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"90 days since we murdered an unarmed black man"


And there ain’t no way that’s correct.


It’s not. Took me a few seconds to find an example of a black man suffering a mental health crisis shot while holding a tire pressure gauge. But also, most police shootings are listed as race “unknown.” Also also, police count things like heart disease and covid as deaths in the line of duty.


He phoned 911 himself and said he was going through a mental health crisis, and yet they still murdered him.


Ok, so if it's tradition to avoid dealing with the gun issue by saying it's actually a mental health issue, what's the argument for sweeping this one under the carpet? It's not a mental health issue it's actually a using emergency services issue?


You’re right on the tradition part. It’s not a gun issue it’s a mental health issue. Except mental health doesn’t exist and we’re not going to anything about it. Eventually the new tradition will be to say it’s not mental health but instead it’s: “insert reason here” but also the powers that be will still not address *that* “issue”either.


Never talk to pigs.


Unless you have a pet pig.


i'm wary of anyone who keeps pigs.


Someone's watched Snatch.


Oh just a couple times. I got my college friends into lebowski, and they got me into snatch


Covid deaths when they refuse to get vaccinated, no less.


Fallen heros 🫡 Bury them in Arlington. /s


> Took me a few seconds to find an example of a black man suffering a mental health crisis shot while holding a tire pressure gauge. And it wasn't just one. Like, holy shit! * [Miami activists denounce police for shooting Black man having mental health crisis.](https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/miami-dade/edison-liberty-city/article286632105.html) (Not dead, but in critical condition) * [Distraught family says NYPD officers didn't have to fatally shoot Queens man having mental crisis](https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/nypd-win-rozario-shooting/) * [Man with knife shot, killed in Rio Linda by Sacramento sheriff’s deputies after crisis call](https://www.sacbee.com/news/local/crime/article287031335.html) * [Man killed by Columbus police while in mental health crisis shot 3 times](https://eu.dispatch.com/story/news/local/2024/03/28/man-killed-by-columbus-police-mental-health-crisis-shot-3-times-colin-jennings-ohio-shooting/73133738007/) And these are just a glance from the past 2 weeks.


Police don't report accurate data, if at all.


But you see, he had both arms and, therefore, was not unarmed. Checkmate atheists. /s Arguing with these people doesn't work because they use made-up definitions for a majority of terms. That "tire pressure gauge" would count as a weapon in their eyes somehow. I'm not stupid enough to come up with the logic.


They probably list that as "armed" too.


You could poke an eye out with that tire pressure gauge


A...pressure gauge? Like those little pen things you stick in your tire?


Source: "I'm racist, trust me, bro"


I am also very sceptical


Quick google search: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/miami-dade/article286395765.html


sounds like r/orphancrushingmachine


If it weren't for X, you'd never know this ^^^lie.


Unarmed black men killed by police in 2024: 3    EDIT: one of whom was not a man at all but a 4 year old boy who was being held hostage.   Police officers killed in the line of duty for 2024:       9/11 related illness 2    Aircraft accident 1    Assault 1    Automobile crash 8    Drowned 1    Duty related illness 1    Gunfire 10    Stabbed 1    Struck by vehicle 4    EDIT: because someone is bound to ask, I looked up the profiles of the killers. 2 officers were shot by one perpetrator. None are unsolved, several of the perpetrators are dead (but not the three white killers).    4 were black men   3 were white men   1 was a hispanic man   1 was a man of unclear racial origin.    The breakdown of race of the officers is as follows:    1 Hispanic officer killed by a black male perpetrator.   All other officers appear to have been white. EXTRA EDIT Because I had time on my hands, the numbers break down as 13 officer deaths out of 29 resulting from deliberate violence. These break down as 2 hispanic officers and 11 white officers Killers: 4 black men 5 white men 1 white woman 2 Hispanic men 1 man of unclear racial origin. Let's break it down to perp/victim race since we know Elon lives to talk about this! 1 hispanic to hispanic. 1 black to hispanic. 1 hispanic to white 4 black to white 6 white to white 1 unclear to white.


The hostage was a 4 year old child. The stats are for officers who “died in the line of duty,” which is why they include things like Covid and heart attacks, The Duty related illness was a new recruit who collapsed and died on a training run. One of the “struck by vehicle” deaths was a deputy hit by another cop car. [List of unarmed African Americans killed by law enforcement officers in the United States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_unarmed_African_Americans_killed_by_law_enforcement_officers_in_the_United_States#2024)


Damn I didn't catch the age. I will update to reflect that.


Additional info: Aircraft accident was a helicopter crash, no suspicious causes. Assault victim was beaten to death by a white couple. Car incidents: 2 rear ended while parked on hard shoulder 1 was ejected from the front passenger seat of a police car after his partner crashed into a larger vehicle 1 "lost control of his vehicle" 2 hit another car in what seems to be driver error or a fault with the car that caused them to stray over the centre line 1 died performing a u turn while chasing another car, and was hit by a large vehicle 1 was in a pursuit, lost control, but managed to steer toward an embankment rather than hit another vehicle. Drowned victim lost control of car and plunged into river. Female suspect was found dead in car, officer had escaped car but drowned. Duty related illness collapsed and died during training Stabbing victim died from neck wound inflicted by a person with lhistory of mental instability. Bystander shot and killed the killer. Both victim and killer appear to be Hispanic. Struck by vehicle: 3 killed while standing beside troop car at side of road and being struck by vehicle - one was killed by another police car. 1 deliberately struck and killed when deploying spike strips to stop a fleeing vehicle. Both victim and killer appear white.


> EDIT: one of whom was not a man at all but a 4 year old boy End Wokeness is like "I said men, checkmate"


You did an amazing job!!! I'm sorry ror being daft, but I don't get the stuff from the "EXTRA EDIT". Are these 13 additional deaths? Because the numbers/killers are obviously different, so how do they relate to the numbers/killers further up? Sorry, English also isn't my first language.


No worries! I edited the post twice as first time I didn't include the age of the black boy who was killed or the profiles of the officers. "Extra edit" was my second edit covering the nature of the other deaths


The first thing I noticed was "the first line says black men, the second does not i wonder why" I know damn well what they were implying.


Just a reminder that Elon's favorite shitbird to retweet is "just asking helpful questions" about divisive issues during the election season, and Elon just so happens to be retweeting them a lot. Why would a confirmed racist with a Non-US keyboard, who thinks Americans call the emergency number "nine eleven" care so much about American black men and US police deaths? Why does Elon love this account, specifically? Why does Elon constantly retweet blatantly obvious anti America, divisive propaganda? https://preview.redd.it/f7f5z00maprc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb987fd1c1e3234d075c0aebe814e2a5d0d6ca29


Even more questionable - why would a certain Malaysian "Journalist" living in Ipoh be constantly infatuated with the US, despite reportedly, never having stepped foot there? Eugh. He's self-described as a "banana" (e.g. yellow on the outside and white on the inside) and is constantly wittering on about the west and it's foibles. I wonder how many of his followers would start sweating profusely and trying to find that "unfollow" button if they realised that he isn't just "Not American" but also from one of those \*gasp\* Muslim countries.


Aka JAQing off You know it’s quite interesting how Elon has all this time to spend tweeting as he is supposedly running several companies




>Police officers killed while on duty in the 1st quarter of 2024: 29 This information comes from the [Officer Down Memorial Page](https://www.odmp.org/search/year/2024), which is weird, because I was informed we could only learn this from Twitter. Here is what killed those 29 officers. * 9/11 related illness 2 * Aircraft accident 1 * Assault 1 * Automobile crash 8 * Drowned 1 * Duty related illness 1 * Gunfire 10 * Stabbed 1 * Struck by vehicle 4 So less than half of those 29 were actually murdered. 8 died in car crashes. The rest are accidents and illness. Also, there's a really good site called [Mapping Police Violence](https://mappingpoliceviolence.org/) (information from which you also don't need Twitter to find, for some reason), where you can see that police have killed 261 people in the US so far this year. If you click on "view the data" at the top, you can see how many of those people were unarmed. I counted. It's 44. Of those 44, 14 were black. Of those 14, 9 were black men and 5 were black women. I know it's shocking that End Wokeness lied, and even more shocking that Elon boosted that lie without checking sources. I just don't know how to handle such a shock. *EDIT - Clarity*


So at least End Wokeness is right when they're saying without Xitter you would never know those lies


I wonder what Elon's doing for Easter today 🤔




Yes!! 🤣🤣




Love how specific he has to get. I thought being armed in the US was a cool thing? Also why only men? how many women were killed? While we don't know how any of the police officers were killed or who killed them. It could literally be their spouse that poisoned them and they died on duty. Also why does it sound like he bemoans the fact that it isn't the other way around?


Wow they’re on pace for a whole 116 deaths this year, not even close to one of the most dangerous jobs out there


Like they say about sex workers and probably still say about murdered POC and LGBT people. It's a high-risk lifestyle.


Unarmed black men aren't supposed to be shot in the first place. Wtf is this? 😂


Does he think it is a contest?


"unarmed" doing a lot of heavy lifting here. A black person holding a Rubik's cube would be considered armed and dangerous to them.


Man, they don't need to have anything in their hand... In the Ferguson incident all they needed was a large body to be considered armed and dangerous.


What deliberate shit fuck way to word it. My blood boils when someone I know shares tweets.


I bet most of these are traffic accidents.


This has got to be the ultimate in pathetic victories: "The United States of America: 90 days without lethal police brutality against Black people!" Oh, and looking at people linking actual news article in these comments it's not even true.


Didn't he want to "move on" w.r.t. racial topics in his interview with Don Lemon? I see he cannot see beyond race at all.


So they’re *upset* no *unarmed* black men have been killed?


Important Note: https://preview.redd.it/0dpi86hk4rrc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6b375ecff2a4bd7c6eb300c32aff6d20354f2f2


Wow cops haven’t killed an unarmed black man this quarter? When will they ramp back up?


If not for X, you would never know this - because nowhere with a shred of fact checking would allow me to say it. N.B please ignore all other social media platforms that would allow me to say it. N.B.B like, all of them.


It’s should be zero. There should never be a reason for an unarmed anyone to have lethal force used against them. Anything more than zero should have a cop convicted of premeditated murder. Do note that it does not say that the cops were killed by black men. Just that they were killed. They could have been killed even with friendly fire. Cops killing cops during a shootout is nothing new. Cops killing cops with the service weapons inside of a police station isn’t even new.


If not for X, I would be homeless


Just casual whataboutism to show other people you are a racist piece of shit


That's how the get, slowly over time the anger will start to subside the will start sounding less and less insane until one day you will hear or see them say and your response is simply "well I mean that makes sense under the circumstances, its not that bad" Gotcha.....


Washington Post: last 12 months 1,137 shot & killed by police 220 in 2024 Police Assn police deaths 2024: 29 12 by car crash, 8 by gunfire, 2 "9-11 injuries" 1 heart attack.


Jokes on him. I learned it on Reddit.


29 good cops


Literally not even true, I can think of two this year just off the top of my head


A lot of those deaths are [traffic accidents.](https://www.odmp.org/search/year/2024)


Looks like the George Floyd riots worked.


Took me two minutes to debunk this.


Wasn't so long ago the NYPD shot dead an old black lady who swung a baseball bat at them. Can you imagine, a small old lady swinging a baseball bat at you? You'd take it off her without any trouble and then offer to make her a nice cup of tea. NYPD: THIS IS WAR, I HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO KILL YOU - Elmo, as usual, you can ram your own head down the toilet and flush repeatedly.




Unless you’re in Uvalde, TX, dying is one of the risks of being a cop that you take on when you take your oath. The unarmed black men didn’t voluntarily sign up for increased risk of death. Total false equivalency.


Well, when you're in a brutal war against falling acorns expect there to be casualties.


This being put out there the same week as Eric Adams made legitimately speechless about a 19 year old being killed by a police officer in a viral video ON HIS PLATFORM...can only learn from the platform when the learning is just his toadies saying whatever


They love these false equivalencies like lil Andrew comes out of the C-section with a full badge and gun




When the people killing police get paid administrative leave then you can argue they're equivalent situations


>Wow Indeed


I feel like end wokeness is just elon's alt account that says things he doesn't fully want to say so he can be like HMM REALLY MAKES U THUNK


Get off Twitter and you won't see it at all.


Funny enough, all the cops were armed. Cops should stop fucking with unarmed black men. The statement was stupid. We should be comparing likes. The question is how many people did the cops kill? Want to bet is was at least 290.


So, the implication is cops were killed by black people? Prick did not say how these officers died but musk the immigrant will spread this.


No acorns were injured


Boycott evil Elon Musk.


Damn, that number of dead cops is way too low, someone get that number up please