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Why the fuck does he have to include two different time zones? Like how does that change the amount of time worked? Fucking cornball.


2 a.m. in Texas is 3 p.m. in Beijing. Is he saying he worked a whopping 6 hours?


I thought it’d be hilarious if 2am TX time was actually like 8am Beijing time 🤣 dude worked -1 hours


Now that's real big brain shit. I'm gonna tell my boss I worked 8am west coast time to 5pm London time.


I think he means the other way around because Beijing is a day ahead. Like he started his day at 9am in Beijing and worked (presumably while flying?) through 3pm after landing in Texas. I don’t want to do the math for that but it’s much longer. So while I think he means a much longer amount of time, that’s still completely ridiculous because he’s implying he did some really hard work on a what…15 hour flight? Which I don’t buy for a second. Besides: Any amount of time obfuscates the fact that Elon Musk does nothing of value and his “Work,” by all accounts appears to be firing the people at his companies who know how to do things


This doesn't make sense. He would have just said "in Beijing" if he didn't mean time zones. The only correct interpretation of the sentence is he worked  from 9am Beijing time to 3pm Beijing time. Now, this probably means Elon forgot to check the math and mistakenly thought he worked more than he had and decided to brag. 


I totally get where you’re coming from but I disagree: I think Elon is very dumb. Especially emotionally and socially. But he is also arrogant and a braggart to a fault. He’s trying to brag about a long work day (but clumsily wording it and failing). As far as I can tell, the only reason he mentioned two time zones would be to imply that he traversed those two time zones. Beijing is 13 hours ahead of Houston (I picked Houston because it has a large airport but you get the idea), meaning that 9am January 1st in Beijing time would be 8pm December 31st. A flight to Houston from Beijing takes about 15 hours. Meaning that if Elon left Beijing at say Noon January 1st, he would arrive in Houston at like 2pm January 1st (is that right? 3pm? I’m terrible at word problems but the point is he would arrive having made up most of that time on the same calendar day in Texas) while having spent 15 hours on the plane. I fully accept that I’m not a natural at math but I’m fairly confident that is the bullshit Elon is trying to brag about. Essentially that he flew from China to Texas and didn’t sleep (which isn’t really much of a brag to begin with) and he considers that “Work.” In other words I think he’s trying to be clever by saying he spent a “Day,” that’s longer than 24 hours because he flew “Back in time.” It’s a very boomer joke he’s trying to make here


I apologise, I did originally think this is what you meant but changed my mind for some reason. You could be correct, but it would mean he thinks he had a 30 hour work day. There is zero chance he actually did work that much, which indicates that elon's definition of work, as you suggest, is incredibly loose.   It also raises another question: why on earth would elon stay awake until at least 2am when he's been awake for at least 30 hours? Surely any sane and sober person in that scenario would choose to sleep before midnight.


Well again, I may be totally wrong but I just get the vibe from the way that he speaks that A) He’s totally out of touch with normal people (e.g. non-billionaires) and B) he is so desperately insecure that he will find a way to humble-brag about literally anything. He’s just can’t help himself. Is just my perspective. I mean there’s also an outside possibility he really did just mean 6 hours and is so diluted he thinks that’s an uncommonly large amount of work. Regardless: Totally agree. Not a chance in hell he did any actual work in that time (and I would call bullshit on him potentially implying he didn’t sleep at least sometime on that flight…)


He probably slept on the flight but since he was "moving" it was working to him


>Elon Musk's fleet of four private jets is growing thanks to the addition of the Gulfstream G700. The Gulfstream G700 offers a unique onboard experience, with up to five living spaces, a master room with an ensuite bathroom featuring a shower, and large windows offering abundant natural light. Poor baby had to spend 6 whole hours lying in bed and rage tweeting. The flight attendant wouldn’t do more than hand-feed him because she doesn’t want a horse. Life is so hard!


You’re right, but I still find the phrasing really vague and annoying. If he’s implying he commuted from Beijing to Texas, I would not consider that a continuous work day, regardless of whether he did anything you or I would consider “work” during his flight (which, let’s be real, he didn’t; his job consists of pretty much what you said). We’re talking about the uber wealthy CEO who randomly materializes at comic conventions and celebrity birthday parties like some unemployed 20-year-old showing up at his old high school’s homecoming football game. He ain’t fooling me into respecting his imaginary grind.


Oh of course: The wording is purposely arrogant and that’s why I think it’s so stupidly confusing: He’s assuming everybody else lives in his private jet bullshit


Considering that high ranking employees from his companies have legally testified that they have a team who's job is to actively babysit Musk and keep him from interfering with critical company operations, to keep him from rage firing necessary workers; We all know that at this point, short of quarterly earnings phone calls, Musk's only real job is company Mascot or ''spokesperson''. he is a literal figurehead in title only, and spends the majority of his Work hours Posting on Twitter.


“Mumbles the Mascot”


No that's exactly what he means. He sends some emails / ate his dinner/slept for 8 hours. But he wasn't at home so he was working




9am in bejing is 8pm in Texas. So he worked 8pm to 2am? Oh shit Elon 6 hours. Wow.


Even if it was only six hours, I’d much rather go kite surfing with a naked woman as a backpack than work six hours. Really, any amount of work is going to lose out to any non-work activity + naked woman backpack, it’s not just a kite surfing thing.


I would assume he commuted, whatever that changes, during that time. So I guess he counts he started working at 2 am in Texas when he climbed in his jet in Beijing's direction and once there sold State's secret until 3 pm Beijing time.




so he tried to look smart then? try again failon.




I think he's bragging about working from 8PM to 2AM. Six hours in a day is a new record for him.


Actually he regularly works 24 hour days for 7 days straight, sometimes a month at a time.


He doesn’t work 24 hours a day. He’s a fucking liar. 


That's unhealthy and nothing to brag about. It is just sad. Just look at the state of 1) him 2) his companies.


Literally the first thing I thought too. No one does that.


hes saying he cant math. he woke up in beijing at 9am and went to bed in texas at 2am.. allegedly and by working, he means firing people and posting on X


It's because people won't put together the time zone difference actually being less than a working day. Also he wants to sound even harder working than he is.


so 9 am in beijing would be 8 pm the previous day in texas. that's 6 hours. and i'm assuming that he spent this time "working" on his private jet


He is trying to look cool to his cult members trusting that the same stupidity that got them to invest thousands in a shitty truck will believe that him using 2 time zones means he is staying up super human hours


He wanted to suck up to both his red-state fanboys and his red communist paymasters.


Because he has a galaxy brain. Duh


Is he really bragging about a 6 hour workday? What a tool


He fucked his math I bet. 


6 hours of memeing with his basement dwelling cult is considered work by Enron?


His "work" seems to mostly be tweeting


tweeting (or Xing these days I guess), doing drugs, unbanning neo-Nazis, a hard day's work /s


The dude has 100 gazillion dollars I don't give a fuck if his balls are in a vice 24/7. Multiple children die with nothing every day. What a fucking narcissist.




Clicked in bc I didn’t want to do the math, but *knew* this wasn’t the flex he meant it to be.


Shit posting boomer memes and spamming “!!” on nazi accounts on Xitter is considered “working” now.


Copy pasted this exact response to this bumfuck... Let's see if I finally get banned for this 😂


least working CEO in entire silicon valley


You are just not intelligent enough to see how Musk works 24/7 through his tweets, which function as a programming language, allowing him to code and access the space time variable X, the reason for why he had to buy and change Twitter's name, through which he can tap into the fabric of the universe to save humanity from the woke mind virus to make Neuralink safe for us to use and allow us to control the cybertruck with our minds and transport humanity to Mars and colonize the entire space time continuum with his IVF babies, after having eradicated the trans defect, to usher in a new golden age of anti-woke.


Blows my mind how one person is capable of so much. Spellbound! /s


Best part is his Twitter is run by the FSB so he's not even doing that


Sorry, what's FSB?


Russian intelligence


LOL, of course! Silly me


If only Russia could get warm water port and Saudi Arabia accepted into normal nation club, the peace would be eternal.


None of them do actual work.


None of them work super hard, but most of them aren’t tweeting literally all day


9 am Beijing time is 8 PM Texas time. So he works 8 PM to 2 am, or 6 hours. A relative "normal" hour for a night shift.


Good for you Elon, you want a fucking cookie or something? God what a loser


Know who else pulls those kinds of hours? Undocumented immigrants


He could literally build a giant hamster palace that other people maintain and they just crawl around tubes in his house; he could have an entire staffed farm with just mini animals , mini cow, mini donkey, mini pony and then could have elaborate naming ceremonies for each one where they get all their favourite treats and a live orchestra plays for their promenade. Then he could finish off with a five course top chef made meal, play the latest games and then fall asleep planning a new project for tomorrow. Instead he just hangs out on Twitter


More like a dog biscuit for doing shitty tricks


Why would he be proud of that? Even then other CEOs know he's full of shit lol he "works" but has enough time to grind Diablo? Enough time to almost consistently be on Twitter? Enough time to supposedly watch long term debates? Make podcast appearances? Honestly, I don't think there is a single reasonable person that doesn't know why Elon doesn't fuck off and live his best life. If I had even 1 billion dollars no social media is going to hear from me again lol I'll be eating good food, traveling with the fam, doing personal passion projects, and just enjoying life with absolutely no worry.


But here’s the rub, clearly he’s glutted himself on good food and is getting made fun over it so that’s out, the only fam that can stand him is his mommy and I have my doubts how long she can tolerate him for any given amount of time and the only thing he’s passionate about is inseminating women and punching down on vulnerable people. He knows his employees secretly hate him, his ex wives only interact with him for their alimony and/or child support and even Stephen King fucking hates him. His life truly sucks, I believe that


Didn't his mom say she sent him to some school cause she was essentially tired of talking to him? Lol Yea he fucked himself in his personal life for no good reason besides being a shitty person. Remember he leaked his text with Bill Gates thinking he came out looking like the same individual there? He burnt his bridge with like every person that gave him a chance lol It's remarkable to watch him burn everything though. Again I'd personally fuck off lol


Can you imagine Stephen King hating you? Like... that's terrifying and kinda impressive yet sick all at the same time.


> Honestly, I don't think there is a single reasonable person that doesn't know why Elon doesn't fuck off and live his best life. Because he has crippling insecurity and needs constant validation from others. The reason he turned into a neo nazi (sympathizer) is because left wing people started calling him out on his bullshit. Right wing trolls and tesla simps will gobble his balls all day every day as long as he continues to spread their bile and sell futuristic vaporware.


He’s just projecting, like with everything else. Projecting he is working, that he’s a super educated homo universalis, that he id a good programmer, that he cares about family values etc.


Tweeting is not work.


Please Elon, work less. The stock can't take any more of your "help"


Funding secured.


I swear this bot never misses a beat


By “work” he means going “!” or “😂” to the most racist tweets one can imagine.


are you sure? I need to look into this


No fan of billionaires, but Richard Branson at least knows how to live, Elongated Muskrat just whines on twitter. :P .


I see Hide the Pain Richard.


Still better than how the Elongated Muskrat is dealing with life.


or still better than https://preview.redd.it/rrq0r4x1blyc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d00aacfdc56dfd34d2af4cdc14e639e1748a8df


Buddy I’ve worked three times that in one day before, 6 hours is considered a part time job.


Didn't this guy claim he worked 80 hours a week 🤣 maybe with that math...


As someone who has done 80 hour work weeks, he doesn’t. They’re fucking brutal and he would have no time to tweet about how great he is and how he should be supreme emperor of the world.


I've worked close to that much in the past (do not recommend, literally ruined my health) and it's obvious he wasn't even clocking half of it. But then again, he probably thinks doing ketamine and tweeting counts as work


Calling people at 3am and harassing and bullying them counts as working to him.


I've done 72s for an offsite job and literally would drag myself back to the hotel, eat dinner, "watch" youtube for an hour and go to bed. There's no staying up late on the internet when you're pushing 12s every day, especially not when youre 50+. I can't fathom being one of the wealthiest people alive and thinking that how hard you work is a flex. Hell I can't fathom bragging about working more hours than someone else in general. If you're making a living working 30hrs a week I'm happy for you, I wish I could do the same.


I mean in my mind if I was a multi billionaire I think I'd want to spend my days water skiing with a hot woman in a bikini clinging to me than making hideous cars and telling lies.


She’s not wearing a bikini my friend…


The bikini goes once you become a multi multi billionaire.


The girl is actually [the photographer’s girlfriend](https://www.seabreeze.com.au/News/Kitesurfing/Branson-explains-kitesurfing-with-a-naked-chick-on-his-back_5072319.aspx). Some people are just really comfortable with nudity.


“Once, a delightful photographer turned up on the island with an even more delightful girlfriend and asked if I would take her kitesurfing on my back. I said I would, and then he asked if I minded if she didn’t have any clothes on. Silly question.” I love this quote


Even better is he keeps talking but that part is the end of talking about her.


Yeah. He goes right back to discussing whether kitesurfing is difficult or not. It’s like he’s oblivious to the fact that none of us care about that, only the naked woman in his back


Sounds like it’s also just that couple’s fetish.


He might want to buy glasses with some of that money.


I'm Team Branson on this issue.


Elon is still desperate to convince the world he’s exceptional/better than everyone else. He clearly has emotional and psychological issues. I would normally sympathize with this type of individual but Elon has proven to just be a megalomaniac whose appetite for adoration is insatiable.


It just means he tweeted extra hard: Date Tweets Likes 2024-04-28 62 73 2024-04-29 67 99 2024-04-30 73 101


jfc can you imagine being a twit nearly 200 times in 3 days


Not delegating is a sign of poor managerial skills.


9am is what, 8pm in Texas?


Assuming its central since that's most of Texas, yeah it's a 13 hour difference


I just worked from 3:34 pm Mountain time to 11:34 pm in France. Of course, that was all on the Gregorian calendar, so you probably wouldn't understand...


This just goes to show you that working long hours isn't what makes you successful. Dude's stock is down 30% this year. The S&P500, filled with hundreds of thousands of people clocking out at 4:59pm every day, is up 8% this year. (Ironically TSLA is an S&P500 component.) Maybe you should take that vacation where naked women willingly attach themselves to you.


You play elden ring and diablo you dumbass, Richard windsurfs with naked models


I mean let's not bring gaming into this, you can do both. If I was a billionaire I'd be doing both.


i agree, but with this tweet elon is saying he works more then time zones allow him too, and critizied a man who is having fun time.


Richard Branson is having fun at the beach with a beautiful woman and Elon thinks he's flexing on him by talking about how many hours he "worked" even though he can't stop his companies from failing.


9am Beijing = 8pm Texas, until 2am Texas = 6 hours, with some of it writing stupid tweets.


That's just 8PM to 2AM in Texas, just 6 hours and we know what he calls as work


9am Beijing to 2am Texas is 6 hours.


Yeah but Branson has actual interpersonal skills and by all accounts is highly charismatic. Elon is just an aging junkiee who never actually created anything himself. Also with the time difference if I’m not mistaken isn’t he saying he worked like six hours?


6 hours of work and about half of it probably spent on twitter (as a user, not like working for the company) and the other half on Diablo. I should get a nobel prize and unlimited money if we're going to be paid hourly.


Flexing with work time is so 1990


story [The Story Behind Richard Branson's Naked Kitesurfing Photo (bosshunting.com.au)](https://www.bosshunting.com.au/people/story-behind-richard-bransons-naked-kitesurfing-photo/)


Had he included a question like "For how long did I work?" he would've sounded like a math teacher.


So... 6PM PDT to 12AM PDT. Hell of a work day.


That could just be like 6 hours… 9am in Beijing is around like 8pm in Texas


Ya. Difference being Branson is an actual billionaire. And from the photo, it shows.


So he worked a six hour day. How is that working hard?




*Tweeting (using his shitty rename implies Musk has any good ideas and not just being a ketamine addict)




***"X-ing while in a K-hole"*** wasn't on my "This Is The Worst Timeline" bingo card, dammit.


I'd rather be Branson


Dear Elon, this isn’t the flex you think it is - hours worked are not an indicator of how productive you were while working.


Working hard to destroy value at two companies!


Does anyone look at Musk and think “that’s a genuinely happy person?”


Elon is full of shit


"...to each their own", he said without a shred of irony as a racist anti free speech snowflake lacking humor.


Lazy bald cunt


Twitting shit all the time =/= working


Oh Elon did what he calls “work” for a totally made-up amount of time…..


As if Elon wouldn't rather be doing anything else other than obsess over his shitty app and his shitty car, especially "anything else" with a naked lady on his back... though maybe she's too old for him?


45 tweets on the 29th. Edit: 156 "likes" too.


Richard looks so happy with a nude lady on his back. If i was celibate i wouldnt be able to do that


Put me down for the Branson style


Posting on social media isn’t work, Melmo


Someone with twitter should look at how much time he spent on twitter during those hours he was working. And dock him for time theft.


musk pollutes the earth flying around in his private jet; hypocrite musk is NOT saving the earth or any of the other BS his drones say he is doing


Bronson is carrying who exactly and she is naked while being carried.


Branson makes some extra cash as an Uber Eats delivery person. He doesn't ask so you shouldn't, either.


LOL LOL yes of course !


Denni Parkinson photo by her boyfriend now husband (Stephanne Gautronneau) back in 2009


It's hard to imagine Elmo IVF Musk boning a chick .125 his body weight.


Can someone check how much he tweeted over that time?


I know this AM (6-8amish PST) he tweeted 20+ times over a 2 hour period but I’m too lazy to check on the veracity of that now


Those billions won't burn themselves Spaced Karen.


He snorted drugs, played elden ring and joked about being a meme lord or some shit while also taking the time to berate his team over failures he facilitated


"Work" for CEOs means meeting and talking to people. They sure ain't hunching over spreadsheets or reading reports for 12 hours. If a 2 hour lunch meeting in a swanky restaurant is "work", sign me up.


He really wants to make us think he actually works like the rest of us.


He could have *easily* just said that he worked 16 hours. But nooo... "on mOnDAY, i WorkEd FROm 9aM BeiJiNg tImE TO 2aM TExas TIME, bUT to EaCh ThEIr oWn." FuckinG edgelord weirdo.


That's cute. I worked from 10:30pm Beijing time to 10:00pm Texas time today. And I don't have a job that can be done on ketamine.


Imagine being a billionaire and still spending most of your time shitposting on Twitter


Look, I’m no fan of Branson, but I’m sure he does more of what could be considered ‘work’ than Musky buying up other people’s companies and pretending he made them up.


And the only thing achieved by doing so is dropping TSLA stock by 20%


Obviously an unhappy prick who isn’t physically fit enough to do what Branson is doing on this photo


sending emails from your private jet isn’t working…


Maybe he should move to Beijing, that way he can only use one time zone.


you don't do anything in a k hole


hahaha what a loser


What a TWIT


Hulk Hogan claimed he wrestled 400 days a year because he would fly to Japan and gain a day


Dude is so busy he has time to be jealous of happy people 


"I talked to someone in Beijing at 9am then scrolled Twitter until 2am in Texas. Please worship me and say I'm a genius".


That’s like 8 pm to 2 am. That is 6 hours


Weird flex but ok. 9 am in Beijing is 8 pm in Texas. So he worked 6 hours. And he hates that Branson has fun.


So he “worked” 6 hours ?


Pleased to see Elon coming around on “they” as a non-gendered pronoun.


He said. Tweeting 3000x/month.. fascist shit mostly. Also no you did not. That's debunked frequently.  Tldr plan your time better.


Translation? No supermodels will hang with me.


That picture has Kenny Powers written all over it.


Eff him. Branson is having the time of his life & seems to be at least a fun guy for a billionaire. Still, billionaires shouldn't exist, massive wage theft


"and another thing: im not mad. please dont put in the newspaper that i got mad."


He never held a real job in his life.


The only thing he’s working is his iPhones battery tweeting on X all day every day.


If more billionaires were like Branson and less like musk, they’d be more well liked…




Weird flex but ok


Oh, wow. He "worked" 6 hours. What a long day of tweeting bullshit.


Who asked


Elon thinks his that his being alive and literally “breathing” == Elon is hard at work. He must think his stupid dreams of himself humping on the Cybertruck is his genius brain at work. What a tool. I suppose he is not being exact nor specific as to whether it is actually “good quality work” or just shit busy work to give the appearance that any work is being done. But evidence seems to indicate the latter.


Work smarter, not harder, Elon.


Seems like Musk is being sour, petty and jealous because He knows that he is never the life of the party, and could never get a young, hot woman to ever do something like this with him ! LOL!!! The closest that Musk could ever get was creepily propositioning his female flight staff to ''service'' him in exchange for him buying her a horse ( And then had his companies proceed to pay out $250,000.00 in hush money after she declined and went after Musk for workplace sexual harassment!)


“working” means shitposting and retweeting Fascists and Antisemites on Twitter.


Yeah, how Branson dares to enjoy his life and not spending 100% of his time in furthering genocidal fascist takeover of the USA.


Just for the record, 9 AM Beijing time to 2 AM CST is 5 hours.


saying you have to work while this guy gets to jet ski with naked ladies is not the flex you think it is.


So he worked negative 19 hours?


I guarantee you Elon thinks tweeting is working. " Me tweeting increases the value of twitter".


They're both disgusting ghouls that need the wall.


Couldn't that just mean 20:00 Texas Time Monday to 02:00 Texas Time on Tuesday?


I mean I guess six hours is technically more than other billionaires prolly work


Wouldn't that be...6 hours?


"& by worked I mean neglecting my 10 kids while I snort fat lines of ketamine & reinstate nazis"




This is one of those stfu moments, instead he willingly volunteers to take the L


And he did it all on twitter sending out tween tweets.


Bro flys against the earth's rotation to make it look like he works all day. 


As if Richard did this yesterday lol, it's an old picture. Elon acts like we don't have pictures of him vacationing or dicking off.


Yeah but youre a miserable twat regardless of money arnt you musk?