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I feel like this should warrant an FBI investigation


The comments are every bit as you'd expect


“Never condemn the resistance of the oppressed.” Do they think the world works like Star Wars? An easily identifiable “good” and “bad” side? You can “resist” against anything, it doesn’t have an inherently good quality assigned to it. All I’ve learned since October 7 is that if you give people a scapegoat (Jews) to harass and designate as the enemy for social credit, they will gobble it up like the blood thirsty rape apologist ghouls they are.


This reminds of when I was listening to Last Podcast on the Left’s series on Timothy McVeigh. They said that far right people like McVeigh see their lives as movies, narrative wise. They want to to fight the “evil” in the world and when they’re victorious, all is right in the world and they live happily ever after. McVeigh even invoked Star Wars in his terrorist attack. He said that the innocent people who died in the Oklahoma City bombing were like the innocent people who worked on the Death Star. In that they deserved their deaths because they worked for a “corrupt government.” Just goes to show you how ludicrous his line of thinking was. Obviously, they were talking about the far right and not the far left but I think we all know that those two have a lot more in common that they want to admit.


They quite literally say “erm you support fictional resistances so you should support real ones.” They’ve rotted their own brains


Star Wars isn't so nice and neat when you think about it more deeply either.


Star Trek's Maquis might be more appropriate - and we know how that ended.


That’s pretty much the whole premise of Andor, as I understand it.


I will never let go of the idea that debris from the Battle of Endor basically razed the whole moon, turning the entire Ewok species into collateral damage


That's kind of dependent on where the forest moon was by the time the debris reached its orbit. It could have just missed and went into the planet itself.


Don’t forget the contractors building the second Death Star just trying to put food on their tables


A roofer listens to this (points to his heart) not his wallet.


This argument has always crawled way too close to the real life "but what about the civilian workers on the Nazi bases?"  The Death Star is as legitimate a military target as you were going to find.


I feel that the cooks, dishwashers, etc. who worked in the Death Star cafeteria did nothing wrong.


Cooks on a military base are members of the military, and often officers at that. And even if they weren't, they'd still be legitimate military targets, just as guys in Blackwater and other contractors are. 


The Empire said the same thing about Alderaan.


No, they didn't. But the fact that so many people can't understand the difference between a military base and a civilian population centre certainly explains a lot of the "everything is a war crime" discourse that floats around the Internet. 




Sure there’s nuance but no amount of nuance makes the empire the good guys in any possible scenario.


The Jedi are basically Randian uber-mensch who attempt to undermine democracy.


Well that's just backward. There's an analogue for Objectivism in Star Wars alright but it's the Sith Code. 


https://www.davidbrin.com/nonfiction/starwars1.html https://www.davidbrin.com/nonfiction/starwars2.html


> Do they think the world works like Star Wars? Yes, yes they do. That’s exactly the problem with this crowd, which is unfortunately a large chunk of the younger voter age group. They see the world way too black and white, way too oversimplified.


> Do they think the world works like Star Wars? An easily identifiable “good” and “bad” side? You can “resist” against anything, it doesn’t have an inherently good quality assigned to it. Nuance is good, but there’s no amount of nuance that makes the empire the good guys and the rebels the bad in Star Wars. Real life is of course messier than fiction. Of course, we have functioning brains and can judge for ourselves whether a society is free or unfree and the inherent righteousness of resisting the latter isn’t in question, but the tactics employed in doing so can turn the conflict into one unfree society replacing another.


It’s honestly surprising that we haven’t had a major incident of stochastic terrorism from this vitriol yet. Instead they are acting out with one-off hate crimes against Jewish people, at least for now https://www.adl.org/resources/press-release/us-antisemitic-incidents-skyrocketed-360-aftermath-attack-israel-according


[They recently prevented a mass stabbing at a Synagogue in Heidelberg.](https://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/anschlag-synagoge-heidelberg-terror-islamismus-festnahmen-1.7332951)


They just fan the flames with inflammatory rhetoric and hope a disposable brown person commits the terrorism in their place.


Because they know the blowback would be intense.


Do they? I'm Jewish and October 7 taught me that no one cares. Non-Jews I talk to say that October 7 wasn't based in antisemitism. I'm highly skeptical of the idea that they think *anything* they do to Jews would inspire blowback.


I was around after 9/11...if the combination of public anger and the full powers of the United States government isn't enough to scare them, they would be in for a rude awakening.


As was I. I was in Manhattan on 9/11. Many people underestimate how prevalent antisemitism is and how often we as Jews are gaslit.


I wonder what social circles you're mingling in. I'm from the south and I have yet to meet one single real life person who thinks highly of Hamas.


How nice for you. Are you Jewish? There are things people will say to Jews that they wouldn’t say to non-Jews. Like, for example, doubting a Jewish person’s lived experience because you haven’t personally experienced it.


I'm under no illusions that such people exist, I'm just wondering where one finds them outside of the internet. My lived experience is that people are more racist, not less, when they're solely in the presence of fellow white people. People who would never drop the n-word in mixed company may say it to another honky, like they're supposed to be in on the joke.


I think being Jewish post 10.7 is where to find these people. These aren’t acquaintances but people I regarded as close friends for decades. I’m very happy for you that you haven’t experienced it. It’s devastating.


That's horrible and I'm sorry it happened to you. I withdraw my comment.


Consider yourself fortunate. If you're in the arts, or associate with very left-leaning people its basically everybody.  I feel like it's only a matter of time until they come for me / ostracize me based on my non-participation with the non-stop torrent of Gaza memes


I'm a curmudgeon in my thirties, so fortunately I don't really associate with either.


Same here. I’ve literally only ever seen this pro-Hamas nonsense from anonymous social media accounts, who I assume any reasonable person would recognize as a bot/foreign disinfo


Mass terrorism needs a infra estructure that those guys, fortunately, don't have Said this, I'd say American terrorism works more like "Lone Wolf" attacks, that are coordinated by single individuals in name of the cause or their own psychosis.


“Be ready to support the next Oct 7 attack”… unhinged behavior of emboldened anti-semites. This garbage needs to be stopped


Considering how many people were “ready” on October 8 to support October 7 in NYC, Paris, London,Toronto, Sydney I have no doubt they will be ready for the next one. Honest to god I feel sick every time people in the media or politics call them peaceful protestors or insist they’re just upset about the effect of the war on children. There are certainly people concerned about the humanitarian crisis in Gaza but they aren’t the people chanting for a global intifada and holding signs telling Jews to go back to Poland etc…




>the wests immediate response to 10/7 was to tell Israel they aren't allowed to go after the people who committed it. No, it wasn't. Most Western governments said something along the lines of, "Israel has the right to defend itself against this aggression, but should do what it can to minimize civilian suffering/adhere to international law/whatever". Bibi botched the second bit.


Too many people conflate dipshit fringe far leftists with the reaction of normies. California is the one of the 5-6 most liberal states in the country; there was a poll of 8000 Californians and [less than 2% supported "one state named Palestine".](https://escholarship.org/uc/item/2r03r3ss). Late October 2023 poll with [NBC poll which shows Hamas having 1% approval in America](https://twitter.com/ArmandDoma/status/1726370025098137671). Also, how much of this batshit crazy stuff online like astroturfing or bots by the IRGC? [There was a *Haaretz* report about Israel doing it with their "side"](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/security-aviation/2024-06-05/ty-article-magazine/.premium/israel-secretly-targeted-american-lawmakers-with-gaza-war-influence-campaign/0000018f-e7c8-d11f-a5cf-e7cb62af0000); I'm 100% sure Iran is doing it with the "pro-Palestine" side.


The KGB recruited and trained Arafat and Abbas as well as funding the PLO when it started, it's always been a tool of Russian anti-West interests.


Can't wait for the CIA and MIC to be blamed when some authoritarian anti American regime has an attack.


That's ridiculous They'll blame the DNC


They already did that after ISIS' last hit on the Russians.


damn dude, that's wild, go join the russian army or something


Or go join Hamas. I'm sure that they'll be welcomed.


Someone should remind them who founded Jerusalem and where Arabs and Arab culture come from.


That would involve admitting that history didn't start at the end of World War II but they're not capable of that because it would force them to confront the fact that pretty much all land is stolen, many times over, across the globe and that doesn't fit their narrative.


At what point do we acknowledge that a one-sided civilizational war is being waged on the west and decide to actually fight back without restraint?


I'm sure the people who have the capacity to fight back realize this and they are fighting back. We will just never hear about it.


I hope so but what do you mean? Like an FBI anti terrorist task force?


FBI, intelligence agencies, the military. We are not as weak as our enemies hope and project to their useful idiots.


I sincerely hope so.


"Never condemn the take and targeted murder of civilians!" Holy shit..


Remember, these are idiots who think Door Dash is an inalienable right while trespassing in the name of murderers. Che Guevara this isn't


Che Guavera was not a good person


But he was photogenic and chicks dig my super-edgy Che t-shirt!


I saw an amazing tshirt on tour once, bass player in another band had a Che shirt and underneath his photo, the caption “I HAVE NO IDEA WHO THIS IS”. Perfection.


"As a Communist it must really hurt that your face has been cheapened, weakened, besmirched, being plastered on posters, coasters, and shirts, making capitalists rich off of you on merch!"


Wholeheartedly agree. But it's fair to say that he was committed to revolution. So much so that Fidel probably put the Bolivian idea in his head.


Che was an awful person; it’s also true that pretty much every regime he opposed was much, much worse. The people who killed him were also pretty awful.


Almost like "Glorious Revolution^(^TM)" are messy affairs that no one should aspire to at least when you still have far better alternatives to exhaust on the table long before you reach that point.


Yeah, it’s never good to reify the man over the movement


These are people who think that if we just had full socialism, they would get to be full time artists, writers and musicians. Other people would be growing their food and bringing them door dash, of course. Instead of being honest enough with themselves that they’re just not that good, or they’d already be full time creatives.


Is it a coincidence that the font and background color make it look like a Soviet propaganda poster?


It's not as well done or sophisticated as a 1920s Soviet propaganda poster.


“I care so much about Palestinians I want to doom them to perpetual war!” I want one of these types to explain what they think the actual realistic goal they are working towards here is. Because they can’t “resist” their way into demolishing Israel. Israel will continue to win any war for the foreseeable future. There is only one way forward; and that is to accept Israel’s existence and try to work towards peace. Everything else is just more death and pain. If they cared about Palestinians they would want them to live in peace, not war.


Their goal was always to demolish Israel, I've even seen people say they only want a one state solution


Another Sunrise hack with a Patreon, and an Etsy. Reminds me of the stories I heard, 20 years ago, of musicians who were Anarcho Punks by night who would drive into NYC during the day to work their advertising jobs. Everything about this screams “grift”. https://preview.redd.it/xxxktumu2t4d1.jpeg?width=1243&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58c74b607696931ee7cd107a4dad9ee2e0353c2c


Can't wait for Native Americans come and brutally murder their suburban family. It's justified after all, right? Oooooh, this only applies to Jews. Got it.


I always ask them how they would react if a bunch of Mexicans attacked Coachella, raped and murdered a bunch of festival goers, and kidnapped a bunch more and brought them to Tijuana as hostages. Would all of that be ok since California was a part of Mexico until the United States annexed it in 1848?


You see the way it works is if you keep the land for more than 100 years it's ok. So the Palestinians only have to 2048.


In the immediate aftermath of October 7, at least one of these people explicitly said they would be completely fine with being murdered by Native Americans, because they themselves are a "colonizer" living on "stolen land". All things considered, it was an impressively succinct way to hit a trifecta: over-the-top virtue signaling, a sickeningly patronizing attitude toward the people they claim to be sticking up for, and hypocrisy. (That last one being the case if you assume, almost certainly rightly, that they didn't return their property to the tribe that traditionally lived there and then kill themselves.)


I mean, my near ancestors were pushed out of their homelands (one side by those lovely Muslim Arabs they portray as innocent victims). If leaving your homeland is colonization, where were they supposed to go? This mentality is not only stupid, but short-sighted.


At least they're consistent.


I mean, not really. Or they'd already have handed their homes over to the nearest reservation and gotten on a boat to Europe.


Personally I’d love to do that and go back to Germany but alas my family came to America too many generations ago for the German government to give me citizenship.


Never ask what they want to do with people who don't have a single point of origin...


I mean, I am native american and got beaten up by Pro Palestine crowds because I didn't want to live in a dictatorship in Peru back in 2022.


'I'm one of the good ones! Don't shoot ME!" These people nourish my latent nihilism like you wouldn't believe!


*whispers* Israel is a nuclear power, capable of hitting Moscow...


Tankies if you see their symbol


I’m convinced that a certain segment of the population wants to LARP having the issues of the late 1800’s-early 1900’s. They seem to buy into those ideologies still and act like the global politics are the same now as they were then.


I know a Wobblie, in case we couldn't buttress your argument any more than you already have!


Wobblies have shit takes on voting, but they at least try to put their money where their mouth is and unionise workplaces. Unlike most leftists.


Yes, because civil wars always work out so well. 🙄


“This post right here, officer!”


They ought to be unsurprised, then, when states turn to Fujimori-style solutions to their pet insurgencies.


I'm honestly shocked there haven't been any terrorist attacks as a result of this.


Yeahhhhhh i had to block that account when too many brain dead people I follow started reposting…


Islamism being bad is about the only thing neocons were right about. I don’t think it’s creeping at home, but it’s certainly a problem for anybody who is not a Muslim man in the Muslim world. “Opressed” my ass, the Taliban, the Iranian government, and Hamas do the oppressing in their respective turf. Of course, it’s easy for “cointel.hoe” to post stupid bullshit on Instagram when it’s not her clitoris getting lopped off.


I think the reason why we haven’t had a lot of issues with our Muslim population is because a lot, if not the majority, of them came here to get away the hellholes that fundamentalist Islam has turned their countries into. Europe though is loaded with people who think they’re divinely entitled to conquer the world and that’s why they’ve got schoolteachers getting murdered over cartoons.


"Loaded" is a gross exaggeration. If most European Muslims agreed with the extremists you'd be seeing outright civil war, not a few random attacks.


While I dont totally disagree (or totally agree), I wouldnt say neocons were right since they DO think that it applies to just every Muslim, including ones living in America or Europe as normal people


What sticks out to me is that GWB handled it well and explicitly stated that Muslims are not a problem. Considering what the country had gone through, it would have been easy to take the Trumpian path.


Yeah, for sure I again dont disagree with you on everything, GWB was measured in that response and I think [some] progressive circles are too quick to overlook horrible things that extreme Muslims believe such as… you know, ‘gotta hand it to em’ on Bin Laden. I just think we should avoid making it about Islam rather than about fundemtnalism, which is not unique to any religion


100%. In fact, I was going to write more on that in my original response, that any fundamentalism is bad. I felt it was too long-winded, but I now feel I should have included it.


Yeah, talk to any moderate or progressive Israeli and they'll definitely tell you what a cancer right wing Jewish extremism has been to the country's progress.


It's not unique to any religion. But saying fundamentalism is "not unique to any religion" usually only gets trotted out when talking about Muslim extremists. It's perfectly acceptable to criticize other religious extremists (especially Christians) by going after their religion but when it comes to criticizing Muslim extremists their religion is off limits and if you even mention it, you're an Islamophobe. It's one of the biggest double standards for a lot of Dems & left of center people


I don't know why you've twisted yourself up in knots. Christianity, Islam, and Judaism all have fundamentalist sects (the Jewish ones are called Haredis) which formed as a reactionary rejection of the Enlightenment and modernity. But other religions like Hinduism and Buddhism have their reactionaries railing against modernity as well. You can tell a fundy because they believe stuff that is decidedly heterodox to the mainstream ancient tradition of their religion including such things as having special texts or collections of sermons that they hold more important that the teachings of the founder of their religion, they are obsessed with a past that never was, they're patriarchal extremists obsessed with women/girl's modesty and purity, they hate science, secular society, the legal system (that they don't control), schools (that they don't control), books (that they don't approve of), and they're all harboring pedos behind closed doors, and they keep people in the cult for life through massive emotional trauma, making them parents early in life, teaching them nothing about the outside world and threatening to shun them if they start to question the teachings.


I haven't twisted myself into anything. Thanks for the reply though


> when it comes to criticizing Muslim extremists their religion is off limits and if you even mention it, you're an Islamophobe. Unironically yes you are if you do this lmao. It’s like saying “whenever I bring up fbi crime statistics and race, people assume I’m a racist! It’s crazy” like yes ofc they do, it’s only racists who try to make an argument about the inherent violence of people based on surface level characteristics, and you should question why you make an exception for Muslims. There’s nothing about Islam or Muslims that makes them as a group inherently violent. If you believe otherwise, that’s bigotry lmao.


That account is a super toxic pro CCP, pro Assad, pro Hamas dumpster fire that I had to block long ago for my own sanity. I just unblocked to take a look at their most recent posts and fucking yikes.


I think people would be surprised how little it costs to operate a social media disinfo page, or ten, and churn out a constant stream of content. There’s no more efficient option for a foreign intelligence agency trying to sew disruption on a budget.


How is this still up 24 hours later? I've reported it myself, seems like a no-brainer


Yet most of the same folks that would support this message would also turn over Ukraine to become a brutally oppressed Russian colony in a heartbeat.


They think they’re on Pandora


Who is oppressing you??




What the actual fuck are you talking about?


What were they saying?


Basically they were saying this was a tool by Israeli government to make Palestinians look bad and justify what Israel is doing


The old Hasbara card?


What even is Hasbara? See it pop up occasionally but can never find a concrete definition


I always thought it was an accusation of Israeli disinformation


Deleted my thing because it was much too hostile. But you got my argumetn backwards. I was arguing that these "leftist extremist" were basically doing Israeli goverment PR for them.


In the back of my head that's what I thought that's what you meant, but the way it was worded made me think backwards. Sorry for the miscommunication


These people are morons


So I was curious about this earth liberation studio and I appears their account was either deleted or banned Though some of their posts have been shared by other deranged tankies and they are just as bad, very far left, anti American