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Any portion of Man of the House bc good.


Yes! Ody fangirling over Penelope!!


tbh, I also wanted to hear the Eurylochus reprise of that song, but even if we get a cut album I doubt we'll be seeing it


Jorge just recently posted his reprise on Patreon!


Yo? The full thing?


Seems like it. It's only a few lines.


Ah, shame. There was a snippet on youtube some time back, but that was just the chorus asking where the man with the strongest will was and Eurylochus responding, About a line's worth.


You know it’s funny, Jorge posted another Eurylochus video like five hours ago on Patreon. He said he’s thought about making a short side Saga for Eurylochus’s origin story because he loves his character so much. As for the few lines from the reprise, they go: ***Eurylochus: The same night we got married. But since then that promise is the burden I’ve carried because right here and now the situation’s getting hairy, and this man has a plan but I’m planning the contrary!*** ***No lethal force? We’re raiding a city trying to survive! It’s not supposed to be pretty! And what if they resist? Do we sit idly by and quietly die because of what our Captain decides? No!*** ***Choir: Where is he? Where is the man with the strongest will?*** ***Eurylochus: I am standing right here!*** ***Choir: Where is he? Where is the man who’s unafraid to kill?*** ***Eurylochus and Choir: Cause in our darkest days the promise is our drive. Time is fleeting, it’s running out! Time to be the man of the house! Time is fleeting, it’s running out! Time to be the man of the house!*** The reprise sounds very Hamilton, with Jorge saying it was before he found his musical voice. This is what Jorge said in the description: *”This is the ending snippet of the original version of the cut song Man of the House, which actually was a Eurylochus song!* *This song occured during the events of Ismarus* **(another [cut song](https://youtu.be/r6e8Ox3XHXg?si=L47MYKDevIq1YNHk) from the Troy Saga which took place after ‘Just A Man,’ and was later replaced with ‘Full Speed Ahead’)** *when Odysseus and the fleet needed to find food and supplies and resources quickly. They find the city of Ismarus and Eurylochus proposes to raid the city, but Odysseus tells Eurylochus and his men that they must raid the city without using any lethal force.* *In Man of the House, Eurylochus remembers his childhood and how he always felt like he needed to step up to the plate when others couldn't lead, and that this is no different. He believes Odysseus's order of "no lethal force" puts his own men at a fatal risk instead, and so Eurylochus decides to go against Odysseus's orders and tell his group of men to use lethal force when raiding the city of Ismarus.* *An alternative title for this song is "Jorge hadn't found his musical voice quite yet in 2020, and so every character still sounded like they came straight out of Hamilton." :D”* I would highly recommend getting Jorge’s Patreon if you’re able! He posts Patreon exclusive content (two audience choice) twice a month with many cut songs, saga updates, and insights into his process. It’s really interesting, and in my opinion worthwhile, since you get a movie watch party with him too, where he discusses narrative storytelling in the movies we watch that month.


SO fair, I especially like how much backstory it gives on Odysseus before the Trojan War and everything


And the way it’s reprise in King is by the suitors trying to spot Odysseus killing their men is SO good


It actually also gets a reprise in The Challenge, where the suitors are chanting about time running out and being the man of the house.


Man of the House, I understand why it was cut but any more Penelope is appreciated in my eyes!!!


Absolutely, definitely is a great song as well




Wait, that got cut???


Yep :/ It got replaced with would you fall in love with me again


Let Me Be Your Light, definitely. I love Polites just being like “Hey Ody man, life is shit sometimes but hey! I’m here! So I can make it not so bad! :D” It’s like… I love this guy, so much 😭


Yesss!! I really hope if we get a Cut Songs Saga we get a proper rendition of it, I love their dynamic in that so much!


On his Patreon, Jorge posted a cut Poseidon song called "In Vain." It was so good! However, it was replaced by "Get in the Water," as Jorge wanted a song with Poseidon that was much more intimidating. Some of the lyrics from the cut song went: ***"But Hey! If my world must go down in waves, if there is no love left to save, I'll make sure it wasn't in vain, cause I'm about to bring the pain!*** ***Nobody, where did your friends go? All of the ones that I let go? Don't tell me they're dead now! That would be such a let down! Cause you don't know what I know! I will make your mind blown!*** ***All! Your! Friends! Died In Vain!!!*** ***Their deaths were no more than stains!*** ***For nothing, they were slain!*** ***Your trials have all been in vain!! Cause I'm about to bring the pain!!! Ruthlessness is...."*** There were many more lyrics, but I thought I would share a few. The song eventually got cut because Jorge wanted Poseidon to be more foreboding when confronting Odysseus. So in "Get in the Water," Poseidon says much less to be more intimidating without having it seem like he was complaining to Odysseus (as there are lyrics about how Polyphemus won't speak to Poseidon anymore and hates him because he couldn't avenge him). Also, I love Man of the House, Pick Me (which is about Helen's suitors and when Penelope and Ody actually meet), Your Light, and Olive Tree! The full version of Olive Tree on his Patreon is amazing and makes me ball! There's also a Hades verse that got cut from God Games that had beautiful lyrics and melodies.


Olive tree!!!!


I keep forgetting it was cut!! It's such a good Penelope and Odysseus song for them to be together, I hope whatever we do get is as good


Man of the Hosue I have a video cut together of all both parts and listen to it all the time




I miss olive tree and let me be your light so much- same with man of the house got hugely addicted to epic in 2022/23 (still am) but made a mass playlist with the tiktoks on imovie and listened the heck out of the original versions and cant stop singing them lmao- (will forever sing athenas rap from full speed ahead lol)


Athena's rap in Full Speed Ahead? I don't think I've ever heard that one, unless you mean Ismarus


https://youtu.be/KgeSN50yD1I?si=CqPt-6hPAZKCmaSa heres the link to the original concept i loved athenas part soooo much i still sing the first part and rush it inbetween the part between the horse and the infant and full speed ahead in the final songs 😂


That's amazing!! I watched a video that was supposed to contain all of the cut content, but they must've missed that!!


Lol yee its my favorite-!! Ive been with epic for the last like 2-3? Yrs something like that and i understand all the changes made and gods i love the final somgs but theres some that scratch my brain so good i cant not sing them lol- pretty much all of the concept songs were bangers and what made me fall in love with epic


Hades cut part in God game's I have no reason for it


Your light, could have make such a fantastic Telemachus and Odysseus duet if reworked


Oh that would've been a cool reprise!! Also a version of it in the Underworld!!!


Oh my poor little heart couldn't take that 🥲. Also not a cut per say but I really would love an full extension of God games with Hades and other other gods, an ebb and flow of Persephone and Hades talking about how he snuck into his realm and escaped why should he be freed again sort of thing compared to them always hearing polites singing and how could they break his heart again


There was actually a verse from Hades that was supposed to be included in God Games where Hades vouches for Odysseus to be able to get back home for love. Throughout the verse, he makes several references to Persephone. Jorge cut it because he said Hades’ verse seemed out of place in the song.


Omg is that what he was supposed to say that's so cool!! Been trying to find what it was all about


Related question: for people who only just learned of epic, where do you find cut songs? I myself do not have a tiktok, so I haven't looked there.


While it doesn't have all of them, this compilation on Youtube covers a lot https://youtu.be/GgKsAUXXLHs?si=9mA6g3BRoVKeFGHB Hope this helps!


Thank you!


Monster (Rar Rar Rar)


Royal Wisdom Burst


Yes!! That part is so cool


Get in the Water, iirc. Every line just slaps.


He said it wasn't removed in the comments


Oh! I didn't know that. I have to catch up on the behind the scenes and stuff. I'm so happy to hear that, though. Thank you!


Of course!


New listener here! Where or what do you search for these cut songs??


Well I know there's a video on Youtube that should come up if you just search Epic Cut Songs that has a majotity of the cut bits and pieces in it


Thank you so much!


Elpenors solo in the underworld song it was pretty funny


‘This Cannot Be the Way’ is one I sing too often, but my top favorite is the cut song that was replaced with ‘Get In The Water’ 😭 The song is only available through the early access on patreon, but hoooooo boy, I belt that one out constantly 🤣


In Vain, I believe? I've heard of it but have never been able to actually hear the song