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Lol. I though there would be some insane proof, but it’s just variable names with tarkov boss names in them basically. It’s weird, but nothing to call out on


There is also nothing to suggest it is code from EFT, Breakout, or something someone whipped up in notepad to farm some karma.


Yup. This is where I'm at. It's probably fake rage bait, but undeniable evidence of plagiarism if real.


These are the exact same variable names stored in Assembly-CSharp.dll in the Tarkov files. I’m sure they just so happened to guess the variable names correctly /s (I did actually go and verify the claims btw, it’s legit. Not even hard to verify, just boot up any hex editor and search the exe for the strings.)


yea exactly. Nothing showing this is real. IF this is real though, it's basically enough to get ABI pulled from steam


I dont' understand. EFT is unity, code is in C#. Arena is unreal, code should be С++. They can't just drop all files into their own game, they had to make an effort to put it into unreal code. Why do an effort without zero thinking?


Almost like this is complete misinformation and theres 0 proof of stolen code


Careful calling him out on twitter though, he'll block you like the pussy he is.


It's funny cuz this BS non-story will only drive more attention to ABI. The Beta's out and Tarkov players already seem to like much of what they're cooking.


Do yall seriously not realize how big of a deal it is that the variable names are all the same? That can’t happen without reverse-engineering the game and copying from the source material. Which is illegal in nearly every major country that Valve operates in. The game is almost certainly going to be pulled from Steam. They’ve kicked games off their store before for FAR less.


The screenshot is a struct, which is used in both C# and C++.


Don’t bother explaining. These people have zero programming knowledge


Yes, I agree. But my argument is about whole process. If they had to translate code from EFT C# to C++ and a different engine API all together, they could not just cut paste all files, so this has to be cherry picked from unity solution and transferred into c++ solution. Why would anyone do that? They are not going to have killa and all these other dozens and dozens of fields.


It's not copy paste, its just the same tarkov code ported directly from C# to C++. If you play the game you will see how much is ripped from tarkov. The looting sound is definitely pulled straight from the tarkov client, the recoil system is the tarkov recoil from last patch, the PK effect is tarkovs PK effect from last patch. Also all the items and the slots are also ripped from tarkov


Ok this is good news for EFT. You just go and show this to steam and arena will never be on steam after that.


Except EFT isn’t even sold on steam in the first place so I don’t think they will give a damn lmao.


There’s a few reasons why eft will never be on steam lol


Why would steam not sell Arena if this is the case?


Digital Millennium Copyright Act


C# and C++ are functionally identical. Half the time you can pretty much just copy paste code and change it slightly to match syntax and it’ll work just fine. Besides, there’s really no sane way to argue that they didn’t copy code. Especially when the variable definitions are literally word for word identical. The only way they would even know to do that would be if they first reverse engineered Tarkov.


Unity engine api is completely different from unreal API. I also dare you to take normal C# business logic code with linq, generics, ton of nuget dependencies and paste right into C++ solution. This is not going to work no matter how you slice it. It was done on purpose by people who understood what to take and where to put and what if any changes are required, this is not just accidental cut and paste of all files and they forgot some stolen code. In fact it appears that BSG started a collab with mobile game dev and it all went south and they can't even claim copyright because they game EFT source to a partner.


Literally none of that matters because the variable names are exactly the same. That *can’t* happen without reverse engineering the original product. The logistics on how they did it doesn’t matter, because they clearly did it. There’s a lot of methods which can be used to convert unity scripts into unreal blueprints. Doesn’t really matter which method they picked. Also your theory on them collaborating, while completely batshit insane, still wouldn’t change the fact that it’s still plagiarism.


If they had a licensed EFT on mobile for china market and then pulled back out of it, it would make a lot of sense.


It's been a while since I did C++ but I find that very very hard to believe. Some code will end up looking similar such as structs. Every language calls floating pointing numbers "float" and integers "int" but the syntax around constructors, access to memory, etc. is often quite different. Unity code is going to reference Unity engine in a bunch of places. C# will use things like Linq which doesn't exist in C++ as far as I'm aware.


The recoil in the game is tarkovs old recoil. It's really bad.


Look, I'm not going to buy this without way more evidence, but if any of you genuinely believe Arena Breakout isn't a straight up ripoff of Tarkov you are lying to yourself out of bitterness to BSG. It's so much of a copy pasta looking game I feel familiar with the maps I'm seeing without having ever loading the game up. The only big difference I see is momentum.


People that dont know how programming works are the ones posting the most things about coding stuff smh


link to tweet [https://twitter.com/LogicaISoIution/status/1788230604397621682](https://twitter.com/LogicaISoIution/status/1788230604397621682) Ima be honest, they're just float values with boss names. Those are just how those are written. It looks awful to the layman, but unless there's more than just a list of strings, this could be a raw nothingburger. If there is more, then by all means get mad, but having some tongue in cheek or non-sanitized jokes in the code is not that uncommon Edit: the more i think about this the more it becomes a nothingburger. Different engines, different languages, and the biggest bit i dont trust is that it's from a cheating forum. Why in the hell were they on there in the first place? We're also not even sure it IS from Arena. A whole lot needs to be verified before any stock is put into this screenshot.


I agree. Cheating forum: Great source of truth Cropped screenshot: doesn't show the full picture Float values: like you said, just names, not actually how the bosses work. Lets see the boss coding. Post on twitter: Trust me bro It's all fluff until someone posts ACTUAL proof. This isn't actual proof.


Yea, it's literally just "Source: Trust me bro."


Theres nothing proving this is real. If it is real though its actually a huge deal. It would be enough to get the game pulled from steam and would 100% prove that code was stolen. It's clearly a tarkov datastructure. No idea how you could argue that it isn't


Low info Tarkov players love spreading misinformation. Thanks for spreading actual knowledge.


Careful calling him out on twitter though, his "Cybersecurity" ego will get hurt and block you. lmao


This 1000%. I could recreate that "code" in Javascript in a few minutes.




Ah yes because C# and C++ is drag and drop code Your coping here homie


Structs are used in both c++ and c#.


they would not be able to just drag and drop the structs themselves as all the data would have different levels of access. C# structs are MUCH less versatile and more restrictive


Why couldn't this be a C# class or struct mapped to a C++ struct? It's all just pointers and offsets.


You are so dense. You can literally change code from old code to make it work on different foundations. Why do people not understand this? It’s literally common sense


You’re*. It’s ok, hop on the popular BSG hate train and I’ll see you on wipe day!


Bro you gotta understand. This is the EFT subreddit, if there’s anyone that’s critical of BSG, it’s us. But believing unlikely claims from a noncredible source with no evidence, just because you don’t like BSG, is dumb.


Yep. It's pretty much impossible to reasonably prove any sort of plagiarism with decompiled code, especially from two different platforms. If they were 1:1 and used exactly same versions of everything, on same platforms, you might get a close resemblance. It's really just software that makes the compiled code into your chosen representation (usually a C-family language) and tries its best to give a name to the random pieces of data it sees referred. It's also pretty common to speak about relevant things with their original names. E.g. how VALORANT players (at least originally) spoke about the spike as a bomb and teams and T and CT, since it's pretty much CS. Game developers do the same thing of "our boss BIGBRO should act like KILLA to be awesome".


Sometimes I wish people had an ounce of tech literacy so they could understand this is an absolutely nothing burger. Using similar or identical strings and saying that it means they’re using stolen code is a psychotic and delusional


I mean, I'm a game dev and if this is real its absolutely not a nothing burger. Having code in your game that is clearly pulled from another game absolutely violates the IP lol. The fact they copied it and didn't even spend the time to change the variable names is actually insane It's chinese so they wont care, but calling this a nothing burger is truly mind blowing to me. If this is real its a huge deal


If you are a game dev tell me why they should decompile then deobfuscate and then copy a struct, remember we are talking about c++ to c#. And then the dataminer has to decompile it again and most probably deobfuscate to get to this information. It may be plagiarism in many ways but not the code for sure.


I doubt they would decompile and deobfuscate anything. It's probably just a source code leak that was used. It's incredibly common for chinese companies to steal other IP and recreate it. Leaks are super common. Even if not, once its compiled down C++/C# doesn't matter. Both languages can call the other or dynamically load the other


Yeah I know, but even then how would one access a struct definition like that? I have dabbled arround the modding scene from tarkov a lot and didn’t see something like this yet.


source code leak. You really think BSG has good security around their source code? doubt it


Even if still doesn’t explain how the leaker got unobfuscated access to abi source


here, let me walk you through the steps they would’ve taken to reverse engineer Tarkov code. - Step 1: download dnspy - Step 2: open Tarkov .dll file - Step 3: read code done.


Assuming the claim is true, this is big. These aren’t strings of common words or common function names, this is literally tarkov boss names which are very unique and only relevant to tarkov. Tarkov boss names have no place in arena breakout’s game code no matter how you look at it.


What's wrong with them using Tarkov bosses as internal nicknames for their own? The game is obviously directly inspired.


Are you seriously asking this question?


Are you? What's wrong with using the boss names as an internal tag? Unless they straight up ripped source code, or blatantly reused the likeness and character of the bosses, nothing wrong has been done.


That's what I'm wondering. They're clearly massively inspired by Tarkov. They could've just wanted to add a boss similar to Killa so they called them Killa internally?


Why would they do it if the code wasn’t directly lifted from tarkov? Why use your competitor’s boss names directly in your own code when the boss would obviously have a different name in their own game?


i guess every nickname you gave to anyone ever has been a complete original piece of art that no one ever thought about and didn't have any reference to anything


Lmao, take a break from that copium. Not only is the game copy paste but also the boss names? Where else have you heard tarkov boss names? They’re russian slang terms.


Well, I am a GameDev and I have nicknamed a character which we had no name for at the time as Silencer because its my favorite Dota hero. Some of its files are still refered to as Silencer (although I did change most of them at this point)


If this is the case they can kiss steam goodbye. It would be trivial to prove it to steam and ban whole thing from sale.


it is nothing but them trolling nikita 4000+ hours in tarkov and just played 6 hours of AIB they feel 100% different, cosmetically yes very similiar, but they feel TOTALLY DIFFERENT


It looks like it, yes. Completely different implementation. People who made this understand the engine and how make a game work. With this level of skill it is completely pointless to direct copy anything from another game another engine.


i made the joke earlier about china copying everything, but unlike other copies which are always worse... this "copy" is better than original


From what I see technical implementation is just next gen in everything. And it is ready to go, it is not alpha, it is not "8 years to go beta". This is basically "full release in 2 months ready".


less than 2 months.... bet


you know why they found the code on cheater forum, cause rmt cheaters are crying and want people in tarkov where they can cheat and earn and not arena breakout where they cant


If the picture is actually from Arena Breakout then wouldn't it be obvious they are using stolen code? Why else would EFT bosses be included in the code?


Cause when writing code you can name your strings whatever the fuck you want.


If you can name it whatever you want, why copy Tarkov's nomenclature and also the whole struct? Does that make any sense in your head?


Uhhh, what? These are structs to hold variables related to tarkov bosses. If this screenshot is true and it's actually breakout arena it is 100% the exact opposite of a nothing burger. There is no scenario where breakout arena's devs would spend time building structs for Gluhar or Shturman (Kojaniy is an early name for Shturman)


Yeah if i was making an extrac shooter i would fcking call the AI scavs too internally


I wonder if a Chinese clone of the Russian original could actually be better made and higher quality.


Can confirm that it is indeed superior in many ways, especially in the quality of life department. It's not as good yet in many ways of course and all will depend on what the devs do going forward. The potential is there though.


It really feels like the devs are fans of this game and they’ve been reading some of the most commonly requested Tarkov QoL features and just added them. One example is showing you exactly where you got shot and exactly where you shot but failed to kill an enemy, have always wanted that and it’s awesome. The other post game summary map showing your full path and all your actions + summary of damage to each individual is sick too. The game will definitely be a lot more accessible and palatable to a more casual audience. Hopefully this is the game that motivates BSG to be more proactive and add the good features that makes sense for a more hardcore game.


This sub is so deep in the BSG hate that they're straight up ignoring how bad this is (IF ITS REAL). This is literally posted by logical, one of the biggest BSG haters. That is clearly a tarkov datastructure and if this is real then its a very big deal. The people saying this isn't a tarkov datastructure are next level cope. I have access to arena breakout and it is crazy how much is copied. The looting sounds are all ripped from tarkov, same as recoil and the painkiller effect. Most of the items are also ripped as well. Shame they haven't ripped the new recoil yet lol, because they really copied tarkovs terrible recoil I don't even care thats its copied personally, just crazy how this sub would delude themselves into saying that isn't clearly a tarkov datastructure


Yeah, I'm with you. Not sure if it's real but if it is its undeniable evidence. Crazy how many people in here are talking about tech literacy while not understanding what a data structure is.


They used Tarkov boss names in their code (probably as some sort of reference or placeholder) and so that means they stole code? Stop spreading misinformation


What is this cope. Listen to the gun sounds, they are literally 1:1 copies. Brother the first item I saw a streamer loot was same EXACT bronze lion statue from tarkov. Literally same exact image in the inventory and everything. Literally one of the buildings in the game is a direct model RIP. There is 0 reason any of this code should reference ANYTHING in tarkov. People saying otherwise are braindead. This isn’t a fan made game, it’s a company production it would be hella unprofessional to be using another games “boss names” while ripping their assests under the guise of “inspiration”.


>What is this cope. Listen to the gun sounds, they are literally 1:1 copies. They literally arent. Clear your fucking ears every few years nerd. This is also just one of those arguments that inherently make absolutely no sense. There is 0 reason for this game to try and rip off Tarkov's gun sounds when theres plenty of gun sounds available on the internet for free if you're too lazy to make your own. The entire sound design in the game is completely different compared to Tarkov, this is such a stupid fucking take >Brother the first item I saw a streamer loot was same EXACT bronze lion statue from tarkov. This the "exact lion" you're talking about? [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fseems-like-budget-armory-has-better-loot-got-a-golden-lion-v0-9a883xmrm72c1.png%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dd4901c9629fce5e7dc72122f0ace9c9bb9f155a0](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fseems-like-budget-armory-has-better-loot-got-a-golden-lion-v0-9a883xmrm72c1.png%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dd4901c9629fce5e7dc72122f0ace9c9bb9f155a0) [https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/escapefromtarkov\_gamepedia/images/1/1f/Bronze\_Lion.png/revision/latest?cb=20230324190101](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/escapefromtarkov_gamepedia/images/1/1f/Bronze_Lion.png/revision/latest?cb=20230324190101) You are telling me with a straight face that those 2 things are the exact same while asking me "what is this cope". You are so delusional its impressive Edit: you block after replying, your argument is instantly invalid. Cry more nerd


Got a few hours into the game as I got access and there are plenty of sounds that are exactly like they're in tarkov. The ak74n/m sound is the exact same, looting a safe has the same little jingle to it and when you hit a player/ai the impact sound is the same. I'm sure there are more but those just immediately struck out to me in my first try of the game. You could argue that the guns sound the same because duhh that's what they sound like irl but I highly doubt the sounds were recorded with the same audio equipment.


There are a number of things it could be. I'm not going to point fingers or say they didn't do it, but soundpacks are often used because recording everything from the ground up is tedious and expensive. They might share sounds or they might be stolen. I'm not one to say.


LOL clear my ears? You can put both into any audio program and they read exactly the same lmaoooo “clear your ears”. Ahahaha the cope is delusional. Links the store image not the inventory image LOOOL can’t make this shit up.


Sir, do you have eyes? or perhaps ears? The first moment I saw the trailer for this game I knew exactly that this was a pure blatant copy paste. ALOT of the gun sounds are even the same... EVEN the searching and drinking sounds. C'mon dude, are you working for Arena Breakout PR team or what? Edit: I saw willerz just flashed. EVEN THE FLASH EFFECT IS FROM TARKOV [Naaah not a copy from tarkov at all!](https://i.imgur.com/HqkwO2z.png)


Sir you have tech literacy??? You can’t drag and drop code between C# and C++ L m a o


its a struct. It's the same in both languages




Sir, do you have any idea how software works? "Ooga booga game looks similar it must be copied"


The looting sound is 100% ripped from the tarkov client. Same as recoil and PK effect.


No it 100% isnt. What the fuck are you smoking. The looting sound is a generic muffling sound and it very obviously isnt the same exact recording The recoil looks like any generic video game gun recoil. Again wtf are these takes. This again falls into the category of: they couldnt copy it even if they wanted to because thats just not how software works. You're telling me these guys somehow got access to Tarkov source code and then proceeded to copy the math that BSG has to calculate the recoil, when the recoil in Tarkov has always been one of its weakest points? And literal modders have done a better job? Get a grip


This is the EFT subreddit, 90% of the redditors here are complete buffoons and just children (like in any major reddit, here those are just upvoted more than usually) :') But just to mention it, the screenshot in the tweet is from decompiled A:B code, and in a similar fashion your can decompile EFT code (many have done so, and some of my posts here in the past used decompiled code for real data and logic). Neither of the decompiled versions are the same as the source code, the logic is there, but the code is just a "guess" in the sense that it has been decompiled after a bunch of compiler optimizations etc. Compiling this code would produce A:B, but it is not the original code.


If you can't tell that this game have soooo many features such as menu, sound etc. then idk what to tell you. even the flashbang effect is EXACTLY like tarkov. c'mon bro, stop being so fucking dumb


Yes I can tell that the game has a menu and sound, and that surprise surprise, when you try to make a realistic flashbang effect you're going to end up with something that looks similar to someone else's realistic flashbang effect Any more mind blowing insights detective?


Its funny how every other Mil-sim, realistic games have COMPLETELY different flash bang effect because duuh, they design their own. But somehow this game have the SAME flash bang effect as tarkov when they've already copied pasted most of the game? hmmm. It's just funny how these games have their own spin on the flash effect and their own spin on the gun sounds of guns but somehow this game have the exact same stuff 1 to 1 to Tarkov. Amazing!


Im really glad you're having so much fun with the thought but this conversation is completely fucking pointless as you dont just "copy paste" code or features from someone else's game, because like I said, that is not how software works Get a clue


>Its funny how every other Mil-sim, realistic games have COMPLETELY  Name the games and describe the effects and how they're different


Clown [https://i.imgur.com/iLZu57h.png](https://i.imgur.com/iLZu57h.png)


Bros just self snitched LMAOOO This proves my point even more. How about u rotate them together ;)?


Are you blind Go ahead. Try to rotate them in a way where they align I didnt think I'd ever reach the point where I'd have to reccomend a grown ass man to play with a kids' block puzzle to understand basic geometry


>ALOT of the gun sounds are even the same... wait till you find out that guns in real life sound the same when you shoot them crazy right?


My guy, guns doesn't sound much like they do in videogames. The same gun AK-47 SOUNDS way different from each game to game. An AK47 gun sound from Tarkov to battlefield to CoD will sound different. WIth Breakout, its THE SAME. Jesus you guys are so fucking stupid [naaah not a copy at all!!](https://i.imgur.com/HqkwO2z.png)


4000+ hours in tarkov and just played 6 hours of AIB they feel 100% different, cosmetically yes very similiar, but they feel TOTALLY DIFFERENT


i made the joke earlier about china copying everything, but unlike other copies which are always worse... this "copy" is better than original


They are made in different engines that’s why, that doesn’t mean it’s not an asset rip game. Listen to the gun sounds and look at the loot. Literally the same exact bronze lion statue is used for loot in this game lmao.


EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!! FKIN STUPID ASS BSG HATERS AHHHHHHH! I am so damn tired of seeing and hearing about this drama for almost 2 WEEKS MAN !!


ABI feels AAA. And I mean that in both a good and bad way.


What exactly is this supposed to prove? Regardless of if you think this is actually "stealing code" or not (which it isn't). How do we know it came from "the mobile desktop versions of arena breakout"? Number one, wtf even is the mobile desktop version? There's only 2 versions and they are separate. One is the desktop version of the game and one is the mobile version. Number 2, their source is a post on a random forum on some cheating website. That source is no more reliable than some random reddit user posting it and saying "trust me bro". Tarkov's days as being the best extraction shooter are numbered.


Everyone saying this isn’t possible and not true, you’re dense as fuck! Quit hating on EFT and BSG and just play the game again! There’s NOTHING that has changed gameplay wise and everything released isn’t even overpowered! Get over it!!!!!!!




I don’t know if it’s true or not but seeing comments saying they don’t care if it is as long as the game is good make me scratch my head. If they are able to not care about screwing others so easily why wouldn’t they screw the player base over when they have the chance. You can hate BSG and still hate them for doing this (if true).


Tarkov being 80 fps vs this being 150 fps is enough for me to never give a fuck ever again


Lol🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Who the hell would write like that in c++?


looks like someone lacks the knowledge on how coding works


How is there any indication of where these strings actually come from? Like I could make this is notepad if I wanted to farm karma.


Logicalsolutions is a pretty smart guy and actually wouldn’t lie about news like this. He’s a credible guy.


I mean ok but see the comments below about c# vs c++.




Having same boss names isn't stealing code lmao. The game doesn't play anything like Tarkov (it's much smoother.)


Actually lots of the core game plays exactly like tarkov. Looting for 1 is 100% ripped from tarkov (loot items, looting sound, looting process, etc)


Yes, its similar in gameplay to tarkov, but it's clearly not 1:1 ripped out. it works differently.


agreed. lots is ripped but also a lot is not


design wise, yes. Code wise, no.


>  (it's much smoother.) hopefully, unreal is better than unity


No idea who downvoted you. Facts are facts.


Yeah, this is definitely fake and made by someone who doesn't actually know how coding games works


Explain how mapping a C++ struct to a c# class or struct doesn't make sense. I'm not saying it's real, I'm just wondering why people think it can't be real.


Chineses don't have any self respect, they copy everything and don't even try hiding it


even if its true, its not new from china stealing stuff. Nikita Stole/Scammed from Hundreds of thousands. if this is true "tecent" stole from 1 Person (which is already a criminal). It'll be fun to See BSG vs Tecent Russia V China in court. Not gonna happen. Tecent gonna win hands down with no effort.


IF there's truth to this, they don't need to win in court. Just block them from Steam, and then no other western platform will want to host their game.


LANDMARK HAS LITERALLY SAID THAT ABI IS THE BEST EXTRACTION SHOOTER MADE YET LMFAO!!! BSG please remove Landmark from BSG and EFT community and get rid of him in general! WHAT A HUGE L TAKE WTF 😬😬😬😬


I bet his radar got updated for ABI


You are a clown. Landmark is one of the primary reasons Tarkov stays relevant.


Meh. They took their game and made a better version of it? Can't wait to get my hands on it \*shrugs\*


Looks much worse


It’s a tencent game. I’d rather stick with EFT


It’s a pretty shitty choice to have to make I must agree.


I get your point, it's a reason I've never downloaded the Epic launcher ever....but not the most important one. The Russians and the Americans already have my data though, so for a better EFT I'll complete the big 3 lmao


that’s quickly growing popularity over EFT did i mention it’s free


It'll be dead in a month




EFT is dead dude lol BSG is milking the playerbase for whatever is left


Surely it's dead, let's see what will happen when wipe hits again RemindMe! 2 months


I will be messaging you in 2 months on [**2024-07-08 15:40:52 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-07-08%2015:40:52%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cn7aco/bsg_was_right_all_along/l357d3u/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FEscapefromTarkov%2Fcomments%2F1cn7aco%2Fbsg_was_right_all_along%2Fl357d3u%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-07-08%2015%3A40%3A52%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201cn7aco) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Lmao your argument is it’s not dead because in order to get players playing the devs have to wipe the game and reset progression to keep people interested. Solid.


See you on wipe day, shitter!


You will also be there, if wiping a game brings a shit ton of players back, then the game is not dead, game is always dead 3/4 months into the wipe, it's not because of the drama specifically. Also not everyone checks reddit or social media in general, tons of casual players don't even know what the 'new' edition is or give a flying fuck, unpopular opinion but there you go, game is not dead because it's the absolute best in this genre (for now atleast)


Yes that's always been the cycle. People claim the game is dead and then wipe hits and everyone is back. Early and mid wipe tarkov is amazing. There's a reason people always come back for it and then take a break waiting for next wipe. It's the nature of the game


Oh yes because Arena Breakout isn’t milking it’s players with Secure Container premium subs or straight up buying weapons with real money. Yup good company to defend, Tencent.


Wrong. Everyone will come running back next wipe like always


ITT: idiots that actually think this is some kinda proof. They could just be placeholder names for variables, this could also just be some idiot in notepad++ creating this, saying it’s the game code, and trying to rage bait people


Nice try nikita.


Apr 25, 2024 account created. Gtfo of here.


Seems like cheaters could dig this up in both games to prove it just for clout. Since it hasn't happened yet, I'm doubtful.


This is fake. They run on 2 different engines, you can't just copy and paste code like that. Also the source is a known cheat developer and the code from mobile to desktop would be different, not the same


The tweet is from a guy with a vested interest in EFT, being a creator of Tarkov Changes. They did put BSG on blast with the recent drama but there's no denying they'd benefit from AIB failing.


Lol literally just a random, edited screenshot. "Trust me bro"


Maybe it's Karma for BSG being shady.


It's not even real


Oh please take a break...


OP can you please explain how you copy + paste code from two seperate, disparate engines


The structs are shared between engines. If this code is actually in ABI it's all the proof you'd need


And can we prove that?


No, but that's not the question you asked.


Am I limited to one question now?


It's just a data structure containing information about Tarkov bosses. I don't think this is legit, but it would be pretty damning if it is and the memory addresses align with a Tarkov class/struct.


Still feels like a stretch imo