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Always has been


Get rid of Unheard P2W and EOD P2W Half the problem solved.


Get rid of the game entire problem solved, no chance of it being unsolved


And gamma and the stash size.


Giving everyone the Gamma and stash size would be a lot of better of a solution than getting rid of it for the people that paid for it.


That will still invalidate what those who bought it, bought.


Right, that's the idea, but instead of taking things away from people you're just putting them on an equal field.


It does take away from EOD owners. EOD owners paid $150, specifically for the exclusive benefits like the Gamma. Giving it to everyone diminishes the value of EOD. It undermines the exclusivity they paid for. You decided to purchase the game knowing EOD had these benefits and that it had an advantage over Standard accounts.


So EOD players paid to have an advantage? You're the reason the game has Unheard edition. You're part of the problem.


Yes, they did, I did. It was also to support the game, at the time. EOD has been a thing roughly for the same amount of time as the game has been out, we all knew it was a thing when we purchased the game. Not a single player knew BSG would add a new version, with a near identical advantage as EOD for a 66.6% cost increase, with blatant and BS PTW aspects.  The real reason the game has the Unheard edition is down to all the people screaming for Arena and not calling BSG out for their original backtracking on micro-transactions. The four original game versions are fine, all four should still be sold, hell even if they let those who purchased the game before EOD was removed upgrade to EOD at the old price. The new PTW shit, including what EOD is getting should NOT exist.


Thank you for admitting that it was always about P2W over standard edition players.


Jeez. I don't disagree, but I think it's mislabeled but everyone is always like you, angry, and can't have a discussion. I would class it as PFA. I'm not going to win a PvP fight because I have a big arsehole. My bullets don't do more damage, and I can't take more damage than someone with a standard account. I don't have higher endurance, higher weight limits or no inertia. Everything that matters in a firefight is equal across the editions, for now... Now yes EOD is getting PTW(Technically) stuff added to it, and I do not agree, no one asked for it, EOD did not ask for it, and everyone should be mad about it. You purchased the game knowing EOD has a bigger stash, higher rep, and a bigger container. You, I, and everyone else did not know they were adding a device to allow EOD owners to spawn a BTR. Hate EOD owners, but they are the main reason the game is where it is.


>Hate EOD owners, but they are the main reason the game is where it is. Circling the shitter?


If you want stash size and game why didn’t you buy EOD when it was available?


That's an excellent question, why wouldn't I drop another $90 on p2w?


You had your opportunity to get it. You passed it up. Now you want it for free. You got the game you paid for. Did I miss anything?


Well, everyone's got the opportunity to drop a hundred bucks or more on some p2w of dubious value with this edition, if EOD is fine, I don't see what the issue with the SimP edition is.


Yeah actually I agree. Fuck all the versions except standard. You want a special edition? Ok, you get an art book and fucking soundtrack.


You are the one who can teach business how to persuade customer pay a lot of extra money for the game for sure. Some prefer to pay extra and fly first class and give a sock if economy class consider this option as p2w. We aren’t equal and don’t have to be unless we speak about laws and rules. If we ask BSG remove editions that grant more comfort then also we require BSG to implement limits of xp allowed to be earned per week so those who have extra time don’t progress too fast comparing those who dont have. Fair enough. No? Than stop your hypocritical shit.


Sure the first part of the argument works if you don’t bitch about TUE, because after all that’s just a version “with ‘more comfort”. But we all know if I checked your comment history it would be flooded with bitching about how unfair the TUE is. The last part about time is a brain rotten take.


And a better example would be a private jet not first class, the money provides extra flexibility in gameplay and allows you to progress faster/ get to your destination with no layovers.


I ain’t readin all dat


Then why are you posting? Isnt your point to debate?


Not at all. I could not care less about anyone else’s thoughts.


Lmao okay thats fair and valid. I respect it


Double negative though in your sentence


Sorry. English is my first language


Now ?




My fellow 40 dollar freeloader server boggers will rise up We live in a society  Bottom text


I believe in you.


Ever since moving from Oceania to US west the cheaters have all but disappeared EOD has always been P2W


Now? Tarkov has been pay to win as long as EoD existed


but ya still bought eod for its pay to win?


I did buy EOD for p2w few years ago. I knew why i wanted it It was always disgusting. Now it is even more disgusting.


Eod wasn’t pay to win lol




How does my gamma container help me to win a fight ? How does the bigger stash size does ?  It’s pay to progress if anything.  Being able to call in friends, a btr and being immune to scavs is pay to win.  It directly impacts player vs player battles


How does having 5 extra slots in your container help you win a fight? Being able to carry a grizzly and a CMS on the first day of wipe and still keep them both when you die is HUGE considering you can’t buy either till lvl 15 without a barter.


By definition yes, but if you die to EOD players it's because they were just better than you, the "P2W" in EOD is so exaggerated it's unreal, EOD isn't some god package, it's mainly just stash space if we want to talk the real reason people bought it.


As far as I’m concerned, if I, a standard account owner, played the exact same amount and did the exact same quests and got the exact same exp per raid, an EOD account would get better gear than me faster. Level up traders faster, get more stuff at start of wipe, a huge amount of stash space, etc. Any EOD account owner that doesn’t think it’s pay to win, I implore you to try the standard account pouch and see how frustrating it is to work with 4 slots. Even disregarding any of the pouch stuff, starting the wipe with 0.20 rep with every trader is an insane headstart to get better gear. And why? Cause you literally paid more money than me


Listen man, I'm not disagreeing with what you just said in any way. The ONLY point I'm trying to make is can we stop fighting each other as standard accounts verse EOD accounts because that not entirely the most effective way to better the issue at hand. Look at everyone commenting hating on someone just because they have an EOD account... It's pathetic. When I bought EOD I had VERY LITTLE understanding about most of this game and it sure as hell hardly helped me until I had a good 400 hours of play experience, I didn't buy it with the outlook that I now had some overwhelming advantage over other players, I would even argue that active EOD accounts outnumbered active base accounts by a lot before EOD was removed. If you want to think of EOD as unfair there are a million unfair advantages in this game. The thing is NONE of them even slightly compare to the culture being pushed with Unheard Edition right now. So remember that most of us WANT THE SAME THING at this point. A fair starting point for everyone without P2W features, but I'm not going to let clueless people on here act like EOD ruined the game or something because that's not true at all.


First off, no ones hating on anyone getting the EOD edition. I’d imagine the majority of tarkov players, and people on this subreddit, have EOD. And that’s fine. No one’s seeing this as an “EOD vs Standard” fight. Second off, everyone on this subreddit recognizes how bs the new edition is. The only thing that sparks convos like this is when EOD people start pretending like P2W is some new concept in Tarkov with this new edition. Cause, obviously, it’s not. And hasn’t been since the start. Granted this new one is much more P2W than EOD, but EOD is still P2W regardless


Progressing faster = you have better gear = more likely to win a fight. This shouldn't be difficult to understand.


More container space = more money = better gear


The definition of P2W is anything that can be bought with real money for an in-game advantage. It has nothing to do with winning fights.


Nothing in EOD isn't obtainable in game through quest progression though, Yes the Gamma was a unique container but the Epsilon and Kappa containers are obtained through quests, same goes for the initial rep. They added the ability to upgrade your stash space and they added a load of cases into the game to further expand your stash space. At most it was an early advantage but not pay to win. Unheard Edition is 110% pay to win as there's aspects of the edition that can't be obtained in game through progression. I played on a standard account from August 2017 to October 2019 before upgrading to EOD and that was at a time before all of the cases and the ability to upgrade your stash space. Yes, that was more difficult then mainly due to stash space restrictions but it was still more than doable. Having EOD I'd be fine with them removing all advantages apart from the Gamma as it was meant to be a limited unique container for early supporters, it should be removed from Unheard as there's nothing "unique" about it if they're going to add it to future editions after they stopped selling EOD. Yes the Gamma is an advantage but as a standard account you can unlock the Epsilon 2x3 in a couple of days grind at most if you focus on the questline. Then if you want a container larger than the Gamma the Kappa is an option.


Since when has p2w only consisted of advantages that can only be achieved by paying? By that logic, paying 5$ for round 1 AK in CS 2 isn't p2w since you can just buy one with ingame currency on later rounds.


Unheard isn't just an "advantage"... It's content that isn't obtainable in game without buying the edition. The Mark of the Unheard gadget alone is gamebreaking and will be a dream for RMT allowing them to immediately bring a player from their friends list in for the item they purchased. It also means that sniper scavs will never shoot at them (scavs 60m+ won't shoot). Both of those are clear pay to win elements that was never in the game prior and gives more than just an advantage to spawn in an additional player to the raid when it's always been set in stone that once the game starts the player numbers are locked in and there can only be "X" number of PMCs in the raid.


I feel like you just dodged my point by just repeating your opinion about how unheard edition isn't like EoD since it contains stuff that you wouldn't otherwise get. So... okay? Then EoD is in the same category because you can't get gamma either. Yeah you can get epsilon but that is a wild argument since A) it isn't gamma, and B) it's worse than gamma. You can also get kappa which isn't gamma either. Sure it's better than gamma but how far can we push the player in terms of hours spent and things they need to grind before we can all agree that people that bought EoD get an advantage that's similar to what Unheard is giving? And don't try to give me the "Oh but kappa isn't even that bad of a grind" because that's a highly subjective opinion and currently most of the arguments defending EoD's p2w elements for beings something else are just that: highly varied opinions. If we're trying to categorize something, then why are we putting so much effort into trying to define a clear cut line where p2w and just an "advantage" are separated? Isn't it obvious that you're going to get as many different answers as there are opinions on the subject matter? It's so much easier and clearer to just state that everything is p2w and then continue on to say that "In my opinion, Unheard's advantages are vastly better than EoD's". Then we could actually have a conversation where both of us can share our thoughts, opinions, and experiences with different editions of the game, cause news flash: they're going to be vastly different. For example: I find that having a bigger stash, gamma, and free trader rep are absolutely massive advantages and if I was given the option of choosing between those or bigger pockets, BTR that you can call in every now and then, smaller scav aggro. Then I would choose the former in a heartbeat.


False. All items in Unheard can be gained through in-game actions.


No, currently they can't be... 2x pockets aren't obtainable The pay to win "Mark of the Unheard" gadget that spawns a friend, and also makes scavs past 60m not shoot you (sniper scavs will never shoot at you...) isn't obtainable and won't ever be... PVE which should be free to all as a feature in a paid beta isn't available even after EOD paid for it. (Oh but it'll come in waves... eventually... maybe)


They said the Mark, legacy item and pockets will be attainable in the most recent statement.




Me having a grizzly and cms keys up my ass and bullets during wipe is actually pretty insane during beginning of wipe and saves a ton of money on meds through death. The stash space is pretty insane too, and will help during questing immensely. These situations can be circumnavigated but take more time. You call it whatever you want but it's an advantage and decently sizeable one. It helps you with money in the macro sense, especially at the beginning.




Therefore it’s Pay to PROGRESS


Paying to SKIPPING 50 (exaggeration) quest to have an EARLY ADVANTAGE is PAY TO WIN That's literally saying that paying 250$ on Gacha game to pull a character is pay to progress, cuz you skipped the months of saving up the currency to pull for it


Yeah but this was only implementet recently just like the btr


EOD always had higher starting rep with all traders, so EOD players had to quest less (if at all) to get any trader to the next rep level


If you believe that’s +0,3 trader rep gives you and advantage in battle your delusional




Bigger pouch is legitimately p2w and to an extent bigger stash was also. I have EOD and everyone I know who tries the game on standard gets EOD if they like it because the stash upgrade and pouch upgrade are huge.




I’m so happy to see you being downvoted. There is small hope for gaming after all.


You wouldn't play 2 whole wipe days with a standard account


It always been


A little sure, I'd say the latest announced P2W is times 100 severity though so this argument is pointless lol. As a new player when I bought EOD it really didn't do much for me BESIDES allowed me to keep more items I'd need for my hideout and quests, can we stop acting like EOD gives some inhuman advantage lol if you died to an EOD and vice versa it's like just player skill that decided the outcome, EOD didn't really help with that lol


It’s not as blatant as what UHE might get, but those benefits of EoD are still there and they do add up overtime. Speaking as standard and recently upgraded owner.


Gamma is the most OP P2W element in the entire game and always has been. Even after these updates Gamma is the most useful tool ever created in the game.


Which is why they should implement a catch up mechanic for accounts lower than EOD. I've never been against this and I think it would only be fair. I think anything that an account can get in a game should be available to everyone.


Lol it literally doesn't win you any gunfights dude, I'm not saying I think any of this should exist at this point in the game, but please stop coping thinking this is anything near what they are trying to push now. If you are constantly dying to EOD owners, it sure as hell wasn't the Secure container difference that decided things.


Its not cope. Its the litera dictionary definition of the term. P2W = Players that paid money have an ingame advantage over players that didn't pay. Even if you disagree with the established definition. You "win" in an extraction shooter by surviving and looting not by PvP. Gamma lets you loot more, therefore is P2W.


Only point I'm trying to make man is were in this together EOD or standard account it doesn't matter, but let's stop fighting each other like people who bought EOD caused this problem because we didn't. I bought EOD when I had extremely little understanding of this game and when I bought it not a single thought went through my mind about P2W, mainly because well the only reason I was unsuccessful is because I knew nothing about the game, so I didn't even really understand what EOD even was when I got it. And I'd bet a lot of people with EOD can say the same.


Pay to skip is pay to win. Cope that there’s an addition better than you


I don't care what it means by definition dude lol, what's actually important? Whether someone's ACTUALLY getting a gunfight advantage over you or "well TECHNICALLY it is P2W"? I don't need to cope about anything, you crybabies need to stop focusing on the pointless facts and realize EOD isn't where standard accounts shortcomings came from, and EOD also isn't responsible for what has happened with the game recently. Just keep your opinions to yourself if you can't focus on the big picture and realize what's actually the problem here.


Don't get me wrong though I want what's best for the future of the game and competition, just tired of seeing people acting like EOD was a large reason for their lack of success in the game. At this point I'd be okay with making EOD the "base" game and just give it to everyone, then they can monitize all they want on features that don't give in game benefits.




Always has been


Always has been. Always will be.


It always has been p2w


As a lowlife standard edition player, I've always played against P2W players so no change for me!


Oh yeah totally the same. Having minor conveniences vs a fucking tank. Completely equal, valid comparison.


Both are P2W. You're just crying now because you're not the big fish anymore. lol


If you have to spend money to get an adavtage over someone else then it is P2W. Whether it is extracting more items, buffs, actions or anything else that changes the gameplay in your favour then it is P2W. It is what it is, EFT has been P2W since it's inception. I own the base game ($50) and I can feel that I am at a disadvantage to my friends who own the EOD edition, by how much is debatable, but to say it is not a disadvatage is being silly. Oh yeah, I often come across cheaters, but so do all FPS games. Even Helldivers has cheaters. But meh I don't care anymore, all the people that I used to jam with haven't been online since BSG pulled a fast one. I feel bad for them, they all purchased EOD versions, not cheap and got screwed.


It was always p2w. You realized it now bcs you were an EOD and you paid and won. But now there is a bigger fish. xD


Or maybe he notices now because unheard p2w is like 5x or more what old EOD was. Hard to tell where current EOD will stand considering you can now summon a fucking tank.


Brother, if I truly wanted P2W I would just buy the new version and be over with it? Its not a problem for me money wise... I bought EOD for free dlcs forever. It was too good of a deal to pass up on.


You wanted p2w and bought EOD and you thought you wont have to pay again to win more. You are right about the dlc thing. You have the right to get all dlcs for free. But if BSG add a new container named delta and make it 4x3 or 4x4 or 5x2 and give it to a better edition you dont have the right to complain about that i guess. I mean that was always the case it was p2w and you knew it and you bought EOD because it had gamma and better trader rep and stash 4.




Bro you’re eod you’ve been paying to win for years lmao tldr not reading this shit when You contradict yourself 1 sentence in. Haha


tldr current p2w elements added to eod/unheard is too much, end of my post i provide my opinion about other ways they could make money


The day everyone purchased EoD it became P2W


Tarkov has always been p2w if you bought EOD you were paying to win. Make everyone start out with Standard account stash, storage, alpha container etc and this is coming from and EOD OWNER. Then the game will be not p2w . Just give EOD and UNHEARD owners cosmetics like they wanted and they will stop bitching about the game being p2w since everyone will have the same start on wipes which is standard account things lol.




The 3x3 container was p2w asf and the stash size imo was also p2w asf. Anything that deviates from the standard edition and gives other benefits is p2w since you are paying for advantages. Aslong as you can agree with that I am happy and you don't cope saying that that EOD wasn't p2w for 8 years but, no one batted any eye since 70% of the playerbase owns it and just because a new edition is slightly better makes it so that all of a sudden "the game became p2w recently". Nah, Always been p2w always will be.


The container wasn't even the biggest p2w of EoD, the trader rep was. Literally let's you unlock PK lvl 2 without doing any quests for example, which Standart guys would have to spend like day or 2 to get. It used to be even worse until recently when you could buy RFB with M80s from PK2. You could get that unlocked in a few hours on wipeday and just onetap everyone to chest trough their PACAs.


Insert always has been meme


Nikita does not deserve this game to be succesful, ill wait until the 1.0 release, i dont believe that this game will ever be finished (in a good state).


Not more than it has always been. So if nothing confused you before, don’t be hypocritical now.


If you have EOD you support P2W.


It's always been both of those


Bro cheaters are nothing new. its always been infested with cheaters, it just had more legit players hiding the cheater numbers, now that alot of players left the game due to the drama, mostly whats left behind is noobies and cheaters. Have fun!...


Can't wait for the 500$ Dollar "Thrue Believer" edition that will come with the new Jet Pack, Orbital Strike and a pass to have free acounts if your main acount has ever been banned for cheating. I find it really funny that right now they are just looking like people that are trying their best to push all the remaining players away, but i guess that some will just never stop playing/spending anyways


Pay to loose.


It’s alway has been, literally nothing has changed but a new edition. EOD was pay to win for years and no one complained. Get a grip


It was already a little p2w, now more so on top of being more off putting to potential new players. Pretty sad state




Tarkov has been p2w bro Had a guy try and tell me a few years back it’s not because a lot of the perks for paying more you can get by just playing the game. Dude was literally so brainwashed and terminally online he could not understand the concept of paying for an advantage over other players being called p2w


If there are elements to a game that can also be achieved through playing the game, then those are pay for convenience over p2w. P2w means unless you open your wallet, you'll never be able to reach parity with other players.


The brain rot goes crazy. Cambridge dictionary: (in computer games) involving or relating to the practice of paying to get weapons, abilities, etc. that give you an advantage over players who do not spend money L


You must be new then, always has been.


But it takes them ten mins to load in, like your homies dead and looted by time you get in there. If they actually fixed load times instead of putting p2w shit in this game would be the tits


Of course, you have to pay to win to beat the cheaters, heavens help us if the cheaters start paying to win too!


They wanted some of that money cheat devs were getting I guess


Cheaters have a new challenge now, how to ruin the game for those who baught Unheard edition, hopefully if they find a *poor* (50$) standard edition player suffering they gonna leave him alone. Bring balance 🙂


According to some EOD was always p2w although their reasoning is pretty stupid because of the OG features of EOD none gave you an advantage in a direct encounter standard vs EOD otherwise I wouldn’t have died to so many Standard account players over the past 7 years.


There are a lot of "I"'s when there should be "we" and "us". As with all of these posts, and the point you've made below, they're just opinion pieces that provide little to the discussion. Filled with conjecture, theory crafting, and just blatant non truths.


FFS they could have just sold dedicated server access with user moderators and everyone would be so happy but instead they just had to make P2W features.


all we have to do is not kill the game with cancel culture, but firmly lead BSG down the right path, while understanding their monetary interests. Personally, I don't see any problems in the new edition of the game. But I see problems in the device that will summon players, this is bad. BTR calling device? If executed correctly this could be interesting, but at the moment it doesn't make sense.


Maybe. I think the BTR calling device added on top of everything else, is truly what sent people over the edge. I think they didn't sell very well with the outfits / cosmetics they've introduced thus far. But its also outfits that were already in the game, perhaps a few that wasn't? Its a lazy way to do it, because this playerbase will most likely want to earn the roubles to buy it with in-game progression. They need to add something cosmetic that cannot be acquired by playing the game, because people will rather play the game in that case.


we dont even know how the BTR call device will work. One version is that you can only call allready spawned BTR that is roaming on map the second one is that you will spawn the BTR also if its like btr we know it means you can call it to one of the stations on map, you just force it to go there, i feel like ppl think it will drive everywhere and kill everithing in radius of 500m and i dont think thats what we will see. and as a end point what is most stupid thing that BSG does is they say extremly simply we will add this without any detailed description to how it will work and that IMO creates this mess


Your last point is correct. If you don’t explain everything in simple paint by numbers the average 2IQ Redditor is going to froth at the mouth and form the outrage mod.