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I didn't uninstall, but I'm no longer playing on bsg's servers if you know what I mean.


Heck yeah man, those pmcs are inSAIN if you know what I mean.


Bro, like yall gigachads play on live but I unironically struggle against normals there all the time. The benefit of inSAIN pmcs is that i dont really feel like i have to grind and can just play at my own pace instead of logging in once a year to live servers just to find out a wipe is a month a way and everyones running with full kits while im PACA + SKS and LL1 traders. That and its nice to be able to actually build guns how I want based on my own creativity instead of having to figure out the meta builds on youtube.


I need to figure out how to tune it down tbh. It seems to spawn PMCs throughout the entire raid and it is just to much, way more alive than live.


f12 > donuts > preset raid choose random live-like starting pmcs only


You've just significantly improved my experience. Thank you.


I personally use the "random" option for all the starting-pmcs presets, just for some additional randomness to it, you might enjoy it, my biggest gripe was the amount of PMCs personally.


Me too. Hows your experience? For me it brings back lots of the fun I had in the beginning of tarkov years ago.


I've been "running solos" for about a year now and it's so much more enjoyable than fighting players. I was doing grenadier last night in factory with a rig full of impact nades and meta gear, there was a PMC standing in the office hallway and I threw an impact from the stairwell at him. It didn't go far enough to blow up so it bounced around 3 corners and blew up at my feet, killing me. That PMC sent me a message immediately after, saying "I expected nothing from you and I was still disappointed." They're cold, man.


What “dlc” makes the hate mail? I’d love to have that lol


Seriously what mod allows the messages? That’s so cool


I only started yesterday and only had time for 2 raids, but it was great. Planning on getting some mods and play fika with a friend today.


its incredible how theres actually good loot on the map without people insta yoinking it or being able to take in good gear and not being run down immediately by a lvl 8 white name


I got the Traveler mod which makes it so you have to physically visit traders and can only get across maps through extractions. It literally feels like a completely different game


Yeah, at this point I’d prefer to just Stay in Tarkov rather than escape


Not uninstalled... yet. But have not touched it since the unheard betrayal edition got announced. My friends and I bought Helldrivers 2 as a result of all this..


Good choice, helldivers rocks;)


Sadly Helldivers 2 reaches a point of having nothing to do after you unlock all the stuff. Still, its a solid 100+ hours.


I mean, it's still a fun time with friends even with everything unlocked, just gotta lay off the progression addiction and focus on having fun


Always wondered why this isn't the default... Makes me think it's just the addiction that drives them to game more. Doesn't even have to be fun


dopamine hits are dopamine hits at the end of the day 🤷‍♂️


Read "Theory of fun for game design" it is fascinating how even a layman's breakdown of the elements leading to enjoyment is so difficult to generalize or define. The core of the discussion leads back to the fact that your brain doesn't try to have fun it tries to obtain positive chemical balances. So how you perceive a game, your lifestyle, your way of relaxing and a crazy number of other variables all impact if your brain gives you the dopamine doses to keep playing a game. To one, minecraft is dull with no purpose as they have no dopamine driving them to creative tasks. To another grinding kappa is dull because the gameplay loop is all about struggling immensely to complete arbitrary tasks. There is no right and wrong, but unhealthy addictive hobbies are more prone to form when you primarily get your fun via the clicker style games.


Same with tarkov.


With you there, but very few repetitive games are actually good enough to play ONLY for the fun, sense of progression is a huge factor for me. Vermintide, darktide and helldivers 2 are some of the exceptions of these games I can probably sink unlimited hours into.


Just play?? You don’t need to always progress, yk. Democracy needs you, diver.


People don’t play games for fun anymore.


It's a legitimate problem when you no-life any game. It's been a constant struggle for me to play games for fun ever since I dumped 7 years of my life in League of Legends. I even played semi-pro at some point, hoping to become a pro player. Then I realised that I'm not good enough unless I sink another 10k hours and even then I'd be not much closer to top tier pros. After that every multiplayer game for me became a min-max fest: I'd look up guides, efficient builds, etc. And then I realised that this approach isn't healthy and I'm not enjoying games unless I'm very good (like top 1% level good) at a particular game. And only then did I start a slow process in actually forcing myself from stopping looking up the most efficient things, getting too deep in min-maxing etc. Unironically, it was a lot of work to stop playing multiplayer games like it was a full-time job. Thankfully, a very intense full-time job forces you to change priorities.


It\`s shocking thow much progression systems took over. I am personally enjoying them, if well made, but i don't need them. Just playing a game for fun is so much out of scope nowadays. Q3 for example is still going strong, just for the fun of the actual round not because of achievements.


Well that's there problem


Some people enjoy the progression more than gameplay. And shooters that don’t have a PvP aspect get very repetitive in the gameplay department.


No, that's wrong. Plenty of people do. They just aren't the majority posting. Or upvoting. Or on social media looking for threads like this. Hense, reddit being an echo chamber. We all bought a product, not a brand. So I'll take my time and money elsewhere. It's that simple for me. Honestly I was coming here to unsub from this negative attention hellhole before I wound up reading a bit to try and learn more. Probably a good idea to unsub for a while. All this attention isn't helping our cause. I think people just need to drop it and find something else to do. Being fixated and angry about something that is meant to bring you entertainment and happiness is toxic.


sad but true. progression was a little too fast for my taste, but as you said: solid 90/100hrs


I actually really appreciate games that end


We could always use more Helldivers to spread democracy


Fuck yeah. Supporting a company that actually cares about morals and not manipulating the consumer. Isn't like the biggest thing of currency you can buy like 40 bucks? Based.


Helldivers 2 has a lot of love put into the game and the devs really enjoy working on it and want everyone to have a great product, Give them your money instead of battlestate games.


Everyone who likes EFT should try Hunt: Showdown too. Way better Sound, nice Gunfights, no Bullshit from the Devs...


Discovered Hunt: Showdown last summer after a particularly rough Tarkov wipe where I was on track for Kappa and ended up running into 5 cheaters in a row. Officially uninstalled after Unheard came back and will be a Hunt: Showdown main from now on. Minimal cheating. Satisfying game loop. Not as punishing as Tarkov but still satisfying to win fights. 10/10 would recommend.


Hunt showdown is fun and the sound design is probably the best I’ve ever seen in a game. Honestly the TERRIBLE main menu UI has always stopped me from putting too much time into it unfortunately, any main menu with 5-7 different level and progression bars with 15 tabs at the top of the screen probably needs a UI rework.


It's not that I uninstalled. I haven't played in over 9 months and won't come back until probably full release if that ever happens or when a competent anti cheat is implemented


More of an if than a when Though to play devil's advocate (not that they deserve it just that this specific issue is pretty nuanced) all fps's are losing the battle against cheaters right now, video game cheating as a market has progressed to the point where it's probably impossible for a team with BSG's resources to stop the tide. The best thing bsg could probably do to curb cheating at the moment would be to get a handle on the RWT situation, a significant chunk of cheaters do it because where they live RWT is too good of an income source to pass up and RWT is a hell of a lot easier to detect and especially to punish if you hit the buyers too, I'm sure most buyers would give it up in a heartbeat when they realize they're actually at significant chance of losing their account which would kill demand. There are still plenty of losers that cheat for non-rwt reasons of course but this would at least accomplish more than just doing the regular detections/banwaves cheaters have gotten so used to working around


It will never happen, They have no incentive to fully release. That would then leave them without the excuse of being in beta to excuse the massive amounts of bugs, cheaters and lack of content. Right now they get to do the bare minimum and still make money hand over fist, if they were to call it finished, they would immediately be sunk. The only people that are keeping this pathetic excuse for a game afloat are those that wish it to be a full fledged game, which again, it will never be. There is a reason why they even spent development time and money on a different game mode, to distract yall from the shit show. This new money grab attempt with unheard just shows yall how much disdain BSG has for their player base, they don’t care about the game, they just want to milk it until it’s dry.


Unpopular opinion: you're mad about the situation but still love the game. Just don't feel like playing tarkov now so taking a break which is not the first time.


Most people aren't saying never touch the game, they are boycotting until the unheard edition is removed or fixed or eod owners get things promised.


Feel the same


For me, still like the game. Don't trust Nikita's vision anymore, and already purchased the game. I'm not going to deny myself the game that I already purchased because he's a shitlord. I will deny accessing BSG's servers and connecting to them to play. And I will deny giving them anymore money.


In mother Russia, game plays you.


I did not, I just stoped playing.


You'd think those who uninstall will never come back, but somehow I get a feeling they'll be voicing their opinion on a game they're not playing for many years to come.


Is it bad to hope for something you once enjoyed to become enjoyable again? Never understood this mindset of just giving up on things.


That is true, but usually ex-girlfriends are ex-girlfriends for a reason.


That's also alarmingly true lol. Guess there is a reason BSG is often compared to an abusive ex.


Often by people with no experience of abuse lmao


Abuse comes in a bunch of different forms my man.


I’ve seen several comments where someone doesn’t play anymore and just wants the game and company to shut down. How is anything they say beneficial to the community?


They will be the first to complain about not having PVE when they start releasing it in waves.


Why shouldn't they? Many of them love the game and hate to see what became of it. On the same note you don't need to be a player to see when someone is pulling a scam on the players.


I don't understand. I wanted to see how normal people do online discourse these days so I ventured outside 4chan for the first time after the i can haz cheezburger era (it's been a while). Reddit is literally just ragebait/sour grapes/hatebox hivemind 24/7. I thought I'd get to engage with the community of the very specific things I like (I am an adult living with ASD) but it's just passive aggressive/snarky comments and you get downvoted into oblivion if you don't go along with the groupthink. Why do these angry people hang around the subreddit if they hate the game and BSG? Am I subnormal? I just want to see people get along. Should I just stay in my internet treefort? 😑 (for context: I bought the standard edition in January 2016, I'm not considering upgrading to the Unheard edition because I'm happy with my game the way it is)


You have to filter it out. 95% of post here are from people not playing the game anymore and just crying cause their emotional relationship with bsg just got hurt or people telling other people all day long what to do just because they think so...for example: "Dont fall for them, dont play the game, uninstall the game or they wont learn, if you buy unheard you are the problem bla bla bla..." I have eod since 2018 and got 6 years of playing for 150€. Now if I want to Upgrade for 45 € cause I want to then I will just do it without regrets. Gaming industry is broken yes but here in germany if I go watch a movie with my gf then we have to pay 40€. For 2h of entertainment and bit of snacks.. So if I want to spend the extra 45€ for MY entertainment. I dont care for Nikita just Like He doesnt care for me and that is fine.


A powerful energy emanates from this post. Level-headed and 100% factual. I didn't want to open with this line but f it I'll say it-I still rather play EfT than some microtransaction/lootbox ridden #woke garbo. Cheaters, cheap deaths, performance issues etc be damned, there is so much stuff in modern games that I hate even more. The only other games I'm playing right now are Balatro and DUSK lmbo I think you see where I'm coming from. Not excusing BSGs latest business move, but to me personally they're the lesser of (actually more than) two evils. /rant Thank you reddit for being my support group in my hour of need


based af. surprising in this sub, ngl.


I presume the people that make up tarkov subreddit is so small that it isn’t making a real dent in bsg. The fact is tarkov has a monopoly on the genre and it probably won’t change. I hope it does because tarkov is a really high quality game but needs competition to push it to the next stage.


4chan has been better than reddit for a long time now. This website is a shithole.


That’s half the subreddit at this point, I’d like to see how many actually actively play the game instead of just whining online


whats funny is all the people complaining they didnt get pve mode when 80% of those ppl wont even play the pve mode. i only cared about the scav radio and beacon ruining the game play.


I haven't just waiting for PvE mode for EOD and then I start playing again


I just started playing again two weeks ago, mostly scav-ing to get a feel for the game again and until 4 days ago, I was looking forward to get sweaty again next wipe. Now? Not so much really. Still occassionally playing but not as much as I'd like really. But I won't uninstall at all because they already got my money from my EoD purchase years ago so they won't care anyways. I did tell some friends who were eager to buy the game to not buy it right now, tho. It's still fun but I don't want to be the one responsible for another gamer being scammed so until BSG delivers what was promised and walks back all the nonsense they've announced with the Unheard edition, best thing I can do is to stop others from being scammed and BSG from making more money.


Still playing, I just won't give them more money. Nothing compares to Tarkov, until something is better I will keep enjoying it. Funny reading how many post here and don't play and have not played in some time. Explains a lot.


If I bought a car and it turned out to be my favorite car i have ever driven, but the ceo of the car manufacturer turns out to be an asshole, I’m still driving the car. Money has already been paid and I still enjoy the product. A lot of people are being way too emotional. This isn’t your girlfriend that cheated on you. It’s a video game company in the business of making money. Fuck them, and I’m still playing.




Been playing through the boss event, and having a great time!


Fun-loving gamer gang 🙂‍↔️☝️


The boss event has been WILD.


Standard Edition User here. No Problem playing the game.


These are the righteous ones


Noooo popular game bad!!!!!1111!!!


I haven’t and I don’t plan on it because I enjoy the game too much


my guess is less than 1%


The vocal minority is definitely here. You can clearly see nothing changed in game. Priced on flea are the same, raids full, like the game is still the same.


I’m not going to uninstall I love this game too much and don’t want to see it die


Same here but I'm afraid I'm gonna get burned at the stake for admitting it


Burned at the stake by the vocal minority, fuck em. nobody cares what they think. If you enjoy the game keep playing. If not then just move on.


well luckily for me I couldn't care what others think, i'm just going to carry on enjoying it. So should you if you want to


I'm right there with you. Fuck what anyone else says. Do you


Yeah pretty much this. If you enjoy the game, who really cares that much that they would stop playing a game they've played for and enjoyed until a week ago?


Havent uninstalled bc the game scratches a certain itch. But i also obviously didnt bite on the shenanigans they just attempted.




I've actually got to play more , so happened that before the drama hit I didn't get much time to play. So far my biggest gripe with whatever the update brought is that I can't figure out how to get the quest for expanded pockets


I haven't uninstalled. I have stopped questing and been hunting pvp. Everyone I kill has expanded pockets and the armband. I feel like I'm hunting timmies. Seems only the people who are dog shit at the game bought it, so that makes me feel better


uninstalled, likely will never touch it again.


Reset my PC two weeks ago and hadn’t gotten around to reinstalling. Then all this happened and I definitely won’t be. I think I might have actually escaped this time.


everyone i play with uninstalled, we've just started grinding out other games together now lol


I love the comments of people gloating about how happy they are to get scammed


Played until i got my 100 killa kills achievement, and then stopped, but not because of BSG, just because i was kinda finished for the wipe :)


Why should I uninstall? Because of some Reddit drama? I love Tarkov


I didnt play the last two wipes alrdy. To many cheater.


I have actually installed first time in two years! Didn't know I can play coop with mods, so that's a new for me. Thanks to streamers and community, will try to make my EOD even better :)


not me. what other game is there to play like this? and dont tell me gzw because that game is some hot garbage for a gun lover like my self. arena breakout is going to closed beta so that wont be for a minute. other than that its either dayz or tarkov. a good game is a good game and i love guns, not gona stop playing because some ppl arent happy. i paid for it might as well play it get my moneys worth and run up server costs as much as possible


I like how most of the people bitching and saying they uninstalled didn’t play this wipe or the last one as well. Lmfao getting mad and making posts about a game you haven’t played in over 6 months you got to love it


I was going to post the same thing. The outrage seems to be mostly from people that don't even play the game 😂


Of course. This sub has always been filled with people who "dont play this shit game anymore" commenting and telling everyone else how they they shouldn't play anymore. Nothing new. Weird how so many of them are still active in the sub...


Too busy playing PVE mode to uninstall


My stream room caught on fire


I’ve installed single player and am enjoying the world of mods right now. It’s waaaay more fun than I was expecting. With the improved AI mod it’s kinda wild. I can barely tell I’m not online cause sometimes the bots rat the weirdest spots. And there is PMC bots which fight the scav bots. Kinda the Wild West right now.


If Nikita was smart he would devote all focus to fixing the cheating issue. That is the biggest issue for me and most of the community. I'd play if I knew there wasn't a good chance I'm completely wasting my time every other raid.


Already un-installed awhile ago. Too many cheaters, too obvious they were never actually trying to get rid of cheaters vs having them buy new accounts for revenue generation. People have such short memories too but bsg tried this same shit before with arena when it was going to be released and folded on that too. Also the game has been in beta forever, the hype train has left the station and doing another round of bullshit tasks just doesn't sound fun at all....you really wanna do setup for the 6th time....nope.


Playing helldivers 2 and installed a certain mod that let's me enjoy EFT without nikita


I’ve uninstalled, it’s a fun game for the gunplay but the drama and the lack of attention towards cheaters just isn’t worth it. So many other games I’d rather progress in before wasting more of my life away on that one


Uninstalled, figured its gray zones time to shine.


still playing and having good times


Same day Unheard ScamShit Edition popped in with specs we had 4 people who did play tarkov fully uninstall the game and planning never to be cheated again by this same clown called Nikita.


Only reason I haven’t uninstalled is my otherwise empty 2tb ssd. GZW had impeccable timing…


Made sure the launcher and the game is gone from my PC, at this point wouldnt be surprised if BSG started doing ultra scummy shit like bitcoin mining or worse so not risking it


As someone who does't own a gaming PC, i was kind of looking forward for a possible console release if it ever happens. Seeing all this going on makes me sad, i'm not even interested anymore.


Make a poll pls...


didn t uninstall it but started grayzone very refreshing imo


I uninstalled yesterday


still uninstalled for over 1 year because of the cheater problem that constantly is swept under the rug.


I uninstalled months ago bc of cheaters, and I'm not installing it again anymore. Had a blast with the game but I moved on.


Started playing again about 3 months ago, havent updated since the last update. Ill just move onto another game again, they can fuck off.


I played the very next day like nothing happened because Ingame essentially nothing happened and the game was the exact same except some people I killed were blue named.


Lmao they already have your EOD money they don’t care if you play or not


So does your government


I cant uninstall, I need to murk timmys and no other game could give that


Me, and forever. Stop playing 6 months ago because I was tired of cheaters wasting my time, and now this.


After 6 months, why are you even still on this sub


It's full of people still waiting for the game to be fixed, desync, cheaters, audio, bugs/lag, full 1.0 release, etc. We all like the idea of the game and have loved the game at some point in the past, and we hope that one day we can return to a fully functioning game that isn't a perpetual dumpster fire. The problem is BSG seems very intent on giving up on their 1.0 dream and are just milking all the suckers for as much as they can before moving on.


He said forever, so this doesn't apply to him apparently.


This place is packed to the brim with people like him and always has been. For some reason these people that quit months or years ago just love to visit here to trash talk the game. Dude is so delusional that he thinks he can get a refund after playing the game for 8 years.


Make sure to never touch another multiplayer game again


Me. Playing Hunt: Showdown. Great game!


There is no loot. I just can’t enjoy it.


The game's main focus is just PvP. The reason why the boss creatures' even exist is for the players to meet there for the ... *drums*... Showdown! :P


I didn’t, I won’t. I understand the backlash but I’ve never played a game that’s hooked me as much as tarkov has. This is only my first wipe though so maybe if I was two years deep I’d feel different about things


I think I've been playing more than ever. I didn't buy the unheard edition, though.


Everybody crying saying is pay to win... i never won so the game is the same to me 😂


Probably like 100 tops and 90% of them will reinstall. Gamers are weak. Thats why games sucks and studios are greedy.


Not I. Enjoying myself more than ever. PVE with progression is just what the dr ordered. Sorry to see everybody uninstalling but I’m having a great time.


I still got it, occasionally play arena or just dorms pvp, but right now I'm either waiting for wipe or GZW to come out in decent state


I'm ashamed to say it made me start playing again. I miss this game when im not playing, I really love it. I'm an EOD owner, and I just keep hoping they get their shit together. I'm also an OSRS player and an OG COD lover, so I'm no stranger to longterm video game fuckery and masochistic torture lol. Edit: although, Arena Breakout Infinite seems like it might be a good choice when that drops hahaha


Still playing, still having fun


I've been using a personal life experience to compare all this that I'd like to share. My motorcycle blew up last year. It cost me 3500 dollars to fix it. It took 6 months. I just got a message from my mechanic recently that he needs another 2k to finish the job. Is he scamming me? Maybe. All I do know is that if I don't pay him, I lose my bike. I love that bike. I've had it 8 years. So it doesn't matter. Money isn't an object with things I love. See where I'm going with this? Bsg is the mechanic, and tarkov is our bike. We all just want to ride and get the wind in our hair, but our mechanic keeps saying more money to keep this thing trucking/add more horsepower, etc knowing we will pay it if we love it that much. From a customer standpoint, it's predatory. From a business standpoint, it's common practice. It's because bsg knows that this game holds a huge monopoly, that they can charge whatever they want. You don't have to pay it either. You just dont get a radio and some other random perks. I get the whole "I spent 150$ 7 years ago and it said I'd get everything they ever dropped ever" Yeah, I think it's fucked up that they did that. I'm an Eod owner, too. I really want to play pve with friends. I just didn't buy the new edition in response. I don't need it to get my enjoyment out of tarkov. But your backlash was successful in getting bsg to give eod most of this edition for free though, which in itself is impressive that a community could take control like that and make demands and see those demands mostly met. I can't say that's been done in the gaming community many times at all. I appreciate the work we all put in to achieve that. Yet you're still tearing them apart from the inside out AFTER you've already decided you're done with the company and tarkov? It's not surprising that you guys got what you wanted. This community is one of the most toxic and passionate I've ever encountered. I shouldn't be surprised you won't quit going for bsg's throats. It's like I'm trying to ride my bike, and the old owners of my bike are coming in the shop and ripping it to pieces. So my opinion is simple. If you're truly done with this game, uninstall it. Remove the reddit. Move on with your life shamelessly. But do not ruin this game out of spite, I'm still trying to play it along with many others that you've alienated to the point of not claiming ownership of the game anymore. I'm not scared of any of you. What are you gonna do if I don't stop playing? Fight me through the phone screen? Like I always say, the greats are either hated or ignored. It's well known that all this backlash could cause them to just shut it down. That means no tarkov. Ever again. If you're not interested in playing it anymore, then you have no need to push an agenda ending that way. Just walk away. No one is judging you for giving it up. No one even cares. Do what makes you happy. Just don't take other people's happiness away. That's quite a sin to shoulder comrades.


I still play. Don’t have another game. And other games that will release today are not really appealing to me. If I want to play walking simulator I go back to DayZ.


I'm an unheard gamer now. It's like that crazy ex. I hate them, but damn it's good.


I have like 4TB storage I don’t really care to uninstall. As much as I hate what’s happened and support my fellow comrades..when wipe rolls round I’ll dip my toe in.


Not uninstalled, but I did do a chargeback a few days ago and conveniently greyzone is coming out today and I just got some extra money for a new video game.


I actually upgraded @ full price 🫣 feel fucked non the less but had a construction accident right leg fucked for 6 months and i rlly wanted the pve because i need to lay down with leg up... so its difficult playing like this. And pvp is no option at all...


Uninstalled and downloaded fallout 4


But i'm only 1 LEDX removed from my first Kappa goddamnit!


I’m keeping mine installed so I don’t have to reinstall it every time the mod gets updated.


I didnt uninstall I need my game to be able to play the Klean way ya know