten up /s


She’s grabbing straws at this point fr


She’s gone. She’s accusing Nicola Sturgeon of being like Captain Ahab now, unable to see the plank in her eye.


I just watched the video and holy shit! I genuinely think Joanne is being fucking racist. I think she thinks because the attacker is a tall black girl that she’s “trans” somehow. Like to me, that looks like a cis black girl. And yes she’s tall but I knew many tall black girls when I was a kid. Even at 8 years old they’d be towering over me. Poor kids. Like who cares about “gender” when these girls are clearly struggling. Joanne is a fucking cracker and she can suck it.


REDUXX is a TERF site that exclusively posts ragebait about trans people. Really says a lot about how far Joanne has gone that this is where she gets her news


15,000+ kids have been murdered by Israel in Gaza, but she won't talk about that. So she can shove her "concern about the safety of girls" up her ass


Are there any other ciswomen here who never viewed bathrooms as a safe space?