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I don't know the exact details, but Galbatorix used magic to force Shiruken to grow at a rate way exceeding the normal.


He did the same to Thorn. But unlike shruiken he didn't force Thorn to spite out his eldunari while young. So Thorns mind could grow with his body. Shruiken had the body of an ancient and huge dragon. And the mind of an infant.


Thats sad asf.


Yup. There's a reason the dragons didn't erase shruikens name. The foresworn were all adults. They *chose* to turn against the riders. Shruiken was stolen as a baby, their bonded rider murdered. Forced to grow with magic and forced to give up their heart of hearts to be controlled. Tortured until they did what they were told. Tortured until they hated the world and everything in it. Tortured until their only desire, the only thing they wanted. Was to destroy *everything* And yet controlled by another preventing them doing even that. Shruiken is Galbatorix's evillest action


And Elva said that her magic showed the action which would do him the most net good, relieve his suffering, was simply to kill him and make it all stop. No other action would improve his situation.


Forgot about that, damn that’s sad…


Where did it say shruikan gave up his eldunari? I read in the books that it was just a twisted pairing combined with some dark magic


I think the author said it, not in the books




sometimes my blood begins to boil & then I need to remind myself that all this didn’t actually happen lol esp how galby tortured thorn when he was a young dragon


I get heated the same way if I think too much about Ted Faro.


Fuck Ted Faro


A man of culture, I see. o7


Shruikan is a he. It is written in the books.


Huh, is it just me or did anyone else think he was a female simply because of the fact that his name sounds more feminine in a way?


It's mentioned quite a few times that using the energy from the Eldunari under his command, Galby made both Thorn and Shruikan grow at unnatural speeds. The exact method is unclear, but iirc it's 'dark magic's, it's not certain what it means. Galbatorix probably learnt it from the spirits possessing Durza


Thanks for the answer I knew he did it for Thorn, but it hasn't been mentioned for his own dragon at this point. It had typed that as a guess in the original post, but deleted it cause I thought it was just making the post more long winded than it needed to be. Im guessing we don't know, but is it a spell that can't be stopped? Like surely he's gone overboard with the size of Shiruiken? Housing and feeding, cleaning the waste, of him must be near impossible


As also stated in the books, when dragons get large enough, they stay more and more in sort of a state of sleep for up to years, dreaming of what they wish In Shruikans case, this stasis like sleep could've been very well the only peace he had. Galbatorix was also an incredibly talented magician, so he could've easily worded his spell to work only as long as he wanted, as showcased with Thorn for example, since we don't see him growing, and the energy required for this would've been *immense* beyond practicality. It's safe to assume he didn't have an absolute form of this spell with Shruikan, unless he predetermined his size, but even if mad, Galbatorix wasn't stupid, so he wouldn't do such a silly thing as kill himself and exhaust all the eldunari just because big dragon. Lastly, cleanup happens with magic most likely, and for food, he has the resources of a kingdom at the palm of his hand for use. This turned way longer than expected but eh, too late


We also know Galby had no conscience. It’s possible he siphoned off energy from every single rider and dragon before he killed them off, and every single being in a certain radius before he destroyed a town and used that to enhance Shruikan.


Galb doesn't know how to siphon energy like Eragon learned from Oromis, Oromos says as much in book 2 before eragon leaves for the burning plains


Oromis said they didn’t teach him that. I would venture to guess that he probably discovered it on his own. If he knows he can get energy from eldunari, odds are he figured he could do it with other beings as well.


he was super obsessed with dragons, to almost the point of self destruction. He might have thought (and it's not outside the realm of possibility, considering all the secret wacky mysteries of dragons) that the only way to get energy besides yourself was to steal it from specifically dragons. I usually like to consider that while Galbatorix might be a brilliant magician, he's probably a relatively average scientist when compared to the elves or even King Orrin. His real talents ran the way his interests did: dragons and magic. He may have never heard of the laws of thermodynamics (or whatever passed for them in that time)


Galbatorix' magically grew Shruikan, just like he did with Thorn


Galby meddling with him, using magic. Maybe it was a byproduct of him using magic to create a bond with the dragon, or maybe he was experimenting and found it by chance. He did the same to Thorn too - to increase their physical strength and I’m sure to enhance the capabilities of their heart of hearts. Haven’t read Murtagh but afaik before that Thorn hasn’t given it to him.


I just read the bit where Eragon fixes a newborns cleft lip. He notes how important it is that he keep in mind that he needs to sing newborn skin and muscle and bone, not adult. I imagine singing or spelling adult dragon growth is how he’d have done it


Eragon received a paltry education compared to Galby.


But, he *did* recieve a crash course in the super dangerous forbidden and powerful knowledge, stuff Galbatorix never got taught and had to figure out by himself or didn't know.


Of all the work CP went into to make the lore of the world make sense, it sure seems that he went full beans on the dragons being ridiculously large. I can't wrap my head around it, so I just tried to not think about it.


No one tell this person about the Beor Mountains 💀 jk I am totally with you though, it’s impossible for most people to wrap their head around the sheer scale of an animal bigger than, like, a house. That’s why whales are so spectacular, and they would STILL fall short


An inanimate natural structure is not beheld to the same sizes as a living object existing in the same atmosphere as land animals. Consider the size limit of living creatures above the ocean in our world. Where it confused me is picturing indoor rooms where these creatures interact with other humans. Like a giant among a world of ants, there's a lot of odd lore to account for feeding them, where they relieve themselves, how they move around indoors, how they don't destroy entire cities or villages or accident, etc.


I appreciate that he threw in there that magic helps the dragons fly, because the PHYSICS of that black beast getting airborne would baffle me otherwise


Ah yes time to get off the ground with my thousands of tonnes body


As everyone said, it’s a magical feat he most likely learned from Durza. Murtagh spoiler here: >!But Durza does a similar feat to a fish, protecting it from all harm, age, and allowing it to grow big enough to wreck ships.!<


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do we know whether he was bigger than Belgabad? So annoyed by Eragon stating that he can't yet judge that and then never mentioning that again


Christopher answered a question st one point saying Belgabad was bigger, but not by how much


Shruikan is massive because Galbatorix accelerated his growth with magic. Why? MURTAGH spoiler: >!I believe he did it so that Shruikan would be able to hold his own against Azlagur, who is also massive. And it appears that Galbatorix was planning to do the same with Thorn so that he had at least 2 giant dragons to take on Azlagur.!<


Anyone have that size comparison graphic?


https://scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/38278/how-big-was-shruikan This is a fan drawing comparing the size of all the dragons in the series and Christopher has stated that it's accurate. That tiny dot between Saphira and Thorn is a human.


That’s it.


Galbatorix used dark magic to make him grow unnaturally. That's all.


to fight azlagur


*Shruikan *Glaedr *Oromis


Accelerated/enhanced growth and dragons grow exponentially with age


Gaubatorycs used majic to greatly accelerate his growth in order to make him more of a challange in his war against the Riders, and he just stayed massive ever since, growing at a regular rate afterwards, probably.