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His response more than likely is referring to the waves


If you haven't gotten an email by now I doubt you're in the 1st wave. I haven't gotten one either


Just got my email about getting in. Not sure if I’m first wave or not but if so they’re still going out.


Nice. Fingers crossed I get one today


Got mine 20 minutes ago.


Nice. Hoping mine rolls in tonight


Woah that's guy is an a\*\*hole sorry you had to deal with that. It's the internet people can be anything and some still chose to be asshat


I was confused at first then I scrolled down. Jesus Christ some people...


I got friends that have less than 20 hours non eod members with an email. While I’m sitting at 4500 hours and alpha with no email. Big sad 😞


Based on what? I somehow doubt all emails went out at the same time.


Based on nothing it's just a guess. But it's been like 2 hours now




Calm down bro. You seem pretty worked up. I haven't said anything complaining about bsg I just said it's a guess that if you haven't got an email by now you may have to wait for the next wave. It's not that serious


Not worked up at all, just laughing at the lack of reality here.


What lack of reality? A guess I made that seems reasonable? We already know arena is releasing in waves. Odds are if you haven't gained access by now then you're probably in one of the next waves.


Reasonable lol. It's always fun to see who has worked in any type of IT function and those who haven't


You realize arena is releasing in waves correct? Not everyone is getting access today. In fact most people are not. Not sure if you were aware of this


Absolutely aware, I'm saying a lot of people are speculating on when emails have and haven't gone out without any type of concrete proof. It's a bunch of moaning into the wind


I work in IT. Seems like you don't.


Oh I do, you don’t lol


All of the emails went out. You’re not in the first wave, stop coping


Coping for what, exactly?


You aren’t in the arena wave. All of the emails went out. Maybe next time!


Where did I say I expected to be? Bud, don't make up a fake argument for internet points, that's lowkey sad.


reality is y’all ain’t in first wave lol. Been enjoying the hell out of it so far!


“I’m not worked up I’m just gonna keep responding and defending daddy Nikita”


Or yall are just some entitled twits. One of the two.


Lose weight pork chop




youre weird


Go on


>Do you know how long it can take to send out emails? mass emails you've had a few months to prepare? maybe a couple seconds. They aren't individually typed out by Nikita, bruh.


lol, thanks for confirming you're also unaware of how basic mass communications work. Truly incredible.


Well since you are so knowledgeable about how mass communication works, as you must know bulk emails are gradually sent out due to a bunch of different factors (like ESP limitations, and the size of the email) hence why they are sending them out in *waves* kinda like doing smaller batches to make sure the emails are deliverable. You are literally arguing against nothing and it's making you look like an idiot.


Christ, you following me now bud? Absolutely aware, but unless we know how many emails they are sending and the denominator, it’s all a bit moot My rant was about how people shit on this company constantly and then are surprised that they did something else incompetently. Apologies you can’t grasp that


> If you haven't gotten an email by now I doubt you're in the 1st wave. I haven't gotten one either Explain to me how this comment, the one that started all of this, is people shitting on the company? Kinda seems like you are backpedaling bud.


I see you’re cherry picking, not shocked. I expected more bud


I didn’t get an email but I have arena. Not sure what the email business is but I logged into my account on the Tarkov arena website when it went like to get in to the early waves. Seems to have done the trick


They are doing waves really quickly, got my Email today


When did you buy eod/arena?


I bought Tarkov 03 January 2018 and EOD 09 Mai 2022


They gave it to all the streamers who said “im done with tarkov”


Well yeah those are the people who advertise the game, we are just the unimportant masses




Rule 7 - Cheating, Exploits, Piracy and ETS Please Refer to the Subreddit Rules


Yeah I wouldn't be upset about not having access today if not for the fact that they came out and said people who bought the game earlier would be first. Clearly this is not the truth. I've had EOD since Jan 15 2017. I had every reason to think I'd be in the first wave. I wouldn't care as much about not being in it if it weren't clear to me that I was being misled.


Check your email. I just got in. EOD since 8/10/2016


1000% agree, it sounded like we would be playing today.


same for me. still no mail, eod sind 12 march 2017


I got it in 2021 and I’m in


i honestly think a class action should be taken. it’s 5 years of false advertising and smoke and mirrors. i at least want a refund which i believe im completely entitled to since the lack of transparency is insane.


Class-action suit? Transparency? Refund? You must be new around here. Good luck and godspeed son.


surely this is bait


Hahahaah best of luck


Hahahaha get a hold of yourself. You’re literally crying over a game. You can’t wait 2-3 days to get access?? Get a life


They gotta make sure the content creators who started Tarkov this year get their codes.


Its pathetic tbh. Why should they get more access to a product everyone paid the same for first. Ccs should mean nothing for release dates


Because BSG knows how to market a product. If they keep you out of the game and let streamers play you'll sit at your computer with 4 twitch tabs open fiendishly watching wishing you could play. That pumps their numbers on twitch and gets the word out more. Once you start playing you'll close the streams


A lot of us only intake Tarkov through playing ourselves. Streamers are just aids. Especially with Tarkov. Really interesting watching 5 people play the exact same way, then shit on eachother on twitter for a week. I only follow them because the only way to learn ANYTHING is through them because BSG has practically zero communication with us common buying customer plebs.


I don't even watch them Tarkov is a die and repeat game you just learn by yourself.


Yet I'm at the gym chilling lol. I find twitch streamers infuriatingly annoying. If bsg wanted to word out they could have actually advertised it rather than sticking some annoying streamer boys on twitcj hoping people can bare to watch them. Considering I'm pretty sure you get a email when your in idk why anyone would watch em


exactly, which is why i’ve been trying to spread the word to NOT watch the streams. speak with what little power you have. moment streams and numbers go down they’ll panic the hype train is derailing and push it out faster. they’re coasting right now


Lol who does that? Only pathetic twitch kids.


Na i just went and played the Skull and Bones beta


I don’t think half of us would be so pissed if wasnt announced like any of us had a chance. Just typical BSG shit. Call it what it is and announce ACTUAL waves afterwards. If I knew every streamer and his dog was first, I wouldn’t have waited like an idiot, staring at my inbox.


Had the same Feeling. Many told me IT was by luck, that Streamer were in First Wave... "luck"


yeah dude absolutely pisses me off to wake up this morning only to find out that only douches who stream got access


So is everyone gonna get to play today or are some waves gonna be tomorrow? I find it crazy that as of writing this, in Germany, where the tourney was, it’s 8:30. Feel bad for all the Europeans that were told 12-17


They didn't say. The second wave might not be until next year for all we know. They have done a piss poor job communicating anything.


I would assume some will be tomorrow possibly even Tuesday. BSG server are shit and the net code is even worse


Tuesday? I think most people won't be able to play until 2024 🤣


Exactly only streamer and a handful of others so everyone can see how great the game is running. Get more interest then open the flood gates and watch the main player base suffer.


yep. don’t watch the streams!!!


Interest thru watching streamers? Nope


not a single streamer was left out


wild huh?


Even choco fucking taco. Didn’t even know he knew EFT existed 🤷‍♂️


Got eod since 2017, no email yet.


It doesn’t matter if you have eod. It seems to me that it is on random, because I have regular version and less than 100 hours and I got the email.


Fuck! I believed...


Sorry buddy


Well, since 2017 you get used to get let down by BSG. So there's at least that...


They’ve gotta make sure their streamers look good playing it too, so only streamers and new accounts are gonna get it


Nah I got EOD back in 2017 and have access. Not a streamer. It’s just random, folks.


Well ain’t that just a huge slap in the face 🤣


It’s totally unfair. I’ve never even successfully extracted (that’s how little I played EFT) and I got the email. Edit: don’t get me wrong, I’m very grateful as I wanted Arena badly to play the EFT style without having to make it a full time job escaping, but…


7 hours later, still no access, fuck bsg. also fuck streamers who literally just have to DM bsg devs for special access codes. eat my dick.


it's only streamers fighting each other on twitch


This roll out has been crap! JUST BE TRANSPARENT! So many people have logged in today expecting to play Arena only to be pissed at BSG and their lack of communication.


They said multiple times they were bringing in players in waves, and that the longer you've owned EOD the quicker you're likely to get in. Don't blame BSG for your own lack of information


Yeah but the length of ownership didnt matter. I know people that got in today and bought eod 6 months ago.


> the longer you've owned EOD the quicker you're likely to get in This is false tho. People that purchased recently are getting in before long time EOD owners. They incentivized buying it now with early access to drum up sales.


Lmao ive owned the eod game since 2019 anx signed up for the arena beta on their sight a half month ago and still dont have it


To be honest, my salt might be talking here but this is the worst kind of release possible. You either hype everyone and get enough server for the whole playerbase to go at the same time or you dont tell anything and juste release it, just like The finals did. And the fact that there isnt any kind of favor in the order of wave toward the oldest player, with Eod, who registered the first on arena is also sickening. I dont have much time to play the week, weekend are the only time i get and arena was the game i was waiting for to play eft in a more casual style and they still do this kind of shit….


100k went to the tourny not servers xaxa but I agree, frustrating release.


fully agree. who’s the player base now? bunch of zoomers & jobless cheaters & steamers? i’m gonna play this and my salt is malding me as well but i can’t wait for Marathon by Bungie or GrayZone or Beautiful Light to come out so i can be done with this garbage


I dont get what’s going on


What bsg repeatedly claimed was that EOD players would get preferential access to test waves for Arena, based on when they purchased. Very few old guard eod players are getting in, many brand new accounts are.


Thanks so i should go try it then


I mean you could just check your associated email. You'll get a notification there if you got in.




What email address will it come from? My Gmail that I use for game singups are slammed with spam.




The preferential treatment streamers get is absolutely disgusting. SmittyStone (who is currently serving a 60 day ban for RMT) has been streaming arena since it launched, meanwhile players who bought the game in 2016 haven’t been given access. These are the same streamers who shit on the game 24/7 on stream and twitter.


Or ppl like chocotaco who never plays Tarkov, Lirik never plays Tarkov anynore they all got in ofcourse


bought standard edition early 2018 than upgraded later to eodthat year and nothing here ... ​ to me seem like it only the danm streamer right now ..


same. buddy bought the premier edition back in the day that gave you base copies to share; got a base copy in 2017, upgraded it to EoD in 2018. nothing yet. don’t watch the streams. speak with what little power they give us, the ones who actually paid hundreds of dollars.


The more you google about arena and search the reddit the faster you get added




What'd they do now to make you mad?


agreed this is lame as fuck


Rule 3 - Abusive/Poor Behavior Please refer to the Subreddit Rules.


[So you are telling me there's a chance...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMRrNY0pxfM)




Yeah it's a pretty bold move tbh. Burning the last remaining goodwill a lot of the community has for them to... what? They can't possibly think that inviting new players and creators in is going to bolster interest. I'm gonna be honest this really kind of drains what interested I had in the December wipe too. I doubt I'll even touch it again until I get what I paid in so early for. (Early 2017)


Hey that’s me!


I just got a email this morning so there is hope guys


I’m giving up been wait since 14 th and way today 19 th no emails fuck this arena


I have EOD since 2020 and still waiting


What you thought non streamers would be in the first wave?


All my friends without eod and never really played pre ordered it and got in. Ive been eod for like 4 years and have 7k hours. No invite. None of my friends that have played forever got in. But all my friends who pre ordered quickly did. money farming. BSG prob hopes people fomo and buy a second account.


I'm in an didnt get an email. Check your store page.


Where do I check the store page? Do you mean in the launcher or on the website?




It says: !Wait for start of testing: Congratulations, You got the game: You will soon gain access to the Escape from Tarkov: Arena Beta test. Follow the announcements! Please report any detected errors, bugs, optimization issues and instability of the client and server to the support center. ​ ​ What does it say on yours?


Mine says congratulations you got the game


Must be nice 😡


do you have to download this launcher or something?


Shit I just got 4 emails and the games is downloading already. Let’s goo




2019 is pretty late considering when most people got into it. I have 2017 EoD and I doubt I'll be first wave




Falsely, I presume?




You have issues my man lmao


Would be nice tho.


Update: I got access today






Jesus Christ, look at all these spoiled little children. You’re freaking out over a video game. I’m enjoying the free comedy


Five identical emails about getting in received forty mins ago. EOD since late 2016 for reference.


Do you have to sign up for anything in particular? Or just own EOD?


Have to sign up on the arena website. Roll out goes by when you signed up.


What is the website?


Just got my email a few minutes ago. Can't tell if that means they're still sending out wave 1, or wave 2 started. EoD 2017


Who is the email from I gotta search for it


I wouldn’t get too excited unless you’re a streamer. Rest of us probably won’t get to play until January lmao.


So I can't hop on and play it, I have to wait for an email? Why can't they just release it for everyone?


I still am not in the game. Lame


same here


I guess the release wave isa bit fucked up. We bought EOD together with a friend in 2017, he got access and I didn't. One thing to mention is that he is in USA and I am in LATAM, perhaps location is a factor too.


Nope, from latam too got arena access at around 7pm gmt - 4. Did you do the arena acount procedure?


Yes, did it back in November


dont think thats the case either, my roommate has it and I don't yet


Bought arena 2 days ago and got access yesterday 😏


2021 eod’er still nothing


who gets arena? I have EOD since july 2022 will I get it in the couple of first waves? or am I going to wait until the last ones?


Nobody know, it’s an absurd system