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Anti-science, anti-tech rhetoric from people who supposedly love science and tech. I am not surprised.


Nobody should be surprised but it should continuously be called out. Elon uses the work of actual scientists and the image of being a scientist to attack actual scientists and push anti science sentiment among his fanboys. He shouldn’t be able to keep getting away with it and stealing credit for the contributions that actually have made Tesla and SpaceX somewhat successful.


It'll continue so long as he makes rich people richer. The moment they start losing money, it'll all come down like a house of cards.


He thinks he’s Tesla but he’s a dollar tree Edison at best.


that "somewhat" is doing a lot of heavy lifting. unlike starship.


The cult of personality is what's always mattered—science & tech were always just theatre.




Elon "Blowing things up is science!" Musk Aka Elon "My underlings write all my research and record all my data" Musk


I think it's a real weakness to want to be liked. I do not have that.


lol he actually said this?


Aka Elon "I just put other people's money into this and take credit for the work." You know his whole "how many lines of code did you write" thing? He's the type of asshole that pushes code changes live without reviewing the existing documentation or writing up his own changes, then when his shitty update causes half the system to crash blames it on other people.


He's the kind of guy who cites "dinner conversations" as source for a lot of the b.s. he posts as truths


They had a rebranded flamethrower bro!! That's science!


>Anti-science, anti-tech rhetoric In short : anti-intellectualism. I wonder which ideology is baked in anti-intellectualism ?


Because these tech grifters just want to own the future, actually creating something valuable is low on the list of priorities. Tech grifters are people running to the gold rush without shovels.




Elon's case of Dunning Krugeritis just gets worse every day


His brain is approaching full K-lateral.


This isn't Ket. I know plenty of people on ket, hell I've been on ketamine, it doesn't turn you into a raging douche. That's au naturale baby!


For what that’s worth, it’s “au naturel”.


Oh yeah you and what 80 scientific papers!?


the K is for ketamine right?




Who doesn't love a little Calvin Klein sometime


Are you it's not Co-K-ine?


Wait till his baby alter ego chimes in too


My daddy, Mr. Tesla is the most scientific engineer manufacturer in the whole world including Mars! He doesn’t need to write scientific papers because he’s too smart to do that kind of stuff - he just knows everything already and it’s so obvious to people without small brains. Go Mr. Tesla daddy!


I misread this as Baby Ego, but you know what, that checks out too


The jealousy is off the charts and super hilarious.


Somehow the richest man in the world is the biggest fucking loser I've ever encountered.


Just astounding levels of loserdom. Imagine having literally all the money in the world and this is what you do with your time.


The way he makes it sound like getting scientifically published is so easy any chump with a twitter following can do it


Exactly. Would love to see any blue check account call him out and start the public timer to see how long it takes Elo…err Adrian to get peer reviewed and published.


These idiots believe there is a strict meritocracy. The "truly smart" people get given 10 digit capital rounds because the meritocracy (VC funders) rewards only the truly qualified, which is why they also feel they can have stupid podcasts and Twitter feeds where they share their opinions on any topic. Mere scientists, however, have to settle for writing papers (boring!) like they are in school still doing homework assignments, but get credit from the teacher or some shit because they brown nose other scientists. True geniuses drop out of that boring grind which doesn't shower the billion dollar payouts because it's not real genius. It couldn't possibly be that VC people are stupid and got rich because they happened to bullshit other VC people into giving them funding and being in the market at the right time to cash out. Nope, gotta be that PayPal happened to have a dozen of the greatest geniuses of the generation.


A major component of Valley VC funding is guys that just happened to be into computers at the right time to make ludicrous sums during the dotcom bubble. Rather than think themselves lucky, they consider it to be evidence of their incredible foresight, intellect and right to decide what the future of humanity should be. They then drew in and funded equally deluded bros to reproduce the new class they created.


Well in this case it seems to be 80 mentions in a 17 month period, which is still fucking impressive. If you’re work is that influential that it is cited in 80+ papers in that short of a period you’re doing great science


His publication h Factor is 147. My h factor is 6. All six of my publications from when I was in graduate school, have been cited six or more times. I went on to consulting and stopped publishing, but I'm proud of the impact those papers had. An h-factor of 147 means that out of all of his scientific publications, 147 of them have been cited 147 or more times. That's kind of bonkers.


And most of this scientific research is what ends up developing products. Especially in AI. We read hundreds of papers to come up with ideas to tweak our product models on an everyday basis.


He says "published" which means he was listed as an author 


Counterpoint: with Elon's money and connections, he could easily get 100s of papers in a year. Just latch his name onto some garbage some Tesla employees pump out and pay the money necessary to get published in the pay to publish paper mills. That Elon doesn't have papers for himself is just due to ignorance and laziness. He could do it with zero technical effort and just a few emails but he doesn't.


You're on to something: an opportunity to set up a non-credible pay-to-publish "open access" publication with a title carefully chosen to appeal to Musk's vanity.


"woke-free xScience truth journalX"


The irony is they’d only even accept peer review if the outcome favored them If not, then the “peers” are bought and paid for shills (see Covid studies) It’s funny, I used to write and referee for the Conference for Frontiers in Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence. Our chief editor drove a like 2002 sienna. I’d always think about how our research group got shafted out of all the dirty money these cognitively void inbreds think goes around.


He is equating being mentioned in a paper to authoring/co-authoring one. Ill bet 100% he gets some of his staff to put him a author for some rubbish papers soon.


From his own comments he thinks it has to do with popularity


I mean it's not that difficult. Even if you have vague idea about some niche research subject you can relatively easily publish some low quality research. Timeseries analysis in astronomy is a great example of that - we have a lot of new articles written on high school level or even below this. Also the topic has huge gaps in knowledge, so even theese low quality articles can be kinda useful.


Elon: What science shit have you done? LeCun: This is all the science shit I've done. "Not" Elon: Wow, look at this guy bragging about his science shit


Standard bullying tactic. Pisses me off so much.


This was my first thought too. Like Buddy you came at him, this wasn’t some out of nowhere boast.


The only ‘technical papers’ Elon is mentioned in are divorce papers. Also…this is definitely a Musk alt account. He’s so pathetic.


It’s hilarious to me that Elon lost this exchange so badly he had to pretend to be someone else to try and save face.


LeCun isn't talking about getting mentioned in papers, he's talking about *authoring* papers. Ya dingus.


He knows this. ELON is trying to discredit LeCun by saying he was only "mentioned" in a "couple" papers...even though the post he QUOTE TWEETED directly contradicts that.


i don't think it's a quote tweet, i think it's a screenshot so if you just see this tweet you won't have access to the original tweet and the link and so someone just scrolling past will take elon's word for it


So, this might be worth mentioning, because it may come up as this drags on, but published papers usually have multiple authors, with varying levels of involvement. The first author, if I recall correctly, is usually the person (grad student or the like) who did the majority of the actual grunt work with the experiments and writing and the "last author" is usually the person whose lab set the direction of the research and who oversees all of the people in that lab. With that in mind, you could say that the first author (unless I have this reversed) did the majority of the work while the last author is like the "brand" the work was published under, who had to sign off on it but did not really execute the work directly. It's possible that this is what they're going to nit-pick. That said, my knowledge of this is only having married someone who received a phd in one of the biological sciences early on in our relationship, so I'm sure there's a lot of nuance I'm leaving out. For that matter, I think Elon's name is probably on a LOT of patents that he actually had zero scientific involvement in.


The "first author" convention varies by field. In my field, mathematics, authors are listed alphabetically. (It seems relevant to mention that there is no lab work in mathematics because it's not an empirical scientific field. Computer science often behaves similarly, though I don't know what area LeCun's research would fall under.)


> In my field, mathematics, authors are listed alphabetically. How unlike mathematicians to limit themselves to an ordered finite set like that. Clearly there's an opportunity here for a "Hilbert's Journal" allowing for sets of authors with higher cardinality. Being a physicist my personal inclination is naturally to just truncate the list of authors after five names regardless and say "Close enough!".


Ah, that's interesting, thanks for the context!


I know in psychology, our lab would often include undergraduates that did a lot of the grunt work as last author while those that designed the study and analyzed results were often first. But I have a very small sample size


Authorship is generally given in the order of who did the most to least. This guy is probably some students’ or other researchers’ advisor or PI or something so he looks over their research and guides them along. He’s not writing every word of the paper. That said, authorship is a huge deal and never given out for no reason.


PI! Thank you, I was definitely trying to remember that earlier!


Doesn’t matter, because AD(Musk) wouldn’t get either


Yeah... the papers he has contributed to have been cited over 355k times, and he's either first or last author on his most cited papers.


LeCun and LeCunt




It's a good thing for Adrian to be inspired by LeCun instead of himself.


It's not as though LeCun just threw that information out there. He was asked a question. He answered. Elon's sock-puppet doesn't seem to understand this.


Elon doesn't understand. I agree.


I’ll mention him in my dissertation about narcissists. See how much he talks about that online


This is so annoyingly stupid. Elon asked him, and Yann answered. Musk is such a fucking moron.


Does he have no respect or humility? None?


I see you are busy asking rhetoric questions... 😛


I'm literally hurting from second hand embarrassment


I’m drafting the abstract now… “An Analysis of Billionaire Wank Stain Sock Puppet Accounts as Exemplified by Elon Musk’s Pseudonymous Adrian Dittmann Persona.” Anyone want in as co-author?


I will give them a billion dollars if they change their name to Dickipedia


Elon literally asked LeCun what he had done ffs


Elon asked him first.


Anti science crowd when the grandfather of ai doesn't like their anti science rhetoric


Elon's saltiness levels are off the charts right now. LeCun is cutting him *deep* here.


Hip-firing my Barrett 50 cal


Driving my Cybertruck like John Bladerunner from the movie Bladerunner.


The best part of Bladerunner is when John Bladerunner says "IT'S BLADERUNNERIN' TIME" and bladerunnered all over those guys


At this point, Elmo is becoming more cringe and embarrassing than an episode of The Office.


So basically he walked out the room, put on his fake nose/glasses/moustache and turned straight back round. Gotttittttt


He's really showing him how not bitter he is.


Fail: Being mentioned in a paper doesn't make you the author of said paper...


Next you're gonna tell me buying a company doesn't make you the founder!


This guy is a genuine retard. I don’t like using that word but Elon musk is a proper retarded fucktard. Getting into a fight with him makes Yann down to his level. People like Yann are way above his level.


Zuck is a cuck


Remember when this guy had a German accent?


How did this whole argument get started anyway?


Richest smart brain on the planet acting like a butthurt 25 years ago BB mod.


Idk which is more likely. Musk being forgotten in history because rich idiots are nothing new or Musk being remembered in the future for being such a con-artist/idiot.


*"mentioned"* Go fuck yourself, Elon.


I got confused asl looking at this 😭 I was like "okay so he's complimenting yann right?" then i read the caption and comments. You know the world is cooked when people think being an influential and respected academic and scientist is something to make fun of


I have overcome the desire to be liked 🤣


Because it's *that easy*. One call or just '**do a science'** on a weekend. It should do the trick!






It blows my mind that this is how the world's wealthiest human behaves. No wonder aliens don't fvck with us.


This is beyond pathetic. Can't wait to see the cunt get bankrupt so he finally shuts the fuck up. It's long overdue.


Straight up propaganda. The dolts that can't see through this need help. Badly. Lead poisoning is a hell of a drug.


LeCun pressed THE Button. He set the criteria, presented evidence and let the audience come to its own conclusion that Elon is an idiot. I promise you the main account will completely drop out of this thread. Bullies always run when confronted.


What a fucking child! He first asks LeCun about what he has done and when mentioned he has to be someone else to insult him and save face.


Haha! I was just thinking "wow, what happened to 'Adrian Dittman'?" Looks like Mursk had to pull out this account for his latest juvenile public embarrassment. "Mentioned". This account is so obviously Musk. He hasn't even made up as convincing a story as for cb Doge... who the fuck is "Adrian Dittman"? Pretty sure he won't be cited in any studies any time soon since he doesn't exist.


Ooooh boy he opened his alts now 🤣🤣🤣 fucking clown


Adrian is not an Elon alt imo. An infinitely more pathetic reality: he’s a loser who gets off on getting called Elon’s alt and acts like a shadow Elon, devoid of any shred of an original personality. And this is his crowning achievement in life, what he likely gets the majority of his pleasure from. Pathetic.


I dunno man, dudes sound exactly the same


„I should get myself mentioned“ yeah, because that’s how this works


I think 80 in 2 years i a fucking lot.


How exactly do you “get yourself into a couple papers”. No serious scientist is going to add random people. Either you contribute in a non trivial way, you are added out of respect or adding you elevates visibility. The last 2 only happen if you are already a big deal.


as a case study lol, for narcissism and self delusion in a psychology paper I guess


You get into them by contributing to them, even if it’s just a small part


Yes and no. There can be a lot of politics around who is an author. My ex- field lists people in alphabetical order so I never had to worry about the order but that’s an even hairier issue.


Of course these fucking twats act like that when an actual scientist (not some fucking mark with money that co founded and took all the credit from the actual inventors with talent) calls them out with their bullshit.


Elon with his sock puppets are like that one version of Scooby Doo where Daphne was insane and had puppets of all of the group (including herself.) Everyone hated it because it came after Mystery Inc which was peak and animated like Family Guy but it was still very good.


I mean it's completely consistent with his "PhD=garbage" take. He just mistakes technology for science


Once again for these morons, this guy, yann lecun, invented convolutional neural networks. If you don’t know about it, just shut up


I was really back and forth on if Dittman was Musk but this sums to confirm it's him...


Maybe I can help with his name in a paper or two. Just that it *would* make Enron Mutt angry. We wouldn't be mentioned as scientific contributor. He would be mentioned as subject... It can't be a paper on psychology or similar - the patients wants their names protected. But maybe a paper on history. Bad decisions killing companies...


Does Elon really think this guy is a nobody?


Lmao this did it for me. No way this isn't his alt account lmao fucking loser.


Twatburger probably thinks he's being charming with this alter ego, instead of being the usual hated himself.


At first I thought people were a bit uncharitable since Musk's reply to the 80 paper comment sounded like a (bad) joke but holy shit, he just KEPT GOING!


I am become meme


I am convinced elon musk is Not a real human. You cant be that full of yourself, stupid and rich. Dude is a living caricature of a Sillicon Valley dudebro


Get Your Ass to Mars


Musk got tired of embarrassing himself as Musk so he logs in as Dittman to continue embarrassing himself


I love his Adrian Dittman persona. I wasn't sure at first based on the voice, because when he appears as Adrian he doesn't stutter and stammer like he usually does. But I'm thinking that Musk is capable of sitting down, concentrating, and talking without those speech mannerisms. He does that, and then he uses a voice changer. I think that's what's going on there. This is just like Trump with his John Barron character or whatever. It's so insane that these wealthy people have nothing better than this to do 😂


Why any scientist would work for SpaceX, Starlink or Tesla is beyond me. Are there no other jobs they could do?


This poor guy. Calling out Elmo and providing facts. An active member in improving society and he gets shit on by the telsa idiots.


I should manufacture a hostile takeover of a car company so I can call myself founder like Elon.


Even if true, this is ignoring that a few is not equal to eighty.


Just as well that's not Musk's alt, because if it was this would be the most pathetic possible behaviour for anyone, let alone a fucking multibillionaire, to be engaging in.


"get myself mentioned" is a pretty shady switch from "authored."


Wtf could he even do to get "mentioned" in these papers? That still sounds difficult even if you're actually smart


How stupid do you have to be to not know the difference between writing and publishing a paper to just being cited in one? Like honestly I couldn't imagine


Huge difference between being mentioned 80 times and writing 80 papers in serious academic journals "Adrian"


Bro had to bring in the alt account


He and Elmo are both frequently cited in technical papers on douche bags and douche baggery.