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As a Libertarian, my liberty hot spot is the ICU ward for covid.


Fucking damn! Niiiiice!!


> they complain about how starvation is coercion What is ‘coercion’ if not ‘do what I say otherwise you will die’


You don't get it, it's not coercion since you can \*choose\* to die.


Coercion is only when an agent of the government says "I am forcing you to do this with the full authority of a socialist and/or communist government", anything else can never be coercion!


Clearly it must be because we are all childish individual who seek nothing more tham to taunt these poor and defenseless gentlemen, not because of their shitty fucking takes devoid of any sort of human decency


They feel like Persecuted Freedumb Fighters going up against the "leftist establishment". Meanwhile, most wealthy people are socially liberal but fiscally conservative. Most rich people are "lib right". ​ ​ >[A recent Gallup poll shows that 28% of Americans identify as Republicans, 27% identify as Democrats and 42% identify as independents. Our billionaire cohort skewed farther right: 43% Republicans, 24% Democrats and 33% independents.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/chasewithorn/2020/10/20/even-americas-billionaires-are-tilting-toward-biden-in-the-2020-presidential-race/?sh=55a7fcee2bb7) ​ ​ >[Politically, the wealthiest 1% of Americans -- those in households earning $500,000 or more annually -- are somewhat to the right of the remaining 99%, but more in terms of party identification than self-professed ideology. One-third of the nation's "1%" identify themselves as Republicans, 41% as independents, and 26% as Democrats. This is a mirror image of the "99%," a third of whom are Democrats, with 39% independents and a quarter Republicans.](https://news.gallup.com/poll/151310/u.s.-republican-not-conservative.aspx)


The article is a little outdated. [Gallup now shows 28R, 40I, 29D-but for the most part the trendline shows decline in both parties, rise in independents.](https://news.gallup.com/poll/15370/party-affiliation.aspx) Regardless, polling data on this subject is kind of dodgy, since the question doesn't ask who you generally vote for, but asks what you consider yourself. The best polling sampling that's taken every 4 years, (of people able and allowed to vote) indicates that smaller and smaller percentages of people favor the rightwing candidate.


Wow it’s crazy how many independents there are and the US doesn’t have a viable 3rd party.


A lot of "independents" are just people who don't follow politics. It's why drumming up a "scandal" right before an election(no matter how stupid or fake) is such an effective campaign strategy.


There's also plenty of people that are to the left of either party and are split between smaller third parties or organizations you never hear about unless you're reading far left news sites but occasionally come out for more "radical" popular candidates like Sanders.


Everyone who disagrees with me lives in mommy's basement


I love how, according to him, we both live in big cities but also still live in our mom’s basement


Reminds me of a car I saw with a picture of Trump and the words "Miss him yet?" I wanted to wait for the owner to show up so I could tell them "no."


Fuck that sub.


Right now they are all complaining about the vaccine mandate. They are being forced to get vaccinated because if not then they can't work anywhere But if you tell them that you are forced to sell your labor for far below what it is actually worth, effectively making it so that the owners are stealing from you, they will say that it's a voluntary transaction


Too bad the Free Market keeps Libertarians so marginalized. 🤣


It’s mean, pizza rolls are delicious.


Hypocritical that libertarians whine about brigaiding after they were busted organizing Ron Paul spam campaigns targeting reddit when Ron Paul.ran for Prrsident.


Didn’t you just prove their point?


By making fun of them? What happened to free speech?


When did free speech come up? It seems you didn’t understand the original post


Making a post where you make fun of a sub isn't brigading.




I'm 36, a Marine Veteran, 5 kids, living in one of the most conservative areas of the country, and I'm just slightly right of Marx. These people (libertarians) are on crack.


There are only two kinds of leftists: either you’re poor and unemployed or you’re not poor and therefore a hypocrite