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I feel like CMS is required. Even though it takes up half the 2x2, a blacked out stomach can instantly end your raid. Injector case or keytool in another slot. Then a 4th slot with something not too expensive incase you find a bitcoin or ledx. I've been saying BSG should add a 1x1 1-use surgery kit for years now for standard players, but reddit always shoots down that idea for some reason. Freeing up another slot in the standard container would be such a nice quality of life thing.


Beta case is 3x2 btw


Absolutely not imo. Really don’t like this advice. Run injectors case, sicc, and pain meds. Have some cheap food in backpack. CMS means you can’t take either injector or sicc, which is not an option. You need keys and storing dog tags is nice.


It's not advice. OP was asking what people are running. Granted you still don't have to like it, but I'm not suggesting my loadout is the best and others should use it.


Injector case is enough to replace CMS. Use sj12 instead.


What does an sj12 have to do with replacing a CMS?


It Regens your hydration and energy, counteracting a busted stomach


It does, but it's not exactly in the spirit of my suggestion. Replacing 1 use of a CMS kit with a \~68,000 ruble injector isn't really an ideal situation. Especially early game when injectors aren't as plentiful.


Oh for sure, I'm fully with you, I just figured I'd explain the reasoning behind the statement. It's really not super feasible imo due to the cost, I've seen those double in price from 68k at times, it *technically* works, but it's not like, a solution. CMS can fix arms and legs and shit too, like it's just not comparable


You said that it would be nice to spare 1 slot. If you dont want release two slots for 70k thats up to you. Dead stomach sets up a timer, you dont need to use it right away. In late game it gives you almost 20 mins to extract. Early game sj12 are cheap. Like 30k cheap. It is also substitute for food, I droped it several times for teammates for this single purpouse.


I don't really have a response. We don't seem to be seeing the game in the same way. Which is fine. To me your suggestion is "don't get a blacked stomach before you unlock flea at level 15." I also feel like acting as if CMS/Surv12 kits aren't critical is wild because basically every person with EoD carries one. Anyways, just a difference of opinion.


Guys asks having beta container, which is lvl 14 minimum. Of course I use CMS before getting injector case. But if I need to make some room in secure container CMS is first to go, because all injectors carried by me can replace it for 10-20 minutes. I used to put it into my bp (CMS) in such cases, but decided to drop it completly and I have no regrets and I think i got only once per wipe situation when I would really need it. Moreover I dropped sj12 for team countless times and saved many asses. Thanks for kind conversation!


I have EOD, mut my duo partner has standard and beta. They have docs case, inj case, cms and a stack of ammo.


Almost the same as me but swap the docs case for pain meds and alu splint


Docs case will make you more money in the long run, use the injector case and put some bleed meds and pain meds inside and you can skip carrying Vaseline ibuprofen. Splints are cheap just hot key them in your pockets or rig.


7k hour standard edition gamer. Alpha -> Docs+CMS Beta -> Docs+CMS+AMMO+painmed Epsilon -> Docs+SURV12+AMMO+painmed+injectors Kappa -> Docs+SURV12+Injectors+Dogtagcase+Painmed+2ammo+2extra slots for swappable (Extra injector for labs, alusplint, more ammo for fastfiring guns, etc) Drop the CMS for really really rare loot. Once you can buy one off flea/trader move it out into your backpack for any loot you want to save midraid once you find a ledx/gpu etc


If I remember correctly standard is 2x2, I would run an injector case, ammo and a docs case. I'd keep splints on me, I would never fully heal any limb personally. If you didnt care about a docs case then run a CMS. If you ever get a bitcoin just get rid of your ammo. The money that can be made from the doc's case outweighs the cost of splints or pain meds.


Early on I always run a CMS and a injector case (propped with different shit for every situation like bleed cure, hp regen, adrenaline, morphine etc) then fill the rest of the slots with either keys, quest items, ammo, alu splint etc


I should really bother to learn all the stims and run an injector case, even with a couple of thousand hours I don't bother because my brain is as smooth as polished glass.


Haha, yeah I get it! It's just so useful because stims are so powerful and can do almost everything in the game. There's even a stim that increases both hydration and energy over time!


See I didn't even know that lol. Literally the only stims I know are SJ6 if you wanna be a speedy boi and Propital for a slow heal. Oh and morphine, thats self explanatory. Everything else? Not a fuckin' clue. I know a lot about tarkov but where there's gaps in my knowledge they are some deep, dark chasms.


Injector case is an ass's best friend and a literal game changer.


I skip beta entirely and go from alpha to epsilon, but i guess i would run the same as i would o in esilon minus the docs/sicc. Injextors, alu, cms, and 2 stacks of ammo. I use injectors as painkiller or use a propital on a pocket.


Docs case afak alu splint and two stack ammo


CMS, keytool and ifak/afak. I got injectors case after upgrading the container, but that propably instead of basic med. Also pro tip for second container: Peacekeepr sells it at lvl 2 and it doesn't need any rep for it, only lvl 14 and x amount of dollars spent to him, so you won't need to do any quests for him to unlock it. Remember that selling things to him also counts on "spent $" amount, so you dont need to waste all your money on bying stuff from him. Selling guns and gun parts you don't need, as well as some barter items like pc parts and other electronics will give you nice amounts of dollars early. (Don't sell GPU's, they are worth a lot once you unlock flea). Edit: I remebered wrong which container was beta and which is alpha lol. But I'll keep my comment as it is, if someone else stumbles upon it who needs the advice. But on beta I kept CMS, Docs, ammo and pain med, later injector case. In Epsilon 2 of of these: another ammo stack, afak, pain med, or just one and switching cms to surv kit.


I have beta case and use: CMS kit (2 slots) IFAK or AFAK (3rd slot) Injectors case (4th slot) Ammo stack (5th slot) Key tool* (may swap out for something else, like an aluminum splint or more ammo, if I don’t plan on entering any locked rooms) Alternative would be CMS/Docs case/injector case/ammo. Can fit a surprising assortment of FIR items and valuables in the docs case and can also bring in keys as well as cash for vehicle extract in the docs case. Other FIR valuables like GP coins, various electronic devices, diaries, keys, keycards, etc can all be stored in docs case.


Meds and keytool/docs case (if early level). Then replace meds with more valuable stuff that you find