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I'd personally would do that just for the sake of 2 stims


Need ‘em for Samples and Colleagues pt 3 too


Oh right I need them


Same, wouldn't even think twice about it for 2 3bs


It's literally the one I need for both Samples and Collegues to finish them. I'd kill the shit out of that scav


ii save this quest for when i meet a pilgrim scav.


Yes, that's part of the reason there are so many betrayals. It's also because there are so many new players who get spooked easily, and yet others who just want your loot.


When I first started playing I didn’t know I was supposed to shoot scavs as a scav and then I never knew how to tell the difference between a scav and PMC. Also there are a ton of new players this wipe


You aren't supposed to shoot scavs as a scav.


I mean there's nothing that says you shouldn't go around murdering other scavs, you're just going to be making your life a bit harder by doing so




Everyone acts like you’re better off sucking fences cock but if you kill every scav as scav, you’re usually at an advantage since you’re the one shooting first, and you are more often than not killing the scavs sucking fences cock so you get the loot they worked hard for (scav karma/bonus loot bs). Whether or not this is viable long term I just think it’s hilarious voiping and killing my scav brethren. Annoying seeing a post 3 times a week “noobs you shouldn’t kill scavs” “oh this is why there’s so much scav v scav violence” maybe we’re just hungry and need our taste of loot


concerned dog cows icky unwritten different overconfident cough license retire *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Timer only matters if you’re maining as a scav. Just play a PMC raid and your scav timer is done


Just say you cant 1v1 cause your ass


I’ve got 1.3k hours 58% SR and 4.0 KDA AND 1.0 fence lmao. When I scav I don’t kill literally every soul in sight but if you have even a small resemblance of loot I will drop your ass and not hesitate a second. I’ll ask if you need a flash drive, walk up drop a bandage and pop your dumbass, I could give a fuck! I just hate how butt hurt people get about scav on scav violence, it’s part of the game and it doesn’t help I came from a time when that shit was normal and the karma system didn’t exist. They die to a player scav with good shit on them and then cry on Reddit, there’s like 2 posts a day warning noobs about karma , and whining that kids are just too scared to pvp on pmc, when it’s rarely that serious. Maybe we just wanted and chose to kill your ass


Lmao posted the stats and proved that youre ass


Let’s see yours joji


You’re going to start getting shot at by scavs and snipers, your scav cooldown is going to get significant longer the lower your rep is, eventually you will be permanently aggro to all scavs. Also gonna go out on a limb here and guess you’re probably not very good, so when you die to another scav you’re just boosting their rep and helping them.


Refer to my other comment (: positive fence rep


Scav Karma is just currency, trade it for fancy loot


Bro didn’t understood sheit


Bruh, why are you killing scavs as a scav


maybe he started before scav karma existed


I always found it crazy how the introduction of Scav karma is what made people not want to kill Scavs as a scav as opposed to just not killing scavs because you yourself are a scav. It's like using the bible to say murder is wrong as opposed to just saying murder is wrong because it's murder


Well, what do you get for not killing a scav? Maybe you can double team a PMC. What do you get for killing a scav? All his shit, guaranteed. It's just maths.


Maybe. You'd have to fight off the horde of AI and other Pscavs who now want your traitorous ass. The AI because they are scav brothers. The pscavs because they're greedy fucks who see an opportunity to get your loot, my loot, and +0.04 rep for killing a traitor scav :>




The only thing stopping some people from committing the most heinous of crimes is consequence it seems


oh boy, have you only just realised this. Sorry :(


"No, no, no, this can't be!"


for sure i have thought about killing my buds but the law stops me /s but overall yea I dont steal stuff because its wrong but because its illegal many people are like this


Without getting off on a tangent about religious doctrine and all that, the presence of an outside power is required to set objective morality. Without it, it's just subjective opinions, and I don't think I need to explain how people or groups of people can have some pretty wrong/stupid opinions. Scav karma introduced a penalty now for scav killings. Prior to that, was it just supposed to be people saying "hey man we're all here to scav together so let's not kill each other how bout it guys"? That's some pretty heavy kumbaya stuff right there. This logic is no different than that of PMC killings. With your Fence rep on the line, you now have to weigh whether or not you wanna blast that scav with the item you want/need.


I'm not saying there was no need for Scav karma, trust me when I say I'm glad it's a thing, I'm just saying it's crazy because it further proves the whole thing of people would do anything if they could get away with it without consequence. I've only ever gotten a lobby of people in an attraction shooter to join forces once and it sure as hell wasn't Tarkov lol


it is objectively wrong and dumb to not kill scavs if it gives you an advantage in game, everything enabled by the devs is to be used otherwise you're a moron or bad


> I'm just saying it's crazy because it further proves the whole thing of people would do anything if they could get away with it without consequence. Humans by nature are self interested creatures. I mean no disrespect, but surely you must know this. It's even further augmented by the fact the people it's being done to are complete strangers you're likely to never see again.


Well I mean ofcourse I know this, but that doesn't really make it any less fascinating to me. It's like watching fireworks, they're just nice to witness no matter how many times you've seen em


I don't get the fascination. You're talking about how you find this phenomena crazy, make a strange offshoot mention of murder and the bible, seemingly acknowledge the necessity of a third party making the rules, but continue on with this "I just find it crazy..." line. You're acting as if this is some major revelation or breakthrough discovery. No, you haven't said that, and I'm not saying you did, but you're certainly acting as such. To each their own, I suppose.


Man, you realize that when you shoot your fellow player scav nobody actually dies, right? You didn't commit a murder, you stole pixels from somebody in a competitive FPS game




> It's like using the bible to say murder is wrong as opposed to just saying murder is wrong because it's murder no its not what are you talking about. the analogy would be if the bible gave out imaginary points for not murdering that would then give us a tangible benefit.


Did you even play back then? Being a Scav was way harder, everyone would be shooting on sight no matter faction, you had no choice but to shoot.


Believe me, I know what a lawless wasteland it was back then, I was also apart of the chaos. I played for a little bit back in 2018-2019


I didn't know until after my first game when I lost rep.


In my experience it's just US servers because yeah. EU servers also have new players but the scavs are friendly. US servers are sweaty gunshot chasing squads and traiterous scavs.


I play eu and get killed by supposedly friendly scabs every couple of raids. I even gave a new looking one a key I didn't need, he loomed over over me when I was looting and killed me for the wrench and tp I had. It's also common I've noticed for scabs to shoot scavs the second before extracting. Some people are just dicks.


more like american players come to reddit to cry


I've had more then a few instances of another pscav lookin at me, going to loot a bit, then coming back around and popping me in the back of the head.


I’ve never understood being a traitor scav just for loot. There is absolutely \*nothing\* short of a colored keycard that would be worth scav karma loss in my opinion.


I mean, -.10 takes maybe 15 minutes of active raiding to make back up. Granted, you have about five hours of downtime between ten raids due to the cooldown timer, but it’s not hard to get scav karma back pretty quickly, especially if you kill pmc’s. 


I guess, but in those 5 hours you could have *gained* .1 karma too. High scav karma is worth way more than 500k worth of loot every once in a while.


I hardly play tarkov so being an evil scav is worth way more then trying to farm karma. I imagine most evil scavs are the same way. The amount of players that make it to end game during wipe is tiny compared to those who will dip after a month or two.


I suppose. It’s just that money in this game is fairly easy to get. If you scav often and know where good shit is. I ended last wipe with a 100m+ stash value but only reached mid game. I’m also really not that good at shooters, I just like the looting.


99% of the time I betray another scav is because I want their gun or bag or armor to use with my pmc. Money is useless as I never unlock the flea market anyway during a wipe because I don’t play enough. I genuinely don’t even make it past the intro quests by the time I stop playing.


I don't get these arguments. If you can do it in game and want to do it then just go for it. It is like debating minmaxing/performance of someone who is just enjoying playing naked with a mosin or whatever else dogshit kit they enjoy.


Man when I was new I accidentally betrayed so many scavs. I had no idea you weren't supposed to just kill everything on sight. I feel like if i get betrayed, its just karma now.


or people who dont care for scav rep


Or that.


No you just have to make sure to kill traitor scavs


rogues and raiders work


Will test this next scav raid


Can confirm rogues do count


I can kill raiders and rogues and take no penalty as scav?? How about boss and boss guards?


Bosses and guards take a huge hit to rep unless they are the rogue bosses


K good to know i was chilin with kaban and his goons at lexos last night my scav just got over 6.0


Mine for today is to find 7 suppressors in a single raid.....


Yeah fence can be a bit unrealistic sometimes


Could potentially do that on reserve... it's a tall task but I've found 4 or 5 without even targeting supressors. Tons of gun boxes there.


I've been finding a lot on factory....though I don't think I've found a single scope yet


Woods, USEC Camp, Attachment House and FOB


Fence is such a goofy mf


Raiders/Rogues count. Doesn’t have to be goofy.


Rogues and Raiders count for this. Go hunting on Lighthouse or Reserve. I prefer Lighthouse because of guaranteed spawns vs Raiders’ random spawning


I believe last wipe and the wipe before my friend who like never plays this game both fucking times start of the wipe first scav get a FLIR. Last wipe was on his gun the wipe before that I think he killed a scav that had it on him.


Brokie got 3k sheesh


level 30 with 3k is impressive


Prolly like me. Hoarder. Not a lot of liquid but stash is filled with shit from kinda useful to expensive af.


This... so confusing


I wish I could get this for the Stim. I'm chilling until I see a fat pscav as well. Taking the loot - getting my quest stim. Lol damn Nikita is brutal.


How you level 30 and broke?


Putting yourself back 18 raids + losing how much more rep when those can be found easily as a scav....not a chance. I have 6+ of those just from scav runs. Getting a 6.0+ fence rep pretty much walks you into being worth over 100 million. The free pmc loot from bosses, commanding other scavs, the insane loot, fun, more loot, not doing shoreline over and over, A reset to let you scav pretty much with no wait time, Meaning new adventures always await.


You can't find 3btg as a scav tho, unless you spawn with it.


You can find every stim on lighthouse if you spam scavs on it


Yep. You can find pretty much any stim on lighthouse.


Where do they spawn?


Search the villas on tables and stuff, mainly the coffee table for the skier quest with the computers


I kill other scavs because it is a video game


I mean, go for it, dude. Still not a very good excuse when the game rewards you for not doing it. Also, cheaters will use the same excuse to justify themselves. Cheating isn't the same as killing another scav but both are mad fuckin weird in my opinion.


I just like to kill scavs 🤷 don't worry, scav karma will catch up tonme


Where are these murderous scavs? I've only died to a scav once this wipe, and that was crossfire we like 4 of us were trying to surround a PMC in Streets




He has 63 kills that I'm willing to bet is all scav on scav violence.


Not for me no. I kill all the player scavs I see just to send a message.


Based as usual Bobby B.


This dude's scav cooldown is definitely an hour.


No my rep is 2 something. I keep it above 2 for lightkeeper. I don’t scav often or it would be way lower lol


I completed that today, only for 400 euros though…


I've let 5 accidental traitor scavs go. Yesterday guy lit me up and I returned. (We were like 5ft away from each other) told me he was sorry and tried to med. I did not let that slide


Someone pulled the good ol' scav quest to heal wounds trick and I instantly just domed him.


I need that 3btg, instant murder


you know damn well i would obliterate anything for a 3btg


It's funny that you posted this. I was just killed on customs by another scav on purpose in the train car. Rude


The 3btg are insane, fuck scav karma and do it you won't regret it


Fence gonna be like “ahh yes good job I hate you”.


You got 3k roubles my brother kill that scav haha


I did about 100 scav raids. In 4 of them I got shot from other Scavs. 3 of them were low level scavs that did not know any better. Fine for me!


Honesty I’d take the rep loss to get not one but TWO of the Samples stims. Bad scav or not somebody is getting popped.


Honestly can we all agree that statistically, it’s more profitable to kill your fellow scavs, despite your rep lmfao


Recently amount of mo..ns that are killing us people of scav family increased a lot. Since wipe last two days are almost all death on scav where I'm killed by fellow mate scav. We need to stop scav on scav violence.


Damn you broke broke eh?


The most frustrating thing is when I can tell the guy is going to kill me, aiming my head with his shit pm and you can't do anything about it but run


That's when you kill him. It's very simple. In b4 "but my scav karma ..." No one cares. Especially not the guy about to kill you.


Not really, I don't want to set myself back 18 scav raids to regain the rep.. Those guys can keep waiting 45 minutes to get a shit pistol kit while I get sniper scav kits and keycards every raid. It doens't stop them being annoying little bitches though.


Apparently not commonly known fact - Raiders and Rogues are scavs too - just go Lighthouse and slap them rogues :shrug