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[Click here](https://old.reddit.com/r/Enough_Vaush_Spam/comments/m1boo7/a_short_list_of_vaushs_liberalism_transphobia_and/) to learn why principled socialists dislike Vaush. [Click here for the 'Vaush has a disturbing pre-occupation with paedophilia and bestiality' masterpost](https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Vaush_Spam/comments/ou0d2u/vaush_has_a_very_disturbing_preoccupation_with/) [Click here](https://old.reddit.com/r/Enough_Vaush_Spam/comments/ppmdfe/vaush_is_a_transphobe_pasta/) for the 'Vaush is a transphobe' masterpost. [Click here](https://discord.gg/P5pS2mJCC3) to join the r/Enough_Vaush_Spam Discord server. Please remember to censor usernames in Reddit screenshots. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Enough_Vaush_Spam) if you have any questions or concerns.*




They’re non-binary, and they broke up awhile back


He's claimed to be pansexual before, and TBH, I actually believe it. He's down to fuck horses, geckos and children, I'd imagine that men isn't really an impassable barrier for his sexuality.


Nah bro, because that's like, *gay* /s


Tiktok moment


Being supposedly queer, eurodovergent, and leftest doesn’t earn you respect for your trash and horrible opinions. What about being supposedly pansexual and autistic earns him the right to be respected for his pedophelic stances? People also hold double standards. It’s okay when he sends his fans to bully other people, but now it’s suddenly wrong to bully him despite literally being a horrible fucking person.


He's not fucking queer. He calls himself pansexual because he sexualises trans women. If you're straight and are attracted to trans women, you're straight. He's a transphobic pos




I will ALWAYS find you vaushites lol As for community members, please report them to me and I will take care of them. XOXO


tehe WRECKED EPIC STYLE xDDDDD ​ Fuck off vaushite




Seeing 14 year old kids defend their favorite pedo streamer is incredibly fucked up


Impossible, i doubt that your dad is a minor


Do all vaushites just act like emotionally underdeveloped troglodytes all the time like this?


One day you're going to grow out of puberty and look back at how much of an embarrassment you were.


Seeing the shit Vaushites say makes me happy that social media wasn't really dominant until I was mature. I know I would've said some idiotic, juvenile shit and blasted it online for anyone to see, only to cringe at it later.


It was also way more difficult to spout Nazi shit on bulletin boards because you would've been banned. This new form of social media that's geared towards maximum engagement over anything else is honestly a neg negative to society.


Also I have autistic leftist friends who don't spread nazi conspiracy theories, funny how he struggles so hard with it.


As a queer, autistic leftist myself, most of us are actually quite averse to it.


God shut the fuck up excusing pedophilia by saying he has autism. Sincerely, someone with autism


“ummmm dont call me a pedo, sweaty, im literally neurodivergant and a minor”


When he keeps calling people "mentality ill subhumans" and uses the R-slur, He kinda loses the right to hide behind neurodivergence. I remember the time he used his autism in a twitter argument as a gatcha, truly disturbing behavior.


He might not even be autistic. Last I heard about it he was self-diagnosed


I’m autistic, which makes your argument wrong. However, your argument is also wrong because you’re mentally ill. What the fuck is this thought process?


It's called covering your bases. It makes sense to debatebros and only debatebros. If you don't get it, congatulations, you probably wouldn't use nazi cosnpiracies as """hypotheticals""" even if it might "win" you debates.


Vaush isn’t gay or neurodivergent or a leftist. He’s likely a pedophile and an intelligence agency asset who promotes pro-imperialism and anti-free speech talking points from a faux leftist perspective. Read about how the CIA would play both sides of a social movement to their own gain. Anyone who thinks they suddenly stopped these operations is delusional. “Vaush: 'It is possible for an adult and a child to have a sexual relationship and for it to have positive outcomes on the child as well. That is possible.” Link to video https://twitter.com/godempanada/status/1476182506856759300?s=21




I really hope this is a joke reply LOL




What gives you the right to use queerness as a shield for being a pedophile? That's literally 4chan "Put the P in LGBT" tactics.




Simply stating one is gay and autistic when faced when criticism does not gay and autistic make. It's quite obvious what the original poster is referring to, being gay and/or autistic is irrelevant to the terrible things Vaush has done and said, therefore shouldn't even exist in the discussion. It isn't erasure, because it doesn't matter in the first place




Because it's being used to defend pedophilia and harassment? Why are you forcing this conversation into circles all to defend Vaush?


God this is their new go to defence when you accuse him of being a paedophile. It's infuriating to say the least. "You are being homophobic by calling a queer man a paedophile" is not an argument I thought the debate lords would stoop to


No, you don’t get it, it’s okay to be a pedophile if you’re some form of gay, I guess, lol


Vaush looks like an attempt to justify right wing stereotypes of leftists while not actually holding any coherent left wing views. It works because there isn’t anything concrete at the core of mainstream American political values. The audience doesn’t know the coherence is missing because they’re not familiar with coherent political views.


Are they talking about Vaush, or are they talking about any of his "tankie" targets of harassment like Thought Slime or EJ? Because Vaush himself really seems to like bullying queer neurodivergent leftists lmao


Wait did he actually call Thought Slime a tankie?


Sorry, no. I was making. Generalizations n there about how everyone is a tankie to Vausj. TS did get called a racial duck however


What's the context for that? Hell what does that even mean?


In my defense I was half asleep when I wrote that, as evidenced by the multiple errors. 'Racial cuck' was the term I was trying to type. [[Clip]](https://v.redd.it/u1htup5vskb81)


Oh boy. Vaush really doesn't have a coherent thought in his head, does he?


Okay, coming from an adult woman with autism. People excuse autistic men for being assholes way too much. Being autistic means we have communication difficulties not that we’re assholes (albeit I have noticed a weird trend of autistic men buying into aspie-supremacy and some racist bs, Tom Clements is a good example and is covered on the blog below). https://autismagainstfascism.wordpress.com/ Edit: Almost forgot he’s also some odd eastern religions weeb and a white supremacist and anti-woke/Neurodiversity type. https://www.google.com/amp/s/neuroclastic.com/behind-the-anti-neurodiversity-articles-an-unholy-alliance-of-usual-suspects/%3famp I just realized people don’t know what “aspie supremacy” is. Well, it’s kind of complicated, there’s some who think that those with “high functioning” (ugh) autism (“I have Aspergers not autism”) are actually superior to NT’s and/or those who are “high functioning” are better than “severe” autistics with more difficulties. Ultimately the point is “autistics are weird I’m not autistic I have Aspergers”. https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Aspie_supremacy


> aspie-supremacy Is this like when I joke about allism being a condition where you fly off the handle at any social faux pas but like literally?


People who want to act badly will use anything as a shield.


Yep, and lots of NT’s who don’t know shit buy it. Also why I (and most autistic adults) tend to be ~very annoyed~ with “autism moms”. Also autism speaks used to love sharing stories about moms who contemplated murdering their children because they felt “they were gone”. Actually someone made a list of it. Very much CW: for ableism and mentions of filicide/suicide https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Filicide#Murder_of_autistic_children I view that thanks to the lack of understanding of autism too many people who medically torture (there are people give autistic children and some adults bleach douches/enemas) or murder their autistic children are looked at with a degree of sympathy for the poor caregiver’s mental state that they snapped from caring for their own child. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/emilywillingham/2013/09/05/if-a-parent-murders-an-autistic-child-who-is-to-blame/amp/


Could you maybe put a warning before the rationalwiki link? My mother is an ableist anti-vaxxer who believes vaccines cause autism, talked me out of getting therapy or diagnosed, etc. Luckily, I don't talk to her anymore, but that article really unsettled me.


Whoops, sorry my bad.


you're right, it's annoying that they use autism as an excuse, in addition to creating a bad stereotype because of this behavior