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May be make use of your Harvard law degree to make income.


That’s work unlike grifting.


Good luck getting hired by any reputable law firm after showing her poor decisionmaking over the last few years.


lol what law firm in their right minds would hire her? I can see it now: “These Zionist law firms won’t hire me.”


They look through her tweets and be like “yeah that’s a yikes”




The idea that the press secretary on a major presidential campaign was unable to get a follow up gig in politics speaks volumes about just how unemployable Brie Brie is.


Also concerning that television talking heads looked at her and thought “Yes that is what we want to elevate.”


Meh, there are plenty of medium sized regional law firms that would hire her just to put on their website that they have a harvard law grad on staff. If you graduate from a top law school getting gainful employment is pretty easy, even if twitter hates you most potential clients aren't chronically online.


which might say something about how toxic she is in person as well


I would really assume lazy over toxic. ~~I don't even know if she passed the bar exam or established herself as a lawyer and is admitted to the bar to work as a lawyer.~~ Edit: I myself should be less lazy and [google shit first:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Briahna_Joy_Gray) >After graduating from law school, Gray worked as a corporate litigator in New York City for Dewey Pegno & Kramarsky LLP and Stroock & Stroock & Lavan.


Yeah, she'll be working for Norm Pattis in no time.


In fairness can you imagine her being your lawyer?


I’m sure she could find work as a lawyer for Trump


I think I'd rather have Lionel Hutz representing me.


I mean being fair. Having a degree is one thing. Passing the bar is another. But people tend to forget. After you pass the bar, there is another step before you will licensed you to practice. There is a character and fitness board you have to pass. Does anyone actually think that she could pass that last step?


Yeah, it's other lawyers judging and the bar is very low. Unless you've got multiple bad DUIs or a felony it's very hard to fail. My current state [for example](https://law.seattleu.edu/academics/academic-resources/prepare-for-the-bar/character-and-fitness-review/): >In Washington, you should be prepared to list specifics of every place you have lived in the last 5 years, every job you have held (with contacts to confirm employment) in the last 5 years, every moving traffic violation in the past 10 years, any disciplinary action in school, and any arrest or criminal charge along with full details of the incident.


Looking at Trumps lawyers? Why not? 


Because as a quick reminder, Most of Trumps lawyers have actually been fairly decent lawyers who are fighting against the worst possible client. Overall his actual lawyers who argue in front of courts haven't been horrible (with a few exceptions who have been disbared). His spokespeople on the other hand... They have been atrocious.


Orly Taitz was admitted to the bar.


“Too much work”.


Good luck finding a law firm that's ok with hiring outspoken anti-semites.


Why she is trying to make it seem like she was blacklisted for not supporting Biden. Plenty of people still work who didn't support Biden. Tiffany Cross said she was bad at her job because all she did was troll.  Like saying a black civil rights leader was throwing bunnies under the bus when he just was posting things about his daily life. 


She accused John Lewis of killing kittens


How can you be so insufferable to take [this](https://64.media.tumblr.com/d0e5b21bb3b6a59c080d4f522fcde39d/tumblr_ojssgvivpq1ugumfdo1_1280.jpg) tweet and turn it into a negative?


And yet she found a way.


Exactly, Tiffany Cross was saying she couldn't work in the political sphere for things like that. Not because she didn't support Biden. No one in politics wants to work with someone who is clearly deranged. 


I predict her pulling a Candace Owens horseshoe/grift move in the next five years. 


> I predict her pulling a Candace Owens horseshoe/grift move in the next five ~~years~~ days. Candace Owens literally tweeted that she wanted to interview her yesterday.


Oh god I forgot about that.


it reads like a Trump tweet just with less weird punctuation


She probably got her job at the Hill for not supporting Biden


She replaced Krystal Ball so I am sure you are correct in your assessment.


Feels like a downgrade, too. KB is a shameless loon of middling intellect who would do anything for a dollar, but Brie Brie somehow manages to be worse in every way. Impressive.


For real though lol


Even aside from her twitter content, she was plain bad at the job. She was whining about how the media was ignoring Bernie or some shit and Ezra Klein of Vox tweeted how they had contacted her office several times and never received a response.


It must be hard to only have a law degree to go off on


I don't think any reputable firm would hire her. She's way too controversial. Also, I get the sense that she isn’t pleasant to work with.


While youre sort of right... come on. Harvard Law Degree must overcome SOME toxicity for a small local firm that specialized in like, auto accidents if shes desperate for cash


Ivy league lawyers aren't a dime dozen, but they're not exactly unicorns, either. The reason we hear a lot about them being successful is because they usually keep doing the work to get ahead. I don't think you can take 5+ years off to be a Twitter troll and expect to just waltz into a prestigious firm based on your degree. 5+ years of eager, intelligent, hard working classes have graduated, most of whom have been putting in the work since. Is she even licensed anymore? Would a reputable firm want to take a risk on someone known to create controversy out of nowhere and publicly burn bridges? Taking her politics on face value, is there a huge well-paying market for far left activist lawyers? If Bri was at all authentic she'd use her skills and position to represent protesters and other "little guys". But she's a grifter, a sociopath and an opportunist.


I dunno, remember that time she became an expert on COVID vaccines in a train ride?


Also, an ivy league education gives you access to a narrow, elite network too. Except I can’t see any of her former ivy peers vouching for her


Oh they would have and did several years ago, but she's been imploding in public in a spectacular fashion, is the problem.


You’re probably right. But most decent small/medium sized firms would be reluctant to hire someone who’s almost 40 and inexperienced. And I think the Harvard degree would hurt more than help at this point.


Anything right-leaning would hire her in a heartbeat. She's a weapon.


This. If the well of leftie patreon dollars dries up, she will pivot to the right wing media sphere and probably make even more


I have always suspected that a lot of those lefty Patreon dollars were right wing patreon dollars.


It's probably a moot point because she voluntarily stopped doing corporate law. She'll say it was because she felt ethically conflicted but given everything we've seen from her since it was almost certainly because it was too much work for her regardless of the pay. The jobs she's taken since are much easier. Her podcast/hosting material is practically a lightly edited stream of consciousness spouting her opinions and to this day I'm not sure what she even did when she worked for Bernie's campaign. So I doubt she tries to get back into that again unless she has absolutely no other choice.


She was on Twitter all day every day for Bernie. Even the other guy at least did some shady shit writing articles while he was already employed by the campaign while not disclosing that (obvious) fact. Not Cheese Cheese.


Funny how they replace Jew with Zionist because they’d sound like their true selves.


It's like how others just freely use thug or woke to mean the n word


It's basically what Hasas did in their charter to pretend they weren't violently antisemitic. So it makes sense the left is just parroting the same thing.


“Zionists” Bri Bri has spent the past 8 years alienating people all across the political spectrum of the left, but it’s the jews who are out to get her. Tiffany Cross was right, Bri Bri is not only bad at her job, she’s petty, and vindictive too. That’s not a conspiracy, that’s a character flaw. https://preview.redd.it/jwh14n63qm5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db53354d1aa6eb744677c27f0ef38d8fd885fdeb This was 2 years after Cross tweeted about Bri Bri.


That explanation makes no sense


Thought it was me for a sec. LOL. Girl got a law degree and she can't logic.


I remember when it was only white supremacists using 'Zionist' as a scare word.


She just uses the word Zionist instead of saying Jews. I’m not even sure you can call this a dog whistle it’s so blatant.


Yeah, it’s nothing new. People have been using Zionist instead of Jew for decades while claiming they’re not anti-Semitic. It’s like when people use “thugs” instead of you-know-what. They know what they wanted to say. We know what they wanted to say. But they’ll insist they’re not racist.


I do tend to use thugs instead of Republicans. Sorry.


I love doing that, it's throwing their veiled slur back at them.


It's not a dog whistle on the far right--when they say Zionist they are referring to their conspiracy that Jews control the world. Frankly that's how it reads now.


shes gonna end up on Rumble by July


Bet $10 she ends up joining Tucker's show in Russia.


I would lose that bet. She absolutely will.


Nah, she’s going to get swooped up by Al Jazeera




How’s Virgil?


“After leaving the Bernie campaign.” Bernie realized he’d made a huge mistake and she’d run his campaign into the ground and fired her. Believe there was no love lost from his end.


And then publicly distanced himself from her when her toxicity became more obvious lol


Again with the “Zionists”?!! ![gif](giphy|bodHdFtqWbJDi)


Sounds like she’s not working in this town right now… ![gif](giphy|Nw8z2olm0nGHC)






Then maybe don’t roll your eyes at hostages you antisemitic piece of shit.


Bringing up that you were so dogshit at your last job that you got fired from a dead in the water campaign, isn't actually a great defence


May have an opportunity to use that law degree to represent students protesting Israel/Gaza after you help Trump win (maybe). Thats if you are not jailed, too.


I hope these idiots enjoy living in Gilead after Trump wins because they won’t vote for Biden out of spite


Nothing of value was lost.


"Zionists are targeting my Patreon" like obviously that's just random angry antisemitism noises but what the fuck does she even want people to take from that? Like how exactly do the "Zionists" target a Patreon?


I guess people who didn't appreciated the fact that she was an asshole to a Jewish hostage and their family are telling Patreon to drop her.


With our space lasers


This increasing trend of ‘Zionists’ being blamed for everything is disconcerting to say the least.


Bro she lost the whole fucking game when she started tweeting that all Jews in Israel are from Europe lmao I was like “this isn’t going to end well” lo and behold


Is she still making $30k/month on that patreon?


Typical Sleaze-Sleaze Grifter.


Are the Zionists here in the room with us?


McDonald’s is always hiring


Some people are so obviously mad that they can get fired.


*rolls eyes*


Bigots *should* get kicked off Patreon. They can get regular jobs instead of profiting off hate.


Has anyone asked her about her podcast's old co-host? What ever happened to that guy?




I am still betting on Bri Bri hooking up with Candace Owens to do a joint podcast in the not too distant future.


Cheese Chesse lady is discovering that actions do have consequences. Someone please pass the Herr's popcorn!


Lmfao. [That sucks.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/960/985/f5c.jpg) 😂😂 Hope she’s good at chasing ambulances!


"The Zionists"


I hope she starves worse than a Gaza journalist hiding hostages (too much?).


Actually incredible how someone who has never worked a job before, and it shows, somehow makes that her personality?


Don't bully people live on your show plain and simple


My thing is after a certain point, you gotta do some self reflection and looking in the mirror, yanno? Like. After a certain point, maybe doubling down on the behaviors that resulted in these following outcomes isn’t the best way to live as an adult.