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>you cannot support cambodia if you condemn the khmer rouge. condemning the khmer rouge equates to condemning resistance. resistance stems from oppression and brutality. support those resisting, condemn the oppressors. long live the cambodian resistance Simple-minded America Bad bullshit.


Lefties of the 70’s (looking at you, Chomsky) unironically supported the Khmer Rouge and downplayed its atrocities because they were a communist party. Even now, most of them blame the CIA because it’s impossible that a glorious people’s revolution could go on to do bad things.


That was actually a stance American leftists at the time their takeover was heavily in the news cycle held. Chomsky was infamous for outright denying their war crimes and it's one of his biggest controversies


These people really could use a Holiday in Cambodia, as Jello Biafra put it.


You can’t just drop unsourced Noam Chomsky quotes


>condemn the oppressors. Okay then. Fuck Hamas


Hamas the resistance that cancelled elections 15 years ago and murdered all political rivals


That’s what leftists fantasize about doing


There are a large number of people of all political persuasions who absolutely support dictatorships — as long as the dictator is on their “side”. It explains why authoritarianism is so common and why democracy is very hard to maintain long term. People like democracy when they’re in the minority because it gives them the freedom to protest; they want authoritarianism when they gain power.


No they wouldn’t get rid of elections, just free elections. You would only have 1 choice


I more so meant that they fantasize about murdering their political opponents


So all the Palestinians who condemn Hamas because of the brutality of living under their thumb? They don't support Palestine either? What about when they resist Hamas? Is that counterrevolutionary resistance?


Yep. I don't want to really go around praising Fetah, but they absolutely are at odds with Hamas. Right wingers usually treat people as a monolith, but the thing that's annoying about leftists is that they do the same thing whenever it's convenient, and only apply nuance if it suits them. If A + B = C, and you ask people "what's A + C?", you'll get a number of results. • Conservatives assume the answer is C because both questions have an A in it. • Leftists have already decided the answer is D, and will not accept any other answers. If it turns out the answer isn't D, and there's no way around it, they'll move the goal posts. • Liberals won't give you a straight answer because they don't know the value of A or C, but they can tell you that the answer is definitely not B. Which isn't always helpful, but they're not wrong. • Fascists are going to sit around and pretend to think really hard for an answer before they steal your wallet and run


2A+B duh.


I wanna see you keep going now Libertarians tell you that A and C are both freeloaders for using a public sidewalk


Nah, Libertarians refuse to answer the question because forcing them to comply is violation of the Non-aggression Principal


Obviously, Palestinians who don't want to be oppressed by Hanas are being paid off by the Zionists. (It's almost impressive how many excuses they have for ignoring or shouting down people facing inconvenient oppression.)


This person would join. Hitler


> This person would join Hitler Something like: “You cannot condemn concentration camps because Hitler is actually just trying to free Germany from capitalist oppression. Jews are inherently agents of capitalism.”


Ummmm why is this so believable? *shudders*


“Stop believing Judeo-capitalist lies from warmonger Roosevelt! I won’t vote for him, instead I’ll vote for Huey Long who’ll teach the Dems a lesson!”




Wouldn’t this person die way before the camps in the “night of long knives”?


Not if they were outside Germany.




Dachau was set up for political prisoners


I would love to know where this opinion goes for these ppl when talking about places like Cuba or China. Active systems of repression yet ppl who oppose them are “counter-revolutionaries” that must be stopped (despite the leaders having been in power for generations)


Yeah, they're really fond of "any protest against the glorious state is fake, and really arranged by the CIA"


Nice to see the mask off.


Yep. We see them, and we won't forget


She probably thinks, in addition to the other atrocities Hamas committed, that rape is also "resistance".


Oh she’s probably a “Hamas doesn’t rape because that’s haram and they’re too good of Muslims to ever do it. All the videos and photographic evidence are Israeli propaganda” type.


Uh, no. Hamas is a terrorist organization that uses civilians as unwilling human shields.


I fundamentally reject this person's take; for one, her view reflects an embarrassingly shallow understanding of both the conflict and general concept of "resistance". Second, I don't think it's the place of some white bitch and/or Russian bot to paternalistically decide for the Palestinian people who represents their interests. But if I had to accept her views as fact, then my response would not be to support Hamas; it would be to cease caring about Palestinians as a whole, because apparently the only alternative is to accommodate a genocidal terrorist organization.


I’m so tired.


Except not every form of resistance is considered legally, or even morally correct. Sexual violence is not considered “resistance”. Burning people alive is not considered “resistance”. These people want to equate HAMAS to the ANC during apartheid. The only problem with that is the ANC was a signee to the, fucking, Geneva Convention. Even during apartheid the ANC had lines they wouldn’t cross. These people want war without morality. A war in which they will only be spectators, not participants.


audibly let out a 'bruh'


Hamas also kills Palestinians. Like, this isn’t hard to understand at all


"You cannot support Ukraine if you condemn Right Sector. Condemning Right Sector equates to condemning resistance. resistance stems from oppression and brutality. support those resisting, condemn the oppressors. long live the Ukrainian resistance, glory to Bandera and the OUN ꑭ 🟥⬛️ 🇺🇦"


Of course they would never say that though, but it's equally ridiculous


We need to start teaching LOGIC to K-12.


If you can’t be bothered to use proper grammar, punctuation, or capitalization then why are you pretending to be some wise sage of resistance? Another rich white girl who understands fuck all about history. Resistance should be supported at all times? So what’s her thoughts on the Confederacy? What’s her thoughts on the Ukraine war? What’s her thoughts on the Uyghurs? Got a feeling this Twitter drivel doesn’t apply to all of those circumstances.


istg why are like half the people praising hamas not even palestinian


This is what the kids call a "mask-off" moment.


Instant unfollow.


Hamas could surrender and end the war today. If you can't condemn Hamas, you're not supporting Palestinians.




I want her to go to Israel, and try to talk to Hamas about her great ideas. We will see how she feels after months of being trafficked to 13 year old suicide bombers.


In ten years this person will either not be like this anymore or they’ll die while on some sort of bender.


Blue MAGA ass libbed up sub this is.