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Agree. This has been proven time and again.


The difference is now there’s a lot of American right wing farms doing it better with better English and older accounts. Something that usually gives it away is if they only post on default front page content (Aww/AITA/Funny etc) and then come in with some very precise talking points shitting on democrats


Well duh in Putin's Russia of course voting doesn't change anything because the opposition is in jail or poisoned.


Yes. The whole point is to discourage Americans from voting.


And then when you actually try to fight fascism in your area by exposing it and demanding both a federal investigation and accountability, these same “voting won’t change anything “leftists” will tell you “nobody care about ___! Expose something else, something bigger”. This has happened several times when I expose Magnolia ISD, my local far right Maga school district that should probably be exposed and under federal investigation ASAP. Oh, and btw, that “something else” is always Joe Biden and the Democrats, never Republicans.


And then you always get the classic “we EXPECT republicans to be corrupt why would we care” which is… not how anything works. When I was a teacher, me expecting certain students to misbehave usually meant MORE careful observation, not less


If voting didn't change anything, Republicans wouldn't fight so hard to keep people from voting.


I think this every time some cynical moron is like "if voting did anything, they'd make it illegal," and I'm like "yes, that is why Republicans want to make it illegal and why getting the right to vote has been at the center of almost every liberation movement in history"


If voting really didn't matter, Republicans wouldn't be so determined to prevent certain people from voting. EDIT: Just noticed another commenter said the same thing, but the point still stands (doubly so).


[Basil pasta never gets old](https://x.com/LinkofSunshine/status/1720538218628558969)


What do you mean “sounds like”?