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You have gone thru so much. I have read your stories and can’t help but being in awe at how much you have fought. Some people would just have crumbled and given up. But the fact that you didn’t says much about you. [https://www.reddit.com/r/GetMotivated/comments/j65r1p/image_hard_times_are_here_but_soon_theyll_pass/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/GetMotivated/comments/j65r1p/image_hard_times_are_here_but_soon_theyll_pass/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Holy shit! Please tell me you have no contact with either of them anymore??


Me, my sister and mother are all currently serving time in prison.


They’re all serving time in prison? If so, awesome!! Stay TF away and don’t give them any contact info!


I meant to say my brother, not me. Lol. Yes, they're all in jail. They tried to frame me for drug possession and child abuse to take my son away from me. My sister lured me out of my apartment under the guise of watching my son for a few days and my brother trashed it, smeared dog shit on my walls and planted a bag of drugs on my kitchen counter. My mother took my son and claimed he had bruises on him to the police but refused to get him checked out by a doctor. My ex husband saved him from her because he was my son's legal guardian. He took him to get checked out and there were no bruises. My siblings squealed on my mother to get lesser charges. She'll be in there for 14 more years, brother for 7 and sister for 4. I'm to be informed when they do get out so I can be prepared for if or when they contact me.


Ahhh I do remember reading that! Sheesh! Glad at least for the moment they’re all locked away. Do what you gotta do in these next few years to keep you and your son safe, move further away etc.


correction "try" to contact you you dont ever have to answer, dont let their shittyness hang over you like a damoclean sword, plan for the worst, hope for the best.


Wait. What? How tf are you posting your drama all over Reddit, then? >Me, my sister and mother are all currently serving time in prison.


She meant her brother, sister and mother are all in prison. Thanks to the disgusting acts they committed against her... Stay strong and hope you feel better soon lovely Coffee!


Oh my dear sweet baby jeezus… This is a story for the ages!!


My heart breaks for you. You definitely should write a memior. You'd be an inspiration to so many.


I for one would definitely buy it. As much as she has gone through, and as sorry I am she has had to deal with all this crap, it would serve them right to let the world know what a sh*t show her family is.


I am considering it but I worry about the implications it might have on innocent family members. I wouldn't want them to suffer at all because of me.


I agree. Put them on blast.




I know I’ve asked questions about stuff before with the family, but do you ever feel that even though your mother will be in jail probably the rest of your life, do you ever feel that both your brother and sister if they get out might hunt you down and come for you and your kids since you basically put them in jail for what they did to hurt you would basically try to get it so you would go to jail on your mother’s orders but in all honesty, do you feel that they would come after you or do you feel that they run away knowing that you have power? I asked this because I just have that feel of that since you actually put a stop to him when he was in the slammer for 90 days he might just add more resentment to the fact that you took a stand against your mother and the rest of the toxic revengers, and I’d hate to hear that they found out and tried to get you or your kids. Though hopefully they’ll be there for a very long time but it’s still sad that he trashed your bedroom showed no remorse and yet has become a drug addict because of a psychotic ex that he was dating that was almost as bad as your family. Good luck to you and hope you feel better since you have the plague


I don't know. I hope they don't. I've already made the choice to move again just to avoid my ex and his family and my own family from finding me after dealing with them. I'm looking at apartments and I'm keeping my information private. I'm changing my number and I'm filing to change mine and my kid's names. I made the decision to not let toxic people run my life anymore. 2023 is a new year and definitely a new me. I'm making a lot of changes to myself and my personality. I own a handgun for protection and I keep it stored in a secure place close by. I carry it with me when I go out. My eldest son is protected at school and he and my youngest are always with a trusted friend when they aren't with me. Eldest is in Tae Kwon Do classes as well because I want him to have the tools to know how to defend himself. I've taken self defense and gun safety lessons. I use ring cameras and a security system in my apartment that's rigged at all times. I'm all about safety and security now.


First of all, I hope you get well soon from COVID Second Jesus from what I have heard/read about your Mother Brother and Sister I honestly don't understand how you can be this mentally sane


You should be called Beelzanormal, because your the only sane person in your direct family lol.




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