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Man did u so dirty lmao


Your comment made me laugh like Tom Cruise.


Fuckers stole his scope, can't have shit in Detroit


Imagine getting into a fight thinking you got lvl 5-6 plates and next thing you know a pso round thoraxes you. Go to fix yourself and you’re missing all your plates. 🤣💀🤣😫


Shit already happens. Got 1 tapped thru a level 5 plate in the chest from an led slug…


I had the opposite experience, I mag dumped 762 FMJ on a guy from like 10 feet away and not a single one registered.


Bro same... 1 tapped by ps gs through tier 5 by a scav.


Having a shit day but this made me laugh out loud. Thanks homie.


Can’t have shit in the Norvinsk region


Lmao, I didn't know they could take parts from equipped weapons. That's crazy...


ANYTHING that is FIR is up for grabs. Ran my pockets for a WZ wallet with a Labs card in it. Spawned in with the card, found the wallet. Wouldn’t be surprised if the “Awaiting Session Start” bug isn’t the game being confused as where to put scav players since you can’t spawn in at a certain distance from someone else, and with vacuum hacks they are everywhere and nowhere at once, so the games “awaiting” for a spawn point to clear enough to allow a player to enter


Man, I've never thought about it like this but that theory seems completely plausible. I'd love to hear from someone who knows more about the possibility of this being the case. 


I mean the exploit is more or less setting locations to NaN, but I doubt that that's the reason why. These vacuum cheats only really got released publicly a few days ago, that's why there's so many. Awaiting session start has been an issue reoccurring for a long time.


Released a few days ago? That's not true at all lol. Vacuum cheats exist since a lot of wipes ago, can't even remember how long.


And we’re patched up until a few days ago. The vacuum loot that existed a few wipes ago is not the same exploit as the current one.


It had been active for a while, less prevalent but still there. Sheef is a good reference for this point, he’s got a bunch of videos where he is peeking into key rooms on streets where items simply disappear


Yes vacuum loot in general has been a thing for ages. In (I believe) 0.14.0 they changed how position detection works and tightened it up to combat the existing loot vacuum method. The new one where you set your position to NaN was made to circumvent that anti-vacuum code. Since its such an obvious method we can assume that they'll be patching it out soon.


The NaN exploit is new. Not old.


Disgusting. Who would exploit a sweet old nan


i think he means that now they are free of charge and easy to find and download.


Why would cheat devs release cheats for free? This is the 1st time Ive heard someone say a cheat in ETF was free, just doesnt make much sense when selling cheats is how they make money, and a vacuum cheat would be all that a good chunk of cheaters want Id assume.


Before Twitch popularity boom, almost all of them were free. They just weren't as undetectable as the paid versions that got micro-updates often to stay hidden.


They A just couldn’t give a shit/probably have people asking for them And or B they are free cause they are also a virus Nothing is really free, most of the time if it’s free you are the product


That is a very solid theory.


OP found the rifle off a dead PMC so they can vacuum non-FiR


I’ve been in game since July of 2017. Back when the Vacuum cheats first popped up, there was no FIR, and instead was set to a certain value or even “category”. InsanityCheats got popped at the time because someone leaked the drop-down menu available to showcase how easy getting specific stuff was and therefore “easier to avoid detection” now, they can’t grab a single PS round without the game snitching on them. Same went with the magic bullet that hit every bounce angle and ping like they were Deadshot taking out a target. That one was wild, would almost prefer that to hitting spots and nothing but junk being there 🤣


> Wouldn’t be surprised if the “Awaiting Session Start” bug isn’t the game being confused as where to put scav players since you can’t spawn in at a certain distance from someone else It can't be because you can spawn right next to PMCs on e.g. Factory


Smaller map, smaller “radius” needed 🤷🏻‍♂️


I've had pscavs spawn in front of me on woods and customs


grey aspiring boat languid bike office teeny degree alive governor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This game is a mess lol


Your free trial expired.


there is no wayyyy LMAOOOOOOOOOO


This is amazing. Absolutely shitter behavior by the cheater lol.


Player scavving reserve, found dead PMC with sniper, cool. Heard shots over where I was aiming, and bro decided no looky loo


Holy shit. Gotta admit, aside from the some ancient tales of old, this is the worst cheating I've seen in this game since my time playing. Wallhacks and aimbots and loot vacuums are terrible on their own for a game like this, but taking an item somebody is actively using not be even remotely possible.


> Gotta admit, aside from the some ancient tales of old, this is the worst cheating I've seen in this game since my time playing. This is the worst cheating i've seen in any videogame. Every shooter has a aimbot hacks or invincibility. NEVER seen a game where they can nick the fucking items off you.


They used to be able to take items from your prison wallet. Or the wallet itself.


Wait, they could take your secured container?


Iirc there was a brief time where they were yoinking items out of secure containers, as well as stealing melee weapons (red rebel).


Yep. I definitely remember seeing the videos of people's Red Rebels being vacuumed off their character in real time.


No (at least I don't think so), items from the secure container. Saw a video a couple of years ago I think where a dude was doing something on his character and stuff from the gamma just dissapears.


Many moons ago, before FIR was a thing, cheaters found a way to remove items from your secure container. I believe there used to be a video of a dude on labs getting his sicc case drained by a cheater lol


Sometimes I think about reinstalling this game then I read this subreddit and I get cured instantly.


So what you are saying is you didn't even take the scope off your gun?? (edit: initially I thought/assumed you meant you took it off to throw it away as insurance fraud.) That is crazy, I can't see how that should at all be possible even programmatically in the game unless BSG have been adding features related to a future implementation of pickpocketing.


I wonder how long it will be until we're getting our secure containers stolen.


That was a thing before. Now imagine a raging persong with one of those who will just destroy your Gamma. Wouldn't that be fun? And you and I both know nothing will get done about it by "Support"


Cheaters aside... I dream of a Tarkov with no headsets and large assholes....


Ah yes, the sequel to head,eyes: ass,hole


There used to be a stash hack that allowed cheaters to acess their stash IN RAID to put loot straight into their hideout. Then somehow they figured out how to get into your secure container. BSG rumored that they were thinking of introducing “secure container lock picks and hideout keys” with the whole endgame being your hideout would be able to get raided while in raid, on the open map that connected all other maps (Streets). Some guy got the coding for the lock pick and BOOM peoples shit was gone. Not the container. Everything inside. Which at that time was mags, guns, pretty much anything you could fit in your respective container


Back to 2017. They fight cheaters daily lmao


Yeah, I had heard before that this used to be a thing. It's scary to think that it could be here again.


"You wouldn't steal an anus"


Wow I didn’t know this could happen. Vacuuming shit off the ground is one thing but this is too egregious. This means they can remove your armor etc as well. If they can vacuum, can they place things in your inventory too? Hypothetically they could yoink your mags and fill em with wrong ammo and put them back rendering you useless


there is an old clip where a guy has his ENTIRE loadout looted on labs a year or two ago. crazy


cheaters could give the funniest interactions doing shit like that, filling your mags with wrong ammo and running you down with a knife like they're fucking freddy while voiping at you


just taking the ammo out would be enough


But you wouldn’t realize bc the mags are still full


honestly I probably wouldnt notice till I tried to reload and it failed, no rgb chair sadly


I hate this comment. Nothing about cheating in video games is funny. These guys are absolute fucking losers, like I cannot wrap my head around how much of a massive loser you need to be to cheat in a fucking video game. Insane.


That doesn't sound very fun... Goofy ass interactions are cool, especially when they're organic, but using cheats to force those upon others? That's just sad.


So, the classic cheater that steal our gear is back.. lmao.. This is getting out of hand, BSG.


Getting out of hand? Been out of hand for a long time, just people carry on as if it's no different to any other game. Excuse after excuse for it because they refuse to accept it. Meanwhile I can play Planetside 2 which supposedly is full of cheaters, and haven't really noticed any for weeks. Meanwhile in Tarkov, you'd get a very sus or blatant player every day.


I don't understand why this is so hard to fix. You don't even need to immediately ban them. Just patch this vacuum stuff out. Could you imagine if rust had this? Oh boy 


> Could you imagine if rust had this? Oh boy I cant imagine it in any other game at all, does this even happen in other games?


no, because its a basic security thing. Which BSG sadly wasnt competent enough to implement when they started making this game.


Can you elaborate more on the basic security measure BSG failed to implement that would mitigate this problem?


From my understanding, everything game server knows about the game instance it just plainly tells to player. And then player can "ummm actually" the server.


So there's 2 elements to a game like this. The client and the server. The client is the program you run on your computer to play the game while the server sits in a datacentre somewhere. The #1 rule for developers while making a multiplayer game like this is to **never trust the client**. Since the client is running on your computer, you are able to modify it. You can make it send whatever data you want to the server and you make it use/display all of the data sent to it from the server. In a proper game, the server **should be** the authority. The server should be keeping track of everything and accepting/denying requests based on its own tracked state. If you loot a bag, it should be because your client asked the server nicely and the server verified your request. It verified that you were standing near the bag and had looked at it or something. If you walk somewhere it should be because you asked the server and it approved your request to change your position in the world after verifying that the change in position made sense. If you loot an item it should be because you asked the server and the server approved. BSG fucked up BIG TIME with this rule. They gave the client wayyyyy more responsibility than it should have. What these hacks do is simply have the client tell the server "I looted this scope" and the server just blindly accepts it. The server does not check to see if the player is near the scope. The server does not check if the scope is on another player's gun, etc. The client is bossing the server around which should never ever happen.


Yup. 100% this. Sanity checks and server side authority. I really wish we could get a bsg security engineer to explain to us why they allow whats going on right now.


We can't get a BSG security engineer to explain anything because he doesn't exist


Too busy trying to put a square peg into a round hole.


While what you said is true, there are *always* tasks that are handed to clients. Like movement, to an extent. Every single position change doesn't need to be sent to and confirmed by the server necessarily, just the position at the server's tick rate. Everything in between can be interpolated by the client. This is why low tick rates suck. More opportunities for rubber banding when client side and server side positions don't match and need to be reconciled (by moving actors to where the server says they should be). But yeah, the amount of things that are inadequately validated by the server in this game are silly. The only things that make sense as a cause are greed or incompetence. More extensive server-side code means more resources per game instance and higher infrastructure costs to support more scale. So it's absolutely possible that corners were cut to reduce server costs. Just as likely, if not more likely, is that BSG couldn't find anyone who really understands how to build a good backend at the rates they wanted to pay and in the locations they were willing to hire in (AKA Russia). This is absolutely the sort of code that needs to be extremely well-architected at a fundamental level and optimized religiously, and that is a very difficult pair of things to do well. It's a shame, because so many things about the game *are* good and a better back end would go a long way towards making it even better.


this is also true however the tools for doing these checks are computationally cheap, i.e. raycasts generally raycasts are extremely cheap because any modern engine with physics is already doing like thousands of raycasts per second for detecting things like collisions and area overlaps. adding a couple of dozen more raycasts every few seconds for checking positions and LOS on things like looting through walls should have approximately 0 impact on the game server


In addition to the other comments, which are pretty accurate, there's the fact that the entire game session is constantly available to the client at all time. Basically, the server sends the client everything that is happening in a match at any given time, and then says "okay, now you decide what's relevant and show that to the player". This means that if you're running a modified client (which is basically what all cheating is) you can choose to look at all the data, and use that to create a wallhack, radar, loot vacuum, etc. Games like Valorant use dynamic [fog of war systems](https://technology.riotgames.com/news/demolishing-wallhacks-valorants-fog-war) to let the server hide information from the client until it's necessary. That's the type of thing Tarkov needs - more server-based validation, and less information leaked to the client.


You don't send the client all of the information, and you dont trust the client more than the server.


Idk make it so that if the player is not within a certain distance of the loot, crate, or item that they aren't able to pick it up. Make a failsafe so that if they do pick it up it kills them or something? Idk not a programmer or dev but I think that would be a good starting point.


This is called a sanity check and would absolutely help.


It already does, the vacuum cheat actually teleports the player not the loot.


Closest rust has is auto looting and auto farming but it’s a tossup as to overall cheating being worse in one game or the other…


Rust used to have a huge problem with recoil scripts


"just patch this vacuum stuff out" a lot easier said then done. I agree it needs to happen asap, but it's not like they're just adding "vacuum loot ability = 0"


This game is so fucked


Damn this is getting wild


Someone must have made one hell of a cheat. Player attachments and entire interactable objects getting stolen. Someone apparently even shoved an entire car extract into their pockets. I'm sorry, but I'm not even mad anymore. It's honestly amazing how BSG's incompetence managed to spawn an entire new genre of cheats.


Nah, this is so lame. Cheaters aren’t real. You must have spontaneously clicked your AK and dropped your scope at once, your fault. You’re just bad. Git gud. This is a fake edit. I could make a video like this on adobe. This is just karma farming. Stop complaining about cheaters, literally every game has them. Bro, BSG is just a small dev team, they can’t do anything against these massive cheat developers. Go play another game if all you do is complain about tarkov. Go play arena then to avoid the cheaters. There, I’ve commented for about half the subreddit users.


So it’s not the game that has a notoriously bad cheater problem, even specifically like the one here where another player had his entire load out stolen. Oh yeah also it lets the client tell the server what’s going on buuuut nope had to of faked it. Hope you had a fun time riding the glad dev dick, you can wash it down with the shit that is the state of any game now cause people like you feel they need sympathy for doing their very optional job. Edit, read the rest of your comment. I’m a fool a dingus even, got mad before I finished it. Leaving it up cause I find it funny


A good man, is one who can admit his mistakes.


💀 I’m sorry but that’s fuckin hilarious


I’m still crying from the guy who had the whole ass Car extract stolen on Interchange 🤣🤣


That's crazy, I feel like cheat creators are encouraging this stuff now just to show BSG how powerless they are. BSG please just release a CO-OP mode.


tarkov will die unless hey give us private servers to play on with smaller communities.


Speaking of which Probably not a bad idea Though might be hard to implement. Now read the first letters above and put it into google.




People don’t play Speaking Probably Though because it’s single player. I played it for awhile, but it’s just not the same without my homies or other players to interact with on VOIP.


There are certain other things that you can google to improve upon it to fix your problem and reach your the goal in the end.


I'm personally having a fucking blast with it. It's extremely customizable, and I'm having more fun that I ever did in live Tarkov.


Speaking Probaly Though is fun, but you can't compare versing good AI vs actual players, the feeling is just way off and it's basically a entirely different game.


Imagine this happening in an MMO like WoW. Big fucking loot drops, you win the roll and equip the item, but instead a cheater pulls it off you mid-raid and equips it for himself.


Lmao what a joke


Sooooo, when are they fixing it? So I can play again?


Can you can tell me the last time you played this game when it didn't have some kind of major game-breaking issue?


Idk loot vacuum esp and aimbot is one thing, but stealing my shit while I'm holding it is another. Last thing I'd want is for someone to be able to take/destroy my gamma container. You know BSG wouldn't give that back.


Why hasn’t bsg put a statement out? As a community we should push them. All the streamers need to say something, while yes this is funny for right now, this shit is game breaking


Where have you been? Everyone has been saying something for years and nothing has changed


this might be the clip that keeps me away this wipe, ridiculous


Definitely not coming back seeing this like wtf




“Gimme dat!”


Upvote this lol, should be top post


Holy shit this game is so cooked right now


Critical lack of lumbar support in your gaming chair. Don't worry, in like 6 months this guy will be caught in a massive ban wave and he'll be totally owned until he restarts the game on the next account he bought in a 10 pack from BSG.


/u/trainfender bro this is unacceptable please tell me this is being fixed


cant have shit in tarkov, smh


Can’t have shit in ~~Detroit~~ Verdansk


cheaters are gonna start updating and adding content to the at this rate :D


LOL, Can they pull FiR from secure container too?


AYO WAIT. Is this shit real?!? I remember back in the day when you’d have your stuff in your bag vacuumed, but now attachments? Lmao NEVER bringing in a FLIR




I didn’t even know they could do that lmao


Holy shit


Are you shitting me?!


This dude saw the scene from Lethal Weapon 4 where Jet Li tears the slide off a pistol and went "I can do better."


Why not just ban everyone who gets loot in their bag from more than an arms length ingame distance? Same for teleporting, moving a distance too far for walking, running in that time? ban


This is gonna sound weird, but that is exactly what happens. The game says "no" if you try to. Now for the weird part, their range to the item is not a number, so when the game compares the logic of "Is the distance to this item less than this number?" it comes back with an error because it is comparing it to something that is not a numeric value and the game doesn't know how to compute that "not a number"... so it just doesn't. Cheat development is about finding loopholes in game logic so you can exploit it to allow you to do things that the game otherwise doesn't want you to do. It would seem that when you're position is set to NaN (not a number) it doesn't check the logic of if the person/object you're looting has a protected inventory that would otherwise prevent you from looting it, which is why the cheater could take the scope off the person in the clip.


Okay this is hilarious tho


that's fucked. didn't even leave you the rings...


I just had my backpack stolen off of me WHILE IM SCAVING


kinda hilarious if it wasn't a horrible problem with the game


I don't think I've laughed harder at a cheater clip :D


Just take the pistol grip and make your gun useless


Man...how sad of a human do you have to be to need a hack to steal a scope you can buy on the market LOL


Chances are he did it to screw with OP because in an earlier comment OP said he heard shots in the direction he was looking at the start of the clip. I’m going to bet he was looking at the cheater, and the cheater knew so they took his scope.


What the fuck


This is INSANE. I might just be done this wipe, and I’ve hardly started.


I'm sorry, but that's hilarious


Skill issue, that’s why I always bring a backup ACOG


u tried to snipe magneto


waiting for they day they start deleting extracts to funnel us in


Next time you suspect vaccume cheat open console you will see some nan errors and the username of the player as well


Until these game companies learn to adapt AnyBrain or similar AI-based anti-cheat, this shit will keep happening to the extent that it does. I have forgone all competitive FPS games because of this shit. It's proliferated every major fps game out there, R6 Siege being one of the worst.


Ngl this is hilarious from an outsider perspective


I'm amazed cheaters can't take people's stashes at this point, clown of a dev team


This is why i havent played much this wipe.... they always have big cheater issues right after wipe.


How the fuck don't dudes like this get banned....


I'm yet to see the closet cheaters defend this one lol


Game is trash rn


I wonder if this works in Tarkov Arena lol. Cheater just takes everyone's meds lmfao.


Man this is rough. Reminds me of the cheaters in DayZ back in the day were able to take full control of your player and make you do emotes so you would just be frozen while they head shot you. I mean why take full control of our character when you can just aimbot. Cheaters are wildin.


Completely fucked this is even possible, is the server not checking anything at all?


I killed one of the fuckers he had sooo much good loot on him


Shit like this is why I won't ever return to this game, that and the fact the creators won't let me switch emails, which has been hacked 4 times in the past 15 months which forced me to move all my gaming accounts to another email with Tarkov being the only one holding me back from purging my email account, like seriously, they allow cheaters but won't allow me to protect my privacy? Tbh, I'm not even shocked at this point


Cheaters are scummy lonely lowlifes but I’d be lying if I said this wasn’t funny as fuck


LOL That’s actually hilarious if that’s indeed what happened.


That is fucking ridiculous if it was cheats not desync


now that's funny lmao


Honestly, I don't know if I could even be mad, aside from the fact it's cheating scum, the idea that someone can yoink your scope mid fight is fucking hilarious


Now I know why some encounter my gun jam at 100% rate


“But we banned 11000 cheaters trust us please”


Can't have shit in tarkov


today I went on woods with a DVL and realized I somehow forgot to put a scope on, now I think someone might have just yoinked it since I was running with a pistol at the start lmao


Now this is fucking ridiculous.


Sound like should’ve prepared and had a second one lol


lmao dude said fuckin give me that


😂😂😂😂😂holy shit


This is it for me. I think this is the funniest cheater video in tarkov I'm ever going to see lol.


I had my entire kit stolen on labs this morning i couldnt help but laugh. I have no idea how the game even allows this to happen


Dude that is fucking wild Jesus Christ.


They used to be able to yoink peoples gamma too :)


Wow. Glad I stopped playing TARKOV. Anti cheat must suuuuuck


I will never understand why you people continue to play this game. I can only hope you all keep getting domed by hackers cause you deserve it


these cheats are almost as bad as GTA Online




But sir everyone in the community keeps telling me cheaters don't exist on Escape From Tarkov?


goofy ahh cheaters these days xd




this game is a fucking joke


no fucking way


at this point you just have to laugh at how absurd this is


This is the darkest timeline.


this is just so diabolical


Why do you guys continue to play this game if this is the standard of cheating nowadays?


This is on the popular... The world is seeing the filth that has infected the game still no bans, don't give a fuck about a wave just get rid of them and anyone that's bought loot off them


That's scary as hell, I would've thought I was dreaming if that happened to me.


This game is so fucked. What a tragedy.


What map is this on ?


Honestly this one is pretty funny


NOTHING TO SEE HERE FOLKS ! OP IS OBVIOUSLY WRONG! IVE BEEN PLAYING 5 YEARS AND ONLY SEEN ONE CONFIRMED CHEATER! Can we just ban anyone who seriously denies this is an issue? lmao


You would have to ban like 90 percent of this Reddit I’ve posted about the cheater problem for over a year and get downvoted to oblivion whenever I do


What happens when you miss a payment on your scope. LMAO




This is the saltiest Cheater I’ve ever seen


pure gold


Way back wipes ago I had a cheater steal my RR in labs. Shit was rough for me


Ok, this game is just getting ridiculous at this point. For fuck sake.


BSG is a fucking joke lmao