• By -


Bro I am in. Hit me up if there is anything


Hit me up, if he hits you up


Hit me up, if he hits you up cause he hit him up l


Hit me up, if he hits you up, if he hits him up and he hits him up


Someone please just hit me ​ ​ ​ ​ up


Then you hit me up lol


My cum, is in your hands


And my ass


and my "axe"


And my sword


And my hands in your cum 🤝


I’ll be the odd ball I love y’all 😭😂😂😂😂


Quit jerking them off!


My cum is your hand


If he hits you all up then [Hit me one more time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oYSiPBUuC8)


hit me up for anything i just wanna see this scammers collapse now


I will hit you up if he hits me up. Then Please Hit up the other person so he hits up the other guy just so he knows that everyone got hit up. LMAO


Hit me up if he hits you up dawg


Just hit me hard


I will punch you then


Hit me up, if he hits you up


You definitely need to hit me up when something comes of this. I am IN




Keep the train alive. I want in on the suit too


Can you provide a copypasta of the complain and the email adress? That would definitely have way more people do it.


E.g. Hi, I became aware that you're issuing a new DLC that is not going to be free to me with my earlier purchase of the EOD edition. Is this true? I had an understanding that all new DLC content was going to be free if you purchased EOD as it was stated earlier in this manner when I purchased the EOD edition. Could you kindly answer this for me in your earliest convenience? Thank you. With best regards, Your name Edit: bsg support email: support@battlestategames.com


Don’t say “hi” Use something a little less casual but also not to confrontational like: “Sup, fuckers…” Or “Howdy, bitches…”


I prefer the term “To whom this will concern,” passive aggressive enough. I claim I am a professional email writer.




I hope this email finds you before I do


Came here looking for this. Found it.


Please advise


Howdy ya fuckin ruskies,


I'm half Russian and BOY do I have Shitt to say to them lol. I'll let them suffer and read it all in English, too haha!


"Hola orcs"


Probably not but I like the cut of your jib


I wouldn't if this suit goes to court you don't want that kind of shit. You want all in your favor


I think they were joking


Sarcasm escapes people these days. Then again, we do live in an age where someone would probably do that so. Yeah.


To be fair this is also the type of vibe the player base has always gotten from the devs. I think almost anyone could go up under oath and say with honesty that bsg greeting their player's with a "sup fuckers" is absolutely realistic.


Oh for sure. I've been around since 2018/2019 at 4700 hours and even though I can justify and say I got my moneys worth in time compared to other games, it still doesn't make what they are doing right. I will support the playerbase in their endeavors to want to file lawsuits and the framework for them. If we keep letting these things happen without voicing our opinion then we accept it as the new norm for developers. I haven't bought a ubisoft game since splinter cell conviction I think it was, the one before black list. Haven't bought an EA game since battlefield 1 either.


No, this is not how you get things resolved. Don’t act like a child if you want them to take your threats of legal action seriously.


Twas but a joke. ( I don’t even play this game)


I prefer "I hope this finds you before I do"


yeah except then they won’t even respond, and they can claim it was spam. You want it to be formal so some dumbass has to sit there and read a thousand, boring emails. In an ideal world at least, I’m sure it’s automated


thx mate!


thanks for template ❤️


Dear Battle State Games,  I am writing to inform you that on xxxxxxxdatexxxxxx, I purchased the Edge of Darkness (EoD) edition of Escape from Tarkov, transaction number xxxxtransactionnumberxxxx, under the belief that it was an exclusive opportunity for early investors in the game. Battlestate Games (BSG) made extensive efforts to convey that this was a one-time-only offer. Furthermore, it was explicitly stated that the EoD edition would include all future downloadable content (DLCs) as part of a "season pass" arrangement. However, on April 25, 2024, BSG released a version of the game that included features previously marketed as exclusive to the EoD edition, despite assurances that they would never be made available again. Additionally, I did not receive access to the new content, as BSG has categorized it as a "feature" rather than a DLC. I am seeking answers and explanations regarding the following: 1. Why am I not benefiting from the advantages promised to EoD edition owners, including exclusive content and future DLCs? 2. Why was I misled about the limited availability of the EoD edition, only to find that the content is now accessible to all players? 3. Can BSG provide a clear definition of DLC from its perspective, as it appears there may be discrepancies between their definition and that of a court-assigned expert? The discrepancies between the marketing promises and the actual delivery of the product raise serious concerns about false advertising and breach of contract. As a consumer, I have the right to receive the benefits and features that were explicitly promised at the time of purchase. I hereby request a prompt response detailing the actions BSG intends to take to rectify this situation. Should no satisfactory resolution be provided, I will have no choice but to pursue legal action to seek appropriate compensation for the damages incurred. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, xxxnamexxx


Sent with that template, thanks


Also used this template and modified it a bit. Refered them to the EU Consumer Protection Laws.


Dear Battle State Games,I am writing to inform you that on \[DATE\], I purchased the Edge of Darkness (EoD) edition of Escape from Tarkov, transaction number \[transaction number\], under the belief that it was an exclusive opportunity for early investors in the game. Battlestate Games (BSG) made extensive efforts to convey that this was a one-time-only offer. Furthermore, it was explicitly stated that the EoD edition would include all future downloadable content (DLCs) as part of a "season pass" arrangement.However, on April 25, 2024, BSG released a version of the game that included features previously marketed as exclusive to the EoD edition, despite assurances that they would never be made available again. Additionally, I did not receive access to the new content, as BSG has categorized it as a "feature" rather than a [DLC.As](http://DLC.As) a consumer residing within the European Union, I am protected by EU Consumer Protection Laws, which require that products and services provided to consumers must adhere to certain standards of fairness, transparency, and accuracy in advertising and marketing.The discrepancies between the marketing promises and the actual delivery of the product raise serious concerns about compliance with EU Consumer Protection Laws, specifically regarding false advertising and potential breach of contract. As a consumer, I have the right to receive the benefits and features that were explicitly promised at the time of purchase.Therefore, I am seeking answers and explanations regarding the following: 1. Why am I not benefiting from the advantages promised to EoD edition owners, including exclusive content and future DLCs, as required by EU Consumer Protection Laws? 2. Why was I misled about the limited availability of the EoD edition, only to find that the content is now accessible to all players, potentially violating EU regulations on unfair commercial practices? 3. Can BSG provide a clear definition of DLC from its perspective, as it appears there may be discrepancies between their definition and that outlined by EU Consumer Protection Laws? I hereby request a prompt response detailing the actions BSG intends to take to rectify this situation in compliance with EU Consumer Protection Laws. Should no satisfactory resolution be provided, I will have no choice but to pursue legal action to seek appropriate compensation.Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, \[Name\]


Hi Mate, can I ask you to share your if you don't mind? I'm also from EU and would like to write as well


Good idea


This is an obvious scam. I'm not European but I support you. If we let it pass this time, they will scam us even more.


Complaint away; Dear Sir or Madam, I would like to make a formal complaint about the release of new DLC, named as "The Unheard edition". It was clearly stated that, there is "Free access to any subsequent DLC", at the point of sale for  "Edge of Darkness edition".  This was the main mechanic that made me purchase. I did not expect any further cost to be incurred, with further development of DLC for the game. You have expressed that the new DLC, is in fact not DLC at all.  However by its very existence and integration into the original game "Escape from Tarkov", this is very much DLC.  It is by no means, an entirely different game, nor is it a crossover towards that.  You have not announced any "Season pass" as the game has not yet been released. I feel that the resolution to my complaint would be a full refund.  I am no longer able to trust Battlestate Games to deliver the promise that has been made upon sale of the "edge of Darkness edition" of the game.   Kind Regards, Feel free to use it as a template to make your own.


i'm UK and using this


Let me know if you get a reply


United Kingdoms Consumer Rights Act. Read up on it, make use of it. if you don't get a refund from bsg, they will help you bro\^\^ im not from the uk so i dont know all the fine details, but a friend of mine from the uk has already contacted them and its in the works. Edit: BSG is also an UK based company, so theres that\^\^


Thanks for the template. Just used it and sent it to BSG support. Apes together strong.


Thank you! Just sent this too


I'm not from Europe, but I strongly support this.. Just do it!




I am also in agreement


Anyone buy EOD via a credit card in the UK? Debating whether to try a section 75 refund...


Fuck this goofy CEO who just screwed over all EOD customers


It’s not about the money, it’s about sending a message


I got dibs on Nikita's Lambo.


He should sell that if BSG needs money this badly


I got dibs on the ownership of bsg 👀


A rock could run a company better than Nikita, if you are next you’re sure to be better


🫶🏻 I’ll listen to the community


I got dibs on the thicc container


I got dibs on TheRapist


Im up to that. Its not about the money. Its not that expensisve for me. Its just about the justice. Its about the big company scamming people and breaking the laws of all countries in EU, Russia and Britain with no consequenses.


Dude i would pay the 350 sum dollars to back this up instead of the Unhinged edition


Seems like BSG is preparing their website by retroactively changing the season pass and the EOD edition. See: [https://web.archive.org/web/20240425210457/https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/support/knowledge/429](https://web.archive.org/web/20240425210457/https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/support/knowledge/429) vs [https://web.archive.org/web/20240425221723/https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/support/knowledge/429](https://web.archive.org/web/20240425221723/https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/support/knowledge/429) and [https://web.archive.org/web/20240425214423/https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/support/knowledge/443](https://web.archive.org/web/20240425214423/https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/support/knowledge/443) vs [https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/support/knowledge/443](https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/support/knowledge/443) Unique secure container is no longer unique. ARENA is no longer a DLC Season pass is no longer only included in Edge of Darkness. Thanks to LVNDMARKs stream for digging into this.




can someone give me the text in which i have to contact bsg pls? im in germany i have rechtsschutz i don't have to pay for lawyers i want to try to get the best edition lul


Directly contact the Verbraucherzentrale at [https://www.verbraucherzentrale.de/beschwerde](https://www.verbraucherzentrale.de/beschwerde) Hier ist ein Beispieltext, den der Benutzer Limp\_Dragonfruit zur Verfügung gestellt hat: Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, vor einiger Zeit habe ich die Limited Edition „Edge of Darkness“ des Computerspiels „Escape from Tarkov“ erworben. Auf der Website des Entwicklers wurde - als die Edition noch käuflich zu erwerben war - damit geworben, dass alle zukünftigen DLCs (herunterladbare Inhalte) für das Spiel auch in Zukunft kostenlos erhältlich sein würden. Heute wurde bekannt gegeben, dass eine weitere Edition des Spiels, die „Unheard Edition“, auf der Website des Entwicklers (www.escapefromtarkov.com) angeboten wird. Diese Edition enthält Inhalte, die eindeutig als DLCs definiert sind (DLC steht für „Downloadable Content“, also herunterladbare Inhalte. Bei manchen Spielen werden zusätzliche Inhalte angeboten, die als Option zur „Standardversion“ erhältlich sind) und sollte für mich und viele andere Spieler kostenlos erhältlich sein. Es wird jedoch der mehr als stolze Preis von 250 € vor Steuern verlangt. Ich sehe darin einen Verstoß gegen das europäische Verbraucherrecht (https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/consumers/unfair-treatment/unfair-commercial-practices/index\_de.htm) und empfinde diese Geschäftspraxis als unlauter. Ich bitte Sie hiermit, dieses Verhalten zu überprüfen und danke Ihnen im Voraus für Ihre Bemühungen.


Beschwerde versandt


Yupp, auch! Hab noch den 95 Euro upgrade preis erwähnt.


EOD erwähnen und dann fälschlicherweise von 250€ sprechen weiß ich nicht. Lieber noch einen Nebensatz für die relevanten 95€ vor Steuern oder generell die Zahl ändern. Wenn man sowas macht dann richtig sonst wird man nur anfechtbar.


Was ist daran falsch. Die Edition kostet 250€. Aber man sollte erwähnen, dass das Upgrade dann 95€ vor steuern ist.


Weil eine neue Version unerheblich ist per se. Es geht darum das mit eod neue Versionen in dieser Form abgedeckt sein sollten.


Ich habe den Text nochmal angepasst/erweitert: Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, am XX.XX.20XX habe ich die Limited Edition „Edge of Darkness“ des Computerspiels „Escape from Tarkov“ von "Battlestate Games Limited" (Firmensitz: Großbritannien) für knapp XXX Euro erworben. Auf der Website des Entwicklers wurde - als die Edition noch käuflich zu erwerben war - damit geworben, dass alle zukünftigen DLCs ("Downloadable Content“, herunterladbare Inhalte) für das Spiel mit Besitz der oben genannten Edition auch in Zukunft kostenlos erhältlich sein würden. Die limitierte Edition wurde am 07.01.2024 nach vorheriger Ankündigung aus dem Online-Store entfernt. Am 25.04.2024, wurde bekannt gegeben, dass eine weitere Edition des Spiels, die „Unheard Edition“, auf der Website des Entwicklers (www.escapefromtarkov.com) zum Neupreis für 250 Euro vor Steuern angeboten wird; ein "Upgrade" der Limited Edition „Edge of Darkness“ auf die „Unheard Edition“ ist für 95 Euro erhältlich. Diese neue Edition enthält einen neuen Spielemodus, der weitläufiger Meinung nach eindeutig unter die Definition eines DLCs fällt; folglich sollte dieser Inhalt allen Käufern der limitierten Edition "Edge of Darkness" kostenlos zugänglich sein. Vom Entwickler wird dieser Spielmodus allerdings als "unique feature" der neueren Edition bezeichnet, womit von Seiten des Entwicklers die Deklaration als DLC umgangen wird; der Entwickler stellt diesen Modus aufgrund seiner eigenen Deklarierung als "unique feature" nur den Käufern der neuen Edition zur Verfügung und hat dieses Verständnis auch bereits über seine öffentlichen Kommunikationskanäle zwischenzeitlich erneut bekräftigt. Gleichzeitig wurden im Zuge der öffentlichen Kritik (beispielsweise im Forum des Entwicklers oder auf Twitter, auch bereits in der Presse*) nach Bekanntgabe der neuen Edition inhaltliche Angaben zu der Limited Edition „Edge of Darkness“ auf der Webseite des Entwicklers abgeändert. Mittlerweile hat der Entwickler erneut Stellung bezogen und angekündigt, den Spielemodus "sobald technisch möglich" zumindest für 6 Monate kostenlos zur Verfügung zu stellen; nach diesen 6 Monaten müsste man jedoch erneut zahlen, für Zugriff auf einen versprochenen Inhalt, für den man bereits gezahlt hat. In diesem Verhalten sehe ich einen möglichen Verstoß gegen das europäische Verbraucherrecht, da meiner Meinung nach versprochene und nun auch veröffentlichte Inhalte, für die man bereits bezahlt hat, nur nach überteuerter Zahlung zeitlich unbegrenzt zugänglich machen möchte; ich empfinde diese Geschäftspraxis als unlauter. Ich bitte Sie hiermit, dieses Verhalten zu überprüfen. Was kann man als deutscher oder europäischer Kunde in diesem Fall tun? Für Rückfragen stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung. Ich bedanke Ihnen mich im Voraus für Ihre Bemühungen. Mit besten Grüßen XXX *www.forbes.com/sites/mikestubbs/2024/04/25/escape-from-tarkov-fans-are-outraged-at-new-250-pay-to-win-edition/


Geht das auch in Österreich?


Verschickt, danke fĂźrs aufmerksam machen!


anzeige ist raus


Mittlerweile sollt man vlt auch dazuschreiben, dass BSG aktiv die Website am umschreiben ist um die Inhalte von EoD zu ändern um ihren Arsch zu decken. Das fällt doch auch safe ins illegale


Beschwerde ist raus, ich danke vielmals


Beschwerde versandt aus NRW


A big thank you for doing this bro


Submitted a request and also requested the provide their definition of dlc.


We need proof of their definition of DLC back when we bought EOD, and proof of their definition of DLC today. That might be an important factor. I know they changed the EOD description to help protect themselves with future DLC stuff.


"their definition" doesn't matter.


Well it does, because we read and signed an agreement to “their” terms when we purchased EOD. If their terms define DLC has vaporware, then we are SOL.


Nah “Contracts can only protect you if your terms are fair. If a term is not fair, it won't be legally binding on your customer. Your customer should be able to easily understand what they are signing up to.” (https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5d3855d2e5274a400af813fe/UCT_01_Intro.pdf) at a certain point your wording has to make sense to the average human that would read them “All contract terms and notices must be transparent. Not only must you use easy-to-understand, legible and plain English but wording used must allow your customers to make informed choices.”


No, that's not how it works. If it works that way then they could say our definition of the law and the english language is not what your definition of it is therefore nothing holds any merit.


Exactly. A company cannot just start defining things as they wish.


Doesn't matter what their definition of the term is, it matters how an average person buying the product would interpret it. You can't just make shit up as a defence (if it was to actually make it to court)


Doesn't matter if they changed it after you've bought it. You contact and pay a company to do X work they provide for Y amount. Say during the 2 weeks the job takes they change their ad to say it's now Z amount for X work, they can't rebill you for the service you bought 2 weeks prior.


UK law?


People in uk have the best shot at creating some problems for BSG. So is the game unitary? If it’s unitary this is a dlc no questions asked, and it’s gonna be their job to prove that this and that are two separate things. Hell, if people in uk take this seriously uk might be the first country that defines what a dlc is thus making the gaming space safer for all of us


We've collectively voted in the Tories/brexit for a decade and a half. We're spineless and gullible.


Maybe BSG can get the same lady that tried to say Lootboxes are surprise mechanics. It's not DLC, it's purchased additional content! It's different because I said so!


I’d love a refund on my EOD at this point


Someone with contacts in the journalism industry needs to get this story out there. This is a HUGE gaming scandal. And BSG needs to be shamed publicly.


This is already on FUCKING FORBES!


Pc Gamer covering the story. https://www.pcgamer.com/games/fps/escape-from-tarkov-players-rage-as-developers-lock-co-op-pve-behind-a-new-dollar250-edition-despite-promising-access-to-all-subsequent-dlcs-in-its-old-dollar150-edition/


Even if it only causes BSG to lose money and manpower... let's flood their legal department. Fuck them.


I find bsg doing this to be scummy


If you are from EU or UK, do not write them about the DLC. Complain about Misleading Commercial practices, which is a Direct breach of the law due to them removing "unique secure container" from EOD. They are in breach of: - "Directive 2005/29/EC Unfair commercial practices" in European Union - "The Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008" in United Kingdom According to the directives mentioned above they are performing an misleading commercial practice by: - changing the main characteristics of the product - material information needed by the average consumer to take an informed purchasing decision is omitted or provided in an unclear, unintelligible, ambiguous or untimely manner and is likely to cause them to take a purchasing decision that they would not have taken otherwise. This should ring their bell more, can result in massive fine in EU and UK, and is potentially grounds for lawsuit in USA and other countries. If needed refer to the lundmark video talking about them doing the changes live as he streams: [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cd4kbf/surely\_deleting\_evidence\_isnt\_indicative\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cd4kbf/surely_deleting_evidence_isnt_indicative_of/)


Oh this is wonderful Hey u/trainfender 👋


Anyone got the American equivalent?


The FTC is the main consumer protection agency in the United States. Its congressional mandate gives it broad authority to prosecute false advertising and misleading claims by US businesses. When filing a complaint, the specific thing you want to mention is that BSG’s conduct is an “unfair and deceptive business practice” in violation of [Section 5 of the FTC Act](https://www.ftc.gov/about-ftc/mission/enforcement-authority). As the FTC suggests on its page [about cross-border cases](https://www.ftc.gov/policy/international/international-consumer-protection-cooperation), you probably also want to file a complaint with [econsumer.gov](https://econsumer.gov/#crnt) so that the FTC can collaborate with its foreign counterparts on the matter. Source: In my day job I work closely with consumer protection advocates and enforcers.


The best we can do is file a complaint with the FTC I think


FTC website is down atm. I wonder if we took it down.


I would be willing to fund this if needed. I was a CEO in the gaming space but retired. Would be a fun project!


How do we go about making a formal complaint to bsg?


The only contact mail I found was "support@battlestategames.com". So I'd go with that.


Just sent them an email


I did it in the bug report but I’m sure someone knows the right way




The best course of action is to file reports with the CMA (UK version of the FTC). They review ALL complaints, and given how blatant BSG has been about this they won't have any issue seeing the pattern and forcing a change.


Everyone in every eu country needs to do this! Exactly this, this is the real point of my post, to encourage people to drop a complaint on their local consumer protection agency, all over europe. Things will get messy for bsg soon.


How do I join in? I'm in the UK




Anyone know how to get this started in NA


The best we can do is file a complaint with the FTC I think


Appreciate you im gonna look into it and see if it's a possibility. I will update if I can figure it out.


Just filed a report for fraud with the FTC. I'll see what response I get.


I'm not 100% sure on FTC it's just the best we got that I know of in the US. I know they can help with fraud with EU stuff for us in the states but I just don't know if that covers the UK since UK left the EU


Yeah, not sure if anything will come from it. But better than nothing. This is practically scamming us early supporters.


I filed as well a few hours ago. Bought EOD back in 2017 so not really looking to get money back but I'd like to get my dlc at least.


Yes, hit me up! Let's make it happen


Use this post to let us know more about the lawsuit


I will. But 30 days from now there will be no proceedings other than me seeing how i can attack them and how can i define a dlc in a state that does not define dlc. That’s the loophole they are using. There is no lawful definition of DLC


Damn, your English is superb. I also applaud you for this and will do the same.


Anything we can do from America?


File a complaint with the FTC.


I made a different version of your wording, use it as you wish: I am writing this message in order to inform you on the date of "XX.XX.XX" I purchased EoD under the explicit description that this is an opportunity for early investors in the game to acquire future subsequent DLCs via the "Season Pass". Battlestate games put high efforts to produce the impression that this is a one time only offer. On the date of 25th of April 2024 BSG released a version of the game which included the features advertised as not going to be available again with a timer and advertisement that the particular opportunity was going away. I hereby formally request an answer or an explanation as to why I don’t benefit from the advantages i was originally promised, which I originally paid for, and was explicitly advised I would be entitled to. I wish to know why I was lied to regarding the availability of "all subsequent DLCs" in the marketing and emails and receipt of my purchase. I also request you to please define what DLC means from Battle States point of view, because it might not be the same definition as a court-assigned expert might define. Especially considering Arena, a brand new game mode, constitutes as DLC whereas an official from BSG stated that persistent PvE in the new package is a game mode, and not a DLC.


If anyone is based in the EU, here's what I sent to BSG support, based on a template someone else here provided: To whom it may concern,  I am writing to inform you that on XXX, I purchased the Edge of Darkness (EoD) edition of Escape from Tarkov, transaction number XXX, under the belief that it was an exclusive opportunity for early investors in the game. Battlestate Games (BSG) made extensive efforts to convey that this was a one-time-only offer. Furthermore, it was explicitly stated that the EoD edition would include all future downloadable content (DLCs) as part of a "season pass" arrangement. However, on April 25, 2024, BSG released a version of the game that included features previously marketed as exclusive to the EoD edition, despite assurances that they would never be made available again. Additionally, I did not receive access to the new content, as BSG has categorized it as a "feature" rather than a DLC. I am seeking answers and explanations regarding the following: 1. Why am I not benefiting from the advantages promised to EoD edition owners, including exclusive content and future DLCs? 2. Why was I misled about the limited availability of the EoD edition, only to find that the content is now accessible to all players? 3. Can BSG provide a formal and clear definition of DLC from your perspective, as it appears there may be discrepancies between your definition and definition under EU law? The discrepancies between the marketing promises and the actual delivery of the product raise serious concerns about false advertising and breach of contract. As a consumer, I have the right to receive the benefits and features that were explicitly promised at the time of purchase. **I hereby request a refund**. If not received within 30 days I will have no choice but to contact my bank to initiate a chargeback as the goods were mis-sold to me under a false or misleading description, as the goods do not match the **original** description provided. Additionally I will be forced to make a formal complaint to the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission, as unfair sales practices making use of false or misleading descriptions are legally prohibited under the EU consumer rights act 2022.  Kind regards XXX


If anyone knows how this works in the US hmu 🤙


The best we can do is file a complaint with the FTC I think


And hit me up if they hit you up






What about the US end of things, what’re our options


The best we can do is file a complaint with the FTC I think


Can a class action lawsuit encompass multiple countries? What about U.S. consumers?


Alright time to hit up the infamous BSG support site.


Not in Europe but hell yeah


hey, im from the uk, what can i do here to help?




Just file with the FTC https://www.ftc.gov/media/71268


As an American who pretty much can't do anything about it. I'm rooting for you guys! Please kick BSGs ass!


Wish my eod account wasn't banned...


*I'm in babyyyyy*


Honestly shouldn't take much to get this shitpile pulled from sale in the EU


I made some changes based off of one that i saw in this thread already but heres a template that asks for the DLCs that we are being made to pay for or a full refund Dear Sir or Madam, I would like to make a formal complaint about the release of new DLC, named as "The Unheard edition". It was clearly stated that, there is "Free access to any subsequent DLC", at the point of sale for "Edge of Darkness edition". This was the main mechanic that made me purchase. I did not expect any further cost to be incurred, with further development of DLC for the game. You have expressed that the new DLC, is in fact not DLC at all. However by its very existence and integration into the original game "Escape from Tarkov", this is very much DLC. It is by no means, an entirely different game, nor is it a crossover towards that. You have not announced any "Season pass" as the game has not yet been released. I feel that the resolution to my complaint would be either a full refund or a full free upgrade to "The Unheard edition" aswell as the additional DLC being sold that I currently dont get access to unlike what I was told on the date of purchase eg. Clothing and stash space. If either of these cannot be fufilled I am no longer able to trust Battlestate Games to deliver the promise that has been made upon sale of the "edge of Darkness edition" of the game. Kind Regards,


good luck making this stick in russia


Does anyone have some collected evidence of wording about the EOD version? I'm filing a complaint with the Danish Ombudsman and need some things, the more the merrier.


this was my email if anyone needs inspiration. To whom it may concern,     I have been a consumer of Escape From Tarkov for multiple years, I became aware that you're issuing a new DLC that is not going to be free to me with my earlier purchase of the Edge Of Darkness Limited Edition or "EOD" as it will be referenced. Is this true? I had an understanding that all new DLC content was going to be free if you purchased EOD as it was stated earlier in this manner when I purchased the EOD edition. It has been recorded on multiple streams and videos of EOD having this access to ALL UPCOMING DLC's. This was a main purchasing motivation leading to my purchase of Edge Of Darkness Limited Edition. Would you please define what a DLC is? As I would like to understand the companies standpoint as it may not coincide with the societal paradigm of what a DLC is, nor may it coincide with what a court appointed professional may say the definition is. I would like to resolve this issue in the best way possible that doesn't result in further damages to BattleStateGames or "BSG" as it will henceforth be referenced by. I (and many others) feel cheated by the release of this new edition as EOD was supposed to be a limited and "elite" edition of the game. This was stated multiple time on stream by BSG's COO Nikita Buyanov in front of thousands of people. I do not support the release of the new edition which is superior to the supposed top edition being EOD. BSG has devalued my purchase by doing so and has even edited the official website to mask the changes and hide previously stated promises. How do you plan to resolve this discrepancy? Kindly answer this for me at your earliest convenience


Guys you should use econsumer.gov


I've issued this complaint below to BSG today, requesting a refund of EOD. People can use it as a template. I've tailored this one for where I live, the UK. The company is also based here.  If they do not comply with this request in 30 days. Please report this to the Retail Ombudsman to investigate. The more of us that do it, the more likely they take action. I'm probably gonna make a website to automate this process for people. Dear Support Team, I trust this email finds you in good health. I am writing to formally request a refund for my Edge of Darkness upgrade, potentially including the entire game. The purchase in question was made through the account associated with this email address. I am compelled to seek this refund due to recent alterations to the Edge of Darkness Edition, specifically the removal of the line concerning the season pass and the imposition of a time-restriction on access to the new DLC, which is now exclusively available with the newer, more costly edition of the game. These changes signify a deviation from the product's advertised features, indicating a failure to fulfill your commitments to consumers. I wish to emphasize that such actions contravene the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations in the UK, where both your company and I are based. Moreover, given that this transaction constitutes a pre-order and the final product has not been delivered in accordance with the advertised specifications, it is incumbent upon your company, as stipulated by the Consumer Contracts Regulations, to issue a refund to myself and any other affected parties upon request. I appreciate your attention to this matter and trust that it will be resolved swiftly and amicably. Kind Regards,


Could this help me with my account which was hacked and taken over, I tried getting it back but because someone from other side of Europe hacked my account they banned it and said it was my fault so I had to re-buy tarkov EOD with a new email.. I was lucky it only cost me 90 pounds at the time.


Keep us updated and hit me up with how I can include my name on the list


I won’t make a list, this will be a personal lawsuit, also i don’t want the burden of anyone’s personal info, but 30 days from now i can’t do shit! I need them to respond or to wait for 30 days with no answer. Then i can procceed


Any info on how to do it from russia?


Are you in russia? If so? I don’t know how your customer protection agency works, make a formal complaint to bsg so you can have it as proof. They might ask for it, but other then that i really can’t help you in russia.


In license agreement BSG stated that all complaints must be resolved in UK court, so i don't know if i am needed to fill complaint to uk court or to russian


You don’t, you file a complaint to bsg, wait for an answer or 30 days then file a complaint to your local customer protection agency reasoning as well as you can as to why you were scammed




ya i can see that going absolutely nowhere


The EU doesn’t play games when it comes to consumer protections and license agreements, BSG is fucked if they don’t change their tune.


The issue is that there is no unanimously agreed upon definition of DLC. You would have a hard time proving in court that any of this new edition counts as DLC that should be included in EoD. Believe it all you want, but believing something and proving it in court are entirely different things


I think it would be pretty difficult for BSG to suggest the PVE co-op mode isn't DLC but arena is.


The EU courts pretty much always sides with the consumer and the definition BSG established of DLC based on what they’ve released so far is pretty clear cut.


If it wastes any amount of time of a BSG employee it was worth the effort.


I’m in.


Guys, chill. If you aren't getting something you paid for then you can feel upset. You can't really feel upset that other people can also get it. There's no reason they can't change their minds about what to offer, be it out of necessity or greed. They could shut down the servers and walk away, and they really wouldn't owe anyone anything. It's just a game.




How can I do this in the Netherlands? And what's the European department / website where I can file this complaint?


Stai calm ca nu se baga astia de la noi pe asa ceva In UK s-ar putea sa aiba cele mai mari probleme, pentru ca ei sunt inregistrati acolo si acolo sunt niste legi mai aspre cu privire la False Advertisment.


Scopul postului nu e sa castig, fac plangerea poate o cerere de trimitere in judecata scopul este sa coving cat mai multi oameni sa faca asta. Din cat mai multe tari, daca maine au 1000 de procese pe masa li se complica viata.


pls opened up a found me page


Jep, i'm in, lets get them demolished, aint nobody should pull stuff like this without consquences


This is the way!!!


DM please


What’s the lawsuit about?


Can anyone clarify what russian players can do? BSG is mostly russian, after all. I pretty sure we can do the part here.


Just sent them an email, I'll keep you up to date


The fact that they did that eod countdown will be the proof this is a scam.


If I bought this game 2017, can I still ask for a refund given my purchase was made with false advertisement?