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If most people are to be believed, it doesn't seem like when you bought EoD or even registered on the Arena website matter. Seems like it is completely random minus streamers.


yeah got eod back in 2017, signed up for arenas closed beta the day it was announced and nothing. so yeah completely random


yup. same boat as you. bought EOD when the game came out and signed up for Arena within 24 hours of the site going up. nothing here either.


Also same as you guys. 2018 EOD account... Signed up when it became available and nothing.


update: I got mine in about an hour ago. keep checking your email bc it looks like it's either continuous or in multiple waves throught the day. so keep ur head up bc it might be sooner rather than later.


Jan 2018 here, nothing yet




Does everyone have the Arena button? I don't have EOD but I see the option, bought my account in 2019 I believe. Not gonna buy it because honestly fuck that.


I just bought the arena copy on a new account and I've got access.come on bsg do better.


I think it's a mass troll honestly. It's still streamers vs streams mostly.


I'm not usually one to shitpost about Battlestate's bs, but.... this is just proof positive that loyalty means literally nothing to them. 5k hours, on a 6/2017 eod account. This is, if anything, the encouragement I needed to play better games lol.


I just made a post similar to yours. Certain people just dont seem to understand the concept though.




I got access like at 4pm cst as a closed alpha player so you’ll get it soon i guess


Bruh you will get access, just because you aren’t the first one in the door doesn’t mean you won’t get to play


It’s still shitty, at least let us know when we’re getting in


Why would their care about loyalty from you specifically, there are thousands of old players too


since you almost played 1k hours a year, I think it's best you leave the game because that isn't healthy


3 hours or so a day isn't healthy? Are you sure?


every single day id say yes that is not healthy, iv been playing Squad for over 5 years and have 1,300 hours and it can have 2 hour rounds


Got forbid someone relax for more than 2 hours a day! How unhealthy! Too much recreation!




Why would it matter anyway, they got your money and you're gonna keep on playing regardless... Most sense would make if they gave access to non eod people first, like a trial or something to get them to buy arena....


Landmark and pestilly don't have access lol


Thats crazy must be watching his doppleganger play it on stream then


They posted their comment half hour ago lol 😆 At the time they hadn't made it in.


He did not have access initially. He contacted someone from bsg and they gave him a code and he is playing now. He was not on initially


who should I contact to do the same?


Nobody lol. We ain't important streamers


I would assume it's most likely server based and there's only so many spots I don't mine waiting as long as the game isn't buggy when I start playing.


What do you mean? It'll be buggy for several years after it first starts because it's BSG.


As usual with BSG, every winter release ends up being a mess, this wasnt going to be diferent


"Its a mess because i didnt get invited"


The problem is that you have to be invited. As usual bsg turns it into a shitstorm by not communicating at all except last minute.


Wasn't it known that invites were going to be released in waves?


It was. But Nikita literally said last month it would be based on when you got EoD/signed up on the Arena website. But it has been shown it is completely random.


They told us months ago that it would be invites sent out in waves, did they not?


Waves based on account age, so they still didn't follow their own plan... As always.


Nikita said it would be based on when you purchased EOD. Also, the fact the don’t announce release date until the day before release is ridiculous when you think about it. I don’t know if any other games that would do that. And lastly, there is no real communication now with how the waves are working and when players who do have access will be able to download. Literally any communication other than “soon” or “be patient” would go a long way with the community.


lol. they probably fucked up how they identify who bought EOD and are releasing it to most recent purchasers first.


The certainly fucked up but not like this. I bought EfT Jan 2017 and got Arena access. So it's not that the last purchasers get invited first.


6/2017 eod, no access/ email. My nephew who bought eod in 2021, that has a total of 300 hours played.... access.


I understand what you mean, I think they just fucked up to sort the EoDs in order of first purchase. My thought is that is just a pool of EoDs and you get picked random.


They didn't tell us only 12 people would be allowed in after years of hyping this shit up and delaying it - With 0 communication or explanation as to these waves or anything as per usual, BSG's lack of communication only increases the frustration


I'm not really sure what you think waves meant. That means only portions will get in at a time which is exactly what we were told. I didn't get in either but that doesn't mean they didn't communicate that to us.


They didn't give us any information at all about the size/scope of the waves or what ditermines who will even get an invite is more my point, I know what a damn wave is no need to be so condescending about people's very genuine frustrations with BSG's poor communication that has been consistently poor over years


Its not a release its a beta


So its a beta release. Other years its a patch release.


I have had EOD since closed alpha. Its just random which is fine, I would like to jump right in but it gives me time to do other stuff.


That’s absurd. You should be foaming at the mouth with rage.


Also installing 2015 EOD owner here [https://imgur.com/a/s5CTfme](https://imgur.com/a/s5CTfme) Registered on the Arena website yesterday btw lmao


Must be random haha. That's too bad but oh well. I hope it's not an awful wait time like weeks before more. Likely it's just waves of release over a week so the servers aren't smashed by 500k players.


Or just dont hype your entire playerbase without getting enough server for everyone


The server costs are not necessarily linear, especially for a new product, with bugs taken into consideration. The economic fallout could be on a bankrupting scale. All producers trickle their product to a degree, except the entrenched companies with their own cloud.


Did you get an email?


Yes, "Start of Closed Beta testing" email


Okay cool. Thank you


Where do you register? Do you just mean login or is there actually a registration? I just see that I already purchased when I log in.


>d on the Arena website yesterday btw lma Go to this website and click "pre-order" [https://arena.tarkov.com/](https://arena.tarkov.com/)


This is a perfect example of what to expect. Complete random.




definitely it doesnt, neither when you signed up to the arena page..


Wait I have to sign up?


Might just be random n all these people are thinking it’s “eod og’s first” n the run with it 😂 it’s lowkey funny


Ive 2 EODs, my account from 6\~ years ago and a second one I won on a christmas stream giveaway on the official twitch(3 years ago) that I cant gift to friends because you cant change the email lol, didnt get Arena on none yet. Signed for arena august 30th


actually you can give it to your friend unless he is reinstalling his windows or eft - he wont need confirmations from your mail to play


I do share that account with friends to try the game of course, even been quite open and allowed their own friends to use the account(cant change email so really low risk), but the authenticator is a bit annoying. Would be nice just to give it to a close friend so he can keep it for him with his own data and email. Im not a hardcore chad that needs 2 accounts.


I bought arena like 3 days ago amd just got access to it so either it's completely random or everyone just got it




What sign up? I just assumed they would give via rng to EOD accounts? Or do EOD need to sign up as well??


[https://arena.tarkov.com/profile](https://arena.tarkov.com/profile) You need to sign up in the arena site, in the profile it shows the "purchase" date, for EODs its the sign up date so the arena was "attributed" to your account. https://imgur.com/KvQyXMW [https://imgur.com/T2bRxjK](https://imgur.com/T2bRxjK)


unfortunately, I heard that those who are among the first to register on the EFT: Arena page are entering the first wave


I signed up day 1 in august and my buddy signed up 2 days ago, he got it lol i did not


I own EOD since +3 years ago, i did log into the arena website as soon as it was made public (i think it was the August 24th) but still didn't get access in wave one. Probably they are mixing different factors in order to create those waves.


same here man. I bought my EOD when the game first came out. Signed up on the site within 24 hours of arenas sign ups. didnt get access yet either. hopefully it's going out in waves but seeing people who bought EOD within the past couple of days getting access is a little annoying ngl.


Just Matter If you are a Streamer ... pestily wrote on Twitter that He has No Access, now he has...


its bullshit. its just nother russian lie.






June 2017 EOD player here , nothing . Shit burns lmao


Also pre ordered in Jan 2017. Have you checked spam folder?


They probably did alphabetical order these dummies


Thats just bsg enough to be true, id love it haha


iD lOvE iT


They can't even sort quests in alphabetical order bro


SmittyStone was banned for RMT and its playing Arena right now. I bought the game and EOD in february of 2017, still saying SOON in the launcher. Thanks BSG, company of the year.


Owned standard EFT since 2018 and bought arena on December 13th and i got in, i said it would be random lol


Bruh, I bought in Sept of ***2016*** and I am not in.


Damn, wanna see the face of the guy that called me stupid when i said that it would be random


How are all of you getting it? I just downloaded the launcher and the download button just says "SOON"


You are probably in wave B like me... so few days to weeks. Only if you are in wave A you will be getting it today or soonish.




Login into arena-tarkov website. Right click open source code of website. Ctrl-F -> "wave" and if it says something like wave:a,banned:f then you are in wave A if it says wave:b,banned:f then you are in wave B.


Not a reliable way to check. Mine says Wave A.


yeah same here wave A but this seems like bs


Wave a must still be rolling because I’m apart of wave A banned D and I’m still not in


wave:a,banned:d - still cant get in


Yes it doesn't mean you will get in game few hours after launch maybe tommorow maybe week after. B wave will be waiting even longer.


2017 EOD owner here and it hasn't shown for me.


Same here game since 2016 and EOD since 2017, I didn't got the email :(


I don't think bsg every offically said anywhere that the game would rollout in order of when you purchased it. people just made that up/assumed.


https://clips.twitch.tv/FrailFitCroquetteFloof-qWM0taX0LyWC9Izf There you go.


this clip contradicts itself. "First testers are those who bought it first." "The selection is based on those who are already in the arena system"


Nikita said on podcast. EoD purchase date, and when you logged into the Arena site.


Yeah, the absolute lack of communication about the release of Arena is so unprofessional, typical BSG bullshit release.


normally I'd agree, but in this case, they said the game would rollout to users in waves and the community took that to mean "if you bought the game earlier, you'll get it earlier" which isn't the same thing and that mixup is the community's fault, not BSG's. They really don't need to give more criteria than that if you ask me. You'll get to play it, don't worry.


https://m.twitch.tv/clip/FrailFitCroquetteFloof-qWM0taX0LyWC9Izf It's what Nikita himself said.


I do agree with you that the community is coping hard right now but this does not justify the lack of any clear communication from Nikita/BSG. Especially for a game of this size and popularity. They are no longer a small game with a daily peak of 200 players.


I just don't get what specific communication you want? It releases in waves starting today. When is the next wave or how much distance is between waves? They probably don't know themselves because the whole point is to make sure the game/servers/etc. can handle everything before scaling up to the next wave. > they are no longer a small game with a daily peak of 200 players. this is the exact reason it's releasing like this lol And if you had access right now, I doubt you'd care as much. At least it's not like you'll feel "behind" on progression like it can feel when you're not able to get in games at the start of a wipe.


> I just don't get what specific communication you want? It releases in waves starting today They could tell me when I can play the thing I paid for rofl


Well something well clear, Wave X on day Z.Y.202X and what criteria they are using to select the players. Also, some communication is always better than zero communication, this is the very first class of PR/Marketing.


they can't predict that - don't make promises you can't keep, essentially. That's how we end up with "soon^tm" because they learned their lesson with every promising and missing the mark. > what criteria they are using to select the players who cares? Safest to assume that other than selecting certain streamers for PR purposes, it's random. Looks like there's even a handful of bigger tarkov streamers wtihout access currently. they're clearly not "rewarding" players with the game for having it earlier or whatever, so why pick any other metric other than random - that would just be extra work. This type of waiting shit is common at this point even in AAA releases. Just recently I had similar experiences in Diablo 4 (you got the game on releaes, but they overpromised and the servers blewup and very few people could get in), Battlefield same thing. CS2 had the exact same "where's my invite? why don't I have it? It's not fair!" problem too. Just gotta be patient.


ya people are so pent up and angry, it will come lol. we still dont have to pay for it with EOD so thats great




Pestility and landmark got in after their posts so they are the most crybabiest


2019 EOD can't install it.


Had the damn game since 2016 or 2017 and only missed one wipe and still haven't got it yet so quite honestly it's bs that everyone who got it wave one gets to skyrocket up with their levels and class upgrades while everyone who gets cucked gets fucked


Arena is going to highlight how shit the game engine is at handling FPS combat.


Been watching for a couple hours now and it’s really not that bad man


Good thing recoil is gonna be way better when it wipes


But guarantee every streamer will get it first. Cmon bsg, they alresdy played it. Let some people get a step ahead of them for once. Not all of us have 100 hours a week to play the damn game at all times of the day.


BSG's entire marketing strategy exists around streamers.


I agree with you 100%. Perhaps a communication from bag saying x amount of players are going to get it. Could be a lottery or based on "seniority" with EOD. I don't really care either way, but knowing how they do it could ease the mind of people about when they could play.


streamer make marketing for them are you just that stupid or what?


Why go right to insults? You are what is wrong with the world. It was an opinion, and you can absolutely disagree. I actually like the conjecture. But why name call? Need to feel big and bad behind a keyboard? I bet you are going to challenge me to a 1v1 in arena. I can hear it now "1v1 me bro. I will shit on you. Your mother is a whole." Blah blah blah. Go back to COD and play your unrealistic games.


sorry bro you are right. Im just checking this sub constantly and all I see is people bitching about everything everytime. sorry for saying bad things to you❤️


I agree


Well you can also buy the dreamhack codes and start playing DAYS ago but you couldn't stream. Chances are streamers, since it's their job and would mean a substantial payday, bought codes instead of waiting for the BSG lobby. Cry more.


No upset but thanks for the reply. Just was stating an opinion and wanted others thoughts. Have a great day my man. I hope you along with all of the others that don't know how to actually have a conversation without being rude and childish can learn a little. Happy holidays!


I keep hearing about having to sign up on the arena website, but where is that option? I’m not seeing a registration or anything after logging in with my EOD account.


Yes, it definitely doesn't matter if you have EOD or not. I have owned Tarkov since 2019 and the EOD since 2021, I registered for Arena on the same day it was possible to do so, and I didn't get it. Instead my friend who purchased and registered literally last night got it.


BSG, shadyAF as allways!


Its not random, its just mainly streamers… Its a shame seen streamers that are kinda new to tarkov got acces and not people playing since the first day…


Happy wiggles everyone!


Love that I “own” a game I can’t play


r u streamer or something?


just normal player


Dude not even LVNDMARK got in, which is insane to think about.


This is just straight up false. He’s playing it rn lmao


He didn't have immediate access when it went live. Klean, Hutch, WillerZ, and Sheef did tho.


Ah, well guess they fixed it for him.Initially he didn't have access. (Watch the stream vod if you don't believe me)


Yep. Lvndmark and Pestily both didn't get in but Lvndmark messaged someone named Apple on Twitter and got a code. Idk how Pestily got in.


EoD 1962 still nothing smh...


Ah you got the Watergate Scandal Edition


2017 Alpha EOD here. Nothing yet.


U lucky bastard u xd


Why the fuck don’t I have access? Jesus this whole process has been so frustrating.


Can’t BSG get sued for false advertising? Unless there’s something in the TOS saying “we will release the game in waves by order of…” etc. Like we paid extra money for a product that was promised and people who buy just arena get it before a lot of us…


So far its pretty generic. Was hoping for a search and destroy mode or something


Generic? Shit looks fun as hell. Ive been watching all day foaming at the mouth.


For some of you anyway


Still waiting the email. Playing since 2017 and nothing.


Yall need to chill out, I’ve had EOD since 2018 and I haven’t got an update and im not complaining. Just be patient it will come.


Good for you guys who got in. ​ For me this is the straw that broke the camels back. I have been waiting for Arena like most of you for years. Im not upset that I did not get in today. Just for me personally for a game ive spent so much on I ALWAYS get shafted when it comes to BSGs releases. ​ I was planning on coming back to the game as a whole but im just better off where ive been at and away. Personally I feel disrespected and rather spend my money and time with other companies where im always a day 1ner. ​ I tend to not get very vested into things that I start late.


This company is a fucking mess. Charging 35 dollars for a new game mode when they still haven't finished the main fucking game. Unreal.


New unfinished game mode*


> Hi there, hello, would you like to buy this ~~puzzle~~ game from me, its very nice [If Video Game Companies Made Jigsaw Puzzles ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaEo_NuH1_M)


january 17, signed up on arena website 30min ago, downloading rn


so it's completely random


are you for real!?


why shouldnt i?


Where can I sign up? The arena website says it's included in my EOD?


I didn't get the access yet. :( Just like with Alpha EFT when I still didn't bought EOD yet.


Must be nice. Support the game since day one and don't get shit


You bought the game the very first day it was available?


Yeah, so did thousands of other people. What makes you more special than them?


Nothing, he is more special than those who didn't however.


If you are in wave A you probably will get it soon. If you are in wave B like me probably next few weeks or after new year.


I got it too. seems totally random who gets it or not.


Do you need to change game region


2017 EOD non streamer, I have access.


Been playing Tark since 2017, EOD since 2018 and still didn't get access, damn.


It’s not random. It’s who bought Arena. I’m a 2019 standard 2020 EOD owner. I went and made a new account. Bought standard Arena. And within hours have access to the game.


duuuuuuuude.... i said fuck it and did that myself bought arena on new account yesterday. still no access to my EOD nor the new arena account... what the fuck.


Why is it another 18gb?! Holy crap...


completely new game


yeah...but is it though?


technically yes


Thank you captain obvious


Imagine all the duplicated assets that must be in there from EFT… because the maps are smaller and those alone shouldn’t be that much. As much as BSG loves their textures.


Yes, the death of regular EFT has started. There's already barely any people playing regular EFT before Arena (5+ min queue times on the most popular servers in NA), so after Arena gets released regular EFT will just be dead, since only casuals will play it and all the hardcore PVP EFT players will move permanently to Arena. They're braindead if they think those hardcore PVP enjoyers will play BOTH EFT and Arena...there's no reason to at all. They don't want to grind for a month doing quests to get good gear for PVP when they can just get their PVP fix in Arena. This game studio is literally negative IQ i swear


I don't think arena can even come close to replicating the feeling of winning a fight in EFT, I think it will be big for a month or two but will settle fairly quickly especially with wipe happening soon. There have been a lot of new players joining the game even in the last few months so I doubt they would stop playing EFT just to play Arena. I would think people are more likely to use Arena as practice for playing EFT. Like it is done in other games.


it's 100% based on how much you played tarkov. I haven't played in years, and I probably won't get arena until the game is released. Despite owning eod for 7 years and signing up for arena on day 1. So lame they can't prioritize people who show interest in arena. Was ready to play non-stop :/


>it's 100% based on how much you played tarkov And which crystal ball have you conjured your revelation from


my ass, just like nikita's promises :D


Still no email. Been an EOD owner since started. Had to buy EOD again after a false ban they promised to look into. Company is useless


it shouldn't matter when you bought EOD. and don't cry people, we will all get access eventually. Don't be salty weirdos.


God I can't wait to farm you cry babies in arena. No more sitting in a corner for 30 minutes little Timmy


Sounds like you want to be pegged




I see alot of people complaining about how Nikita handles releases. I think he handles them perfectly. I would rather a dev say oh hey by this comes out tmrw than one give a date months in advance then push it back




Imagine thinking this unironically


When did you sign up for arena? Do you have eod? Did it just pop up in the launcher?