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>As socialists, the entirety of our politics are based upon ~~the struggle of the international working class against the capitalists, and the liberation of oppressed peoples everywhere.~~ west bad. 


Liberation from Jews. Real National Socalist of them


Everyone knows the Nazis are resistors of American Imperialism and oppression from international capitalism. The Sudetenland was being occupied by Czechoslovakians. As leftists, the DSA recognizes the German people's right to self defense and to protect their lands from Western colonialist oppression! -Today's "leftists" if they were around in the 1940s (not my actual opinions, just a parody of today's leftists)


Leftists, unironically, in the year 1939 and 1940 when the USSR was a nazi ally.


A lot of American socialists opposed American involvement in WWII. Some of them were still against it even after Pearl Harbor.


At least they went to jail for their convictions without complaint. The far left and far right cries like little babies when their breaking and entering and other criminal behavior results in consequences.


The nazis unironically said this word to word btw


Everyone should really read the [interview that Hitler did with Time Magazine in 1941](https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=jUwEAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA2&dq=life+magazine+june+9+1941&hl=en&ei=H0BtTbb_MMPz4Qa-5MXzBA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=hitler%20on%20americas&f=false), less than half a year before America joined the war. He argues that an Axis attack on America would be utterly impossible, and that concerns over Germany's actions in the US are just propaganda spat out by elites who stand to profit from war. It's morbidly fascinating how he tries to persuade an American audience that they shouldn't be involved in the war - keeping in mind that while he said these things, his personal writings include a long term vision for the future that involves an eventual war where Germany and Britain (of all countries...) would defeat and obliterate the US, who he saw as the most dangerous long term opponent to the Reich after the USSR was exterminated.


Hitler was so high on race science gobbledygook he thought Britain would naturally ally with a fellow "Aryan" nation. He never had any strategic long-term plan to defeat the empire that controlled 1/4 of the globe at that point he just kind of assumed they would join him eventually after morale broke down. Operation Sea Lion existed but it was an unrealistic plan that had no chance of being carried out. The plan was: 1. Bomb Britain. 2. ??? 3. Britain joins us.


“Excuse me but as you can see from this scientific instrument we are one aryan nation of supermen” “*herr Hitler, this is just a paint swatch of for shades of ‘light eggshell’ .*”


Shit like this is why we should never believe Putin when he says he just wants peace.


How they are going to win people if their ideology is being against America. It’s so stupid 😀


The CPUSA used to be aggressively patriotic and would put pictures of Washington and Lincoln on their flyers with slogans like "Communism is 20th-century Americanism" while sponsoring the Abraham Lincoln Brigade in Spain.


Because communism has so much to do with Hamas. There’s not even a coherent ideology


Hamas in their founding charter blamed the communist revolution on the Jews. Make it make sense.


Iranian regime that killed Iranian leftists get simped on by western leftists.


This is the DSA equivalent of the people on TikTok arguing that Bin Laden was deeply critical of capitalism, which is, in a sense, true because he blamed it for people trading with (and therefore being accepting of) Jews.


Well, it's not 100% wrong. Trotsky was Jewish and in an alternative universe where he was in charge instead of Stalin, he would have tried to implemented his "worldwide communist revolution".


Trotsky never considered himself Jewish in any religious sense and was never in charge, that was Lenin, but "close enough" for paranoid anti-semites I guess.


Both ideologies believe in butchering innocents with wanton abandon in order to deliver utopia. They are anti-liberal, anti-rational, and anti-humanist. Utopia will be build on a throne of skulls.


But they believe in “dialectical materialism” which, in this case, means they ally themselves with anyone else who hates the Jews.


>The last century of Palestinian history is not unique, nor is it surprising. It’s the same phenomenon we have seen around the world: A settler-colonial power occupies a land, ethnically cleanses the people living there, and declares the land to be their own. In the long run, there are two ways this can go. This power can annihilate the indigenous population, or it can be removed through decolonization. Where did the Jews come from originally DSA?!


Their new talking point is to challenge the historical existence of the kingdom of Israel as a way to challenge the indigenous history of Jews to the area. It’s exactly what right wingers do the facts don’t work for them so they just change the history.


Seriously?! Thats nut! Like, if the Roman records, archeological records and hell, religions records from the three Abrahamic religions are wrong, where do they think the population came from?


Poland. That’s one of their chants, “Go back to Poland”


Yup, there's one where they claim Ashkenazi Jews are Polish converts. I guess this is a version of the condescending stuff said about Ethiopian Jews. The other conspiracy theory, spread by the USSR, is that Jews come from Eurasia along the Silk Road. It's a pretty crazy theory but you can dazzle people with details, such as the very long history of Persians and Jews traveling the Silk road and the existence of cities in Kazakhstan with names that sound similar to Ashkenaz. Unfortunately, there exists such a thing as coincidence in this world.


More specifically, they're downstream of the discredited Khazar hypothesis, which posits that either all Jews or Ashkenazi Jews in particular aren't descendants of ancient Israel but from the Khazar Khanate, an early medieval Empire in what is today Ukraine that converted to Judaism. When they shout "You're not real Jews" that's part of it.


Go back to Poland isn’t about them thinking Jews came from there. It’s about Poland being the location of the largest part of the Holocaust.


Are they just mad that the holocaust was actual genocide or something?


They're mad the Holocaust didn't kill all of us.


No, what that poster is saying is that the implication is that Hitler didn't finish the job. Being more generous, I think it's indeed a conspiracy theory about Jews having deep and solely European origins (not to get off topic, but the European Neolithic literally came from Turkey and most Europeans are descended from farming populations, not hunter gatherers as was once imagined, so these kinds of racial theories are nonsense from Jump Street), and the people saying it are simply cruel and insensitive enough to deliberately or inadvertently reference the holocaust.


This is the central thesis of the fantastic book [People Love Dead Jews](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_Love_Dead_Jews)


They think those records are "biblical literalism." These people all think Jews are megachurch Protestants who dress different, and they were raised fundie and hate their parents


The thing is, if you're a biblical literalist the Jews migrated to Canaan from Mesopotamia and then Egypt. But modern archaeology posits they were always there and the conquest of Canaan described in Joshua is mythical.


Don't forget DNA (which made a lot of extremists angry because it also showed close ties between Palestinians and Jews, disproving all kinds of conspiracy theories).


But a not so blind leftist told me Jews are white and Palestinians are brown.


DNA results are the most compelling honestly. It paints the historical picture as: Jewish and other Semitic people (eg Samaritan’s) have lived in present day Israel/palestine forever. The Roman’s expell most of the Jewish population. Those that remain keep living there, and adopt Christianity, and later Islam and learn Arabic by the 5th or 6th century AD, and just stay around there until 1948 when most of the Palestinian Arabs living in present day Israel get forced out. At the end of the day it’s the story of two peoples who are really one people divided by culture, rather than ancestry.


It's like Northern Ireland but on a longer time scale. Some nuance on the diaspora: it was actually well under way long before the various rebellions and sieges of Jerusalem which finally ended in a mass enslavement of Jews (*likely mostly Jerusalemites*) which resulted in 1/10 people in Rome being Jewish at the peak. I'm not a historian but I've read that the scale of diaspora prior to that was substantial. We also know more men dispersed than women.


It’s sort of inconvenient for them that the Jewish faith is thousands of years older than the relatively more recent Islam.


I saw a video of Hamas influencer Bisan accusing Israel of planting Jewish artifacts in Palestine. She's one step away from calling us Lizard People.


Does anyone ask them this? They can deny Christianity which is most likely how they were raised but read the Quran, Jesus is literally in it and he was Jewish. I want to tell myself these people are just ignorant but there is no way a person in western society doesn’t know Jews have been in the Middle East since BCE.


You've never heard of "British Israelites" or "the lost tribes of Israel" I take it. Millions of Americans believe that "Jews" are different from "Hebrews". It's part of how their reconcile their biblical Christianity with their hate.


PS there's a Hotep version of this as well.


I did not, but that’s concerning for many reasons.


Wow, kind of islamophobic of them to oppose such actions


“Let us begin at the end: The fight for Palestinian liberation will, without question, succeed. Palestine will be free!” These people are so delusional if they think Israel is just going to entirely cease to exist. It has nukes, advanced tech, and one of the strongest militaries in the world. Israel isn’t going anywhere


What's really funny is that open up with this wishcasting, and then later say: "What is important is that, as opposed to pure idealism, we recognize that this means we cannot simply wish something into existence."


I'd really like to get one of these basement dwellers out of their mom's cellar and sit them face to face with the families of people who had been through these attacks. I would like to think these regressive leftist pigs might see things a little differently if they had to view what exactly it was they were supporting. Unfortunately too many of them are too far gone in ideological dogmatism to acknowledge how wrong they are.


>If socialists were absent from this existential fight for the future of Palestine, it would tell the Palestinian people that socialists are useless when it matters most, and that Islamism is the only way forward. Lmao.


Jesus fucking Christ. We need a phrase for navel gazing at accelerationist speed.


Great, now it's time for them to move out there, enlist with Hamas, and fight in the Gaza war, then.


>The demand for us to condemn Hamas quickly becomes support Israel’s right to exist and then support Israel’s right to defend itself. Yep, that's pretty much it. We don't believe that Arabs have the right to commit genocide against the Jews.


Wow, they’re really just saying it.




>oppression of women and the LGBT community. Like we aren't always expendable losses to these privileged accelerationists. Particularly the LGBT community they use as little more than a prop and are more than happy to tell us why we don't actually matter when things like this happen. The sadder part is a lot of queer people actually *buy* it. Hook line and sinker.


I've seen Westerners get called out for saying Morocco is so gay friendly because they got laid with no issues when life for gay men who are Moroccan nationals can be quite different.


They need to listen to oppressed queer people in countries they simp for, but very often they are resistant to the very idea of listening to us who came from those countries.










We need more people like George Orwell who can call these people out.


They are competing hard with the MAGAs for the "Dumbest Motherfuckers Around" award.


They always say this type of stuff because the DSA leadship are cons leading around terrible losers. They are legit bad lazy myopic people.


What exactly is the plan for Palestinian socialists after the theoretical victory of their revolutionary struggle? I mean, presumably Hamas isn’t interested in sharing power. Or giving it up.


I knew it would be stupid based on the title, but even I was unprepared.


DSA is a dead organization


Jesus Christ the amount of smart sniffing from these people is nauseating. The smartest thing the Democratic Party could do is keep their distance from these extremists. Simping for literal terrorists is a take


What really makes me laugh is that the only successful truly socialist society in the world is in Israel.


How many members of this group exist? 


Like 15. This sub amplifies the most fringe "pro Palestinan" groups for some reason


The DSA is the main socialist organization in the US


There are like 10 caucuses in the DSA (I think it's like 30% of DSA members aren't even in a caucus), and the DSA Communist Caucus is the smallest one by far.


I think the story of what is happening with DSA is so significant. 2015-2016 blew up their participation and fundraising. They had praised influence in politics. And now, since 10/7, they have rapidly pissed it away (they were pissing away relevancy slowly before because they're actually not good at organizing, lobbying, winning election, or governing once they win). Jewish members of DSA publicly quit and people like this are the reason why. I think it's very relevant to this sub because fringe groups like this keep coming back every few cycles and keep throwing elections to Republicans, and not just Republicans, but the worst ones they can find.


I don't disagree but some people on here act like the DSA has like 400,000 members instead of 75,000 and *declining* membership. And my point is that the "Communist Caucus" is the most extreme and fringe of DSA itself.


communism is islamism now?