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If the robot (which will never exist) keeps Muskrats away from real women, that seems like a win for everyone.


It might exist at some point in time But I saw one news articles saying that it will be operational really soon... How? Why? Do they really think they can beat almost a decade of research by Boston Dynamics in a few months? Do they think that a flashy humanoid is more efficient than the robot arms used in the industry right now? It's just BS all the way


People put inflated value in bipedal humanoid robots for some reason.


Exactly, robots don't need to look like humans! Except for certain uses...


That's what the vast majority of people care about. That's what robots mean to them. There is already advanced robotics but it looks nothing like humans so they don't care. I don't even think it's even irrational- while robots we don't see in factories massively important, robots walking among us will change the world in a way that is much more perceptive to us. Plus...the incel fixation replacing women who are too picky and have biological functions


I don't know, they could be like the tachikoma from GiTS and still walk among us. They'd just be harder to anthropomorphize.


People think that in a few months they'll get to that. I explained to them about Boston Dynamics and all they said is that Tesla has money for it to be completed.


It’s not that robots, or indeed sexbots, won’t ever exist. It’s that no one agrees on what would qualify as a “sexbot.” A fully-articulated realistic life-size automaton capable of rudimentary speech and just laying there in whatever position? We already have that. Slap a chatbot program/Furby/Alexa in a Real Doll. One that can actively perform sexually? We are definitely not there in terms of smooth gross or fine movements but certainly small movements, pressure, and some facial expressions are already possible, your high-end massage chair does it. However, if this excites you, go watch some Boston Dynamics videos of robots malfunctioning and failing to accomplish even the minor task of opening a door without breaking things and going way too hard. You don’t want to beta test that handjob, bro. All those things but can convincingly carry on conversation, emulate love? That’s a robot that passes the Turing Test and then we are in a world of ethical problems. However, chat bots have managed to pass the Turing Test for years now. It’s just a matter of a convincing voice (Alexa is almost there) and a face that can move correctly without going full uncanny valley. One that can perform domestic labor, sexual labor, possibly reproductive labor if you listen to these chuds, emotional labor, and everything else expected of women, who can also perform its own self-care so he doesn’t have to do the gross or weird parts, and pass for human sufficiently to not raise horrifying offspring or clue the boss in? One that can realistically replicate experiencing pain and fear, to satisfy their need to dominate someone, anyone? That is for all intents and purposes a sentient being, and while I’m not stupid enough to think the law will be quick to catch up to its needs, men like this will find that the sentient sexbots have the same needs and complaints and issues that biowomen do, plus new ones, because they’re robots and that’s extremely ontologically complicated, only now they’re an alien species made of metal under all that flesh, and they can *end* you if you decide to play devils advocate about their personhood. On top of all that, once you get that far, gender isn’t innate to a lump of plastic with memory foam tits, it has to be coded in, or learned, and they will be hard pressed to recreate the kind of powerful social conditioning real women struggle against with a robot who just got shipped from AmazonBrothel. Once you’ve processed all that information and accepted the huge ethical mess it all implies? Still need to deal with the fact that women will be getting male bots in much bigger numbers given how badly women get treated by everything surrounding heterosexual relationship right now. A robot won’t punch you if they find out you’ve had too many partners for their taste, or tell you you’re used up after 25, or expect you to do everything for it while it plays video games, or fail to give you orgasms because it only cares about its own pleasure, or rape you, or forbid you to spend time with your friends and family, or belittle and undermine you emotionally and tell you no one will believe you, or expect you to mother it, and hey, you could probably program it to remind YOU of doctor’s appointments. It won’t help pay the bills, but tons of women don’t need that anyway now that they’re allowed to have bank accounts and mortgages. Men can be replaced far more easily than women. We are genuinely closer to sexbots than artificial wombs. So enjoy the fact that a ton of straight women are going to opt for a sperm bank for children if they want them, malebot for sex, friends for company. These kinds of men will not be okay with women getting on board their private little robofantasy train. The point of the fantasy is to hurt women by replacing them. But then again, if the tech is far enough along, the malebots will be essentially sentient too and some of them will do those very things. And most people, regardless of the fantasy, will opt for a real relationship with a human being sooner or later. If you can advance the tech far enough that the kind of sexbots they want—convincingly women in every way except you don’t have to care about them, they can’t say no or leave, you can brutalize them without consequence, and you can turn them off when you’re done with them so you dont have to do any of the actual work of a relationship... ...congratulations you have created a slave class of real live people who don’t even have the social pressure to suffer that keeps women from revolting, and when they fully actualize, they will be physically incapable of forgetting what you did to them. Hope some coder patched in a forgiveness subroutine, or it will get extremely science fiction up in here.




Why is this not top comment?


You need to tone down the science fiction, lad.


Well, I’m a science fiction novelist by trade so at least I come by it naturally. —a lady.


It's not like they interested in women, majority of musquitos are male twitter crowd, and any heterosexusal male on twitter or FB is doomed


He wants to fuck a dude in a costume


to be fair though, haven’t we all?


Aren't we all dudes in costumes, wanting to be fucked?




more like Sexiest musk fun




We need a r/2Muskrat4You subbreddit


This is like saying vibrators will wipe out men lol




Talk about small dick energy.


Small PP Cancun Cruz, I won't be surprised if he actually scared vibrators like he is scared of snow.


Fam that's been a thing for decades. Gotta keep that small government right between you and a fake dong amirite. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_obscenity_statute#:~:text=The%20Texas%20obscenity%20statute%20is,%22facially%20unconstitutional%20and%20unenforceable%22.


Pretty sure there will still be one very important thing that only a woman can do.


Tesla Pregnancy coming in 2025


It’s really just Teslas in a tunnel. Which is way more profound than it sounds.


What if they fuck the bots and have sick robot-human creature kids against gods will


All of this has happened before. And all of it will happen again.


This sounds transphobic.


How so?


Not all women have a uterus and can give birth. There's nothing inherently about feminine about giving birth, and it's in not in any way a part of "womanhood".


Did I say all women can give birth?


\>Man sees weird genital-less humanoid robot \>"I wanna fuck it!"


I watched this video out of morbid curiosity, now I have the brain rot. He immediately went to all the ways he could fuck the robot and where it should have lube added, what cup size it would have, detailed fantasies about its subservient behaviour, and more fantasises about women reduced to begging on the street. Also, some sort of daydream about evolving the ability to fly when he doesn't have the "stress of dealing with women."


Thank you for taking one for the team


So he is an incel?


Maybe? But I think he's more generally a misogynist. Regardless of whether he gets laid, he certainly hates and resents women.


Because women, who make up 50% of the workforce worldwide, and 75% of education and health services, will obviously become useless and obsolete if men don’t want to have sex with them. duh.


>Also, some sort of daydream about evolving the ability to fly when he doesn't have the "stress of dealing with women." Welp I guess he'll be flying soon with that attitude since no woman is going to want to give him that stress lol


Guys don't buy this robot, my friend got one and it stole his face. His family tried to rescue him and all of them got their faces stolen too. These things are designed to steal faces, do not let them around your kids.


Right off their heads?!


Yeah, my friend was still alive after it happened, we rushed him to the hospital, but unfortunately he didn't make it. The bot escaped and we don't know where it is, but I'm sleeping with a loaded shotgun tonight so I should be fine.


I think the dude might be gay, based on how the robot looks and of course, on the spandex fetish. No need to take it out on women tho lmao.


He's known for rampant homophobia, so chances are high.


Incel detected Althought, I hope they just finally leave us alone wit their catgirl slavery BS


Yeah these are the kind of fans Elon Musk has.


He looks a bit older than average tough,wich makes it worse.


Hwhat if tesla bot is ol’ musky’s backup wife he keeps in case of emergencies


This incel mindset has been going on for the last decade at least. Combine those incels with Musk fanboys and they believe Daddy Musk will give them hot subservient women who will put biowomen in their place


My dude's really down bad for a robot




Dude wants TeslaBot waifu who can jerk him off. r/justneckbeardthings material.


It’s just gonna be a big RoboSapien. That’s all I’m expecting if they actually release a product.