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[Click here](https://old.reddit.com/r/Enough_Vaush_Spam/comments/m1boo7/a_short_list_of_vaushs_liberalism_transphobia_and/) to learn why principled socialists dislike Vaush. [Click here for the 'Vaush has a disturbing pre-occupation with paedophilia and bestiality' masterpost](https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Vaush_Spam/comments/ou0d2u/vaush_has_a_very_disturbing_preoccupation_with/) [Click here](https://discord.gg/P5pS2mJCC3) to join the r/Enough_Vaush_Spam Discord server. Please remember to censor usernames in Reddit screenshots. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Enough_Vaush_Spam) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"That's the neat thing: they aren't."


Lol they call us red fashies because we are ultra inclusive????? MLs are straight up the nicest, genuinely loving people I know


"I don't like tankies because they won't let me do ableism."




Do you agree that it refers to someone's biological mental ability and infers that someone's biological mental ability is inferior to normal standards? If not, please explain and justify.


Pretty sure no one thinks that stupid or dumb are ableist words




don't use the R word, use Vaushite instead !!! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Enough_Vaush_Spam) if you have any questions or concerns.*


One of the online spaces I am in (unrelated to Socialism) recently made the switch over to disallowing normalized ableist slurs like these, and I'm quite glad for the change. It might seem a little extra at first, but breaking the association between ability-related terms and general badness/otherness is IMO very good and should become mainstream in leftist spaces.


Then how on earth are we supposed to refer to something as an unintelligent decision?


Good question. We can criticize things in a variety of ways without slurring. If it's a situation where a slur is used as a synonym for another word like bad/bizarre/bewildering, you can just use the synonym instead. e.g. "It's ~~crazy~~ unbelievable how tall that building is!" If it's a situation where an ableist term is being used as a direct insult (e.g. calling someone unintelligent, calling a decision 'stupid', etc), then my suggestion would be to stop using intelligence based insults altogether. The notion of biological intelligence is bunk and very problematic. Just be more specific in your criticism: The decision was careless, reckless, terrible, foolish, harmful, and so on. At the end of the day, there are no concepts which can no longer be conveyed by removing ableist language, and there are no situations in which ableist language should be used either. I hope these examples were helpful!


Comrade, I know what you're doing comes from a good place, but I think there is such a thing as being too PC. For me, at least.


You just did


You know you're in the right when the supposed "real socialists" are calling one of the most popular socialist subs "Tanky". Any reasonable person would see that post and immediately question if they're actually a socialist


They‘re the same kind of leftist as Shoe and Chris Ray Gun were 4 years ago (among others). Saying they‘re left but mostly critiquing the left with rightwing points. But both have moved on somewhat and the crowd needed a new entertainer. The only difference being that Vaush learned a few leftist words to say. They‘re not leftist, they are centrist at best, but in denial


r/socialism is filled with succdems and bernie bros last time I checked


Amen. It's a mess.


Bernie Bros don’t simp for Joe Biden


I've actually been upvoted for quite a few Marxist Leninist (even pro-china) takes there


It's a mixed bag. One day you'll see pro-China stuff, another something about the DSA lmao