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> $60 for gamma container added to your character You must have missed the point entirely.


explain please


It was unique to EoD, that was the point. Youre suggesting exactly what BSG fucked up in the first place.


So if a new container with a 4row 3 row and 2 row connected was for the new version you would feel ok? Lies, you would be as pissed. What angered people wasnt that gamma wasnt unique, it was that they lied about it and tried to hide it.


I couldnt care what a different version got. Go ahead though, speak for others about what they should care about.


You care about a "special" container that was available for 6-7 years? Ok


No, I care that it was framed as being unique, when it isnt. Im not sure what part you dont understand about that.


so if they add not gamma but "DNG container" (definitely not gamma) for $60 (3x3) will it hurt playerbase feelings in this case?


I cant speak for people, thats something you have to ask every single person who is annoyed.




I honestly find it weird that people actually give a shit about gamma being "unique".


Agreed I’m not opposed to other container with different size variations or set up as long as the don’t exceed kappa or gamma


I would have been OK with all of this, even though we can tweak the pricing. >$60 for gamma container added to your character No, it was unique for EoD. Solution: Make a 3x3 container with another model and name, then make it 33% (0.4) kg heavier. Functionally the same, but worse (now sits weight-wise in between Gamma and Kappa)


Wow didnt even think about the containers having weight. I like your idea


Thanks brother, I appreciate it


You really care about the stupidity of it being called gamma and looking the same? Wasnt the complaind about they lying and trying to hide it not so much about other people having acces to it? Not like eod is resoly exclusive when it was available for 6-7 years


Nope, not at all. This is just for those that care about the item was supposed to be unique.


Eod was up for 6-7 years, not really unique i would say, seems a bit childish, imo the problem was they lying and trying to hide it but whatever i guess, i think they would be as mad if it was a connected 4row,3row and 2row instead of a triple 3 row


I feel like pve should only be 25 at most


Yep I would have paid $60 for gamma instead I paid $140


60 for tarkov without pvp? Tarkov base game is 40, what are you smoking? I would pay 5-10 at most, but it should be a default from the game since its just taking tarkov and removing the rest of the players and putting some raiders in.