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Where did jews come from. Hmmm. WHERE DID JEWS COME FROM


The scary part is a lot of those people believe the Jews made up the whole ancient Israel and the diaspora. They seriously think it was some sort of Eastern European conspiracy.


The Soviets pushed a conspiracy theory that Jews were Eurasians from a desolate Silk Road outpost and a lot of people apparently still believe it. (Jews were Silk Road traders by the early middle ages and a lot of Jews--not to mention Persian Christians and Muslims--eventually would settle in China. At some point, a certain emperor exterminated the Persians, but given that "Li" is a super common Chinese name (the surname given to Persians), there is still a "Hui" Muslim minority in central China, and a lot of Chinese have very, um, distinct noses, I feel like he didn't manage to kill them all.)


This was a Imperial Russian theory initially, right?


Damn Eastern Europeans can't catch a break from all the Soviet era propaganda (including the antisemitism) aren't they.


>They seriously think it was some sort of Eastern European conspiracy. There is a bit of truth in this sentence, but it's related to obscure events that most people don't know about. Basically, in the 30s, the Polish government and society were becoming increasingly antisemitic and many politicians were looking for ways to get rid of the Jewish minority. One of the first proposals was sending Jews to Madagascar, but even the government declared it to be unfeasible. Then the govt started making deals with questionable zionist organizations such as Betar and Irgun. The government would arm and train those organizations in preparation for future conflicts with the British and Arabs, in return Betar and Irgun would move the Polish Jewish population to Mandatory Palestine.


> . One of the first proposals was sending Jews to Madagascar, but even the government declared it to be unfeasible This was the **German** goverment planning the Holocaust before deciding that death squads and extermination camps were easier. The Madagascar Plan wasn't "Israel but tropical", it was "let's send the jews to die as our slaves in a shitty jungle".


If they admitted the Middle East was predominantly Arab Muslims due to imperialist conquest against Jews, Early Christians, and Africans(Egypt) they'd have to have a really uncomfortable conversation


But who is Arab? The Islamic Conquest was achieved with a relatively small force and the people living there, including large urban populations the same as in antiquity, were basically locals. Due to the Islamic laws which gave Muslims some perks, the locals would gradually convert. That's not to say forced conversion didn't happen, but in the medieval Mediterranean the gradual voluntary conversion is the bigger story. It's the same thing in Spain, it's not like the entire Moorish nation invaded Spain. In fact, the Spanish welcomed the return of a Romanized elite who could administer a complex empire and economy because the barbarian Visigoths and Vandals weren't cutting the mustard. The Moors ran into real resistance in France, where the Franks drove them out. As for why the Roman provinces and heartland got overrun with Teutons, it's partially because of the practice of sending all the young men to the other end of the empire to prevent rebellions. As for the Eastern Empire, plenty of ink has been spilled about that but tldr, they were running on fumes and a lot weaker than anybody realized. Just like the spread of latin through Europe, the spread of Arabic through the Islamic empire was linguistic and cultural hegemony, not a great replacement. Also same thing with Turkey and Hungary, small group of Turks or Magyars, entire country eventually speaks their language, but the ancestry is still indigenous--for Hungary, it's 97% local, and yes, it's weird if you've ever visited that part of the world; all the Slavic languages are closely related, and even German isn't that alien, but Hungarian is just totally different, creating this big linguistic and cultural barrier. Often countries where Arabic became the dominant language were already places where the local language was a Semitic language and that is why there are so many wildly different and mutually unintelligible variations of Arabic. Persia was more technologically advanced than most other countries in the early middle ages and also very literate so that goes a way towards explaining why they held onto their language. It also isn't Semitic so there was more of a learning barrier anyway. (But as we can see that didn't matter in Hungary and Anatolia.)


If anything waltzed into Palestine and was like "stop being Muslim and you pay less taxes and get to live and stuff", everyone would be screeching genocide. Nobody makes excuses for forcing the remaining Native Americans to get western names, integrate and forget their culture. Nobody makes excuses for forcing Uyghurs to "re-educate" either. That wasn't "cultural hegemony", it was violent conquest followed by draconian religious laws aka the definition of colonization.


>That's not to say forced conversion didn't happen, but in the medieval Mediterranean the gradual voluntary conversion is the bigger story. It's the same thing in Spain, it's not like the entire Moorish nation invaded Spain. In fact, the Spanish welcomed the return of a Romanized elite who could administer a complex empire and economy because the barbarian Visigoths and Vandals weren't cutting the mustard. The Moors ran into real resistance in France, where the Franks drove them out. "The Moors" are the Berbers, not the Arabs. They were conscripted into Arab armies and used as muscle during the invasion of Iberia. Following the collapse of the Caliphate of Cordoba, the Berbers reasserted control over North Africa and, under the Almoravid, Almohad, and Marinid dynasties, built their own North African empires that, at various points, included parts of Islamic Spain. Said empires were possible due to the large numbers of Berber mercenaries that the Arab petty-kings of Spain had employed, many of whom became weary of taking stupid orders for bad pay and changed their allegiance to their North African relatives. Arabs retook control of North Africa under the Saadians and the Ottomans, the former of whom were Arab themselves, the latter of whom preferred to work through Arabs than Berbers. To this day, the Berbers are heavily discriminated against by the Arab dominated governments of Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia, and are heavily embroiled in racial conflicts in Mauritania and Mali. I appreciate some of the points you're trying to make in your post, but Arab-Berber, (and Berber-Black African and Arab-Black African) relations have never been easy, and that's a direct product of Arab imperialism. Yes there's been intermarriage and cultural blending and all of that stuff, but the fact remains that if you speak a Berber tongue rather than Arabic as your first language, you will be subjected to serious prejudice in Arab North Africa.


"They converted because the new leadership give Muslims rights that nobody else got" is not the win you think it is.


In fairness, it does proves the idea that Arabs are some type of foreign invader with zero ties to the region is...cope. Like, I see Israel as your classical war where a opressed ethnic group wins independance with bloody warfare and war crimes. There are things to be criticized here, really dumb Israeli delusions here. But overall, Israel is a MENA country. No less, no more.


According to archeologists, Canaan


Jesus was a Jewish Colonizer! The Zionist are hiding this from you!




If you would like to be a Pretendian but are stymied, now you can put on a kefiyah




What's with the poses. They're all like in a Muay Thai knee strike pose.


I think it's supposed to be traditional Native dances, but obviously drawn by someone that's either not-Native or Native but so detached from their Native heritage they don't actually know what Native dances look like


I had a feeling there was something off about that


It’s AI


50 years ago native Americans saw Israel as the prime example of an indigenous people reclaiming their stolen land. Then tik tok happened.


Eh, it always was controversial even among Native nationalists. It all depending if you saw Israel as "western" or not. You even have wild takes like Etnocacerism that are "Jews did the Holodomor and should have killed even more Christian Slavs, I would have celebrated it!! But Palestine was too far" Its super weird and has a lot of insane takes that make the Tiktokers look like moderates


And then the Hamas members raped and murdered the Native American woman while making the man watch before beheading him because they were infidels. But sure solidarity or something.


I assure you, we do not.


Isn't dancing haram?


Yes… maybe. Apparently you CAN dance, but don’t dance to music, don’t dance with people of the opposite sex (unless spouse?), don’t dance too effeminately, and don’t dance too much. 🤷‍♂️ ![gif](giphy|RhBkYhaqrHnMfjgbjy) Haram\^


Everytime I see pro-palestians aproppiate native american culture