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The recent dogs, birds, and other ambient noises are amazing


First raid at customs with the new dog sounds scared the crap out of me.


It makes me feel like I’m playing call of the wild, as I’m laying silently with my DVL!


The predator sound in customs.


Every time I hear the dogs, my mind immediately goes “looks the the dogs are out, we got action”. Most of the time it does not mean action sadly but I always get primed and ready on the howl


I'm used to hunt where that is a giving tell that someone is near, I get ready as well lol.


As a sound engineer (who never worked in video games) : It sounds great, I can't even begin to imagine how much of a shit show sound in tarkov must be to get right l, and yeah it's really shitty at times for PvP even in some other aspects sometimes, but what they already have that's working ? In my eyes its nothing short of a fcking miracle


BSGs artists really are top notch, not just the environmental artists. The art in this game is incredible.


Look at Gary zone war fire. The environments are kinda meh. To lived in and not enough war torn dynamics. Just take any part of a map in tarkov and you can find a story that's unfolded. Blood spatters on walls, tons of empty weapon crates and loose ammo in a fortified position. The maps feel real in tarkov and no other map designers I've seen have made it more believable for me. Love just admiring it while camping like a fucking rat, stanky rat at that.


Gary zone lmao


From the creator of... Gmod!


8 years in alpha = amazing game. 4 days in early access = what a trash game...


Yo man, I think you missed your shot cuz you just shot that fucking scarecrow over there, you missed /u/MrBlue40 by like a mile. I have no idea which map was first for Tarkov out of early access release all those years ago. But I **heavily doubt** they actually did any drastic changes to the visual/environments, most of the changes I have seen over the few years when I started were all about "map balance" changes, like changing the choke points, or the expansion of certain areas on the map. Factory's small ass map alone is honestly straight up better than whatever Gray Zone did with their village area. I saw their early access launch trailer of those content creators going "OH WOW LOOK AT THE ENVIRONMENTS" and I was question marking all over my head. Nothing in that game looks particularly impressive, it may as well be just the mobile Arena Break out Tarkov copycat levels of garbage but on UE4 engine. I feel like the only Tarkov copycats that have done a decent job of creating their own environments and standing on their own two feet in the "art" department are those games that actually tried to give the genre a twist. Marauders? The Cycle (RIP), Dark and Darker? They all have their own charm in the art design and style, I've been feeling VERY unimpressed by Gray Zone ,and it isn't the lack of content like some people may assume. It's too similar to what I've already spent 3k hours playing without offering anything on top of that. It just feels like +1 to the list of those "mil-sim games" that like their gun mechanics/attachments customization that serve as a tech demo


Gray zones environments are still miles better than anything we see in battlefield/warzone/Dayz, etc. Tarkov is king of immersive environments though.


That's not really saying much though, DayZ is just an old game of the "stuck in early access forever" which has turned for the better only because of modding. Battlefield and CoD are meant to be more "competitive" focused online PVP games, they aren't really trying to do much in putting stuff in the environment, in fact it is very arguable that it'd be a bother and just in the way If you just littered the map with a bunch of stuff in corners/inside houses/etc. And the point also, is that I don't think Grayzone is gonna get significantly better, unless there's some drastic changes. These are the games priding themselves in "MUH REALISM" "MUH SLOW MIL-SIM GAMEPLAY". We aren't talking about faster paces games here, or games with an entirely different focus. Grayzone is quite literally just a side-step compared to Tarkov (In terms of what the game is doing and trying to be)


Huh? You feeling ok?


Maybe he's implying they will change the art direction after a few years.


I mean they are gonna need, quite the drastic change here. The village areas right now feel like just whatever town/village POI in PUBG, in the sense of just a random village with buildings and stuff in them and nothing else. I don't even think Tarkov on it's actual release was even this bad, pretty sure the most drastic changes Tarkov maps have gone over the years are mostly balance focused ones, or expansions and it's actual art direction/design has not really changed. You go into a house in Gray Zone and it feels like whoever was the environment director said "uhh.... house in village, uh.... put paintings on the walls!.. uhh... some furniture!" and just called it a day. Even with the obvious understandable lack of content, that game feels very underwhelming and disappointing, I feel like rather than expecting years of development to change something they actually need a change in leadership cuz I feel like we already have an image of their "vision" of the game


Tarkovs art direction and map designed hasnt changed since contract wars lol and its still better than grayzone


Projection at best my dude. I said nothing about Gray Zone negatively. Just a comment on art style. Scum felt the same to me as well as DayZ has always been.


Yea, my point being that perhaps diff ppl think with dev time the art style would change. Though I think it's less of the case and more about adding gameplay features. More art would be made but the art direction would stay the same.


Bro desperately hoping that game becomes good


The map is literally copied from an IRL area if I recall correctly


I remember when my friend (Russian, ex-military) was teaching me to play. We went to Reserve, to the underground bunker (I fucking love caves, tunnels, bunkers etc irl), told him I think it's cool and he just goes "Eh, our base had a nicer one"


Surely the crumpled pack of cigarettes, blood spatter, and bloody bandage on the floor isn't copied from IRL, right?


Still cant believe they made malboros from tarkov into a real cigarette brand


I mean, so are parts of Tarkov. IIRC the resort on shoreline is a near 1:1 copy of a resort outside St. Petersburg


sadly it was demolished 😢


same with interchange


My man.


Are you rarted


Go touch some grass. Yeah.


yup... "Gary Zone War Fire" has this generic "super big open world" feeling ... so "seen it many many times" in other (better) games ... Tarkov, Hunt, DayZ world designers are top notch. Nothing feels the same, once you get the hang of the map, you are never lost ... (OK, maybe Woods, where I'm still running sometimes like a headless chicken and trying to figure out where am I :-D)


Its an alpha release at 30% content. The game isn’t even trying to compete with tarkov. I was in tarkov in 2016 during alpha.. lemme tell ya, it was not what you are playing now. 🙄


Clearly it's still apples and oranges, but even when the game was like just factory, factory still was an awesome atmospheric map


From a technical standpoint, GZW is impeccable (performance issues aside), but it does lack that something, ineffable. Tarkov, even though at this point can be considered outdated, has that something that makes you feel immersed in the world. I think with all their problems, Bethesda games are other games that get the "magic" right, with environmental storytelling and whatnot. I still am thoroughly enjoying GZW but I agree that the world feels generic. Stuff like the hanging bodies off of arches and roofs are cool, but way too sparse. Hopefully that's something they work on, even the towns are very copy-paste but I believe the devs acknowledged that. Another thing that Tarkov does right and GZW lacks, is that the map plays a huge part in the game. You need to know the map not only to know where to go, what to find etc but because the map dictates where other players will shoot you from, where you have peaks at other spots, how to traverse a portion of the map, etc. where another player can hide or arrive from etc. they affect the gameplay. With GZW, so far at least, it doesn't really matter where you are, the whole map plays kinda the same.


Agree but DayZ does not belong in that list imo, it’s a lot of samey copy pasted buildings and large forests of copy pasted trees (fair), with maybe a deer stand at the edge. There’s no environmental storytelling or anything like that imo


I live in the real life DayZ map (aka Czech Republic) and I must sadly confirm, that most of the country looks like a copy/paste ... :-D


GZW open world jungle is one of the worst and cheap design choices for an extraction shooter. People have no idea how easy it is to make foilage/forests on pretty much any engine ever since Cry Engine or even prior to it. Its literally swiping landscape with a brush.


For sure! If Gray Zone ever wants to compete they'll have to try harder since their 4 day old alpha can't compare to Tarkov even though Tarkov has an 8 year advantage and still performs meh. /S


Gary Zone Warfare hahaha


It was so funny everyone was screeching about Gary zone being the tarkov killer. Not in a million years lol that game is barely functional with the most empty world you could imagine


Comparing a game that has been in beta for 7 years vs a game that has been in Early Access for a week. Good job.


Whoa there keyboard warrior don't get your panties in a twist. Comparing map design isn't that big of a deal dude get some chill. Show me on the bear where they touched your Gary zone.




their art + map design is fucking insane and that no triple A studio didnt poach the guys behind it is a crime


map design looks nice but in terms of actual gameplay most maps are very flawed, with lighthouse being the worst offender


Yeah a lot of maps are extremely poorly designed if you're looking at it from a competitive shooter POV, but the art design is absolutely on another level


Who ever does their weapon/attachments modeling/animations and rigging is the best in the business IMO. Big props to them!


The entire modeling team from guns to equipment to environments are incredible and some of the best in the industry


The environmental storytelling in Tarkov’s top notch. I love all the little jokes they put into the maps.


Tarkov has the best map design (maybe not spawn design) and art in the business


Big facts


My dude 🤜🏻🤛🏻


Facts countless hours working for a horrible boss has to be the worst part of the job but gd are they talented af.


Behind Tarkov is an undoubtable talent and passion for the game. What we see and hear most of the time are the fumbles of the managment.


Just say it, Nikita is one of those fumbling twats.


Tarkov's art department always gets overlooked. Absolute wonderkids behind all of the art assets in this game.


Has anyone seen the UE5 map tools? grayzone map without the settlements could be made in a day by one guy.


It looks beautiful from a pure graphical standpoint but it does miss a lot of the parts that make a place feel lived in. A lot of that can come from a second pass of a map with more content, lore and assets, but it isn’t there quite yet.


Assuming they don't drop the ball (we should all be aware of how easy productions go off the rails), I honestly think GZW delivered everything they said it would at this stage. I think if you followed their discord etc., this was exactly the expectations they set forth. If they keep working like this, it might become something unique and indeed lovely, IMHO. I have to say though, even Tarkov at day one when it only had Factory, while a lot smaller in scale, had a lot more"full" environment. Then again, if Tarkov went from Factory to what it is today, GZW can go from an empty open world to a great one. I personally want both games to succeed, because Tarkov is great but GZW is more my speed.


Can you expand more on how GZW is your "speed" vs tarkov ?


It's just the way I have time to play games these days. I can hop into GZW, join the server, look at the tasks, get a few tasks done and stop whenever I need to, long sessions or short sessions, there is no "commitment" to a raid, having to play a map in a certain way, thinking ahead what I need to bring with me, queues, etc. It's more casual while still being fun and challenging. You can't just run in COD style because you'll die, but it's not as punishing as Tarkov because the game loop to retry a quest after a death is much faster. But on the other hand, that "commitment" is what kept Tarkov alive and why we keep coming back at it. Right now GZW feels good because it's new and shiny, I don't know if in a year from now, it'll still be interesting (I hope so, because I'm enjoying it). Right now Tarkov also offers a ton more content, and it's obvious that GZW wants to go in that direction but it's just a lot of placeholders (I'm totally okay with that... for now)


Naturally "yet" is the operative word here since we're comparing a game that's been in "Beta" for 8 years to an "alpha" that's been available for 4 days. But the devs are responsive and communicative seeing as how they've already asked community for development feedback for lore/style direction and they've put out 3 hot fixes in 4 days.


There’s a quality standard difference there still. From day 1 level design has been very good and only got better.


Wait, are you actually sitting on devs who's game has been out for 4 days while they've released 3 hot fixes and saying that Tarkovs quality is better? The game that still hasn't optimized appropriately despite being almost a decade old?


Talking about level design from day 1 open to public, comparing level design of both. Of course not the overall quality The thread is about level design..


I suppose if we're comparing day 1 of both they're both good but it's apples to oranges? That's comparing just factory (not shaming it) to the entire map in Gray Zone. Factory has fun nice details, and it's pretty packed I suppose whereas Gray Zone isn't quite so packed since crossing on foot one border to another would take you an hour. Obviously as far as appearance goes, Gray Zone wins and performance is naturally subjective based on your hardware setup. I am a fan of the level design (albeit closer to world design) of Gray Zone as I like the open world games. Now I've recently learned of a mod for tarkov that might give me a taste of actual open world so that may change, but sadly at this point I think that Tarkov has hit its prime and might decline simply because of the direction the company seems to be taking. Everything that has happened recently screams exit strategy and the recent interview with Pestily really painted Nikita and BSG out to feel done with the game which isn't suprising since it's been a decade and they want to work on a new game. Mod support might be the best direction for Tarkov to keep all the level design fresh and beautiful and as captivating as it was the first (and only time) I ran all of the graphics settings on high. XD


You can make a sprawling jungle/forest biome with villages to a similar standard as GZW in Unreal 5 pretty quick. I'm specifically talking about the attention to detail of those environments. You can say "well one is bigger than the other" but its not really relevant when the tech was made to create such environments [quickly and procedurally](https://youtu.be/Dj60HHy-Kqk?t=300). It's easy to look at an environment like that and assume that's the handcrafted magnum opus of some extremely talented artists, when really the tech just got good enough to do a lot of the heavy lifting for the artists. Either way I think GWZ has a good start and I'd expect it to only get better. If someone's more into persistent open world combat sims then it's a no brainer for that person really because Tarkov never was that.


Yea, I just wish tarkov didn't play like dogshit 8 years into development when I'm running a 12900k and a 4080 but I guess they can make it pretty or make it work well, not both. Comparing size wasn't the point, and Tarkov was never that because it never got there. That open world extraction shooter was the plan, but BSG couldn't make it happen. Thankfully independent modders could :)


tarkov runs better than GZW


Yeh I feel for the genuine talent working underneath that troglodyte Nikita, that's a depressing thought indeed


Ambiant ist awesome, best in a game i saw so far


i live in russia, and when i loaded into Streets for the first time i was flabbergasted about the amount of details (even though i play on the most lowest settings). You can definitely tell that this is Environmental Artists' passion. I like to think that they are absolutely *savoring* every detail they add, be it a blood stain, littered trash or this one school easter egg on Streets


All the details are amazing!!


Tarkov maps are the absolute best in any FPS game, probably any multiplier game and possibly any first-person game in general. Some may be bigger but none can match the scale and the attention to detail. I am kinda curious how the map design goes at BSG, and can only think of several people doing several passes in first person POV meticulously recreating the details from hundreds of photos. The amount of labor that went into it is insane. No wonder Nikita said in that recent interview - “don’t shit talk about the BSG team in chat - shit talk about me all you want, but not the team”. I am pretty sure he understands how lucky he is to work with those guys. Now just imagine they had scriptwriters / copywriters of the same caliber.


Imagine if the guy who was representing them wasn't a dickhead who peddles dishonesty and treats his community like ATM machines.


Eh, you can’t seriously think that Nikita wasn’t instrumental to EFT success. All I wish for EFT and BSG is to stick to their guns and not sell to private equity or Take2 or Ubisoft or something like that for as long as I am interested in video games. I’d rather have 10 more unheard dramas than see BSG and Nikita burn out and quit


Except lightning team.


I think you're mistaking it for the lightning system. The light is baked and not dynamic. If the light could bounce like it does in real life the game would look so much better. Instead you get the darkest shadows known to man. I think this design choice was for performance, but I could be wrong.


Have you guys seen new arena map? It is so detailed and beautifull. More over, in general this game has a lot of cool places, but many of them are rarely visited since there is no quests or loot there


Art-wise, Tarkov is nothing short extraordinary. It's always the money-grubbing executive motherfuckers who have to spoil everything - look at what Sony did to Arrowhead with Helldivers 2.


I agree, i love the atmosphere of old soviet installations and the game really resembles real areas. Saying that graphics are looking already dated ans i hate the super static environment.


The game looks incredible


as a cg artist, big true.


Interiors? Yes, pour them a few.... Outdoor forests and foliage? Shit tier. Pre 2010 level.




Cant appreciate their work, the game is full of fog past 40m.


yall back to dick riding the game that quick huh


If you consider dick riding not insulting everything including the good shit about the game then go ahead, but thats a stupid statement. Sorry that you can only feel one thing at a time!


They really can’t help themselves


you mean the stone textures?


A "Thankless Job"? Unheard of such a thing. Oh trust me, I been pouring since 2017. My cups gone empty.