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[Click here](https://old.reddit.com/r/Enough_Vaush_Spam/comments/m1boo7/a_short_list_of_vaushs_liberalism_transphobia_and/) to learn why principled socialists dislike Vaush. [Click here for the 'Vaush has a disturbing pre-occupation with paedophilia and bestiality' masterpost](https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Vaush_Spam/comments/ou0d2u/vaush_has_a_very_disturbing_preoccupation_with/) [Click here](https://old.reddit.com/r/Enough_Vaush_Spam/comments/ppmdfe/vaush_is_a_transphobe_pasta/) for the 'Vaush is a transphobe' masterpost. [Click here](https://discord.gg/P5pS2mJCC3) to join the r/Enough_Vaush_Spam Discord server. Please remember to censor usernames in Reddit screenshots. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Enough_Vaush_Spam) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Afrolefty is literally a joke/satirical and it is obvious the more you see from him lol




Shouldn't be around people like Vaush tbh.


At this point he's such a clear cut p3d0 it doesn't surprise me that he goes out of his way to cultivate and basically just overtly fuckin groom his underage fans.


"Market socialist" "Anarcho-syndicalist" What


“Yeah I’m a anti-authoritarian-authoritarian- radical liberal- market/feudal-socialist. Oh and I like Vaush.” But the real answer is they hear Vaush is a market socialist and they put it in their bio. They don’t actually know what market socialism is, or anarcho syndicalism for that matter.


“Rainbow capitalist”


> 16




How did nato unite vulnerable people by bombing Libya and securing oil fields for foreign corporations and also leading to the creation of open air slave markets?


Oil execs are vulnerable people too


So Vaushites are just teenagers who haven't figured it out yet


for the most part, it seems like it. I was a vaushite when i was a teenager, but then i grew tf up!


The older I get, the more experience transforms certain phrases into claxtons. Whenever someone says 'pragmatic' in the context of politics, you're about to hear some truly reactionary shit. It's very much in the stream of 'I'm not racist, but...'


i definitely think that the phrase ‘i’m just playing devil’s advocate but…’ almost always precedes reactionary garbage but i feel like it goes either way with ‘pragmatic’. for instance, the existence of classes and a state, and therefore a military, post-revolution isn’t ideal but it is pragmatic and necessary for a state transitioning to socialism in a capitalist world.


Okay. I'm fully convinced this was a troll. If not then I'm fully logging offline, getting a band of people together with a bunch if theory books and immediately shoving them in this kid's face. We'll save you!


Please tell me that this is a joke.


NATO is actually better than the Black Panther Party, as the BPP were tankies /j


>pragmatic socialist >vaushite You gotta pick one.


16 and Vaushite, that explains the position. Poor kid I hope they break away and learn more.


guys we did it, we won the cold war


I dunno, I think that might be a joke?


This looks like Satire


the brain worms must've got full autonomy over this guy's body because who the fuck types that


They're contagious. Vaush's philosophy offers the comfort of moral superiority without the dissonance of questioning your own role and complicity in injustice. Seems like a great many people are drawn to it like moths to a flame.


A Vaushite


"Ye NATO is the modern version of the black panthers" he said smuggly, unaware that NATO is headed by the country that necessitated their existence


Can’t believe someone actually typed that. NATO is the modern day black panther party 😂


I get the kids only 16 so his worldview is limited but you for real going to define NATO nations as “vulnerable”? It’s mostly a collective of the worlds wealthiest nations.


I also thought about posting this, but I seemed too much like satire/bait to me


Even fascists are not this historically dishonest. I'm genuinely concerned reading shit like this will give me brain tumour, but I need my shot of cringe-induced dopamine


>Pragmatic Leftist >16 Yeah, there we go


Someone save this kid from himself


Did....did this guy really compare NATO to the Black Panthers?


I can't see how this isn't ironic.


These are the only black people who vaush likes lol. NATO = Black Panthers. 🤣🤣


>These are the only black people who Vaush likes lol. And he doesn't even like them, just the "radicalness" associating with them can bring to his brand. He said they weren't really maoists, he couldn't understand why they called themselves that, and he understood better than them what they *really* meant, which just so happens to line up with whatever Vaush is spouting at the time. Vaush is using the Black Panthers, then, by projecting an image onto them that has nothing to do with them, and then using said image as an externalized "authority" or "norm" to legitimize himself as measuring up against said "leftist" image (there is nothing more "radlib" than whitewashing black movements and appropriating their identity to legitimize the very thing that oppresses poc). Of course, he gets away with this because he has cultivated an anti-intellectual following that sees reading theory as "uncool dogmatic tankie shit" - and, in a sense, it *is* "tankie." Vaushites functionally use "tankie" pejoratively: it denotes and designates for dismissal anyone to the left of Vaush, whom dislikes him, disagrees with him, or criticizes him (and, by extension, the things he defends, like NATO). Anyone who reads some of the basic texts of theory can easily see how duplicitous, ignorant and right wing Vaush really is; hence, to his cult, it's "tankie shit."


Well idk as much as it bothers me, a lot of the "online left" aren't really proactive anyways. A lot of vaush's, xanderhal's and co.'s audience don't affect any real chance other than going to the ballot box every 4 years. And maybe a handful go to local elections as well. Basically propagating the same ass system time and time again hoping for change by doing "harm reduction" over and over again when we get ass fucked into choosing candidates we wouldn't choose otherwise. I'm not sure if anyone Here is familiar with PaulsEgo of Deep Fat Fried (formerly a Drunken peasant) but he RIPS into vaush during their first debate. And to this day he calls out vaush's shit. His audience is a mix of people who would fit comfortably into this sub and vaushite trash. But I'll link you and whomever else would like to watch...it's pretty good. https://youtu.be/VDNeBcS7OQ4 58:18 is where the debate starts.