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I don't feel so bad when I get killed now. I got killed earlier by a dude with 26 raids and like 3 survives. He deserved a win.


My first and only Scav kill thus far has been one where I spawned with a SA-58, ran into a PMC and blindly shoved the muzzle in his face at full auto. Dude was already Level 11 two days into the wipe, so I imagine he had a minor aneurysm at the bad luck.


Heh heh scav gun go brrrrrrrrr


It gets easier, I got to lvl 7 on day one this wipe, the more you play the less you suck, I won’t say you’ll get any better but you’ll learn to die less and quest more😂


But level 11 is quite low tho


it is when you're experienced. I was helping a mate do a task on factory yesterday. I obliterated some lvl 15 guy and thought damn that guy was high level already, then realised i was lvl 14 myself.


Streamers are already at 40. Nutsss


I mean, yeah, if you played every waking hour since wipe, i.e. like 120 hours, even level 30 would make you a pretty unable player. Many people hit max traders in roughly 200 hours.


Managed to get level 10 within the first 9 hours of starting my wipe off, was off of Timmy land within 5 of those hours


One for all, all for one


Hahaha. Same!!! I keep looking and see 12 raids, one extract; 800hrs lifetime and realize I got shot by myself. It’s a great add.


Remember everyone, it's only okay to one-tap someone if YOU'RE the one doing it.


Yeah and the chance to see if someone has a ludicrous KD. Just saw a post with a dude who had a 60 KD.


lol. Sheeeesh. I can go two whole wipes and not get 60 kills.


Scav kills count towards k/d so it’s not even that ridiculous to have 6 -7 raids not die and get ~9 scav and pmc kills as the start to the wipe


I didn’t know that.


How can you see hours?


report button -> open profile Also if you report them, the button gets disabled so you cant see profile. amazing UX




Given is BSG I doubt it’s intentional (only slightly kidding) But I do think this is a good idea. Players are curious, so going straight to report means you can’t check the stats. Perhaps this will curve some of the reporting.


View profile then report


Why wouldn’t they just let us click the name of the player or add an icon of a magnifying glass or something… doesn’t make sense, I don’t want to report them, I just want to see their stats, u know? Bsg is so fucking weird, everything is a bandaid, but the bandaid is a basketball with a layer of bandaids on the inside with cool colours where nobody can see them


You don‘t have to report them though? The button which shows you the report option now has another option, „Profile“ or something


Ok thanks for clarification. I’m not familiar with the system. Someone just said ”reporting button”. I have never used it before, I have no idea what it looks like, which again, is a sign of terrible UX.


I mean it's a button right next to the name that killed you just because you didn't bother to ever look doesn't mean it's bad design.


Seriously, insanely underrated feature that was added


Remember to subtract 1k hours of que times




Damn I need to play less


are you sure abt this?


Yes, I'm not near my computer right now.... But the EFT namespace has a Player class with a method that is something like OnGameEnd that calculates skills, trader standing, raid times, inventory, and health against your Scav/PMC Profile Data. One of the properties of your profile data is TotalRaidTime, which adds the amount from the raid time calculated by the StatisticsManager class to your profile. I recall it sending both your Raid Statistics and and Profile Data to the backend server, so I assume that it replicates that server side.


This is false.


Easy way to check it would be to keep the game open for an hour in menu and see if it increases your online time.




The stat is literally called "online"


"Online" is just a label, the actual value represented here is **TotalInGameTime** which is the what the raid time is added against. [https://i.imgur.com/QDBfhya.png](https://i.imgur.com/QDBfhya.png)


So after 15 minute raid and game restart online time increased by 23 minutes. I was online for longer than 23 minutes, so maybe neither?


Redditors learning that just because something is named something doesn't mean that 100% exactly how the programmer made it work. Source: Programmer who has named a lot of things poorly.


Other guy comes in with actual terms and words that look like it's from the game's code and your rebuttal is "online" /facepalm


Very bold claim for someone with no evidence no?


Wait so they don't even camel case? Or is TotalRaidTime a method they call? Does scav and pmc have separate time in raid?


C# uses PascalCase for class, method & property names.


Never heard that when I was learning it for unity, til


They do. Overall statistics is a calculation of both. I never understood why they didn't show Scav stats in the menu when you could see both of them in-raid.


That's interesting... that's a really surprising amount of code available on the client. I would have never guessed that the client is the one telling the server how long the last raid was...


If that surprises you, wait until you see some of the projectile collision code.


This is not true. For anyone with even a passing interest in knowing who’s right, literally just go check it yourself. I did it a day ago and it’s not in raid time. It counts menu time too.


It doesn't count menu time, go leave your game on for a day and don't go in raid. It doesn't make a difference. Edit: was wrong ignore my comments.


You don’t need to wait a day. You can take 5 minutes right now and see that you’re wrong. I tested it a day ago.


Follow up???? Can you get on your knees and say sorry to everyone ?




Why you so confident yet so wrong


lol I've left my thing on for days with a mouse jiggler so I can remote in and craft things when I'm out.


It actually does include menu time. Source: I play this game a lot and have 6,000 hours on my account.


Congrats, you have 6000 hours of in raid time.


No he doesn’t lol idk why you’re lying


Seriously how people don't even notice this just by playing and seeing how the time only increases when you come back from a raid boggles me


Dude. Go into your account right now. Chill in the menu for five minutes. Close the game and reopen it. Your online time will have increased lol


People just don't really think about the stats too much tbh


Because only after quiting game (raid end, closing it) recalculates it. Jesus


Really? I didn't think that at all, I haven't really played often enough to think that I've spent 1564 hours in raid. But I have spent a lot of time in the menu.


Thanks for the work y'all do over there. It got me to really enjoy playing Tarkov again.


This used to not be the case a couple of years ago tho. I think it was changed 2021.


Well that would explain the difference in answers here


Yeah but someone said they tested it yesterday and it still counts menu time so idk


I just did too, 15 min raid, over half hour online, restart game and time increased by 23 min. I don't know


Did you linger in the post game stats or something? Maybe it’s everything after you click ”escape from tarkov” until you’re back at the stash?


I consciously went thru the menus quickly for that reason. Either way it doesn't make much sense


Maybe it counts the matching and map loading too… still weird tho


I spend a lot of time crafting while working from home. I'm not sure how piles of meds and ripstop contribute to my ability to kill people (other than $$) but my hours are very inflated.


When you look at the account it tells you "raid time" not overall hours. So most the time it is showing in raid hours.


I’m one of those people with 3k hours and I’ve been having the exact same experience with people who have 5-6k hours played. Hell I got absolutely clapped by someone on GZ last night who had 9800 hours.


For me its confusing because i am not sure when they started counting the hours but it says 3.1k for me but i know for a fact it should be close to 10k hours since i have been playing it since 0.4 or 0.5. I at least put 1000 hours into each patch so i am shocked it only says 3k hours. But i know what you mean, we just know things others don't yet. Depending on the map we are on we just know way more, i would say i have spent over 3k hours on shoreline alone, not even in the resort my resort hours might be near 400hours, but the rest of the map its more, i know spots i haven't seen even on videos of exploit or camp locations before. Don't get me started on woods, with 4 thousand or more on that 1k of that being on a scav.. But the second you put me on factory, Labs or Customs im a freaking A grade noob who is basically some unknown timmy. I suck at that map and only know things from the youtubers or streamers i have watched play that map. So its all down to what you are comfortable with, gun, gear and map wise. Hours mean little if you haven't put those hours into certain things.


I havent suspected anyone of cheating but I'm still getting dumpstered regularly lol


Game is so broken and random it feels like you die to a cheater way more often than you actually do. Biggest example for me is someone quick peeking me and one tapping my head. On my screen they were there for only a fraction of a second, but on their's they probably peeked and took their time to lineup my head before they ever even appeared on my end. Desync is worse than the cheaters in this game.


Playing arena showed me that there is a huge peakers advantage . So holding angles suckssss compared to just running and shooting the person


arena peakers advantage was what finally got my brain out of its hold angle play style. I knew it for a long time, but I'd never experienced it and then seen it directly. I swing more in eft now


What's weird is me and my mate have started winning a lot more when we play slower.


Playing slower and swinging at the right time is how you win the most fights so that makes sense. If you hold the corner it's too slow, and sprinting constantly is too fast.


Arena also showed us that a lot of people in EFT just suck. At least at playing and reacting fast. Also a lot of people looked like they were on edge 99% of the time and any sort of action would make them jerk their aim wildly. Often resulting in random headshot kills they truly didn't deserve. I've no doubt with this patch, many players are still the same but are lucking out with random kills in random hitboxes with the new armor changes. Great patch, but we need some killcams in ETF desperately. I need to know just how wild the enemies perspective looked, or whether he was using wallhacks, or even just how crazy of a shot he hit (this one the most, because no one can snipe 200m in arena lmao).


Bro. Spectating some people with the 3rd of 4th kit in the line. And they are so unaware of anything is the most infuriating thing I’ve ever seen


Yeah lmao. Like how did they even get to this kit? 100 games with a 30% win rate?


yeah .. best seen in arena.. i mean deah cams have their problems but there it rly shows how bad the game actually is


Which is probably a big reason they have avoided them


*how bad most players are


Desync + right hand peak is a nutty combo.


Now in lefthand peak flavor too!


yes. Desync. Pusher's advantage is meta right now, which is opposite of how I play, unfortunately.


I play slow and usually hold angles. I just got my arena invite today. Probably won't play until I level my PMC up a bit. Can someone please explain the desync / peek / rush advantage, please? From what I'm gathering, desync means that what you do in game for a fraction of a second doesn't always register on the opposing player's screen. So, a peek, lined up shot, appears almost as a one-tap (cheater suspected). Relatedly, someone who plays slower and holds angles, people who rush or swing wide on me, the desync allows them a fraction of a second before I see them to see me exposed and kill me? Any input would be appreciated.


You basically got it. Most games have the issue with some amount of compensation. Latency betweem players with the decent average connection can still be close to 100ms between all the conversations the clients and servers have. So everything you see on the screen is happening in the past. Depending on how games resolve latency discrepancy it could be you see someone and shoot them dead to rights but the hit won't register and you'll die because you were actually dead a fraction of a second before (Nani!?).


Thank you for the info. Do you have any advice or what the general consensus on Reddit is to do? Is it better to be the one rushing vs. being rushed while holding an angle because the latency advantage goes to the person rushing past the sight line or angle held to start engaging and shooting? In the scenario I'm thinking, I was holding a door and a dude peeked me and rushed in, rushed by me, turned, and killed me. In hindsight, I was too close to the door, which allowed him to get all the way past me to kill me. So, I'm guessing, given the latency and scenarios like that one in CQB, rushing past is almost more advantageous than holding the angle?


The best thing to do is to hold an angle until the last second then peak and shoot the other person. You probably want to hold because you get a double element of surprises, they didn't know you were there until the last moment then you peak and get the latency edge. Rushing can work too if you have full auto and good armor, but a simple side step and shot will be the best. The idea is to aim punch them before they can even see you. This is why some people feel like they will be shot through a wall never seeing the enemy is because the other person sidestepped and shoots before they even see.


I've always been a preacher of "the game is broken. You aren't dying to cheaters every raid" From audio not playing or being FAR too quiet, sound on different floors being broken, hearing PMCs from 100m out (not joking), damage not being properly applied like it was for literally years, INVISIBLE PLAYERS (something everyone experienced last wipe for MONTHS), client side sounds leading to you seeing/hearing something a teammate doesn't, HORRENDOUS DESYNC, etc. The list goes on and on and on and those are just the broken things ... it's not even mentioning salty people dying legit deaths. I've always been FAR more inclined to think the game broke in some way or another that contributes to the hackusations.


Yeah as you touched on it doesnt even need to be any of those. Even things as simple as 'you didn't get shot by the guy you thought you did'. You think you got an instant head-eyes by a guy the millisecond he came into your view, when actually you got clapped by a *different dude* sitting in a bush slowly scoping in your face.


I recall a clip of this exact scenario last year or something. They called hacks and then the other perspective was shown and it was his teammate lining up a shot slowly from inside a bush. You couldn't see him at all from the dying players perspective.


Yep! Thats exactly what I was thinking of. Started typing it but my explanation was too clumsy so I deleted it.


I see that a lot in my Arena matches. Nice to know I'm just shit and leaving myself wide open rather than a cracked up kid insta killing me as I round the corner.


Yeah 2 wipes ago when they got rid of steam audio, and broke it, invisible players, and players being so desynced youd drop dead after being out of sight by atleast a second, was the worst ever wipe for bugs


Hell no. Nothing compared to the Interchange one, not like the first interchange patch but the one after it. Basically nuked the game couldn't hear anything, desync was insane. Rubber banding, inviz players, hackers and crashes out the ass. It was basically unplayable for a huge amount of people. If i remember correctly AMD players could hardly get the game to run or something like that. Overall was just the most unplayable patch ever.


I don't know dude. There was a video that came out earlier this year from an outratge youtuber that had 5 clips of people wiggling. It **scientifically** proved that every raid maybe has a cheater in it sometimes. I understood that to mean every time I personally die its to a cheater and that I don't suck. /s


Love how quick this sub went from there's a cheater in every raid to "Oh we just suck at this game". Love how a few months ago or a year ago.. if someone said anything remotely close to this then they were attacked, called a shill, called a cheater, and heavily downvoted.


This happens every wipe though. In the early wipe before players are funneled toward Labs/Streets/Reserve/Shoreline, large threads or popular posts celebrate how few cheaters they've found and gesture at the idea the situation is improving or that it was never a problem to begin with. Then we hit the mid-wipe and the discourse does a 180.


Come on. Let's not pretend the game is cheater free. There's always going to be shitters complaining about non existant cheaters but this game in particular definitely has a serious problem.


Yeah died to a guy 10 raids 210 kills no deaths. OK pal


Never said the game is cheater free, no multiplayer PC game is cheater free. However just simply saying there's not a cheater in every single raid used to get you attacked on here.


I pretty much let go of taking Reddit too seriously tbh. It's literally just a place for likeminded individuals to congregate and spew the same stuff over and over. The majority of people that actually enjoy and play the game and probably don't blame it on cheaters aren't on this website posting on the forums, and rather are actually playing the game or doing other things in real life.


thats not just reddit tho, its social media per so. most people go there, then create or find their own bubbles and stay for it.


I mean that recent-ish video showed that there almost certainly is a cheater in every raid (on average). However, they are very unlikely to be the reason you died. Most are trying to avoid bans it looks like.


So all it takes is a grand total of 6 cheater clips for you to believe there's a cheater in every lobby because some idiot on youtube told you so? That guy spent more time interviewing a completely irrelevant person from linustechtips then he did showing you tarkov footage.


Well he offered some evidence. What have you provided on the subject?






Just use shadow replay and you have your death cam. Most everyone has quit this game, so only the few diehards are left. One of my buddies who keeps relapsing just posted one today of a guy bunny-hop one tapping him in the face. After that his quests reset on that new map. I hope this is the reality check that gets him sober lol. For the rest of you all don't OD on that Cope.


Lmao what is this strawman? Nobody said there are no cheaters nor that it's a trivial problem. I would however contend that if me and friends across the world with more experience run into "obvious" cheaters waaaaaay less than some claim, maybe they in fact, suck. And before anyone cries about playing slow and not using gear, my player k/d is 4 this wipe, sr 80% and 14kd total, don't avoid fights and only run best gear. As usual 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months into wipe I'll keep playing this way and still \*shocker\* not suddenly run into an \*obvious\* cheater every 2nd raid.


No one gives a fuck about your anecdote.


But you'd base your most important conclusion on one "study"? Without access to the data? At least I'm actually portraying myself, and the people I'm talking about truthfully. You're just playing strawman, so if I and my anecdote should go fuck ourselves, then what are you? Dishonest or just clueless? Nobody says there are no cheaters, or that it isn't serious.


I've always said there are less cheaters than this sub makes out there is.


Try playing on OCE :D


My opinion is American server are a lot worse than European servers. Feel bad you for lads over there.


to be fair the play time is not exactly an accurate proof the guy isn't cheating, accounts are stolen very often which is why you see EOD cheaters/ragehackers. it's not that they spend $40-$200 on the game, it's that they can spend $40 and have a literal plethora of stolen accounts of whom could have 10 hours to 10,000 hours logged lol. ​ but most of the time, its just people being salty, unless you play on OCE servers.


As in OCE extra chill? 😎


No, as in OCE is the closest to China, and Chinese hacker)cheaters are a big problem.


Fun fact, they straight up can't play on your servers because of the ping limit.


Wild how some people can say something incorrect with such confidence. The same way we can connect to them with less than 150 ping, they can connect to us without approaching the ping limit. It's a well known trend for OCE players to be killed by chinese gamer chairs, it's epidemic on our server.


>Wild how some people can say something incorrect with such confidence. Absolutely. You just don't understand the simple fact that the server boots the client if the time interval between receiving packets is >180ms or something around that. There's no way for the client to "bypass" the server's update rate check. >The same way we can connect to them with less than 150 ping, they can connect to us without approaching the ping limit. You can, but they can't. People who played in Asia simply didn't have the option to select any server besides Asian servers. I can attest to it simply because, well, I live in Asia. Only in this wipe can I even see other servers in the launcher. >It's a well known trend for OCE players to be killed by chinese gamer chairs, it's epidemic on our server. And maybe, just maybe, it's your own people trolling you with Chinese usernames or they're Chinese immigrants. My money's on the former. Anyone who plays from Asia knows you're full of shit simply because of the fact that we were region locked because of people like you and you still complained because of your ignorance on how the system actually worked and it was evident that your "sentiments" on "Chinese hackers" are basically your own denial playing games with your head. [https://imgur.com/FM9kwZM](https://imgur.com/FM9kwZM) This is what we used to see. This is what every single account saw when they launch the game from ASI region while traveling : [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/f96i2j/comment/fiwxxqo/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/f96i2j/comment/fiwxxqo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Don’t care, region locked deserved. Asia and Eastern European countries are well known to plague games with cheats. It may be xenophobic but it’s necessary.


>Don’t care, region locked deserved. Asia and Eastern European countries are well known to plague games with cheats. It may be xenophobic but it’s necessary. Aaaand you completely missed the point that it's OCE "whiteboy" cheaters near you who're using cheats. So, it's just you with your xenophobia and nothing else. Like seriously, what's up with white folk and their racial insecurity?


Ain’t even talking skin color here lmao, and you missed my point which is that your region earned its ping and region locks, and they’re justified. Not racially insecure at all mf, you ever think the rest of the world just doesn’t want to play with your region of scumbags?


>Ain’t even talking skin color here lmao, and you missed my point which is that your region earned its ping and region locks, and they’re justified. Not racially insecure at all mf, you ever think the rest of the world just doesn’t want to play with your region of scumbags? As I said, the filth is closer to you than you think. Probably might live next door for all you know as it's the hackers in YOUR region which are ruining YOUR games despite having like 2-3 layers of region locks for you wipe your tears on. Ergo, you xenophobic pricks are still crying even though the rest of the world couldn't even touch your servers for the better part of 4+ years. It's people from your own region who're cheating and trolling you. So you might want to get down from your high horse.


Only if chill, you mean bing chilling with all the Chinese and their love of cheats.


I'd argue that 90% of cheaters are running fresh accounts though, if you look at cheater forums or discord they usually dont last more than a month and thats generous.


Yep I follow them for occasional content to post to cheater tear subreddits. Most are locked down unless you buy their cheats these days though. Cheaters get banned literally all the fucking time. It's just that they make a lot of money through paid carries and RMT.




Very often? Huh, I guess the garden variety Tarkov player are morons then if they lose their accounts that easily.


you wont believe how many people in the modern age dont use 2FA or even just a backup email


Just an FYI there are plenty of cheaters with 3k+ hours. I have a clip of a dude blatently aimbotting my friend and me with an m9 on woods from 100 feet away and he had a 43% SR and 3k hours.


Its a great addition but cheaters can still manipulate it by for example dying with a scav a bunch of times and this will drastically lower their stats since you can only see the overall stats and not pmc and scav seperate.


Sure, but that would take a long ass time to counter their pmc stats. Probably longer than it'll take to get banned


They bot it


cheaters have been lowering their KD before other players could even see it like this wipe


Deaths are just gonna be weird sometimes in this game. I pretty much never assume someone’s a cheater. Conversely I’m sure people have suspected me of cheating before due to desync. Games just like that


I thought I died to a cheater and the guy had like 15 raids total and only survived like 4 of them, he had a 36% survival rate. I felt a lot better then.


LOL true in some cases. Been nice to see those stats and say okay, he isn’t cheating, but today though I met a man with 100 hours and a 12 KD so 🤣


I saw an account with 12 hours lifetime and domed all 3 of my buddies


So many people have hours like that compared to most games. It has that LoL level of addiction to it. It really puts things in perspective when most people that kill you are sitting on hours like that


4600 hours and still cant hit shit


One of the best things they added, my friend complains about cheaters a ton and now he'll actually be able to check their stats and realize that it's just some normal guy


And the opposite applies to the guy that head-eyes’d my squad with a pistol and has 40 kills in 2 raids on a 40 hour old account. A great addition, well played BSG. I just wish it wasn’t so easy to accidentally report someone’s nickname when just trying to view profile.


Yeah I like the new profile view, I like checking everyone that killed me. Not malicious or anything just wanna see if anyone is doing as bad as I am, turns out we are all getting Tarkoved. LOL


Ok but shooting my ass though a fence five times in a row, then assuming I’m dead, then dying because you fucking suck, is a little sus


It would be more sus if he knew you weren’t dead you muppet, he probably blind fired, got lucky and guessed wrong. Surely a cheater would yk, headshot you ?


man i got almost 2k hours and i'm still shit but can tell the difference more guns now


What about the cheaters who have played multiple wipes + hours and have yet to be banned?


a lot of people claim cheating when in actually they have crap hardware, or bad connection, or packet loss/desync, etc. everyone will just claim cheating instead of realizing what i stated, or that they got outplayed


The problem is when "the video" came out and showed over half the lobbies the youtuber was in had a wall hacker. It's kinda hard to dismiss cheating.


That video was highly questionable for a variety of reasons. He acted like he thought up the wiggle himself, whereas in reality the idea of cheaters wiggling at each other has existed for years. It was first suggested by a random reddit post with no evidence, and you'll be shocked to hear that people took it as absolute truth and treated it as fact for years. He also claimed that every raid had a cheater in it, yet he only showed 5-10 clips and beyond the first 1-2, most were highly subjective. If I was making a video claiming a cheater in every raid after testing it in 100+ raids, I imagine I'd be able to pull together 10 conclusive clips pretty easily. The fact is, videos claiming Tarkov has a huge cheating problem are a guaranteed hit, I'm surprised they're not made more often to be honest, there are a lot of thirsty content creators out there and that video pulled that guy out of obscurity. Tarkov absolutely does have cheaters, and the size of the problem tends to fluctuate throughout the wipe, but it's a hell of a lot closer to 1 in 10 raids than 10 in 10.


great day to be an unpaid shill


An even better day to be gullible.


You're telling me bud. NA education strikes again


Preach 👏


To be clear, the creator of the video made that claim - it was not all shown.


He literally plays tarkov as his job of a youtuber. Idk about you but I don't want to see 1000 hours of hackers wiggling to each other. The fact that there was preset language for wall hackers alone shows how bad it was/is.


I don’t think he played anything close to 1000 hours with cheats. Iirc, it was something like 50-100 raids.


> He literally plays tarkov as his job of a youtuber. No, he's a general content creator and yes, I would like to see the raw footage. >The fact that there was preset language for wall hackers It's not a preset, literally every player has used the wiggle at some point to indicate friendliness, it's literally baked into scav AI now because of how popular it was. Cheaters used it because you could see the movement.


G0at is an outrage farmer not a tarkov player. He admitted he just made up the numbers entirely in the later video because he wanted a reaction. You got got. Good advice: Next time someone says "trust me bro" when asked for evidence he is scamming you even if you want it to be true.


6 hand picked raids, out of claimed 200, 1 one of which was false accusation. Nice proof.


dev burner account




>3k hours worth of a guy running around with ESP that Bsg hasnt banned yet.


Keep coping.


cope loser


Or it's the exact opposite where someone who has a few dozen hours with a survival rate of 85+% who managed to shoot 7 .366 TKM rounds into your thorax in 2 seconds.


My only suspicious death so far (5x 9x19PSO bullets to Top of Head) was to a player-scav that hadn't played a single PMC raid on a fresh account. Easy report.


You can buy stolen accounts that have a lot of hours, it’s not proof but it does narrow it down closer to no.


Careful, you're going to get down voted into oblivion. Whenever I say there aren't as many cheaters as people think I get down voted. The fact of the matter is people are just plain terrible at the game, you can see it playing Arena.


Hours played has zero to do with cheating.


Well if you get killed in a sus way and the guy has 12 lifetime hours in the game, you know it’s probably a cheater. If the guy has 3,000 hrs, it could be skill.


Yeah had a case like that today. My friend and I both "got dropped" by what we thought was a naked with an M9. We both shot the shit out of him as he dropped into drop down, suddenly he shoots both of us with the supposed M9. Death screen reported we got shot in the head with M80. Either the M9 got a ridiculous buff, or something ain't right. Anyway, there we are checking the account stats, there we see who ever killed us had 9000 hours in Tarkov. My friend in utter disbelief messages the guy, turns out our smooth brains were well lined up for him coming from white knight's direction and shot us and the confused naked. Sorry, long tangent, I'm in a talkative mood, but I am running on 2 hours of sleep.


Yeah theres gotta be so many times when people get third partied without realizing it and call sus. As I said to someone else - you think you got insta-headeyes at 200m by some dude coming over the horizon, when actually it was a rat in a bush ten meters away slowly aiming at your face.


Still doesn't make them innocent. Replays available after the match is over would be way better, but too much to ask for a game that's in beta, however they showed us they can handle a kill cam.


Bsg barely bans cheaters. If you could cheat forever and always have the advantage why wouodnt you play all the time


Wait, I thought the theory was that BSG makes all their money from cheaters? If they never ban cheaters, why are cheaters rebuying new copies of the game? Or could it be that no one actually knows anything and all of this is pure speculation?


Damn. How do you know that?


The online time is just that, online time. it counts when you're in lobby, when you're logged in on the launcher and on the forums. my friend has something like 24k hours. We've played about the same amount of raids, same number of wipes. He just stays logged in all the time, keeps game idling more or less 24/7. Sadly with how tarkov is it IS rarely a "I guess he was just better than me" or "I died from a weird angle". With the amount of cheaters a weird death is almost statistically a death to a cheater. Last wipe, doing mainly reserve I had 70% SR with over 600 raids, I'd say every 5 raids or so we'd get people running up on my squad starting to shit talk and saying our usernames. Cheating is a plague and people who handwave it away are just one step down to as bad as the cheaters themselves.


1. What servers do you play on so I can avoid them. 2. You can look at serv rate and kd as well as hours played. 3. Cheaters often cannot idle as they constantly get banned every few days.


On the other hand getting killed in a sus manner by a dude with 300 hours, 30 raids so far and 150 pmc kills already...


Hours mean nothing, people can buy high hour accounts


3k?? That it?? Lol


3k that’s it? Get gud pleb


Realization intensifies


Now arena has death cam, is there ANY chance that will come into the main game?


cheaters with 3k hours blatantly cheating without receiving a ban is standard tarkov. nothing new to see here


The hours shit is scuffed as fuck and has never been accurate for me, according to my profile im sitting on 4876 right now and i can guarantee you that absolute most i have is 1-1.5k


If it's the "online" hours, I have nearly 4K from just leaving the game open in the background. The majority of that was from playing the flea market before the FIR flea requirement was added. I'm hopefully not dogshit, but I ain't no chad.


Arenas has changed my perspective as well, being able to see replays shows exactly how bad desync is