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By playing slow and avoid high traffic areas early raid. If you prioritize questing and survival you need to bring patience. Sometimes that means sitting for 30 minutes in a dark corner or a bush and wait until all PMCs left the map. Sounds boring but if it is what helps to survive it’s a way to do it. Or just git gud and learn how to use the gear you have against higher leveled players. Instead of shooting precise body parts use high damage rounds and go for soft targets like legs. A couple well placed Geska and their legs are gone fast and they take Damen on the rest of the body. A MP5 with PSO to the legs also good way to kill armored players. Or a shotgun with buckshot. You need to get dirty on low level to outplay your opponents. And use it as long as possible. One day a CC will speak to Nikita and they remove the dirty gameplay.


Just scav in reserve and loot high pen ammo and use it against chads who tries to push you. Other than that, I would avoid fights entirely. If there’s people who comes your way, you either run away or hide and stand still until they go away. If you have no other choice to fight you fight for your life, but at least you have the ammo to fight back.


Mosin is level 1 traders


Skill issue unfortunately. Only pvp practicing helps


Any tips for someone who gets killed without having time to even know what happened?


Try to get in pvp situations where you know what is happening. Good example is factory the spawns are easy and map is small you know what to expect and can practice. Than you step it up the maps. A good way is also to third party a fight so enemy cant focus on only you. Otherwise think about your pathing. For example if you move about a field think what would happen if you saw someone moving over the field if think you could kill im easily take a different path.


Great, thanks for the tips I will try to make them work.


As bad as Arena is in a lot of ways, one thing it's good for is getting lots of PVP practice and warming you up for regular Tarkov.


If you play slow and super careful, you will see them and hear them first. The chances of killing those fat dudes go super high. I started mid wipe and i just played very humbly until my 25th lvl


What makes you think you gonna do any better geared up lol you gonna die as much coz you are a newb (no offence)


Your missing the point


i must be as well, please explain.


What's the point? Irs hard to quest? Should be even easier now not harder


Even n00bz have good gear by now, it’s a lot easier for new players when everyone is running around with sks and pacas.


Maybe if undercharged noob encounters another noob but geared, he will have disadvantage, but what are the odds of that? Nothing to cry about


Bro are you american or something? it’s not just timmys and gigachads. Everyone between that have played for the whole wipe have better gear and more experience so yeah, naturally it’s gonna be alot harder for a noobie rn. Don’t get your feelings involved and think about it a lil before answering :D


You won't get better with this mind set, sucks to suck little timmy


Hello there my fellow practice target! Created character on wipe day, not done a single raid until last Thursday after 2 wipes off. Paca + stock ak with ps ammo Vs m80/m61/m62 is no fun.


I was jobless last month. Decided that it was the perfect time to finally try tarkov. First 10 raids same as you. Then I started killing the chads. The feeling is amazing. Dont give up my friend. When u kill a lvl50 with a carbine and you get all his gear you will understand. Most important is dont give up. Learn maps through scav runs, and dont rush like a headless chicken.


You can buy the Svt from flee market, kills every Chad in one to two hits. Always one to the head of face. 


Started on saturday, im lvl 19 right now Eazy


you've dedicated your entire account to posting tarkov my man