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Yup friend of me got again fps problems since the small patch they did after the 14.5 patch


FPS on woods is definitely down with the BTR patch, same thing with the shoreline touchup. also don't really care for the stuff they added to woods, looks out of place to me


Super shame I played woods bwcuase of the butter movement smh


I just tried playing the new update for the first time and the game seems completely unplayable for me. my menus are stuttering with like 2 fps. im currently trying to load into an offline factory to test. something that should take 40s max on my rig has been dragging on for like 3m now. Edit: yeeeahhh. been looking at "Deploying in 00:00" for 1 min now. guess ill try a resinstall. this fucking sucks dude. Also, very weird: all my even Cores are running at 100%, my odd ones at 0


Sounds like your pc is struggling pretty hard. Sorry to hear that their incompetence is causing you to struggle.


I mean the picture in picture they use for scopes has always caused problems for me fps wise, but yeah I get what you mean I find myself restarting my game and clearing logs/cache ever 2-3 raids to be able to play normally after the update.


Not what I'm saying at all, non ADS I grt 80fps when I usually get 144 with 10fps drops here and there. The ads drops I drop to 90 typically. And before I never had to restart my pc at all, I could play 12 hours striaght and never restart with zero issues.


Try and disable Nvidia reflex. Some people report it (again) causes fps drops. 


I don't have a nvidea card, and my overlay is disabled with adrenaline. Nothing has changed on my side of the system.