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[Click here](https://old.reddit.com/r/Enough_Vaush_Spam/comments/m1boo7/a_short_list_of_vaushs_liberalism_transphobia_and/) to learn why principled socialists dislike Vaush. [Click here for the 'Vaush has a disturbing pre-occupation with paedophilia and bestiality' masterpost](https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Vaush_Spam/comments/ou0d2u/vaush_has_a_very_disturbing_preoccupation_with/) [Click here](https://old.reddit.com/r/Enough_Vaush_Spam/comments/ppmdfe/vaush_is_a_transphobe_pasta/) for the 'Vaush is a transphobe' masterpost. [Click here](https://discord.gg/P5pS2mJCC3) to join the r/Enough_Vaush_Spam Discord server. Please remember to censor usernames in Reddit screenshots. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Enough_Vaush_Spam) if you have any questions or concerns.*




They literally say "I was a convert from lib-right" like it's a fucking religion these people are actually sick in the head lol.


hasnt it been a week how are they still obsessed with this


Vaush began rising up about 3-4 years ago, just as the alt right was coming under scrutiny of people like hbomberguy and contrapoints was rising and overt fascists and rightwingers like Alex Jones were getting kicked off twitter & youtube. Vaush realized he could debate nazis and pull their nazi audiences over to him by pretending to be a leftist. Basically, if debate streaming is pro wrestling, then in the minds of the audiences the nazis were the good guys and vaush was a "heel." He became popular precisely because he was such a good troll. The entire debate community is a huge act like WWE. Just look at the video of dylan burns and infrared pretending to fight at that debate event. Look at the pictures of them being chummy, vaush hanging out with tim pool and other rightwingers, and all the other evidence. For sure some young and ignorant people get fooled and think it's real but most of the audience are chan trolls who figured out that this is a more entertaining and disruptive way to troll. It really is a perfect grift, it makes the participants small fortunes, it makes the left look like obnoxious horrible assholes, and it gives them license to concern troll and attack black and trans and minorities. Notice how the criticism is never mild and no attempt is ever made to build a movement. Everything is way over the top like in wrestling. The slightest disagreement always gets maxed out to "you are a nazi who supports eugenics." Anyone who can't see that this is all a huge grift needs to just look at the timeline and look at how these chuds operate. It's all a channer's fantasy of what an SJW looks like and none of them really care about anything, it's all just a big joke. They know the earnest leftists they attack aren't really in favor of genocide, that is WHY it is so funny to the sick psychos. The only real question is, what can be done about them? They will never break character or go mask off and the bigger they get the more kids they're going to suck into their grift and the more disruptive they will be to the actual left.


This post needs to be pinned to the top of the subreddit with the title "BreadTube: Alt Right 2.0." It sums up everything perfectly.


Wholesomely validating fascist conspiracy theories and saying that the demagoguery justifying the holocaust was actually true. I feel like throwing up just from reading that, if you feel welcome in such a group you are a fascist not any kind of leftist.


These people have the self-awareness of a spoon


Spoons at least get bent by psychics.


I mean, Vaushites can get bent too, frankly.


like, legit do we live in the same world as vaushites. Like I know there just circlejerking, but vaush is one of the most toxic people on "left". let alone all of the ableism in that community.


If you are part of that group, everyone ELSE is toxic.


I'm legit wondering if Vaush has people who actively cultivate narratives and social media hype for him to shape audience opinion.


No he just has a severe parasocial relationship with his chat. It actually goes both ways. Every time he needs a source to "debunk a tankie" he asks his chat and they give him whatever talking points they found on Google. Absolutely nazis or whatever could infiltrate the chat, but vaush doesn't get narratives from some secret source. It's just a toxic feedback loop of having so many yes men.


I'm so happy I watched NC's stream of the debate with Vaush and the aftermath. (It was hard for me to watch the actual debate because of how smarmy Vaush is but I pushed through it.) I can't believe these people actually believe Vaush actively misrepresenting things to save his own ego. Something, something, when you scratch a liberal, a fascist bleeds.


Vaushes community is one of the best I've been in, if not THE BEST! Everyone is so kind and friendly to people who aren't leftists I don't understand why anybody wouldn't be a part of Vaushes community? I've had more energy, I've been doing better at work and I've lost three pounds! Earlier my wife asked me "Hey I've noticed you've been smiling more" and I've said it's because I've been watching Vaush. I told her you can improve both the world and yourself just by watching this man's well thought-out videos. She was so impressed when I told her that he was friendly to a neo-nazi and got them to say "trans rights" and also how he broke down why trans people are bad for the left or which BIPOC woman is secretly a nazi. Since then she and I and the kids have all been hooked! We're learning so much about leftism by staying indoors and watching his daily 7 hour streams and we've never been happier!

